The Hulk


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Jade watched from the observation deck as Valiant's PPC's blasted the alien ship again and again. Even without shielding, it seemed capable of absorbing unbelievable volumes of fire. Only slowly did it collapse and pieces begin to be broken off. Jade's meditation was broken when Angelina entered the room.

"Is that the end of it?" she asked quietly.

"No. Just the first skirmish." Jade said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"The bio boys figure this is just a scout. Captain Briggs was talking about a full scale invasion of these things coming sometime soon."

"Are the others...going to be all right?" she asked hesitantly.

Jade turned to face her and considered how much to say. A lot of the information from the briefing was top secret, but she felt the need to tell someone. She decided to just be blunt. They would probably soon be in combat again and it just made no sense to her to keep the small marine in the dark.

"A couple of the Vegan techs are stark raving mad. Command has decided to keep them in an isolation ward. They're delivering about once every thirty-two hours. The damned things are like cockroaches. Once they impregnate a female, she stays pregnant."

Angelina paled and her lower lip began to quiver. Jade impulsively reached out and hugged her.

"It's all right kiddo. The docs found they can surgically remove the alien seed pods. Command's already approved a brain wipe once the other girls are debriefed. All the psychological help in the world isn't going to do them any good, best they loose those memories completely."

"What are they?"

"Aliens. Something completely new. The xenophisiologists are creaming their jeans. Not only do they have live specimens coming out they can work on, but they have a lot of data on how they operate and procreate. Hopefully, well be getting a new generation of weapons to kick their asses with here soon."

"How do they work?"

"Well, that red gas is a highly concentrated pheromone. It seems to work on the female of any species. The boys down in bio theorize these things move in on a native population and just breed them out of existence. They co-opt the species' own females, turn 'em into little alien production machines, and just wait. That's why they have no weapons to speak of. They don't fight you, they just impregnate all your women and out produce you."

Angelina shuddered in her arms and Jade felt bad. Maybe the girl didn't need to hear this, but she knew she needed to get it off her chest.

"What about the roaches?"

"Oh, those are probably the remnants of the species that built those ships. With all of their females turning out slugs, they were a dying race anyway."

"I'm so glad you..." she started before breaking down into shuddering sobs at the memory of what almost befell her.

"It's all right," Jade said softly, "How bout we adjourn to my quarters? I seem to remember you promised me something before we dropped."

"How could you even think about sex?!"

Jade laughed as she guided the girl towards the lift.

"We're expendable babe. You learn to take your pleasures where you can. Tomorrow we may all be dead."

"I guess," she said, still unsure.

"Trust me, baby. This was a weird one, but every drop has it horrors. If you hang onto them, you'll go nuts."

Fraternization was frowned upon, but Jade just didn't give a fuck. Combat missions always got her juices flowing, as if the memory of Angelina in heat wasn't enough. The little marine was made for loving, and Jade wanted her. She was also aware that this mission had badly shaken the small girl. If she were left to dwell on it, she might end up working herself to a nervous breakdown.

Jade had learned the hard way what a demon that could be. If it hadn't have been for her old Co, a real bitch goddess named Skye, she never would have made it to where she was now. On her fist drop there had been a lot of civilian deaths and Jade had gone into a deep depression. Skye had noticed, and the first chance she got, she dragged Jade to her cabin. Jade was expecting a lecture; instead the butch woman had slapped her around a little and fucked her till she passed out. They had remained lovers until Skye was killed in a training accident.

Jade didn't play bitch anymore, but she still remembered how the trill of her lover's hands and mouth had driven her brooding thoughts right out of her head. A little Tharkan brandy had helped, too. Jade just happened to have a bottle in her room.

Jade had a way with women and she sensed right off that Angelina was the soft kind. This wasn't a girl you overbore, she was the kind you gently seduced. Jade was comfortable with either approach.

She let them into her small cabin and motioned the dark headed girl to the sofa. Jade made them both drinks, giving Angelina's an extra shot of brandy.

"Here ya go, drink up," Jade said as she sat on the sofa next to Angelina.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

Jade smiled and traced her finger up, along the inside of the little marine's arm. The small woman shivered and Jade laughed softly.

