The Cline's Conquer Time Ch. 01


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"Don't worry. It happens all the time." she said. Derek smiled.

"You guys have a good night." Kaitlyn said, opening the door and handing the key to Derek. She held the door open, allowing the couple to enter. She smiled at Heather, and spoke to Derek.

"If you need anything, anything at all, here is my card. Call me at anytime. I work all night!" Kaitlyn said and gave Derek a wink. Derek just smiled at her as they entered and Kaitlyn shut the door, leaving the happy couple alone at last.

"What a night!" Derek said.

"I feel sick." Heather said. Unhappy, Derek watched as Heather rushed to the bathroom.

Needless to say, Derek's wedding night did not go as planned. Watching his new wife get sick, holding her hair, was not what he had in mind. He took off her wedding dress so she didn't get it dirty, and he was wowed when he saw his wife in her lingerie. But unfortunately, the lingerie went to waste, as she passed out asleep before they could consummate their marriage.

So Derek tried to fall asleep next to his unconscious wife, but his throbbing dick prevented him from calming down. All the sexual energy was building to this night, and he didn't know if he could wait another day. He might have to sneak to the bathroom and jack off so he could get some sleep, but that felt so... wrong. Jacking off on his wedding night was not the way he wanted to begin married life. Derek vowed to hold off, till his wife was ready, so their marriage could be something special.

But that didn't help him now, as he needed help calming down so he could fall asleep. He went to the mini bar to grab a drink, but it felt strange being stuck with his passed out wife and drinking. He needed to get away. He was definitely disappointed that she spoiled what should have been a perfect night. It didn't make him regret marrying her or anything like that. He was just annoyed that she couldn't control herself.

Derek got cleaned up and slipped out of the room. He didn't know where he was going and as he made his way to the ground floor he knew he had to decide.

He could go to the hotel bar. Have a few drinks. Maybe someone he knew from the wedding was there, and he could have someone to unload to. Or he could go out, out of the hotel and into town. And who knew what would happen?

As the door opened and he emerged into the lobby, Derek had to choose. But his mind was quickly made up.

Derek made his way towards the entrance, wanting to get away. He didn't want to run into any Cline women, and hear them chiding Heather's behavior. He just needed to escape this vortex, so he made his way towards the front.

Derek had his eyes forward, focused on the doorway, his attention pulled away finally at the clicking of high-heels approaching him.

"Mr. Daniels, you going somewhere?" a voice said from the side. Derek looked up to see the hotel hostess walking towards him.

"Uh, yeah, uh, it's Kaitlyn, right?" Derek asked.

"Yes, that's right. Now, I wouldn't be doing my job if I just let you leave our wonderful hotel without experiencing everything it has to offer." Kaitlyn said perkily.

"Oh, that's fine. I thought I would sneak away and find a bar somewhere. Get a drink." Derek said with a sheepish smile.

"We have a fine bar here." Kaitlyn suggested, flashing her brilliant white teeth.

"Well, I'd rather go somewhere where no one will recognize me." Derek said quietly.

"I see. Don't want your family to wonder why you're not spending your night in your honeymoon suite." Kaitlyn said knowingly.

"Uh, yeah, something like that." Derek said, embarrassed that she knew the truth, that he didn't want to spend his night next to his black-out drunk wife.

"I tell you what. I know just the thing." Kaitlyn said, holding out her finger. "If you just follow me, I'll show you." she added, beginning to walk towards the elevators. Derek felt compelled to follow.

"Where are we going?" Derek asked as the hostess pressed the button on the elevator. As the doors opened and they entered, she began to explain.

"Some people think the honeymoon suite is our top suite, but it's not." Kaitlyn started, selecting a floor. "We have an executive suite. It's on the top floor. It's gigantic, it has a view of the entire city, and it's pretty much the shit." she joked as the elevator lurched to life, going upward. "Fortunately, during this season, the executive suite isn't quite as busy as it tends to be, and since I practically run this joint and I work all the time, nobody minds if I put it to good use."

"So we're going to your suite?" Derek asked skeptically.

"Don't worry!" Kaitlyn said, holding up her hands and laughing, assuaging his skepticism. "I'm a professional. It's like I said before, you're not the first newly married man whose wife had a bit too much to drink at the reception. You're not the first man who's gone out into the city for 'just one drink'. Trust me, nothing good comes out of that. I know it. So believe me when I say that having a few drinks in a private relaxed setting, right here in the hotel, not far from your room and away from prying eyes, is what you need right now."

