The Adventures of Scarlet Warrior Ch. 02


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"Looks like we've got a sighting our perp," Captain Kinetic said. "Downtown Dunbar."

"Dunbar?" Scarlet Warrior asked. "That's one state away!"

"Then we'd better hurry."

Once they were both clothed, the two heroes made for the elevator. After making it topside, the two soared into the air, speeding towards their impeding battle. Scarlet Warrior's heart was racing, anxious to subdue her foe once and for all.

At their maximum speed, the duo was able to make it to their destination in about fifteen minutes. It wasn't hard to find the trouble; all they had to do was follow the smoke. Sure enough, they saw three of the heroes that they had met with at the FBI earlier that day.

After landing on the ground, they recognized Poppy instantly. Accompanying her was RAM, a male android that had the power to control other machines. Also with them was a masked elderly woman in a costume of red, white, and blue named Ole Miss.

"Boy are we glad to see you!" Ole Miss exclaimed. "It's totally catawampus here!"

"What's going on?" Scarlet Warrior asked. "Where's Futanara?"

"Somewhere in the city," Poppy said. "She hijacked a prison transport and let the inmates loose on the city."

"There approximately 40 inmates that have escaped," said RAM. "We have only captured ten of them."

"Are they supervillains?" Captain Kinetic asked.

"No, but she appears to have gifted them with some advanced weaponry. I suggest we work together to contain the damage."

"Good idea. We should go block-to-block together and take down the remaining thirty. Scarlet Warrior and I will focus on offense and defense, while the three of you work with damage control and rescuing civilians."

"Sounds good to me," Poppy said.

The five heroes put their plan into action. Just as RAM said, the felons they encountered were wielding highly destructive weapons. However, they were no match for the coordinated teamwork of the five heroes. They steadily went down the street, subduing each escapee they encountered. It wasn't soon before they increased the number of captured enemies from ten to 38.

"Nice job, everyone!" Scarlet Warrior said. "This is going much better than I thought it would."

RAM's eyes glowed blue and he said, "I have alerted the police and paramedic teams to our location. Inmate retrieval is already underway."

"Good," said Ole Miss. "Keep that trash off these streets. Maybe after we're done, you all come back to my place for some catfish."

"I won't say no to that," Captain Kinetic said.

"Big strapping fella like you can have seconds!" Ole Miss said as she patted him on the arm.

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet!" said a voice from above.

They all looked upwards to see Futanara standing on a building, flanked by a pair of inmates in orange jumpsuits. One of the inmates was a hulking bald man with glowing mechanical gauntlets. The other was a skinny man with tattoos holding a pair of glowing batons.

"You should surrender," Captain Kinetic.

"We were just going to say the same thing to you," Baldy said.

"You're outnumbered," Poppy said. "You can't possibly win."

"Don't underestimate her," Scarlet Warrior told the others. "Remember, she's taken down some heavy hitters."

"I'll make this simple," Futanara said. "Surrender Scarlet Warrior to me, and we'll leave you all in peace."

Just as Scarlet Warrior was about to say something, Ole Miss stepped forward and raised her hands towards the villains. In the blink of an eye, every vehicle parked on the street rose into the air and hurtled towards where the evil trio stood. Unfortunately, Futanara protected herself and her minions with a shield of green energy.

"Oh, well," Ole Miss said. "Worth a shot."

The other four heroes were impressed by her display of telekinesis. Futanara lowered her shield and leered down at the heroes.

"Now, it's our turn," she said.

The tattooed felon charged his batons and lifted them over his head. The heroes below readied themselves to defend against his attack. Suddenly, the batons were missing, and he looked up at his empty hands in confusion.

"I don't think he'll be needing these."

The hero group looked to their left, seeing Jetstream casually leaning against the building with a smug smile and holding the energy batons. Tattoo guy was about to ask Futanara for another weapon, only to be suddenly hoisted into the air by Rising Sun.

