The Cruise


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George asked my wife if she wanted his cock deep in her pussy. She looked over at me and said that she wanted it and that I had always fantasized about it. She said that I was finally going to get my wish and she was going to get hers also, another man's cock.

He ripped off her panties and threw the wet lacy panties at me. She climbed back upon the bed and spread her legs as wide as she could and held them up so George could get full penetration. He got up between her legs and guided his cock head to her waiting pussy. Just as he was about to shove it in, I screamed out at the top of my lungs.

"Please,! Anna, don't do it! I don't want you to fuck another man! I don't want you to fuck another man! I was wrong! I should have never let it happen!" I was about to go crazy.

I was screaming at the top of my lungs now, "Anna, please don't fuck him, please don't fuck him!"

Anna came running in the room, "Ted! Ted! Wake up honey. You were having a dream."

I woke up, drenched in sweat. Anna looked at me, "Are you all right honey? God, you scared me half to death. I was just putting on my black garters for you when I heard you screaming. 'Don't fuck him, Don't fuck him.' What on earth were you dreaming about, Honey?"

"It wasn't a dream, Anna. It was a nightmare. Promise me right here and now that you will never have sex with another man. Please promise me, right now. I have to hear it from you."

"Okay, Honey, I promise. I never wanted another man. You're all the man I'll ever want and ever need. Please believe me. God, Honey you scared me so much. It's only you I want and only you I love.

"Ted, something's wrong. I can feel it. You almost had a stroke in your sleep. Please talk to me. I need to know what happened to you, what caused this delusion."

"It was me wondering about you having sex with someone else. In the stories I read it seems to be a turn on for some guys but I'm not going to share you with anyone."

"You never have to worry Ted. You're all the man I ever want. You have to understand that every woman gets hit on but it's how they react that counts. You know I don't like seeing men grope women and I sure the hell aren't letting them grope me. Let me finish getting dressed. We have to meet Bob and Sue. You better go put on another suit, that one is all wet from you sweating. I have to go finish dressing for my husband. It's our anniversary, you know."

We met Bob and Sue at the Red Lobster and had a terrific meal. Then we headed off to the Ramada Inn lounge for some drinking and dancing. There was my beautiful wife dressed in her black evening mini-dress. I could see the men's eyes on her. I just had to learn to control myself.

I thought to myself that I wanted men to admire my wife. To see the beauty in her. I know I didn't want anyone touching her. They could think about her all they wanted but no other man was going to get near her.

It was funny that Sue had on a blue dress kind of like in my dream. I was wondering if she had on pantyhose but was afraid to ask. Bob and I switched dancing partners. Before he started dancing with Anna, I looked at Bob and told him to keep his hands off her ass. I didn't know why I said it but Anna smiled at me. Luckily Bob took it as a joke and said for me to keep my hands off Sue's ass as well. We all laughed.

The Visit:

One of Anna's old girlfriends came to visit us. Jan has been married and divorced three times but she and Anna grew up together. Jan told Anna that she wanted to take her out on the town. She asked me if I minded and would I stay home with Robbie. He was old enough to take care of himself but still needed some parental guidance. There wasn't a lot I could say.

The night before, we were watching television and some women came on with really skimpy outfits. "Damn! I can see her ass when she bends over," said Jan.

Anna replied, "I'd dress like that too if I had a hot body like that."

For some reason I never forgot that. Would my wife really show her tits and ass if she lost a few pounds? I figured she might just be saying it and let it slide, but I never did forget it.

Anna and her friend Jan took a taxi because they both planned on drinking. It was a girls night out with an old friend. I liked Jan but I knew she was a pretty loose woman and hoped she didn't get Anna into trouble.

I thought Anna dressed too sexy for me not being with her. At least she had on pantyhose instead of garters. I told her to be safe and careful. Jan said she would take care of her. That wasn't what I wanted to hear.

They got home rather late and quite intoxicated. Jan wanted to tease me and said they had a great time and I should have seen the men hovering around Anna. What bothered me was Anna didn't have her pantyhose on. Needless to say I thought the worst.