"Well, uh, I guess that sounds alright." Derek said nervously.

"That's good, cause I know how to mix up a drink perfect for this situation." Kaitlyn teased. The elevator doors parted, and Derek nervously followed.

"How long have you known your wife?" Kaitlyn asked, looking over her shoulder at him.

"Uh, about a year now." Derek said, being bad at small-talk in general with strangers, especially with beautiful women.

Even though he was a new husband, he still wasn't great around the opposite sex. He got a bit tongue tied around beautiful women, confident beautiful women. Despite his newly married status, he had to admit Kaitlyn fit that bill. She was a stunner, with perfectly styled straight brown hair, and a deep tan. She seemed professional but charismatic, someone perfectly cut out for her job. Her personality was infectious, pulling you in, letting her sell to you whatever she was offering. She'd make some guy a lucky husband someday.

Derek was a good guy, so he noticed the positive aspects of her character. He didn't notice the positive aspects of her body, or at least he acted like he didn't. He didn't notice her enormous breasts, packed snugly under her professional jacket. He didn't notice her bouncy, robust ass hidden underneath her thin skirt. He didn't notice her full, pouty lips, or her smoky bedroom eyes. He didn't notice her lack of a bra, not noticing the way her tits bounced. He didn't notice the slight whale-tail peeking out from under her thin skirt. He didn't realize she was a thong-type of girl.

Especially on busy days like this one. Especially when her hotel was hosting a wedding reception. And hosting a freshly-married couple in the honeymoon suite. Those freshly married studs in their wedding duds. Those were the days she wore her thinnest, tightest, sexiest thongs, in hopes of catching a wandering eye. Maybe from a man feeling the pangs of buyer's remorse, immediately regretting getting married. Maybe feeling a bit in over their heads now that married life was a reality. They would glance at her and think about all the hot-ass out there they were losing out on. And when their wives no doubt failed to satisfy their urges, they would sneak out of their room, maybe out to the city. But they would never make it. They would always seem to get intercepted by an intrepid young hotel hostess, who would guide them elsewhere.

Derek was too good a guy to think he was getting deceived, that in reality, on his wedding night, he was going to another woman's room. A woman he did not know. A woman who might not be as innocent and professional as she may appear.

They approached a pair of large double-doors, and Derek watched as Kaitlyn removed a card from her breast pocket and unlocked them. Kaitlyn pushed upon the double-doors and the married man followed.

"Wow." Derek said, taking in his surroundings. It was a massive room, less of a hotel room and more of an elite apartment. It was expansive, very wide open, with marble floors and expensive looking furniture. Art lined the walls, nothing famous or anything like that, but stuff that looked nice and one-of-a-kind. There was a full kitchen, what appeared to be multiple bedrooms, a fully stocked bar, and a balcony overlooking the city.

"Who can afford this place?" Derek asked.

"Executives on business trips, and the occasional celebrity. Yvonne stayed here during her comeback tour about a month ago." Kaitlyn said.

"Oh yeah?" Derek asked, impressed that a celebrity as famous as Yvonne would stay here.

"I hear you're pretty famous yourself." Kaitlyn asked.

"Yeah, kinda. In the science field, I guess I'm pretty well known." Derek said humbly.

"You don't look like a science nerd to me." Kaitlyn joked, causing Derek to laugh lightly as he was used to hearing that. "So... what kind of science stuff do you do?"

"I do a lot of theoretical stuff. Mainly string theory." Derek said.

"What's that?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Uh, well, it's the theory that time and space is composed of bundles of strings, where every action along the string, or along time, affects the rest of the flow of time. The theory also implies the existence of multiple dimensions, where all of us exist, but where our lives played out differently, where the choices we made were the opposite of the ones we did make." Derek tried to explain as simply as he could. Kaitlyn listened intently, but judging by her smile and wide eyes he could tell she didn't quite get it.

"You don't understand, do you?" Derek asked.

"No." Kaitlyn said with a giggle, flashing her teeth in a bright smile. "It's a bit over my head."

"That's okay. It's... kind of a hard thing to wrap your mind around. I'm one of the weird ones for actually understanding it." Derek joked.

"Okay..." Kaitlyn began, changing the subject, "You should relax a bit. Check out the balcony. Take in the city. Clear your head of all your worries."