"I'll get this one to the police!" Rising Sun called as he flew away.

"Thanks!" Poppy said as she waved at him.

"Get them!" Futanara screamed at Baldy. "Leave Scarlet Warrior ALIVE!"

The purple haired villainess flew down towards the group with her fists balled. Captain Kinetic and Scarlet Warrior soared towards her ready to fight. Meanwhile, the other three heroes dodged blasts from Baldy's gauntlets as they worked to take him down.

Scarlet Warrior felt righteous fury as she traded blows with Futanara. On their first encounter, Scarlet Warrior hadn't been fighting at full strength; but she was significantly more rested than before. She'd also been training extra hard in preparation for their rematch.

Still, Futanara appeared to be putting up a decent fight. Even with the assistance of Captain Kinetic, the villainess was ably avoiding their attacks, as well as delivering her own. Despite his chivalry, Captain Kinetic had no qualms about attacking a woman.

Futanara didn't seemed scared in the slightest. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying her fight with the duo. Even now, Scarlet Warrior could feel the villainess mentally undressing her. Though her warrior's pride wanted to win this fight by herself, she was glad to have help in taking down her rapist. She privately hoped that Futanara would give her a good reason to use lethal force.

Suddenly, Futanara's fist connected with Captain Kinetic's jaw. For half a second, the world went black and white for Scarlet Warrior as she watched her friend hurtling towards the ground. As worried as she was, she managed to keep her enemy in her sights. Futanara lunged, clearly hoping to grab a hold of Scarlet Warrior, but the heroine was able to avoid her grasp. Now, she was really mad.

The Thandian warrior took a deep breath as she flew around the villainess at blinding speed. She tried desperately to rein in her anger, not wanting it to cloud her ability to maintain a solid defense. Her heart filled with cautious hope as she saw signs of Futanara becoming weary. If she could keep this up, then she might finally be able to subdue her foe.

"JUSTICE IS HERE!" A loud voice cried.

"Oh, fuck me," Scarlet Warrior grumbled.

Swooping towards them was Swift Justice, grinning as she soared through the air. She came to a stop between Futanara and Scarlet Warrior. While Scarlet Warrior fought to conceal her irritation, Futanara's face lit up with gleeful lust.

"Well, hello there!" Futanara said. "And who might you be?"

"I'm the one that's going to take you down," Swift Justice said dramatically. "Scarlet Warrior, why don't you take a breather, I got this."

Before she could protest, Scarlet Warrior watched as her comrade charged at Futanara with a balled fist. Futanara easily avoided every blow that was sent her way. Swift Justice didn't seem too bothered that she was unable to connect with the villainess.

Below, she could see the Star Squad's camera crew filming the fight. To her great relief, she saw Captain Kinetic standing on the ground, his body crackling with golden sparks. The Captain had the power to channel any kinetic force that he absorbed to become stronger. By the way things were looking, he was looking stronger than ever.

With a growl, he sprung into the air. Just a second later, his fist found Futanara's gut with a strike so hard that the air rippled.

"Miss me?" He growled. "I sure as hell didn't miss you."

It was Futanara's turn to fall towards the ground. The trio of heroes followed her as she landed in a crumpled heap on the street. The camera crew ran over to capture the imminent arrest of the super villainess.

"Good work, Captain," Swift Justice said. "Our coordinated attack worked perfectly."

Scarlet Warrior said nothing, fighting the urge to call out Swift Justice for trying to take some credit for their hard work. Rising Sun and Brick House arrived a few seconds later to tell everyone that the FBI was on their way to take Futanara into custody. Apparently, they had a special cell prepared for her to counteract her super strength.

"After she's locked up, we should check on the others," Rising Sun suggested. "We haven't heard from RAM in..."

"Watch out!"

The yell came from a member of the Star Squad's camera crew. Everyone turned around to see Futanara on her feet, lunging towards Scarlet Warrior with a savage look on her face. Just as her fingers were about to close around Scarlet Warrior's arm, Swift Justice tackled her. The two of them rolled around on the street and then disappeared in a flash of green light. Everyone was speechless.

