The Doll Collector Ch. 02


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"You like being my fuck dolly, don't you? The evidence is on your lips so you can't deny it," He smirked leaning in close to her face as if to kiss her but tormenting her further by forcing a finger into her mouth and making her clean his fingers one by one. After a moment of muddled thoughts she realised the consequences of biting him would be dire so she sucked between sobs.

Joe leaned down and undid one ankle cuff. He picked her foot up from the floor, extending her leg out and holding it straight in front of her body. With slow fluid movement he tilted her body slightly and raised her foot above her head before taking another cuff and chain from a hook in the ceiling and fixing it to her ankle.

"Very nice extension and flexibility, little dolly, did you attend dance class as a child?" He congratulated her and studied her position. Her cunt was open and on display to his eyes now and he could see that despite her predicament she was aroused. He silently acknowledged the doctor's genius with pharmaceuticals as his cock jumped in his loose pants and giving in to his own need he began to unbuckle his belt. Jillian watched him wide-eyed. She began shaking her head too afraid to speak as he let the pants fall. The lack of underwear should not have surprised her but it did none the less as his huge cock stood erect, swollen and red while he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Ah well never mind," Joe murmured moving close to her misunderstanding the shaking of her head purposely, "We shall teach you to dance here." He pressed against her shaking body the wet heat of her cunt covering his cock as it glided between her folds teasing them both.

"Please..." Jillian whispered meaning to continue with, don't do this, but he cut her off again.

"I love when the dollies beg," he murmured and bending his knees to angle the head of his cock into the entrance of her cunt he straightened again driving up into her revelling in her croaking cry of painful pleasure. He cared not for her pleasure at all though, fucking her hard and deep gripping her breasts in both hands and squeezing them as he slammed up into her over and over again.

It seemed to Jillian that he had been fucking her for hours when he finally grunted and pulled his cock from her, spurting his cum over her cunt and belly. Stepping away he leaned against the wall, breathing raggedly, watching the woman slump in the chains. Once he had regained control again he picked up the flogger returning it to the armoire and taking up a camera.

"For my personal collection," he smiled raising her head to look at him and taking several photos of the abused woman so open and exposed. "I will send someone to clean you up and release you," Joe continued as he pulled on his pants and turned to leave the room with his camera still in hand. He stopped looking back over his shoulder, "While you are down here you are mine to play with, and any I should to send in here will have the same rights I have and the same remote control for that collar you wear. Do I make myself clear?"

Jillian's head came up, the look of horror on her face saying that she understood all too well. Joe chuckled at the look on her face before leaving the room and closing the door with a deafening click. He stood for a minute on the other side of the door listening to the woman begin to cry again. Tomorrow he would be able to start training her properly but tonight would be a long night for the new doll and he went to get Billy who had been asked to wait in the studio.

Jillian hung in her chains sobbing at what had happened to her in the past twenty-four hours. She still believed she could reason with these people, that she didn't have to accept her place here among these... these... freaks, was the only word she could come up with that could possibly explain everything from the bag and box she had been transported here in, to the studio and the amphitheatre where she had been appraised as she would appraise a doll herself, the doctor who should be helping her not her captors and now this dungeon of sorts. The thoughts whirled round in her head and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she had been abducted by a madman.

It was with these thoughts that the door opened once again. Jillian recognised the small man who had come to her office on behalf of Jacques Milieu and offered her the antique doll in exchange for visiting the renowned doll collector at his country house. Anger towards the little man bubbled within her and needing someone to blame she spat, "It's you! How could you do this to me?"

"I didn't do this. Your profile within the antiques world and television presence did this to you. Were you not in that type of position with a similar love of collectable dolls, Jacques would not have been so enamoured of you," Billy explained after closing the door behind him. "Personally, I prefer the more macho GI Joe or Action figure dolls but Master prefers the softer prettier female type of doll, and at this moment his heart is set on you."

"You set me up bringing that doll to my office," Jillian snarled in her croaking whisper unable to move from her chains to attack the small man physically thinking she could overpower him if she could just be free of the chains.