"Uh, okay, I guess." Derek said, taking her advice, beginning to walk towards the balcony.

"Good, you relax, and I'll cook you up a special drink that I came up with, perfect for times like this. I call it the 'Groom's Wedding Night'." Kaitlyn said with a laugh.

"Oh, uh, okay." Derek stammered, walking towards the balcony. He stepped out into the crisp night air. The city was impressive, the tall buildings, the lights, a town full of life. And the night air did clear his head out, helping him look past how disappointed he was in his wife for spoiling their wedding night by getting loaded.

Kaitlyn watched him from the bar as she cooked up her drink, going over the tried and true recipe in her mind. A gulp of this for flavor. A splash of that to make the drink go down smooth. A lot of this to make sure that this drink packed a huge punch. And a smidge of that to hide the massive amounts of alcohol in this little drink. And finally, the last ingredient, the ingredient that made this the perfect drink for a man on his wedding night. Kaitlyn removed a few pills from the pill bottle, crushed them up, and sprinkled them in the drink, making sure Derek had a full dose. Making sure Derek would feel the full effects of the pills. Making sure that Derek's dick would be rock fucking hard all night long. Kaitlyn cooked up a drink for herself, and met up with the married man on the balcony.

"Here you go." Kaitlyn said, handing Derek the drink.

"Uh, thanks. You're right it is nice out here." Derek said.

"I know, right? Why do you think I try to stay here as often as I can?" Kaitlyn joked.

"What's in this?" Derek asked.

"A little of this. A little of that." Kaitlyn said coyly.

"I usually don't go for mixed drinks." Derek said.

"Well, it's my own special concoction. Trust me. It's tasty." Kaitlyn said. She watched as Derek brought the drink to his lips and took a sip.

"Ohhhh." Derek said as the drink went down. "A bit strong." Derek croaked out.

"Well, I should warn you. This sucker packs a bit of a punch. If you need to get off your feet, just let me know." Kaitlyn warned.

"Uh, I think I'll be alright." Derek assured, taking another sip. But he had to admit, he was already feeling the effects of the drink. His head was already a bit fuzzy, and his throat was getting dry. But it was compelling him to keep drinking. As he did, the sounds of the city faded away, as did the sights soon after. Soon, he could barely see in front of himself. By the time he emptied his glass, he was practically numb to the world. The only think he felt was the soothing hand on his back, guiding him inside.

It was a strange thing for a man so interested in time to be so numb to it. So numb to the passing of time. To lose all sense of time and space. But the sensation of losing control, losing himself, forgetting all the things that clouded his mind, was oddly thrilling to the regimented young man.

Five nanonseconds. Five seconds. Five minutes. Five hours. Derek was so numb to the world that he honestly couldn't tell the difference. He lost all sense of time. All sense of space. All control of his thoughts. All control of himself. Derek was out.

It was about five hours before Derek's mind began to emerge from the fog. His mind was blurry, as were his eyes. His sense of self began to return. His eyes attempted to blink away the fog, trying to figure out where he was. The lights were out, so it was hard to see.

The sensation of touch returned to him fully before his eyesight did. The feelings from his hands were the first thing that broke through his fuzzy mind. And his hands were not idle. They were very busy, squeezing something. A pair of things, it seemed. They felt like they were enormous pillows, but they were too fleshy and sweaty for that to be the case. They felt like the ripest of fruit. Gigantic and firm, but soft enough to overflow his manly hands. To seep through his outstretched, clutching fingers. And in each palm was a hardened nub, hard enough to cut glass. They were hard points, and Derek's hands were compelled on play with those hard points, twisting and pinching them with his fingers. Derek's drunk mind couldn't figure out what his hands were playing with.

Derek blinked his eyes, trying to clear the fog. And suddenly, his vision cleared. On a plateau on top of him was the answer to the swirling questions in his mind. On top of him was the answer to his question of what his hands were up to. What his hands were playing with. They weren't pillows, although they were just as big and soft as them. They certainly weren't fruit, even though they were as ripe and full as could be. No, the answer to what he was squeezing was quite simple:

Big, bare, ripe... titties.

Derek looked up at them. They were huge! Just enormous. They were big and firm, riding proudly on her chest. The skin was evenly tan and the flesh was smooth, the only thing interrupting the perfect softness were the hard nipples, pointing outward. They looked so perfect. So touchable. So squeezable.

