SX69 - Ultimate Love Potion Ch. 13


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Chuck did make a request, which I granted. He asked that I give him one dose of the love potion. He had his eye on a beautiful lady that had been a client of his agency. Chuck had found proof that her husband was cheating on her. She would soon be a rich divorcee. It seemed a reasonable request and I needed Chuck to make sure I didn't get hurt if the extortionist went violent when he saw what I would be doing with his wife.

I had called the extortionist and said that I had the million in cash and wanted to give it to him. We were to meet at 10:00 PM in a private room of a famous old boy's London gentleman's club where my lawyer was a member. Harold was familiar with the location.

My detective had found that the children were off at boarding schools and Harold went to his corner pub almost every night with his newspaper cronies while his wife was alone at home. The plan was to visit the wife and give her a healthy dose of SX69 and have her bond to me. From the looks of her attractive picture the detective gave me, it would not be a bad thing to have a little fun with the missus. Off we went to Harold's house.

It was eight o'clock when I rang the buzzer at the Millhaven residence in an upper-crust neighborhood of London. Chuck was waiting in the car. I had placed ten milligrams of SX69 on my right index finger. I recognized Mrs. Millhaven from her picture when she opened the door. She reminded me of an older Elizabeth, blonde hair, cut conservatively almost down to her shoulders with an attractive, if somewhat serious face. She's the type that you would see anchoring the BBC evening news. She was wearing a white blouse and grey skirt. She had black nylons on. I wondered if she had the type that are held up with garters. Those are so sexy. I hoped they weren't pantyhose. That's one of my pet peeves. I could see that she had a nice, trim figure under those, rather formal, drab clothes. It's amazing that the British upper classes dress so formally when they are in their own homes. I wondered if she had a nice, bushy, mature blonde beaver at the top of those nice legs.

"Hello Mrs. Millhaven. My name is Edward Vitello. I am a friend of your husband."

"Yes sir, and how can I be of help?"

At this point, I did an old school yard trick that always seems to work. I looked down at her blouse and reached my hand with the SX69 forward, pointed and said, "Oh, you have a spot on your blouse." She instinctively looked down and I flicked my finger up and deposited the dose on the tip of her nose. She instantly froze and closed her eyes. I moved forward and held her. I didn't want her falling and hurting herself. We moved inside and I closed the door. She was able to walk blindly and stiff-legged to the living room where I sat her down on a large sofa. I waited beside her for the drug to complete the transformation of her brain.

I took the opportunity to check her out. Her face had a few small wrinkles but overall she looked great. I could see a hint of a white bra under her silk white blouse. My guess was her breasts were a size 36D. I must say I got a bit of an erection when I envisioned holding those nice tits, naked in my hands.

My daily existence has become so sexual from being at the epicenter of the SX69 drug trial. You might notice that I'm preoccupied with sexual thinking. Academic research has shown that a male human gets a burst of natural testosterone every time he has an orgasm. Since I have multiple orgasms every day, this means my brain is flooded with the sex hormone much more than a normal man. Keep this in mind when you read my journals and witness me in action.

That preamble was to prepare you for what I did next. I decided that since we only had a short time before meeting her husband, I would get undressed and greet her nude when she opened her eyes. By now, I had been through seven SX69 transformations and I was confident that Mrs. Millhaven would be completely compliant and sexually available to me, her new alpha male, the moment she opened her eyes and bonded with me.

As I waited for her transformation, I sat there naked and looked around the room. It was a typical English home with dated formal furniture and landscape prints and paintings on the walls. It was a sea of beige colors except the drapes on the windows were a royal purple. I must say, I did feel a bit weird sitting there nude with an erection beside a woman I had never met before, in a strange home. It's amazing where SX69 research has taken me. But the scientist in me knows that it will ultimately be for the good of mankind.

After about five minutes, her eyes shot open and she stared at me as her pupils dilated and widened many times. She was bonding to me like a newly hatched baby bird bonds with its mother. They say nurses and doctors never get over the feeling of wonder at every child birth. I am the same with the transformation of women with SX69. It is a wonder to behold.

