Susan's Story


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The bathroom was eerily quiet. She was almost in a trance lathering her legs like any other occasion when she shaved but this time her hand continued until her pelvis was covered with white lotion. Her hands were shaking but she slowly put the razor to her skin. Stroke after stroke went through her bush and in measly minutes, she witnessed her cleanly shaven cunt. Susan washed the excess lather away and she saw how baby-like her pussy area looked. Oh my gawd, why did she do it, she wondered? But it was too late to undo what had been done?

Suddenly her deft fingers dipped into her crotch. Skillfully, the fingers of her right hand split the red, puffy lips and grabbed the protruding clit. Pinching it, she began to roll it back and forth and realized that she was soaked with more than water. The slippery juices flooded her pussy and she was able to roll the puffy clit easily in the wetness. Quickly, the long finger of her left hand thrust into her waiting hole and Susan began pumping it in and out splashing water all over. Her hands moved faster and in seconds her passion reached a volcanic level.

The feelings of guilt roared through her mind but she was unable to stop the self-gratification. She questioned her sanity but her fingers refused to stop, or even pause. The first spasm shot through her loving body and Susan suddenly realized that she was going to experience a mind-blowing orgasm. Squeezing the abused clit even harder, she brought the impeding orgasm to the peak. Her body trembled out of control. She went over the top in a sudden rush and Susan didn't care about anything else in her life when the orgasm expanded. On and on the explosions went, as her fingers milked every last ounce of lava from her loins.

The spasms slowly subsided. Eventually Susan managed to still her hips and stop her body from shaking. Once the last shock wave erupted from deep within, she lay back onto the curved portion of the warm bathtub. She closed her eyes and refused to think of what had just happened or any of the dire consequences.

Her body moved like it was being controlled by outside forces. She carefully climbed out of the tub catching a glimpse of her image in the mirror. Immediately her eyes focused on her lower extremities and she thought it looked odd without any hair. It took a few seconds before she realized that indeed it was her body in the mirror. Although it appeared strange and new, a shiver of desire and excitement shot up her spine. For once in her mundane life, Susan experienced the thrill that she was being wild and crazy.

Susan slipped on a silky nightgown afraid to reveal her new look to her husband. Luckily, Jay was already sleeping and there was no explanation needed on this night. She carefully got into bed doing her utmost not to wake him. It must have taken at least one hour before she fell asleep, as her heart seemed to flutter madly with images of her newfound courage.

The alarm went off at six and Susan reluctantly got out of bed. She got ready for work as usual and everything went as normal until it was time to get dressed. Once again Susan caught sight of her newly shaved pussy. Her eyes grew wider when she slipped the overly skimpy thong over her slender hips. The small white triangle in front would never have covered her hair, she thought. Then she realized it was odd to be thinking that at this time. Turning around, she noticed how the string from the tiny patch at her waist disappeared between her ass cheeks.

Susan shuddered and did not think that she could wear the skimpy thong. Looking again at the image, she reluctantly decided that Kaz would certainly want to know if she did as he directed in his note. Somehow, she had to convince him that his blackmail was all a mistake and that he should leave her alone. Susan was extremely proud of her accomplishments as a professor at the college but now it was all in jeopardy. She thought about the loss of control during her phone conversation with her young student remembering how she let her guard down. Suddenly she felt determined to fight Kaz and overcome his insistent, perverted demands.

Time was running short so Susan turned and completed dressing for the day. Again she tormented over doing what Kaz ordered. All of a sudden she wondered how he was going to prove that she had obeyed? No, she should never have followed his directions but it was too late so she headed off to work.

The morning classes went smoothly but Susan felt that everyone knew she was wearing a thong. Every time she looked at one of her students, they seemed to be smiling with that, 'I know what you are wearing,' look. It took until part way through the second class before she could relax and forget about the burning material covering her private area.

Susan dreaded the last class before noon. Kaz was in that class and he entered in his usual casual manner. He met her deep, blue eyes sending a shiver of fear through her mind. Susan felt the sudden realization of his superior strength and masculinity. She felt small and tender under his stare and a small vibration went through her body at the thought of his mastery over her.

Somehow Susan got through the class. She was extremely relieved when the noon hour bell rang. Her shoulders slumped forward and she paused for a few moments in an attempt to gain a measure of control of her heightened emotions. Deciding to eat in her classroom, which was against the school's policy, she locked the door enjoying the time alone.