"You set yourself up," Billy replied exasperated. "You didn't have to accept the offer, you didn't have to come here and charm the Master as you did. You only have yourself to blame and if you don't stop blaming me..." he lifted the remote Joe had given him from his pocket.

"You wouldn't," Jillian gasped.

"What you have to understand is that while you're down here you are at Joe's mercy, or mine, or any of the other's he decides to let through that door. You will also find that each and everyone of us are intensely loyal to the Master. Not just the dolls but the household staff too," Billy tapped the button lightly and watched as she arched in her chains. "As you can see I could and I did and I will again for as long as you are down here for us to play with."

He had stepped close and run a finger through a smear of cum on her belly before tasting it. "Joe sent me in here to clean up," he smiled and bent his head to lick over the cum that had sprayed on her belly, moving his head down seeking more making loud wet lapping noises. Though determining not to enjoy the feel of the feathery tongue against her skin Jillian felt her cunt clench in pleasure as his head dipped even further seeking out the cum and wondered what was in those drugs they had given her so freely throughout the day. The feeling of the tongue scouring her cunt and moving over clit built up a need in her again and she fought with herself wondering how being chained and used against her will could be so erotic as to bring her to the pint of orgasm again in such a short amount of time.

Billy's tongue was well educated, as one of his Masters original dolls and often on show to his friends he was well versed in most fetishes and sexual acts. While predominantly preferring sex with a male partner he knew that what he was doing to this new doll would undo her soon enough. Adding first one then several fingers to the sensations he gave her cunt she brought her to a body wrenching climax that set the chains that held her jangling crazily as she jerked and twitched in orgasm. He remained between her legs until she calmed down making sure she was completely clean before standing and stepping back from her.

"I don't know what Joe was thinking, I am not tall enough to release you from these chains, I will get someone who can," Billy left closing the door on a bedraggled and whimpering Jillian, returning to the studio to give the remote to the next in line. He was surprised on entering to see Joe sitting there alone. "I thought there would be a line up to test out the new little dolly," Billy said looking around quizzically.

"The doctor is coming down," Joe said, "Jack wants to make sure we aren't pushing her too hard, she isn't like the usual whore's we get through here." He shrugged seeming disappointed.

"I did notice the tell-tale absence of whip marks on her," Billy grinned.

"Gotta be careful this time, Jack is sure she is the one," Joe lamented, "Shame really because she marked so beautifully with the flogger."

The doctor walked in as Joe spoke and raised an eyebrow, "Not too much flogger I hope, Jack wants to see her." He held out his hand for the remote and smiled, "Give me twenty minutes or so to talk with her and I will call you to move her to library." He took the remote from the table and went down to the room that held the latest acquisition for Jacques private collection.

"How are you feeling my dear?" The doctor asked walking into the room and taking in the young woman hanging in chains fully exposed and ready for use by anyone entering the room. He felt a rare stirring in his own cock as she looked up at him with sad eyes.

"Help me please," Jillian croaked, slight hysteria clouding her eyes, "I don't want to be here."

"Of course my dear, I am always here to help you. Are you ready perhaps to meet your Master and accept your place within his home? It is your home too now after all and so much nicer upstairs in your own room, away from all these brutish men," Gabriel said softly. Fishing a small vial of the aphrodisiac laced sedative from his pocket he injected the sobbing woman and watched for a few minutes noticing the bunched muscles across her shoulders give more and the slump of her body increase. Her eyes clouded and she lost the sense of hysteria that seemed about to overwhelm her when he walked in.

Suitably subdued, Gabriel began to remove the chains that held Jillian, leaving the cuffs in place, he half carried her to the small cot and laid her down while stroking her hair. All during the movement he crooned lightly that her Master wanted her to be happy here, he wanted to love her and treat her like a princess, put her on a pedestal for others to adore and see her beauty and grace. The woman shook her head but the doctor persisted in his hushed tones feeding her what she needed to believe if she were to survive in this house without becoming a play thing for the entire staff.