"W-where the hell did they go?!" Jetstream said as he sped over.

"I-I don't know!" Scarlet Warrior said, looking around frantically.

She had seen that green light before; Futanara had used it to teleport away after her first attempt to rape her. Everyone stood around dumbfounded, unable to think of what to do next. About ten minutes later, the FBI arrived, and agents took statements from everyone. RAM assisted the FBI agents in gathering forensic evidence. After everyone had been debriefed, they all went their separate ways.

After Scarlet Warrior flew off into the night, it took her a few minutes to realize that she was being followed. She saw Captain Kinetic flying behind her with a concerned look on his face. She made her descent to a deserted field a few miles away and landed. As soon as the Captain landed, Scarlet Warrior launched herself into the arms of her friend.

"She saved me," Scarlet Warrior said softly into his sturdy chest.

"I know," Kinetic said. "We'll find her."

"Would you...stay with me tonight at my place?"

"Of course."

The two of them did their best to covertly arrive at Scarlet Warrior's house, which was located in a quiet suburb. Once inside, they made their way to the master bedroom and shared a shower before going to bed. Scarlet Warrior gave Kinetic a peck on the mouth before falling asleep in his arms. She grinned as she felt his cock throb; she was obviously not in the mood, but it was nice to see that he was considerate enough not to proposition her.

The next morning, they were awakened by the beeping of Captain Kinetic's cell phone. He groggily sat up in bed and answered the call. What he heard seemed to make him perk up instantly.

"Are you sure?" Kinetic said. "Okay...yes...all right...don't worry...I'm on my way...thanks, brother."

"Who was that?" Scarlet Warrior asked.

"Milagro. He said that Futanara used Swift's communicator to relay a ransom video to the rest of the Star Squad. They want me to find you and bring you along."

"That shouldn't be too hard," Scarlet Warrior joked as she got out bed.

The two of them suited up and flew off to the FBI field office that they had just visited yesterday. They were led back to the same conference room, only this time there were less people than before: Senior Special Agent Pellis, Zagros the Mighty, a trio of other FBI agents, and the remaining members of the Star Squad. Everyone in the room wore a somber expression.

"Thank you both for coming," Pellis said. "Now, we can get started. About two hours ago, the Star Squad received a communication from the villainess known as Futanara. She used Swift Justice's communicator to reach the rest of the Star Squad, but, unfortunately, she disabled the built-in GPS tracker."

As he had before, Pellis lowered the projector screen, turned down the lights, and activated the overhead projector. A pit formed in Warrior Woman's stomach as the video started. The first thing they saw was Swift Justice in some cell, but in place of iron bars there was some green forcefield keeping her inside.

To everyone's relief, she was still alive and didn't look as if she had been harmed. She was sitting on a cot inside of her cell, looking angry and tapping her foot. She then turned her head, as if someone had walked into the room. Seconds later, she got to her feet and started yelling, though no one could hear what she was saying.

Into the frame walked Futanara, with a haughty leer on her face. She was wearing a green bathrobe with yellow trim.

"Hello, there!" Futanara said. "I'm going to make it simple. Deliver Scarlet Warrior to me by noon tomorrow, and I will let this woman go. I will send instructions on where the exchange will take place."

Futanara looked back at Swift Justice, still raging within her cell.

She then looked back at the camera and said, "She's quite beautiful, but she's not worthy to be my mate. Give me the Thandian, and don't bother trying to set up any ambush or trying to put a tracer on her. If I don't get what I want..."

Futanara then undid her robe, baring her naked body to all watching the video. Some people gasped at the sight of the throbbing dick between Futanara's legs.

"...I will rape this blonde cow and make her my sex slave for the rest of her miserable life!"

The video shut off and the lights came back up. Scarlet Warrior could feel all eyes upon her. To her, the choice was clear.