It was as if Derek was not in control of his hands. As if they were working on instinct. And their instinct wasn't to just stay idle when there were big tits within reach. His instinct was to squeeze them. Feel them. Slap them and play with them. Cup them, and feel their heavy weight. Embrace their soft ripeness. Pinch those hard nipples. Mash his sweaty hands to their sweaty flesh.

Derek's mind was sluggish, so it took him a few moments to realize that the breasts he was squeezing did not belong to his wife. His wife didn't have tits like this. She practically didn't have tits. No, this was not his wife at all. Derek was squeezing another woman's tits. On his wedding night.

Derek's thoughts began to return to him, as did his sensations. He quickly realized his hands were not the only part of him that was busy. He looked away from her tits, down the woman's flat belly and to their conjoined genitals, busy in the act of coitus. Immersed in the act of intercourse. United in the act of sex. Bouncing to the rhythm of hard fucking.

Derek's eyes were arrested to the sight of this woman's bare pussy stretched around his throbbing cock. It felt tighter than tight, smothered around his cock as she bounced on top of him furiously. Engulfing the newly married man's cock in warm, tight pleasure.

Both Derek and the woman on top of him were covered with sweat, as was the bed, so they must have been at it for awhile. She was bouncing fast, her hands on his chest, digging in lightly, bouncing her hips like a pro. Derek looked up her body, past her bouncing breasts, to her pretty face. Her familiar face.

Kaitlyn, the hotel hostess.

She was the one fucking Derek. Riding his fat cock. She was the one spending his wedding night with him. She was the one who was taking advantage of the fact that he hadn't had sex in months, saving for his wedding night. She was the one experiencing the pleasure that should have been Heather's. She was the one experiencing his lustful fury, not his wife.

Derek tried to fight her off. But it felt like his body was working against him, acting on instinct, not listening to his mind that was in revolt and trying to escape this woman he was now cheating on his wife with. He tried to pull away, but his hands just kept squeezing her immaculate titties.

"Whatshhh goinggg onn?" Derek slurred out, his body still not responding to his will.

"Keep going baby! Keep going! Make me cum again!" Kaitlyn squealed, her ass beating against his balls in a firm rhythm.

"I neeeeed to shtop! Myy wifffeee..." Derek drunkenly stammered.

"Oh, don't worry about her! She's not here for you! I am! So stop talking baby, just keep fucking me!" Kaitlyn moaned out, fucking fast.

"But my wiffeee...Heathshure." Derek groaned out. Kaitlyn rolled her eyes and fell forward so her giant breasts were hovering over his face.

"Just shut up and suck on these instead." Kaitlyn offered, slowing her bounces, hovering her nipple over the husband's closed mouth.

"But I'm marriMMMPPHHH!" Derek began, but Kaitlyn took advantage of the husband's open mouth by forcing her hard nipple in it. Derek's mouth was sealed shut by Kaitlyn's fat nipple, and again, Derek acted on instinct. When a woman forces her big breast against your face, nipple to open mouth, it was his instinct to suck it. Lick the nipple, play with it, try to get as much of it into his mouth as possible. Suck it hard, hollow his cheeks.

Derek had tried to fight her off, but the hard, suckable nipple in his mouth took the fight right out of him. He stopped trying to fight her off. His head fell back to the bed, smothered by the massive breast. His hands fell to her fantastic ass, fingers squeezing the hotel hostess's perfect rump, on instinct. An ass that began to bounce, the intrepid hostess seizing the opportunity to resume their illicit lovemaking. Derek's hands squeezed at her ass as she bounced, clinging to her, assisting her in her rough bouncing, helping her to fuck him hard.

"Oh that's it. Just lie there and take it baby. Lie there and let Kaitlyn take control. Let Kaitlyn control that married cock of yours." Kaitlyn purred. Kaitlyn laughed and shook her hair, causing it to fall onto his face, causing her sexy perfume to hit his nose.

"When I told you this happens a lot, I meant it. So many stupid wives get drunk at the reception, leave their hubbies hanging. No husband should spend their wedding night with their dick hard and no woman to take care of it. No big married dick should go uncared for, especially when attached to such a stud like you. No married man should have to go bar hopping in search of good pussy on their wedding night! That's why I'm here. That's the service I provide. But I have to tell you baby, I rarely enjoy it quite as much as I am right now. Rarely are the men I'm with such fucking studs." Kaitlyn complimented, bouncing hard.