Jan kept joking about all the men wanting to dance with them. She even went as far to say that she got felt up by a few of them and even felt the crotches of a few. It wasn't making me smile when Anna laughed at everything Jan had said.

I knew Anna was drunk and this was no time to talk to her. She did say she was worn out from dancing and was going to bed. Jan headed to the spare room. She didn't even close the door as she took off her clothes and put on a nightgown. I happen to walk by the door when she was slipping the nightgown over her head. She stood there in front of me completely naked. She didn't care that I saw her; she just laughed.

I went into our bedroom and Anna was already asleep. Her clothes were tossed in a heap on the floor. That wasn't like her to be that messy. I decided to hang up her clothes. I hung up her dress and came across her panties and bra. Her panties were damp but thank God I didn't see any cum stains. I put her panties and bra in the laundry hamper.

I looked for her pantyhose and found them in her purse. There was a rip down the side of one leg. I did wonder where, when and how that happened. I got in bed and Anna seemed totally out. I pushed her over on her back. All she had on was her nightgown. I spread her legs a little and rubbed her bush.

She moaned a little. I actually pushed a finger into her pussy and hoped not to find anything. She was a little wet and getting wetter from my fingers in her. She spread her legs even more and I began to get hard.

Suddenly I heard her say, "Ted, what are you doing. Do you want to make love tonight." I thought she was dead to the world but she rarely could sleep through sex.

"I'm tired Ted so you have to do all the work," she said.

I got above her and she spread her legs and I fucked her hard. I lasted about five minutes before I came. "I felt you come Ted. It felt good. I love you Honey," she said and went back to sleep.

I was up early the following morning. Robbie and I were having cereal and I had made a pot of coffee for Anna and Jan so it would be ready when they woke up. Anna came in the kitchen a little hung over. She sat down and Robbie asked her if she was ok.

"I'm fine Honey; I drank a little too much last night. Let that be a lesson to you when you get older." Robbie was now fifteen and shook his head as he finished his cereal and went to watch TV. I got Anna a cup of coffee and she was sitting across from me.

"You drank a lot last night," I said.

"Yes, too much but Jan and I did have a good time."

"Did you do all the things that Jan said you both did?" I asked.

"We got a little rowdy and danced a lot but that was about it."

"Jan said she let men feel her up and even touched their cocks. Did you do the same?"

"God know! You know how I feel about that. I'd never let a man grope me and I sure the hell wouldn't be touching them."

"Jan said..." I started to say.

"I don't care what Jan said! She's single and I'm married. Yes, what she said was true, but only for her. I swear, no man touched me inappropriately. We did accept the free drinks and yes I did dance with different men but we were just having fun. Besides, I know you; you probably checked out my panties when I fell asleep. I swear nothing happen between me and anyone."

"What about your pantyhose? You were wearing them when you left."

"I'm a grown women and I have never cheated on you. Why can't you ever believe me? I got a run in my pantyhose when I was getting out of the taxi. There was no way I was going to wear them all night so I went to the ladies room and took them off. They're in my purse if you don't believe me."

I knew she was pissed at me but I have always been jealous and had to know what happened.

"I'm tired of the damn cross examination every time I go out. I'm going to go take a shower if you are done interrogating me. You didn't seem to have a problem fucking me last night and I need to clean up," Anna said to me as she got up and headed to the bathroom.

She seems to be pissed at me about half the time these days. I tried to back off asking her questions because she always gets defensive. Lately she has been going to a gym and working out. I didn't ask her about the gym but checked it out myself. She only went on days that were for women only.

She also changed her eating habits. When I asked her what was going on, she told me she wanted to slim up and look better. To me she looked fine but it was better if I didn't say anything.

Back to 'The Cruise':

I surprised her and told her I ordered tickets for a cruise in two months. It would be for our twentieth wedding anniversary. I mentioned that I was looking for a couple to go with us but no one seemed to have the finances or cared to go. I mentioned that I talked to Bill and Agnes and they said they would love to go.

They were about fifteen years older than us but loved to go places. Anna thought they were nice enough but wondered why they wanted to go with us. We were friends but not really close.

Bill worked in one of the factories that Anna serviced and as I said before he also repaired vehicles on the side. He had repaired ours over the last ten years. Anna said Bill was a flirt but was harmless. So we talked with them and set up to go on the cruise.

