The Devil Comes Out at Night Pt. 05


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"How many days above ninety are we gonna have, I wonder?" he said, looking up at the clear blue sky. "The owner of the marina said it's the best year she's ever had."

"A woman owns it?" Cynthia said.

"Yup. She's kinda cute, too. Not like you, but..."

Bob winked at her and her eyes looked happily surprised. I've said before that Bob's the most handsome man in the church's congregation. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Cynthia thought so, too.

Bob unfastened his shorts and he stepped out of them. He was already barefoot and he had on a skin-tight speedo-type suit that I hadn't seen before, a white one that looked amazing against his tanned skin. His cock was half swollen and his lump looked positively huge. He looked like a woman's wet-dream, as usual.

"What do you think?" Bob asked Cynthia. I wasn't surprised he was inviting her to have a look. "You can be honest," he said to her. "Margaret laughed at me the first time she saw me wearing one of these."

"It grew on me," I said. The chuckle I tried to suppress made its way out. Cynthia looked at me with wide eyes.

"You flirt!" Jeana said to him. "Quit showin' off! Go inside and have a snack. We won't be eating lunch for a while. You need something to soak up that rum."

Bob left, with his drink in one hand and his clothes in the other.

"He won't stop flirting," Jeana said to Cynthia. "We're all used to it, but if it bothers you just jab him with your elbow."

"No, I don't mind," Cynthia said, looking amazed at what she'd seen and at what was happening. She didn't elaborate, but I could tell Bob's extroverted cock lump and his nearly nude hairy body was a nice surprise.

When he came back I asked him why there was never another boat anchored in our quiet little cove. He said the big boats from the marina all usually headed out the connecting canal and took longer cruises for their weekend fun, and the smaller boats tended to go to a big, sandy-bottomed bay about two miles from us, where they anchored and rafted together and partied with loud music and lots of drinking and swimming. It was all fine with me — I was happy to have a quiet place where the Devil could easily find us, a place with no prying eyes, where we could do what we wanted.

"I thought maybe we'd take a canal cruise today, to show Cynthia the sights," Jeana said, "but Bob wanted to come back here."

"It's more fun for me if I don't have to be driving all day," Bob said. "I just like to kick back and enjoy the scenery. Speaking of which, hey Don, why don't you point out that heron's nest to Cynthia. She might like to see that."

"Oh, yeah," Donald said, giving Bob a subtle look.

He and Cynthia got up off their chairs. They walked to the rail at the back of the boat and Donald pointed at the big nest in the marsh grass at the edge of the water. I barely heard Bob say "Jesus!" under his breath. It was his first look at the backside of Cynthia in her bikini, his first slap across the brain by her badonkadonk, and he looked like he was ready to pop a mad wheelie.

"Easy, big boy," Jeana whispered. "What do you have, a wing man now?"

Bob's eyes were roaming all over the back of Cynthia, but mostly over her ass. For one of the first times since I've know him, he seemed to be rendered speechless.

I shifted my view to Cynthia, and I wondered if she knew how out there her ass was. It was so unlike her. Maybe she doesn't have a big mirror at her house, I thought, or maybe she has a problem with her neck that makes it difficult to turn and look at that part of herself in a mirror. Or maybe she wasn't as shy and innocent as we all thought she was. Oh, I was sure her social awkwardness was real, but maybe it masked a different kind of woman. Maybe she was secretly enjoying showing herself that way, slapping some badonkadonk on a few church friends. The thought of it made me smile, and I was smiling when she and Donald returned to their chairs.

"There's a Bald Eagle nest not too far from here," Bob said. "There's quite a few of them around here."

"Really?" Cynthia said. "That's so cool. I love nature. I take walks over at the nature center a lot. I read books to the kids there sometimes."

"Fifty Shades of Grey, and stuff like that?" Bob asked.

Cynthia laughed. Her big breasts jiggled like Jello. Bob smiled, his teeth bright white in the sun. I had a feeling there'd be more jokes; anything to get those tits jiggling like that again. I heard a splash and he was gone. I wondered if his cock was hardening and he was hiding it. Into the lake for a cool-down. Bob wasn't one to just jump over the side, so I was pretty sure that was it.