When her brain transformation was complete, her somewhat grim, conservative countenance turned into a luxurious, energized pretty face. She seemed to drop decades off her looks. For a minute or so, she seemed to be looking inward at her body awakening with a powerful sensuous feeling. Then, her attention turned toward to me and a big contented smile broke out on her suddenly younger looking face. She said nothing but just snuggled into my body with her still hands clasped on her lap. She gently kissed my neck just below my ear in total submission.

It was time to check her sexual compliance quotient.

"Mrs. Millhaven, it would please me if you would stand up and take off your clothes."

"Of course sir."

Without a hint of shyness, she stood up and first removed her white blouse and tossed it like a stripper casually to the carpet. She licked her lips and got a sexy 'come fuck me' look on her face and even instinctively tossed her hair in a normal human female sexual display act. Her libido was getting geometrically enhanced by the SX69. Rosa described the feeling when she said her pussy seemed to vibrate in a crazy-making fashion and I became the center of her universe. Pleasing me and quelling the heat in her womanly parts became her only goal. Her eyes were drilled on my erection and stayed looking there throughout her entire stripping activity.

She reached behind her back and undid her bra and dropped it to the floor. Her breasts were still firm but being more mature than my other women, they did droop a bit. Her areolas were large and deep brown against her alabaster skin. None of my other women had suckled a child. It was interesting to see the difference that made to the female nipple area.

She paused for a few moments to let me look her over and took her right hand and dug it into her crotch that was still covered by her skirt. She closed her eyes and, with a look of relief, clawed at her womanly area. Her pussy must have been burning with desire and any stroking was quelling the itch at least a bit.

With her nostrils flaring, she unzipped her skirt and it, too went to the floor. As I feared, she was wearing those ugly dark black pantyhose rather than the dark stockings with garters that I had hoped for. But these too were soon off and on the floor in a wink. She was wearing granny-style big white panties but who could blame her. She had no idea she would be stripping for her new man tonight. I was overjoyed to see a nice thick pubic bush under there with many hairs sticking out the sides of her panties. She dropped this final garment and stood there completely nude and waiting for instructions. Her right hand did return to her crotch and she stroked her pussy in a very lewd manner.

Her body was very interesting. She was maybe ten pounds over her best weight but certainly very attractive. She had a faint cesarean horizontal scar on her stomach above her pubic area from giving birth. She had a beautiful, big light brown bush that was difficult to see because she was frantically stroking herself to relieve the heat there.

"Please turn around, Mrs. Millhaven. And please stop working your pussy like that. I will be fucking you very soon, don't worry. Just put your hands to your sides and be patient." She dropped her hands immediately to her sides but her right hand was balled in a fist as if she was fighting the urge to resume masturbating.

She turned and displayed her backside. She had a nice, mature, womanly buttocks, different that my much younger girls. At the bottom of her crack I could see some of the lush bush garden appearing. I was very turned on by the new type of butt I was seeing. Variety is very stimulating when one is having sexual intercourse as often as I.

I stood up beside her and she turned to face me with a hopeful look on her face. "I am going to fuck you now and put out that fire in your belly, but first I want to tell you a rule that we have to practice first. Whenever I say the words 'God save the queen,' I want you to drop to your knees and suck my cock. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir, of course sir."

"Okay, let's practice. God save the queen." She dropped instantly to her knees and popped the head of my stiff cock into her greedy mouth like a dockside whore. She was obviously not experienced at sucking dick and her mouth, dry from panting did not feel very good. On the other hand, I could smell a strong musky odor from her cunny that must be dripping wet. "Very, good my dear. Please get up." She rose and waited more instructions. "Now if I happen to be wearing pants when I say 'God save the queen,' what should you do?"

"I should unzip your pants and pull out your stiffy and suck it."

"Good girl! Go to the head of the class." A look of pride crossed her face. "And when you are giving me oral sex, do be gentle with my dick and don't forget to lick the staff and my balls. I like that."

"Of course sir."

I was thinking I should tell her that it didn't matter if we were in private or in a crowd of people 'God save the queen' meant that she should do our thing. But then I realized that was unnecessary. She would follow my instruction wherever we were. That is the beauty of SX69.