We would both drive to the airport and park in the long term lot. That way we would have our vehicles when we returned. We would be flying into Florida, spending one night in the motel and then on to the cruise.

When we returned to Florida after the cruise we planned on spending one night before coming home so we could wake up fresh and enjoy one day touring in Florida.

Everything went according to plan and we were finally aboard the cruise ship. We were taken to our separate cabins and we got settled in. There was a general meeting where they explain a lot of the rules of the ship and a lot of other information. They also gave out free drinks. We all stood on the deck as the ship left the port. We all waved to whoever was waving to us from shore. It was funny waving to people we didn't even know.

Over the next few days we had a wonderful time. There was gambling, entertainment, swimming, movies and lots of other things to do. We did a lot of drinking (which we had to pay for) but it made Anna more relaxed and we had sex the first two nights; I loved it.

One night the ship docked on an island and we went to a casino/nightclub and saw a topless show. I had to say it was done tastefully with a lot of good looking women. Bill was watching it like a kid in a candy shop.

I glanced over and saw Anna talking to Agnes and for some reason seemed surprised. She shook her head like she was saying no and talked some more. After that they were both laughing and watching the show.

The following day we headed to the beach. They had two beaches; one was a family beach and the other was a nudist beach. Agnes was headed for the nude beach with Anna next to her. When we got to the sign, explaining the rules it said bathing suits were allowed but nudity was welcome.

I expected to see a lot of voyeurs. I figured Agnes was going to let Bill get his eyes full. I had no idea what was about to happen. As we entered Agnes and Anna located some lounge chairs. I couldn't believe how many naked and semi naked people were walking around. Bill must have been having a field day.

I on the other hand didn't mind looking at the naked women but wasn't sure how Anna felt about it. Besides, I didn't like the idea of Anna staring at a lot of naked cocks either and there was a lot of them. It was around eleven and the girls asked me to get us all a drink. I headed over to the Tiki Bar and got the girls and Bill a drink. I wasn't in the mood to drink yet.

I had to say that seeing some of these women naked was sure a turn on. I was smiling as I headed back and gave the girls and Bill their drink but was surprised to see that Agnes was taking off her top.

"I've always wanted to go to a nude beach and do this," said Agnes. Needless to say she was in ok shape for a woman in her fifties but I doubt would get many onlookers.

"My turn," said Anna, as she slipped off her bathing suit top. Bills eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of their sockets the way he was staring at Anna. God, her tits looked beautiful and people walking past were already noticing. The working out must have really worked for her.

"Put your top back on. What has gotten into you?" I yelled out quite loudly.

"We're just having a bit of harmless fun," replied Agnes. Bill kept looking at Anna. He's probably wanted to see her tits ever since she met him.

"Anna! I said to put your top back on. Everyone's staring at you."

"I told you before, 'Stop telling me what to do.' I'm a grown woman and just enjoying myself. Big deal so someone sees my boobs. Look around! Most everyone is showing theirs."

"Anna, I forbid you to do this. Please, for the sake of our marriage, put your top back on."

"Forbid Me! Our marriage! It didn't mean much to you the time you cheated on me with that stripper in New York." Now our conversation was getting loud and a number of people were listening in.

"My God, that was four years ago and I didn't cheat on you. I had a little too much to drink and had a lap dance," I replied.

"So you're saying if I went up to some man sitting here on the beach and rubbed my pussy against his groin that you would be alright with that."

I heard a few cheers behind me. Some guys must have been on Anna's side. The problem was when we had this type of argument they just got louder and we each wanted to outdo the other.

"Of course that wouldn't be ok. I would probably divorce you if you did those sorts of things. I would know that I could never trust you again."

"Yep, the old double standard. You can have a woman rub her pussy against your cock and that's ok. I should forgive you, but if the roles were reversed then you would want a divorce."

"I said I was wrong and I apologized; get over it and put your top back on."

"No, I won't. I'm on a nude beach with mostly nude people. Live with it!"

"Why don't you take off your bottoms and show them your ass. I'm sure you've been wanting to do it for years." I was really getting pissed. I know I shouldn't have said it but it was too late.