"I'm positive. And you're ready, you just aren't sure."

"I guess you're right," she said, taking a gulp of her drink.

"Of course I 'm right," Jade said, confidently.

Angelina took another gulp of her drink and blushed. Jade smiled, set her drink down and took Angelina's from her hand, placing it on the coffee table. The girl looked up at her hesitantly and closed her eyes. It was an invitation Jade couldn't refuse. She bent and gently pressed her lips to Angie's.

She could feel the girl's tenseness and uncertainty. Jade gently kissed her, only slowly probing her soft lips with her tongue. When they parted, Jade slipped tongue into the warm cavern of Angelina's mouth. She could taste the alcohol and the girl's own sweetness. As she tenderly frenched her, Jade slipped her hands down and began to slowly stroke Angelina's bare arms.

She felt the girl shiver and a soft sigh passed her lips, muffled by Jade's own. When she felt the girl begin to gently suck her tongue and stroke it with her own, Jade's hands moved to her little lover's soft breasts. She cupped them, feeling their weight and as she squeezed, the firm resilience of them. Her hands covered Angelina's breasts and Jade thrilled to feel the stiff nipples pressing into her palms.

Angelina wasn't returning her caresses, but seemed to be content to let Jade take the lead. Jade increased the intensity of their kiss, slowly thrusting her tongue against Angelina's teeth and thoroughly exploring her mouth. Jade's hands continued to fondle and tweak the girl's nipples, until she felt her back arch, pushing her breasts tightly against Jade's palms.

She slipped her hands down, caught the hem of the smaller girl's shirt and slowly lifted it, breaking their kiss long enough to remove it completely. Jade took in the natural beauty displayed before her eyes. Angie's breasts were about the size of Jade's hands and perfectly shaped. The skin was darkly tanned and flawless. Her nipples were small and pink, surrounded by plump pink aureoles. Jade returned to kissing her, fighting down the rising tide of her own lust.

Jade shifted her body, allowing herself room to have a hand slide down Angelina's tummy. She stopped briefly to toy with the girl's cute little naval, before sliding down to her BDUs, and deftly undoing the buttons. As each one came loose, she could feel the girl stiffen, but she offered no resistance. Jade flattened her hand, pushing it under the thick pants and the thin cotton panties. She could feel the soft pubes under her fingers and then the slick and silky lips.

Angelina cooed when Jade began to gently massage her mound, using a short, but slow circular motion. Only when her little lover's breathing became labored did Jade stiffen her index finger and carefully push it into Angelina's silken passage.

Jade broke the kiss, moving her head to capture a nipple as her finger plunged effortlessly into her lover. Angelina whimpered and mewled, arching her back as her pleasure spiked. Jade sucked hard, lashing the nipple with her tongue as her lover's hips began to buck. Angelina moaned and her hips went wild. Jade continued to finger her and lash her nipple until Angelina's thrashings calmed.

Jade stood abruptly and scooped Angie up into her arms. She carried the girl into her bedroom and deposited her on the bed. Angelina's eyes were big as Jade quickly disrobed. Jade had planned on taking it slow, but the hunger in those eyes let her know Angie was past the point of needing to be convinced. Jade felt slightly guilty. She was pretty sure Angie needed sex for reasons unconnected to Jade's desirability.

A lot of time, a new girl needed sex after a first drop. Some of it was the combat drugs their suits injected, but more than that, Jade thought it was a driving need for something life affirming. Death was all around them, as much a part of their day as eating, and it began to wear on you during a combat drop. A lot of women, and even some of the men, seemed to need something to remind them life was worth living. It was a psychological drive that scientists had yet to explain. Jade didn't need it explained, but she knew what it was like, she felt it all the time.

As Jade retrieved her harness from the night stand and buckled it around her waist, Angie removed her BDUs and panties. Jade crawled onto the bed and collapsed on top of her lover, finding her lips and kissing her soundly.