The afternoon went well and at last the final bell sounded. Susan gathered her books and belongings, and she headed to the door. Just as she reached the classroom exit, Kaz's stocky body filled the entry and he quickly grabbed the brass knob. Closing the door before Susan had time to react, he swiftly seized the opportunity. Grabbing her shoulders, he twisted her body so that her back was flat against the solid, wooden door.

Kaz held her firmly and looked directly into her eyes. "Now I want to see if my little slut did as she was told," he said. Without warning, he held her upper body with one hand. His other hand dropped to the hem of her skirt. Susan was petrified unable to move a muscle. She knew exactly what was about to happen but she remained her student's captive.

In one swift motion, Kaz reached under the hem of her skirt. He brought his hand up to Susan's crotch and there was a broad, confident smile on his face. Her breath caught and held, as she felt his hand close over her almost naked pelvis.

Still looking into her eyes, he said in a stern voice, "Open your legs... I want to feel your beautifully shaved pussy." His eyes told Susan that he meant what he said. Then he gave a little twist with his upper hand, which was on the front of Susan's blouse.

Like an obedient slave, Susan slowly spread her legs to allow his strong hand to slip between them. Instantly, his fingers lifted the small, silky patch and dove into the Promised Land below. The thong offered no protection and his skillful fingers instantly found the target. Pressing on the throbbing bud, he compressed it with determined passion.

Susan rolled her head back unable to look into his eyes any longer. She closed her eyes tightly, as his fingers suddenly squeezed her throbbing clitoris. There appeared to be abundant juices making it easy for Kaz to roll the clit around and around vigorously. She felt lust like never before and instantly felt a loss of control. Susan was dumbfounded at how turned-on she felt and how quickly he turned her stomach into a passion pit.

"I like my sluts wet and horny like you are right now," he whispered into her ear. "You have such a nice pussy and it feels so hot when it is shaved," he added and continued to caress Susan's love button. In a matter of seconds, she was soaring up the highest mountain.

"I have wanted you from the very first day of class... your sex body... your slutty body. Do you want me to fuck you?" he whispered. Susan almost fainted as his words echoed in her head. All she wanted to do was fall to the floor with her sexy student on top of her letting him make mad passionate love to her. She was so confused but her last remaining sanity screamed at her to fight. Susan vowed with strict determination to fight the urge to become his slut.

Suddenly, he removed his caressing fingers from Susan's soaked pussy. A small measure of relief washed over her allowing her to open her eyes. She noticed Kaz place his wet finger to his lips. With a smile, he slowly opened his mouth and pushed his fingers inside. She could see his tongue whip around the digits licking the coating off.

Then Kaz moved his hand downward. Again he immediately found the bald treasure between Susan's legs. Without being told, she spread her thighs to allow entry and his fingers surrounded the tender bud. Pinching and flicking it, he brought a deep moan of frustration from Susan's lips. She felt powerless to stop his advance and she shuddered with the dire thought that she did not want him to stop. Back and forth he caressed the throbbing clit and every few seconds, he would thrust his middle finger into the burning inferno.

Soon his fingers were coated with love juices. Kaz brought his hand up to Susan's face placing the very tip of his fingers within an inch of her lips. He waited while the aroma from her own sex drifted upward to her nostrils. Slowly but deliberately, Kaz barely touched her pouty lips.

Susan knew what he wanted. Slowly she opened her mouth. Instantly, Kaz penetrated the waiting cavity and his fingers lay over her tongue. A slight movement of his finger and she began sucking. Licking one finger at a time, Susan soon had all the juices cleaned from his fingers and she swallowed every ounce. A shudder passed through her body with the realization that her student was humiliating her to the nth degree. Kaz forced her to suck his fingers, which had just been inside her cunt.

Kaz's humiliation had the most profound affect on Susan. Her emotions soared to unbelievable levels with the feeling that an orgasm was imminent. She prayed Kaz would not touch her pussy again. Strong and determined as any woman, Susan knew her body was perilously close to collapse from the young man's unwavering assault. She considered any surrender to this monster would bring about total embarrassment. Her stomach fluttered as she attempted to regain a measure of control.

Suddenly Susan realized Kaz was talking and she hadn't heard a word. "You have been a very good girl... a good slut... I think you have the nicest ass. Would you like me to fuck your ass?" he asked giggling at the prospect. After a few seconds, Kaz demanded an answer. "Tell me what you are... tell me you are a slut and want me to fuck your slutty ass."

