The Contractor Ch. 03-04


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"Yeah," I agreed. "Good thing for us, too."

Hurley was half an hour getting the backhoe up to my trailer. We loaded the four bodies in the bucket on the front and walked with Hurley as he drove slowly up the old logging road through some woods and into another small clearing. It took us an hour to get a six foot deep hole big enough to hold all four bodies. We had stripped them naked, planning to dispose of their clothing elsewhere.

"Everything is standard stuff. Walmart I'm thinking," Sally said. "Why don't we wash the things that don't have a bullet hole in them and give it to one of those veteran's donation places. The rest of it can be cut up for rags. I don't think anyone's going to be looking for it anyway."

I nodded. She was right. It would disappear soon enough at a charity place. None of the four men were an unusual size. The guns were a different matter. We took them back to Hurley's cabin to examine them. They were SIG-Sauer SSG 3000 series. Fairly recent models by the look of them.

"I was expecting Chinese, or maybe Russian," Hurley said. "We'll need to get rid of these too."

"Leave that to me," I said. "I'll take them apart and dump the pieces in the river."

"Who were they?" Sally asked.

"Good question," I replied. "No I.D., a few non-descript tattoos, no jewelry, nothing to tie them to anything. By the look of them, I'd guess Hispanic."

"Who wants your ass worst?" Hurley asked.

"Good question," I said. "Didn't you tangle with the Mexicans, Sally?"

She gave me a funny look before she nodded.

We found their transport a mile down the logging road. It was a rental SUV and the keys were under the driver's seat. Nothing inside told us any more about the four men. Hurley drove it down to the local shopping center and left it there. I drove him back to his cabin.

Chapter 4 Bugging Out

"Time to go, Hurley," I said, leaning on the door frame of his cabin. "You got all your things packed?"

"Yeah," he said reluctantly. "I hate to leave, but I don't see any choice."

"Sorry, man," I said, "I didn't mean to bring this down on you."

"Uncle Hurley, did you decide where you're going?" Sally asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to stay with your mother for a while. I know a place up near Idyllwild that looks good. Not that far from El Cajon. Rick's trailer is plenty big enough for me. I still don't feel right about taking this in trade for a dollar, Rick."

"My being here caused you to lose your home. It's the least I can do for someone who had my back when it counted. I'll be down to see you now and then."

"What about you, Sally?" he asked.

"I won't forget about you, Uncle Hurley. Maybe I'll hitch a ride with Rick when he visits," she smiled.

"You two take care, now," he cautioned. "Stay in touch. I want to hear all about what you decide to do for a living."

"You never know. I might need a hand now and then," I grinned. "Take care, Hurley. We'll be talking."

I slid into the front seat of the car and Sally joined me. Norton barked his farewell before flopping on the back seat. We waved a final goodbye to Hurley and drove slowly down the logging road toward I-84. We were headed west to I-205, then north on I-5 to the border and Canada. I had an old friend to look up.

"You sure about this?" I asked as we cruised along the interstate toward Portland.

"For now," she said, looking at me. "Are you?"

"No. Not really. We've known each other a very short time and two nights in my bed hardly makes for a long-term commitment."

"I know that. I don't do one-night-stands as a rule and we had a three-night deal, remember. Besides, you're the most interesting man I've met in a very long time."

"And the most dangerous to you."

"So it would seem. On the other hand, based on what I've observed, I feel pretty safe being around you. And ... you are very good in bed," she chuckled.

"Not much of a reason to take off and head for a foreign country."

"Maybe I'm an adrenalin junkie and I need the excitement."

"And if there is none?" I asked.

She shrugged, a gesture I could see out of the corner of my eye.

"Do we have to worry about crossing the border?" she asked.

"No, I'm not on anyone's radar. Just a businessman who travels internationally. I got vet papers for Norton with me. How about you?"

"No. My passport is clean except for a couple of trips to Cancun."

"We'll stop in Seattle overnight. We're in no rush."

"Make sure you get a king size bed," she said, poking me lightly in my shoulder with a finger.

"It's summer time, young lady, and hotel space is at a premium and not all places will accept pets."

"Excuses, excuses," she laughed.

It was good to see her laugh. Whether I was willing to admit it or not, she was getting to me. Strong, apparently tough, independent, and ... did I mention attractive? Hell, she was downright gorgeous, head to toe. I'd have made a move on her anytime I was given the chance. So here she was, a gift on a plate.

We stopped to give Norton the obligatory pee break, some fresh water and a biscuit snack. It wouldn't be a long day, the total highway time being no more than four hours. The run to Vancouver the next day would be a little more than three hours unless we got delayed at the border. We could wait until rush hour was done before setting off for Canada.

We found a motel on the south side of Seattle that allowed pets and had a king size bed. When we had stopped for lunch in Centralia, Sally had used my laptop and the free wireless at the restaurant to look up places to stay and made an on-line reservation for us. Life is a lot simpler in the wireless age.

It was hot in Seattle and when we walked into our motel room I was grateful for the air conditioning. It was too hot to take Norton for a walk, as much as he wanted to go. I found a park nearby with some shade trees and took him over there for a few minutes. He was panting and when we got back to the room, he collapsed on the cool tile of the kitchenette.

"There's a supermarket just up the street, Rick. Let me use the car and I'll get something for dinner."

I tossed her the keys, knowing her judgment would be good. "Get a six-pack while you're at it," I suggested.

She was back in less than a half-hour with two bags and the six-pack. Dinner was all deli-food and looked good. Better yet, nothing had to be served hot. I'd had a shower while she was gone. Sally had showered while I was out with Norton. I was able to turn the air conditioning down a notch now.