"There's no way around it," Scarlet Warrior said as she stood up from her seat. "Let's make the exchange."

"Oh, hell, no," Captain Kinetic said.

"But, we can't just abandon Swift!" Rising Sun said, getting to his feet.

"No one is abandoning anyone," Pellis said. "But what worries me is if that Scarlet Warrior does surrender, we have no guarantee that Futanara will keep up her end of the deal."

"Exactly," agreed Kinetic.

"So, what else are we supposed to do?" Brick House asked. "I mean, y'all saw what that lady was packing."

"I'm not worried," Scarlet Warrior said. "After we make the exchange, I'll fight my way out of there."

"That's not good enough," Kinetic said. "Look, we all know you're strong..."

"Way stronger than Swift," Jetstream said. Everyone shot him a look. "Come on, it's pretty much public knowledge, guys. She's not here."

"My point is, you barely managed to take her on by yourself yesterday," Kinetic continued. "You're going to need backup."

"Well, this is the best option we have," Scarlet Warrior said. "Look, if it weren't for Swift Justice, I'd be a prisoner right now. I can't just leave her."

Kinetic sighed and said nothing more, his face stony and concerned. Scarlet Warrior gave him a comforting pat on the arm and then turned to address everyone else.

"Once we've completed the exchange, I'll fight my way outside and try to put up a signal that everyone can see," Scarlet Warrior said. "Futanara knows that I'm strong, so I think she'll have some method to incapacitate me."

"We could maybe give you some adrenaline beforehand," Pellis offered. "That would counteract any possible sedatives she might try to use."

"This is good," Milagro said. "Let's come up with some more ideas to get both of our friends back. This Futanara is tricky, but she's all alone."

"I could contact RAM," Rising Sun offered. "The FBI impounded a lot of those weapons that Futanara gave the convicts. Maybe there's a device that will help Scarlet Warrior."

Everyone's spirits seemed to lift at that suggestion. Even Captain Kinetic smiled and voiced his approval.

"Don't we have a few superheroes on call that have enhanced hearing?" Pellis offered. "I'll call them up right away. I'm sure if Futanara makes enough noise, we can get a better chance of tracking her down."

"Well, someone better order up some pizza," Jetstream said. "We've got less than a day to get this bitch. Let's get to work!"

Everyone in the room let out a cheer as they headed out to collaborate on supporting Scarlet Warrior. In the centuries that she had been on Earth, it never surprised her to see them come together like this in the face of insurmountable odds.

She quickly shook off her warm and fuzzies and helped her comrades prepare for tomorrow. Despite everyone's enthusiasm, she needed insurance. She exited the building, took out her cell phone, and dialed a phone number.

A few hours later, Scarlet Warrior was sitting in a Waffle House sipping a cup of coffee. Aside from the staff, there were only a few patrons inside. None of them were bothering her, because she wasn't wearing her superhero get-up; she was wearing jeans, a flannel shirt, and glasses. Thanks to her innate glamour ability, all she had to do was change her clothing and no one recognized her. She was using her civilian identity as June Wells.

As the time turned to 12:30 AM, a woman in her early forties entered the restaurant. She was wearing a trucker hat, jeans, and a NASCAR t-shirt; this was a disguise for her as well. She sauntered over to June's booth and sat across from her.

"Thanks for meeting me, Diane," June said. "Especially on such short notice."

"Don't worry about it," she replied. "You've helped us out of many a pickle, June. How can I help?"

"I need you to arrange a deal involving one of your prisoners."

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SirDigbyChickenCaesarSirDigbyChickenCaesar6 months ago

"Cunt Tree Men"

I laughed out loud, then I read on to what they were about. RIP bozos, you won't be missed.

So maybe less Saturday Morning Cartoon than R34 Invincible—either way, this is shaping up well. Given the setup I was fully prepared for Captain Kinetic to Get It, but thankfully this doesn't seem to be angling -that- dark.

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