"Okay, Mrs. Millhaven, bend over and put your two hands on the arm of the sofa and stick your butt out so I can fuck your horny pussy." She broke into a big smile of relief and bent over. What a horny sight that was. A thick bush of pubic hair with an open slit of wet, dark red, inflamed pussy. I just had to run my hand up the housewife's cunt that I was going to drill. It was unbelievably wet and boiling hot. She must have been going nuts when she was stripping for me.

"Oh god have mercy, Mr. Vitello. Please fuck me."

She was almost weeping as she begged. It would have been cruel to make her wait any longer so I grabbed her hips and dipped my hips a bit to align my equipment to her love hole and mounted her. My dick slid nicely into a very cozy, hot pussy. She let out a huge moan as her sexual tension was released suddenly. I pushed onward until my balls were against her hairy bush and I could feel the head of my weapon hit the end of her vagina. Sweet. I didn't have much time to waste so I started thrusting solidly and quickly. It was very erotic to see her ass shake as my hips bumped her at the end of every forward thrust. I could see the sides of her breasts hanging down and swinging lewdly. Her pussy was quite a bit looser that my girls so it took me longer to get off than usually. This was perfect for the missus because she started having one, long continuous orgasm early in our coupling. Her high-pitched, constant screams filled the room until I finally came and filled her mature pussy with a good load of semen. She fell exhausted to the sofa, panting and very satisfied.

I was also a bit done but needed to keep moving. "Okay love, time to get a move on."

She looked up in panic, "You're taking me with you aren't you? I need to be with you."

"Don't worry my dear. You are coming with me. We are going to meet your husband to give him the big news. Now, let's go up to your bedroom to get ready." I scooped up my clothes and we went upstairs to their bedroom. I needed her to clean me up before I dressed.

"Hey Mrs. Millhaven, could you clean off my cock and balls. They have a lot of cum all over them." She looked down and went to her knees to lick me clean. "No, no. I mean a warm soapy washcloth. I appreciate the thought but that does a better job than your tongue." She went into the bathroom and came back with a washcloth and did an admirable job on my equipment. I sat on their bed.

"Okay, I would like you to wear a nice evening dress. Something a bit sexy that shows off your nice tits. You don't need any panties. You might want me to fuck you and they just get in the way. One more thing, I want to shave your pussy but leave a big letter V in short pubic hair on your pubic mound. I want you to show that to your husband so that he knows that your pussy belongs to Vitello. Unless you don't want me to own that pussy of yours?"

"No, no. It's yours."

"Okay, good."

I put on my clothes while she busied herself with getting ready. It was interesting watching her lather up her womanly area and shaved it as instructed with her husband's razor. She missed quite a bit around her asshole but I wasn't about to quibble. She was doing her best. She needed scissors to trim the hair shorter for the letter V.

She took a while to put on makeup but she looked stunning when all was done. I stood up and she twirled in her black knee-length evening dress with a plunging neckline that offered ample amounts of cleavage.

To test her memory I said, "You look super Mrs. Millhaven. God save the queen." She hesitated briefly and then went to her knees in front of me and unzipped my pants, pulled out my limp cock and engulfed it into her red lipstick-covered lips. I was instantly hard and, as instructed she licked it up and down and then ran her wet tongue over my hairy balls. "Hey, good for you love, you remembered. Now let's go meet your husband." I zipped up.

Off we went to the meeting place. I sat in the front seat with Chuck, my private detective while Mrs. Millhaven sat in the rear. When we were almost there I took a look in the back and there was the housewife strumming her pussy like a flamenco guitar. The power of SX69 is remarkable. I nudged Chuck and indicated that he should look back. She looked at him ogling her and kept right on going. She had lost all modesty.

We got to the club and went to a small private dining room that we had reserved. It was about ten minutes before our meeting time. As we had requested, all the furniture had been removed except for four sturdy, wooden dining room chairs. Chuck decided that it would be best to have me and the beautiful housewife sitting side by side with a chair for Harold Millhaven facing us a couple of yards away. Chuck would sit in a chair back and to the side of the extortionist. If the fellow got violent, Chuck would protect Millhaven's wife and me.