"You fucking asshole! Maybe I'll just do that." She stood up and slid her bottoms off her legs and was showing everyone her nude body. She must have trimmed her bush because it looked neat and inviting.

The people cheered her on and she smiled at them. Bill spilled his drink. Agnes said, "I'll join you," and slipped off her bottoms and told Bill to strip also which he did. More people cheered them on. I was on the losing side.

"Anna, put your suit back on or..."

"Or what? You'll make me. You're not my mother and I choose to stay out here nude with my friends." A lot of people cheered.

Bill was taking off his suit and he had a semi hard-on from looking at Anna. I told Anna I was heading back to the ship and she could stay there and fuck her friends if that's what she wanted. She had won the fight but when I looked back at her she wasn't smiling.

I headed back to the ship and into the lounge and started drinking my troubles away. Needless to say, the more I drank the worse things seemed. Here we were hoping to celebrate our twentieth anniversary but instead more than likely we would be applying for a divorce when we returned home.

I drank so much in the next few hours that I got sick and threw up. I headed back to our cabin and fell asleep. I was passed out and didn't even hear Anna come in and change for dinner. When I woke up I walked down to the main restaurant and saw the three of them having dinner. It looked like they were just about finished.

Agnes saw me and must have told the others. As they looked up I quickly walked away. I didn't want any part of any of them. I was hungry and went to one of the sandwich bars and ordered a couple of hamburgers and fries. After I ate I went and sat in the movie theatre so they wouldn't know where I was. I wanted to keep my distance from them as much as possible.

It was late evening when I left the theatre and headed back to the lounge. They had four lounges on board. There was a show at the main lounge which was pretty filled up. I could see Agnes, Anna and Bill watching the entertainment and having a drink. I don't think they saw me as I headed to a smaller lounge that just played mellow music.

I took a booth and ordered a drink. I was going to drown my sorrows. It was about ten minutes later when Agnes came in and sat across from me. I liked Agnes as a friend but there was no way I thought of her in a sexual way even after seeing her naked. Throughout the years we all joked with one another and flirted some but it was all in fun.

"Are you alright Ted?" she asked. "You need to know that nothing happened after you left."

"Are you saying she put her bathing suit back on?" I asked.

"Well, after about fifteen minutes, but I know she loves you and misses you. I believe I started the whole nude mess."

"Agnes, you're a good friend but I didn't see anyone forcing Anna to take off her top. It's the choice she made. She was also the first one to remove her bottoms. You can't blame yourself because my soon to be ex wife is a slut."

"God, you can't mean that. She loves you. She didn't do anything wrong. Yes, we all sat naked on a nude beach. I wanted to do that my whole life, but that's all we did. We had a few drinks and later had lunch at the pavilion."

"Right! She sat there drinking and no men walked by and looked at my naked wife."

"Don't be stupid, Ted. Of course men looked at her and a few tried to hit on her but she told them she wasn't interested and put her suit back on."

"Why did she do it in the first place? No one told her she had to flash her boobs. She knew how I felt about that."

"I'll tell you a little story that I told Anna at the show the other night. Many years ago when Bill and I were young we lived somewhat of an open lifestyle. We had sex with a few couples and it was fun. I loved Bill but we did it for the excitement. Once we started having a family we gave up that life. Bill still likes to look at the women and I give him that.

"When you asked us to go on this cruise, some of the old times we had came back to us. I mentioned it to Anna and she told me there is no way she would have sex with anyone but you. She then said that no woman was going to have your cock but her. It made us both laugh and that's when I suggested we show our boobs at the nude beach to see Bills reaction.

"She was somewhat against it but said it's only tits and agreed to go along seeing as you were with her. She called you her protector. Of course all hell broke loose and she was so mad at you she took off her whole suit. I followed so she wouldn't be the only one. That's the whole story."

"Thanks Agnes, that means a lot to me but I don't know what I'm going to do. As you noticed it was you who came to see me, not Anna. That means she feels she was in the right and I would have to live with wondering when she will do something like this again. She has been out with her friends and I now have to wonder if she did the same thing then, or even more."