The kitchenette had plates, cups, glasses and utensils. It also had a decent size fridge, microwave and coffee maker. Sally had bought enough items for our breakfast as well. She was thinking farther ahead than I was. Good thing. Our dinner was light and I thanked her. It was almost a domestic scene, something I hadn't been used to in a very long time.

Our room had a sofa, a desk, a table, and two upright chairs. Sally was apparently scanning her e-mail on my laptop while I alternately watched a baseball game and her in the mirror over the desk. I had only the vaguest idea of the score or who was playing. I got a chance to study her, and everything I saw was easy on the eyes. Her eyes were deep blue and lively. Her nose was prominent and straight and dotted lightly with freckles. Lips were full and the chin was smooth, perfect for her face. She was indeed a good looking woman.

I'd seen her naked and, now knowing her age, she was a fine specimen of a mid-thirties female. A great ass, perfectly rounded, above beautifully tapered thighs and calves. Her breasts were firm and had an up-tilt at the nipples. I wasn't good at guessing size, but I would say somewhere between a B+ and a C cup. The abdomen was flat, and I suspected she worked out regularly ... or at least regularly when she could. Right now our only workouts were in bed.

She would tease me about being a male model, but she was more likely a candidate for a TV ad featuring more mature women. Flawless complexion, perfect teeth, and her hair, when she allowed it loose, was something else. A full, rich head of natural, deep red color. I didn't often study women in detail, but Sally was truly worth the time.

She pushed back from the desk, got up, stretched and then turned to me.

"What's the score?" she asked.

"I have no idea," I admitted.

"Who's playing?"

"Ah ... uhhm, Seattle, I think."

"Where have you been the last half-hour?" she asked in a sultry voice, leaning over me on the bed.

"Right here, propped up on this bed, watching you."

"And what was so fascinating about me?"

"Just about anything you care to mention."

Norton was watching all this with eyes that flicked back and forth between the two of us. He had assumed his normal pose, lying down with his head on his forepaws.

She leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips, then returned for something more intense and lasting. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her down to me. She came willingly.

"You realize my three night trial period is up after tonight," she said as we lay together.

"I know that. It's your decision, not mine."

"Are you telling me you want me to stay?"


"I'll think about it."

"Are you curious about whatever comes next?"

"Of course, but I'm sure it will at least be interesting. I don't think you know how to be ordinary or boring. But sooner or later, you'll have to earn a living."

"Not really," I said. "It's the least of my worries."

"Well, if that's the case, what does worry you?"

"You've already been a part of that. My past catching up to me. I told you, I lost someone close to me before and I won't go through that again."

"I guess that's a good sign," she smiled. "You consider me someone close."

"All I have to do now is get used to the idea of having someone to look after again besides myself," I said.

"Why don't you let me help with that? I'm not your ordinary girlfriend, you know."

"I know that. It's the only reason I'm willing to take the risk."

"Well, now that we've got past the introductory offer stage, how about you and I confirm our agreement," she said, pulling her t-shirt over her head.

It was well into the night before we quit. Exhaustion has a way of dimming sexual desire. I slept better than I had in a long time. When I awoke, Sally was dressed and packing her bag.

"There's no rush, Sal. I don't want to get involved with rush hour traffic in this city. It's as bad as L.A."

"I decided not to take you up on your offer," she said, not looking at me. "I'm going back to El Cajon."

"Why?" This was completely unexpected, especially after our conversation last night.

"I'm not sure. This all happened too fast for my comfort. I'll leave you the number at my mother's place. Maybe when you find what you want to do, we can talk. Right now, it's too unstable for me."

I was about to argue with her, but recognized she had made up her mind.

"What happened between last night and this morning?" I asked.

"I had some time to think. That's all."

"It's about the other night at the trailer, isn't it?"

"Partly. Mostly it's about what you do ... or have been doing. How do you stop?"

"I'm a contractor. I just stop taking contracts."

"And they'll let you?"

"Not much choice. They don't have any leverage and they know I'm not going to go over to the other side."

She turned to me and I could see the look on her face was part disappointment and part determination.

"Maybe when you've settled down. Maybe then, Rick."

"Yeah. Maybe. Let me get dressed and I'll drive you to the airport."

"No need. The shuttle leaves in five minutes. Let's just say goodbye for now and leave it at that."

I nodded. I wasn't happy, but I hadn't had time to really think about what this meant to me. I knew I'd miss her. Not just in bed, but being around her. She was bright and made a good companion when I needed one. Yeah, I'd miss her.

I saw her to the door and gave her a quick kiss as she turned to the lobby entrance and the airport shuttle. I watched the driver take her bag as she climbed aboard and got seated. She waved as the van moved out and I gave her a small wave in return. Norton was standing beside me, wondering why she was leaving, I suppose. The thought crossed my mind that it was the first time I'd had the opportunity to say goodbye to anyone. Even the one-night-stands knew enough to leave on their own.

To Be Continued

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WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

If Sally was truly wise she keep on going.

But this is a story so she’ll be back


bruce22bruce22over 6 years ago
I don't know what happened!

But I will be along for the whole trip. I thought he would have backed off first considering his previous experience.

arrowglassarrowglassover 6 years ago
That was unexpected!

Unless she is going to follow from a distance...or is more than she seems and doesn't like her assignment.

Firmhands5Firmhands5over 6 years ago
You certainly twisted the knife

Keep in touch when another comes along - very tight and well written!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What are you up to?

Sally's change of heart was really sudden and seemed to me out of character for her, makes me curious to see what you've got up your sleeve for her.

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