As we waited, Mrs. Millhaven moved her chair closer to mine and put her hand on my thigh. I have found that SX69 women are calmed by touching their alpha male. I thought that I should test the 'God save the queen' but decided against it as unnecessary. She wouldn't hesitate to give me a blow job even at mid-field at Super Bowl half time. But I was a bit curious about her exposing her body.

"Mrs. Millhaven, it would please me if you would show Chuck how you shaved your pussy. Stand up and let him see." Without the least hesitation, she stood up and lifted the hem of her dress high and exposed the big V of pubic hair above the camel-toe notch of her bare cunny.

"Tell Chuck why you made the letter V."

"The V stands for Vitello. My pussy now belongs to Edward Vitello."

"Perfect love. Now sit and wait for your husband." She sat and, being a bit hornier now, started stroking my dick through my pants rather than my thigh. I took her hand and placed on her lap with her other one. I wanted her sitting there innocently while I dictated terms to her unsuspecting, low-life husband.

Soon, there was a knock on the door and Chuck answered and led the creep to his chair.

"Where is my money you said you would have for me and why is my wife here?"

"Mr. Millhaven, Mr. Harold, fucking Millhaven, let ME tell YOU what's happening here. Earlier this night I paid a visit to your wife and with the help of a chemical we have talked about, had a randy encounter. The fact is, she has decided to leave you and join my happy family."

The prick looked frantically at his wife, "Tell me, Victoria that this is not true. I love you so much." In response, his wife clutched my arm and put her cheek on my shoulder. Strange, I never knew her first name. Victoria, very nice name for a very nice piece of ass.

I needed to show him how bonded she was to me. "Victoria my dear, show your husband the new look of your pussy and tell him about it."

She stood up and once again exposed her private parts with the big V of light brown pubic hair. "Harold, earlier this night Mr. Vitello and I had a spectacular fuck and afterwards I shaved this V above my pussy to mark it as now owned by him. I am going to live with him if he will have me. This is totally my own decision of my own free will." With this she plunked herself back down onto the chair and gripped my arm even more strongly with a determined look on her face. Her shocked husband had a hand over his mouth and tears were starting to flow from his eyes.

At this point I was just blind with a desire for revenge on his sorry ass and wanted to humiliate him even further.

"Your wife is quite a catch. You are or should I say 'were', a lucky man. She is so willing to please. Take a good look." I turned to Victoria. "God save the queen."

Her hands flew to my zipper and she quickly had my soft dick out and dove her red, lipstick covered lips to my cock and gobbled it into her hot, wet mouth. Her husband's eyes almost bugged out of his head in shock. A vicious growl came from his throat and a look of rage crossed his face. He started to rise and attack me but Chuck was alert to the threat and placed his large hands on the man's shoulders and shoved him back onto his chair and held him there.

"There is some good news in all of this for you. Not in money but getting your wife back. She will be more loving than you ever thought possible. For forgetting about the chemical compound you tried to extort me with, I will give you a dose of the love potion to have your beautiful wife bond to you. Just picture yourself watching a cricket match on the telly with her sucking your tiny, blackmailing dick. Just look at her suck me off like cheap hooker." Victoria was bobbing her head up and down while she concentrated on her task. The naughty lady had slipped a hand under her dress and was openly stoking her pussy for her own relief.

"Victoria, pull your hair back so your low-life husband can see your sweet lips on my dick and don't forget that part about licking my balls." She shifted her long hair and then I could hear slurping sounds and felt her tongue licking my balls.

Her husband was frantic. "Okay, yes. I will totally forget about everything and you will never hear from me again but PLEASE stop doing that with my Victoria."

"I would like to remind you she is not your Victoria yet. She is MY fucking Victoria until I say otherwise. People that fuck with me get a good lesson."

I stood up and my pants fell to my ankles. "Mrs. Millhaven, get up and bend over, pull your dress over your back and reach down and put both hand on the chair. I am going to fuck you just like in your cozy living room." She obeyed and I slipped my cock into her wet pussy. It made me think that one of these days it will be good to bring a mature MILF into the family with a looser love canal that my young tight-cunt darlings. Variety is good. I thrust in and out in a casual, measured fashion. I had more to say to the cuckold who had covered his eyes as I fucked his wife.