We all swam for a little while, luxuriating in the feel of it. Cynthia was a back floater, often doing a slow, simplified backstroke, with her eyes closed and the hot sun beating down on her face. She drifted slowly around, with her purple-covered breasts above the surface of the calm lake, the soft flesh of the big things oozing outward to her sides, speckled with shimmering droplets of water. If the sight of her made me horny, I can only imagine what the men were thinking. I'm surprised they didn't stand in neck deep water and jerk off. Maybe they did.

We all dried off and had lunch, wonderful club sandwiches Jeana had made. She'd showed me the ingredients when we were at her house the night before — cold cuts and goat cheese, fresh tomatoes and lettuce from the farmer's market, and homemade pickled hot peppers for anyone who wanted them. Cynthia and I had them and they were plenty spicy. We both drank entirely too much Backyard Tea to wash them down. Jeana was keeping up with us with the drink, too, and Bob filled up our glasses again after we'd eaten the little cheesecake deserts.

"Tryin' to get us drunk, Honey, so you can have your way with us?" I said, flirting openly with him, the way a Christian married woman shouldn't.

Bob just smiled at me. I should have known it was one of his "No need to, you're already there" smiles, but, I was already there, so I didn't notice. I wasn't drunk drunk, but I was close, in that happy place where my inhibitions dissolved. Bob knew it, hence that sexy, mischievous smile of his.

The boat's cabin, where we were eating at the table, was beginning to feel like an oven. All the windows and doors were open, but there's only so much you can do on a ninety-five degree day with no air conditioning, even when everyone is barely dressed.

"A little breeze would be nice today," I said to no one in particular, fanning myself with my hand. "I think it's a skinny-dipping kind of day, don't you?"

I looked at Cynthia to judge her reaction. She was silent, looking at me with an odd little smile on her face. I'm sure she was surprised her church's fifty-one-year-old secretary was suggesting such a thing, but she didn't raise an objection.

"Are you a skinny-dipper, Cynthia," I asked. "It feels so nice on a day like this."

"No," she said. "Not since...just a few times in college."

"Oh, nice. Tell us about it."

"I went to school in Ithaca. You know all the gorges down there?"

"Oh, yeah!" I said. "I've always wanted to swim in one of those. So, people get naked? Was there boys?"

"Yeah. I've heard they cracked down on it some. People get hurt jumping off the waterfalls."

"So, there was boys?" I said, pressing her for the good stuff.

Cynthia smiled at me. "Yeah," she said, turning shy again. "There was boys."

"It's the most fun when there's boys watching," I said. "Right, guys?"

Bob and Donald just smiled. I think they knew I was on a roll, so they kept their mouths shut, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

"Do you it?" Cynthia said, glancing at everyone. The only time I'd seen her nipples act up was when she was floating on her back in her wet bikini, but they were in bloom again as we sat there at the table, pushing out the purple fabric in a sexy way. "I never would have thought you guys were skinny-dippers."

"Too old, Honey?" I said. "I'll tell you, I think it just gets better as you get older. I've never felt sexier in my life."

"Me too," Jeana said. "It just gets better and better."

"Really?" Cynthia said. "I've sorta felt just the opposite. It's been all downhill since college."

"There's no men in your life these days?" I asked.


"Been a while?"


"Maybe you just need a jump start," I said. "I needed one, a while back. You just need to sort of rearrange things, to start thinking of yourself as sexy again. Does wearing your bikini out with us feel good? It seems a shame to hide with it in your backyard. You were made for wearing that kind of thing."

"It does...feel good," she said, her glancing eyes barely grazing Donald and Bob. She smiled. "Maybe it's the rum in this tea."

"No, I don't think it's that," I said. "It's just getting the sexy side of your brain in gear. I went through the same thing. It was the first time Bob saw me in my swimsuit. And I remember the first time he saw me out of it. It was life-changing, in a lot of ways. In really good ways."

"Really?" she said, glancing at Bob.

"You won't tell anybody about all this, will you?" I said to her. "You know how the church is."

"Oh, no! I won't! I'm...just glad me."

"Oh, sure!" I said. "Why wouldn't we? We've all always liked you. I don't know why we haven't become friends before."

Cynthia smiled and sipped her drink.

"God it's hot!" Jeana said. "I need to jump in the lake."

I wanted to give Cynthia a few moments to wrap her head around things, and I wanted to be there if she needed me for support, so I didn't jump up and join Jeana. Bob did, which was probably a good thing. We watched the happy husband and wife walk out onto the back deck, strip off their swim suits and jump off the swim platform into the water. I was glad Bob had the good sense to keep his big cock mostly out of view.