Taking the chain from the bed head to her collar and clipping her wrist cuffs together, he placed a small recorder with his and Jacque's voice under the thin pillow to continue to lull her into believing his words and quietly left to find her dress and the muscle bound Joe to transport her to the library.

Re-entering the studio he found Billy on his knees. His mouth overflowing with Joe's cock while he jerked himself off. "Don't you ever stop," Gabriel rolled his eyes at Joe.

"What can I say? I am irresistible to everyone but you," Joe grinned pushing Billy off his cock and zipping up his pants. "We'll finish this later," Joe looked at Billy who had sat back on the floor still pumping his own cock with a meaty fist.

"We'll need a dress," Gabriel said, ignoring the small man masturbating on the floor between Joe and himself.

"I haven't bothered moving the clothes he made for her upstairs yet. Thought she might be down here for a while," Joe smirked and went to the armoire selecting a sapphire blue polished cotton dress that was created to make the doll wearing it very accessible by hidden slits in the folds of the skirt. "Shall we go play dress up's with our new little dolly, Doctor Gabriel?" Joe asked a small smile playing across his face as he raised an eyebrow at the man.

Gabriel grunted and followed Joe back to cell containing Jillian. He was less inclined to think of the staff and girls here as dolls than the dolls themselves, as it was he that had to care for them when they became ill or when things got out of hand. It was also him that Jack came to for his own pain management and personal procedures. The myriad of whores that had come through the house of late, to be trained as collectable dolls and sold to collectors of such rare commodities within Jacque's inner circle had left the Doctor in more of a clinically detached state of mind as he replaced one drug addiction with another, cleaned up misused and often marred bodies, and helped to create the perfectly packaged human doll out of was once was a cheap street hooker.

Some of the girls that had come through the house had actively sought out an arrangement similar to this online and were easily trained and sold on to suit a particular buyer's preferential order. The girls themselves though were often lower class or worked within the sex industry and required more training from the dance and speech tutors than from Gabriel and Joe. This girl on the other hand was different. Picked specifically by Jacques for his personal collection she had been abducted from her home and brought into a world she knew nothing about.

After reading her background bio that had been faithfully put together by Dean, the head curator of all Jacques collections, he knew her to be as innocent and vulnerable as she seemed and he felt a magnetic attraction to her based on those two things alone. The fact that she was a true beauty only enhanced the need he felt to protect her from the sadistic fetishes of Joe, Billy and the few others who were the dungeon trainers when a girl was first brought in.

Jillian barely noticed the two men enter the room as she lay in her drug induced haze listening to the crooning voices about how special she was and how much they adored her and wanted to look after her and keep her safe from the outside world. She started and let out a small whispered squeal as she was reefed from the bed by Joe who stood her up on wobbly legs and stroked his hands down over her flesh smacking her ass lightly, careful not to mark her. Together the men pulled the fine dress into place and laced up the corset style bodice pulling the square cut neckline low to barely reveal her pale pink nipples.

Joe pulled the panels of fabric apart to show the doctor how accessible she still was and ran his hand up her thigh to cup her cunt. Jillian trembled and sighed at the gentler than usual touch feeling so good under the effects of the drugs in her system. Lost in a haze she placidly let them lead her to the doll stand and strap her in place, she did not even seem to mind the odd queasiness that being wheeled around in this way brought her as she was taken to the library.

Positioned in the room near a small closely set group of comfortable looking arm chairs, she heard the Doctor talk once more and saw Joe leave the room. The doctor took a chair close by and reached out to run a hand up her leg through one of the slits in the voluminous skirt, making her tremble as the touch seemed to set her skin on fire. Mistaking her arousal for nerves, Gabriel said softly, "No need to be nervous my dear," and continued to pet her as one might a skittish pet.

Jacques Milieu limped in and smiled, "How lovely to see you again Jill. It is okay if I call you Jill isn't it?"