Jade scooted between Angelina's long legs and grasped the dildo suspended from her harness. She guided the head to Angie's entrance and slowly let her weight sink it into the tight passage. Jade spread her legs and began to fuck the girl. She let her weight do most of the work, and soon they found a rhythm that was comfortable. Jade deliberately had the dildo riding high, so that her level of stimulation was minimal. Her intention was to fuck Angie to exhaustion, as Sky had done for her so long ago, when the memories had just been too raw and overwhelming to deal with.

Angie wrapped her legs around Jade's hips, locking her feet just below the tall marine's tight ass. Soon she was whimpering and sighing. Those sounds soon turned to animal groans and moans and eventually barks of pleasure.

Jade gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, trying to shutout the incredibly sexy sounds and sights as she increased her pace. Angie came like a freight train, her body plunging wildly beneath Jade. She came again soon afterwards, and again and again. Jade kept pounding into her, driving her to the edge of sanity. It was only when Angie was babbling, moaning out incoherent entreaties that Jade shifted her lower body and really went into high gear. The base of the dildo was pressing on her clitoral hood now, sending speaks of pure pleasure into her system with each down thrust. Angelina was humping back against her, increasing the friction. She felt the girl's nails digging into her arms, and with a groan, she felt something tear loose inside her pussy.

Blasts of pleasure radiated out from somewhere deep inside her body as the dildo continued to saw in and out. Jade felt light headed and cried out as Angie came unglued beneath her again.


Jade sighed contentedly as she sat back on her bed. Angie shifted her body slightly, but continued to eat Jade's pussy. Jade was enjoying her enthusiastic, if not very technically sound attentions when the com unit sounded. She hit respond, but with the picture killed.

"Captain Wilkinson."

"Jade? It's Captain Briggs. We just got a call from the listening station near Vegan. Looks like another ship is moving into the area. How long before you can have your men ready?"

"It'll be another week before Ria is back, and Sanchez won't be combat ready for at least a month, but second platoon is already up to speed on all we know."

"Good. We should be on the scene in forty-eight hours."


Angie looked up from Jade's sopping pussy and wiped her lips.


The tall captain gently tousled Angie's hair and then used both hands to guide her lips back to her pussy.

"Live for the now, Angel. We'll worry about tomorrow in twenty four hours."

The small woman nodded slightly and went back to pleasing her lover. Jade sighed happily.

Sempre paratus was their motto. Always ready. Angie didn't know it yet, but Jade had taken her off the active combat roster for this drop. For her, part of being ready was making sure she had an eager little lover to come back to. Besides, she thought wryly, the only one fucking her girl was going to be her, and the aliens could just get over it.

She smiled at the utter illogic of that thought, but it made her feel good as she watched Angie bring her to a shattering orgasm.


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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy4 months ago

Its some I wouldn’t like to come across in my lifetime ….. that sounded really alien like and remembering sigourney weaver moving through the spaceship and searching for “the Alien” was pushing my heartbeat into different places ….. fantastic tale

🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀✨☘️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Damn... while this wasn't the first story I read here, it was definitely the first that really hooked me. Never knew the author had passed. Wonderful story, wonderful writer. Thank you, wherever you are CT.

blehman4242blehman4242almost 3 years ago

Giddamn. Hot lesbian sex. Pheromone induced disgusting alien slugs tentacle sex on unwilling women to breed their species out of experience?

Now this is my taste! Sure, the title was misleading but for once I find true quality smut content.

Also it's kinda messed up reading Magicmouse's comment below which the writer CT died years ago and now there's constant spam of negative nonsense in the comments.

Colleen Thomas, you may have passed on, but for all those who knew her or inspired by her and read this comment, know atleast one person loved her content that was this story posthumously!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
What if Colleen Thomas was never a woman and is still living?

She could have us fooled? A talented male writer disguised as CT? Hmm never know do we?

MagicMouseMagicMouseover 6 years ago

It makes me kind of sad seeing some of these more recent negative comments. I understand most people just seeing her work don't realize this, but Colleen passed away years ago.

This was actually the first story I ever read on Literotica, and Colleen's work is why I stayed, and why I started writing. Authors like Colleen are the gold standard for erotic literature in my opinion, and I come back to read her work again every so often, even after more than a decade.

Just had to get that off my chest.

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