Cynthia took another sip of her drink. "You're a quiet one," she said to Donald. "What are your thoughts on the subject?"

"Skinny-dipping, you mean? Oh, well, I'm a guy, so...I'm definitely in favor of naked women," he said, smiling in his soft, unthreatening way. "But...some things can be problematic."

"He's talkin' about boners," I said. Fatigue from the night before, too much rum and the oppressive heat had all conspired to get me drunker than usual, faster than usual, and my mouth seemed to have a mind of its own. "He and Bob are easily excited. But that's what makes us girls feel sexy, right? I love makin' a man hard from him just lookin' at me."

"Margaret!" Cynthia said, her eyes wide.

I was glad she was smiling. "Do I surprise you? Jeana's always saying I surprise her."

"You do!" she said. "But I like it. You're way more fun than I thought you'd be. I've always thought you were really nice, but..."

I smiled wide. It felt like it was time to pounce. "Jeana's right, it's way too hot in here. Wanna swim with me? Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable, but you could just try topless if you want. It feels soooo good."

Cynthia smiled and shook her head in a way that didn't mean no. "You're very persuasive. What the heck; it sounds like more fun than the alternative. Just my top, though."

"Oh, fun!" I said. "Wow, those drinks are hittin' me nice. Yeah, let's do it! Donald, you comin'?"

Cynthia giggled at my rum-soaked happiness. Donald nodded. He told me later that he was flabbergasted by the whole thing, the way I'd talked her out of her top, and the sight of her removing it. He said he didn't get up from the table right away because his cock was hard and he felt lightheaded. Cynthia Marley was stunningly cheeky and hugely bare breasted, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Those are some tits, girl!" I said, staring right at them, watching her dark, bigger-than-a-silver-dollar areolas swell as her nipples grew even more aroused right before my eyes. Her big breasts sagged quite a bit without the support of her bikini top, but it was a sexy kind of sag. They hung on her in a most astonishing way. "There's no way should be coverin' those babies up!"

Cynthia giggled again. "Come on!" she said to me, glancing at Donald. "I don't want to just stand here!"

I stripped myself bare from head to toe, took off my glasses, took her hand and led her to the swim platform. Bob wasn't too far away. His head was above water and his eyes locked onto Cynthia's breasts. She jumped in quickly. I jumped in after her.

"Oh, God that feels good!" I said. "It's like the whole lake is making love to me."

"It does feel good," Cynthia said.

She didn't float or swim on her back at first. Getting used to things, I remember thinking. She kept her distance from the rest of us, swimming in the direction of the heron's nest to get a closer look at it. Donald took advantage of her absence, stripping off his new aqua swimsuit and jumping in with a big splash to cool off his half-hard erection. Cynthia floated back toward us doing the slow, quiet, arms-under-water backstroke, with her lovely tits riding above the water. She was still nippley, beautifully so, and her soft wet flesh looked milky white and luminous. She rolled before she got to us, but we'd all had a lovey look and I think she probably knew it.

"That's a big nest!" she said.

"You can tell the kids at the nature center about it," I said. "Have you ever thought about writing a book of your own?"

"I have. I've written a few, but they haven't been published. Some children's books and a young adult novel."

"Is that like an adult novel with younger people having sex?" Bob asked.

"Nooo!" Cynthia said, laughing.

He smiled at her and those gorgeous eyes of his twinkled the way that they do. "You want a launch, babe?" he asked Jeana.

Jeana flashed him a smirking smile. "Do you really want to show yourself like that, you big showoff? Yeah, I guess, if you want too."

A 'launch' was something Bob loved to do with us girls. There's a swim platform attached to the boat's transom; Bob would stand there and lift one of us up as high as he could, and heave us out over the lake, usually with a loud caveman grunt coming from his big lungs and Jeana or me screaming as we careen through the air and splash into the water. It's lots of fun, in a nakedly playful kind of way, and I was a little surprised he wanted to do it in front of Cynthia. That's Bob, though; nothing he does or says should surprise me.

"We'd better clear the area," I said to Cynthia. She and Donald followed me to water that was just below my shoulders so we could stand up. Cynthia is a little taller, so her lovely wet cleavage was above the water, and her hard nips were visible just below the surface. I was glad that she seemed comfortable that way, with me and Donald on either side of her.