Jillian tried to croak, "Yes, Mr. Milieu." Her drug addled mind clinging to some semblance of her life and her knowledge of this man apart from the crooning voice from her drug addled dreams that said he adored her and wanted only to look after her and protect her.

"Jack," He admonished, "The last time you visited me I told you to call me Jack." The disfigured snarling smile and soft kind voice were at odds and she closed her eyes trying to make sense of the thoughts whirling in her mind. She nodded not trusting her croaky voice to respond again.

"How are you feeling after such a big day Jack?" Gabriel inquired removing his hand from beneath the skirt of Jillian's dress.

"On top of the world!" Jacques exclaimed, "The photos from her appraisal have cause quite a stir among collectors I even received some exorbitant bids even though I have clearly stamped her page not for sale." Jacque sat on the other side of Jillian and grinned garishly at Gabriel, "I am feeling wonderful, honestly my friend, you need not worry so much." To Jillian, surprise she felt his hand slide through to skirt to touch her leg. She did not jump but her face registered surprise which Jacques noted but kept his hand upon her, slowing moving it along the smooth skin of her upper thigh from knee to the crease of her ass as he continued to watch her face.

"Such beautiful skin don't you think, Gabriel?" Jacques waited for his friend to agree, "Just like the princess I have dreamed of during the last two years of your treatments. I think I may finally be able to stop watching from the sidelines and enjoy owning a pretty princess such as this one."

Jillian's haze was not so thick that the word 'owning' did not register with her. Any hope she had of convincing him to free her died in that moment. She had been brought here to be this man's possession, his doll, join his private collection, never again to go home. A tear escaped the corner of her eye and rolled in a fat droplet down her cheek.

"Yes," Jacques said to her, "I am so happy I could cry too. You will be the most cherished and valuable doll in my collection, pretty princess and I will shower you with all that a princess could need and want, starting with this." He picked up a box from the low table between the chairs and opened it before returning it to the table for her to view.

"My god, is it real?" Gabriel asked looking at the glittering tiara.

"I would hope so, it once belonged to Princess Grace of Monaco," Jacques laughed. He stood, picking up the tiara and looked at Jillian, "I now pronounce you Princess Jill." Placing the tiara on her head and adjusting it so it would stay within the sculpted hair style she still wore from her appraisal earlier he leaned in to kiss her.

Jillian's brain registered the disfigured mouth against hers and shut her eyes trying not to see the scared flesh of his face. She was in the middle of a nightmare and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Seeing her eyes close, an unconscious movement he knew in the kiss of lovers he was elated, he had thought she would need the specialised training of his staff in the dungeon for at least a week before even coming this far. Emboldened, he decided to take her up to see the room that awaited her when she accepted that this was now her home and her life would be here with him. In his deepest fears he had despaired that she would never accept it or just tolerate it as Lady Jane did in which case he would have sold her on to another.

"I have been toying with the idea of a different style of training for you, Princess," Jacques caressed her cheek, "And seeing you there looking so lovely I am loathe to hand you back so soon to Joe and the downstairs staff." He still seemed to be considering and without taking his eyes from her spoke to Gabriel, "You would like to help me train this girl myself wouldn't you, Gabriel?"

"Of course, I would enjoy that very much, I have often thought that you should train the girls you had an interest in yourself," Gabriel agreed readily. He had seen many of the girls over the years suffering from a form of Stockholm syndrome fall for Joe rather than the man who made their transformation possible.

"Good there are a few interesting modifications I have made to her room that I think you will enjoy then," the snarling smile appeared on his face again as he continued to look into the face of his latest obsession, "Let's take her up there, shall we." Despite the scarred and burned skin Jacques was a surprisingly strong man and he wheeled the stand from the library with ease chatting to the doctor as they rode the lift to the third floor and walked down the corridor to what would be Jillian's new home.

Reaching into his pocket Jacques pulled out a group of keys taking one from the small bunch he handed it to Gabriel, "You may do the honours, that will be your key, Rosa will have another and I the last. From this point on I will be in charge of training and as such only I will deem who may enter this room or interact with my princess."