We were only ten or fifteen feet from the boat, with a clear view of Bob climbing up the ladder that hangs on the swim platform. My heart still skips a beat when I see the guy in his altogether, especially when he's dripping wet, so I can only imagine what was happening in Cynthia's head. The youngest Elder at the church and the handsomest man in the congregation, standing there in the bright sunlight, sweeping water out of his dark hair with his hands, with his swollen cock hanging like a sausage between his muscular thighs.

Jeana climbed up and stood next to him, and he picked her up, trying to get a good grip on her slippery body. He bellowed like an Olympic shot-putter and she shrieked and flew through the air and splashed down. I giggled and Donald laughed. I wondered if Cynthia found it amusing; when I looked at her she was staring at Bob.

For some silly rum-soaked reason I decided right then and there that she needed to see him with an erection. It really was a wrong-headed thing to think, and all I can surmise is that the Devil had found us again. For whatever reason, I swam over and nudged Jeana aside, taking her place at the ladder. I climbed up and whispered to Bob, so the others couldn't hear: "You like Cynthia's big tits? Her nipples are hard because she's been staring at your big cock. Why don't you make it bigger for her. Pick me up by my pussy, you big stud."

As I flew through the air toward the water I shrieked out a laugh. One of Donald's strong hands had indeed gripped me there, pussy and asshole, almost like a bowling ball. When I smacked the water I was stunned for a moment — too much rum! — and I was struck with a flicker of clarity. I needed to tone down the insanity. My reputation at church hung in the balance. Stop pushing! Just enjoy the day like a normal person!

When I shook off the stun and wiped the blur out of my eyes I saw Cynthia swimming toward the boat. I didn't say anything when she passed me. Was she doing what I thought she was doing? Maybe I hadn't shaken off the stun at all!

"Are you all right?" Donald said, when I swam over and stood next to him. "You really hit hard!"

"Yeah. That was an awkward angle."

I watched Jeana fly though the air again and splash like a cannonball. Cynthia was already standing next to Bob, water dripping off her nearly naked body as she waited for Jeana to swim out of the way. I wiped the blur out of my eyes again and yes, Bob's cock was hard, just like I'd willed it to be. It wasn't point-at-the-sky hard, but it was huge and long and hanging at a forty-five degree angle out from his legs. I wondered how he'd get hold of Cynthia without her feeling it against her, and then I realized she probably wanted to feel it against her and he probably wanted it there, too. And then there was the shape of her — where to grip! — and the weight of her tallish frame and her big booty and her big tits. She was stunning to look at but she wasn't a lightweight. All that beautiful flesh added up. Jeana was at the ladder, holding on, looking up at them. Bob's big hands gripped wet flesh, Cynthia giggled, and giggled again. Strong muscles lifted her, a hand inside her thigh, a hand under her armpit. The thigh hand slid up toward the little purple bikini bottom —was he touching her there? And then she was in the air and Bob nearly bellowed up a lung. He was suddenly a Soviet-era weightlifter, flexing his muscles, proud of his energy, proud to have his big hard cock out where everyone could see it.

Cynthia laughed hysterically when she surfaced. She loved it! She was going back for more! When she got to the ladder, Jeana was up, nearly sitting on Bob's shoulder, his hand under her ass, ready to launch her.

"If he gets too handsy just kick him in the nuts, okay?" Jeana said, and then she flew out over the water and landed ass first with her arms in the air.

"Wanna flip me like a diver?" I heard Cynthia say.

Bob smiled and nodded. "Show me."

Cynthia had him hold his hands down right in front of his half-erect cock, with his fingers interlocked. She faced him and he bent down and she stepped onto the little platform his hands made. He lifted her slowly, maybe to be careful or maybe to savor the moment when his face slid between her wet breasts. And then she was up, in position. I doubt if Bob would have let the moment pass without making sure her toes touched his rising erection. His nose was smelling distance from her purple pussy and she steadied herself with her hands on his head. "Ready," she said, and he heaved her into the air as high as he could. She tried to rotate and turn it into a dive but she came down all cockeyed, with a big splash.

"I can't lift you guys like a caveman," Donald said to me, "but I can try that. Want me to do you?"

"You're naked. In front of Cynthia."

"Is that all right?"

"Of course it is," I said. "I didn't know if you remembered."

Donald smiled and swam for the ladder. I did, too.

"Here's your money," Donald said, after we'd gotten home that evening. He handed me a twenty dollar bill, and then he peeled off four more and handed me those, too. "I never thought she'd do it. Never in a million years."