Nobody had ever talked so dirty and in such erotic terms to Susan. She had the sudden impulse to slap his filthy face but somehow she remained motionless falling prey to his every whim. Remaining silent from the first moment he took control told Kaz everything about Susan. He knew his teacher would do anything to buy his silence and prevent him from revealing the blackmail phone sex.

His stern reaction to her silence was premeditated. He twisted his fist into the soft fabric of her blouse and almost lifted Susan off the floor holding her against the door.

"No, no I have never done that sort of thing... it's filthy. Oh gawd Kaz, please don't do this to me... not here, not in the school," Susan responded in a low whisper. "I just can't do anything with you," she concluded.

She was so God Damn innocent and naïve for a woman who was 34 years old, Kaz thought. He thoroughly enjoyed tormenting Susan and seeing the anguish she was going through. "So what are you saying... you don't care if I put your phone orgasm all over the Internet... tell all the other teachers what a slut you are?"

All she could do was let out whimpers when he continued with her demise. Kaz swiftly moved his hand back to the control button and gave it one final squeeze. Pinching the throbbing meat between his strong, stubby fingers, he looked her in eyes. "We don't have time today but tomorrow... you're goin' to fuck me." Susan's stomach churned as he spoke. "I want to feel my hard cock inside your cunt... so beautifully shaved... and feel that tight virgin ass. You'd better run home tonight honey, and get hubby to fuck it or I'll be the first one, my love."

Susan shook, as Kaz finished talking. He finally pulled his soaked fingers from her crotch but the damage was already firmly planted in her mind. In a flash, he pushed her slender body away from the door and exited before she had any chance to respond. Closing the door after him, Susan slumped back against the door and fought to regain control of her senses. No man had ever made her feel so belittled yet she felt her sexual emotions rise beyond any point in her life. She was determined to get control of the situation and not let this vile student take any further liberties with her.

Her books and purse had fallen to the floor and she slowly picked them up. It was already well past quitting time so Susan rushed out to her car. Once inside the car, she hugged the steering wheel and her mind thought of ways to get out from under Kaz's spell. Reluctantly, Susan drove home with the fear of her husband finding out about Kaz but she felt relieved once in the sanctuary of her home.

Jay wasn't home yet so Susan rushed upstairs to have a quick shower. Susan felt degraded by what had happened but she hoped a nice hot shower would make her feel clean once again. She remembered the erotic feelings that consumed her body when she carried out the brazen task Kaz demanded. Trying not to touch her private parts, she finished washing and quickly got out of the shower. Susan felt the familiar tingling of lust deep inside and she did not want to succumb to it right now.

Everything went well the rest of the night and all was normal the next morning. Arriving at the college on time, Susan went directly to her classroom to get things ready for the day. A rustling noise behind her gave Susan a start and when she turned, Kaz was standing by her desk.

"I was watching your tight ass move around and I can hardly wait to feel it up against my hard cock," he said with a smug smile. Susan's immediate reaction was to scold him harshly but he stopped her dead in her tracks. "Remember you don't want anyone to find out about us do you?" Kaz asked. His words prevented any protest from escaping her lips and Susan gave a sign of defeat.

"You are going to feel my cock this afternoon and I want your sweet lips around it," he whispered. With that, he handed Susan a small bag and left without another word.

Susan was dumbfounded by his brazen attitude. She had never met anyone who had taken her for granted and her young student certainly did that. Slowly she sat down at her desk staring at the bag. Reluctantly, she opened it and there was a note on top of some clothes. With shaking fingers, she picked up the note and read.

"You will wear these clothes that I have carefully picked out for you. And remember, you will do exactly as you are told. You will wear these clothes and nothing else!" the note read. Hurriedly she continued, as class was due to start shortly. "Meet me in Kinsmen Park at 3 o'clock. Go to the picnic shelter which you can see from the parking lot," read his last instructions.

She quickly put the note away and placed the bag in a desk drawer. The rest of the day was a blur and Susan fretted about the afternoon rendezvous. Kaz must have known she had a spare the last class and she would be off early today, she thought.

The time arrived and Susan was alone. She slowly reached into the drawer hoping for the best. Taking out the bag, she removed the two pieces of clothing. Two! There must be a mistake and she looked franticly into the empty bag. Surely he can't be serious, she thought looking closely at the skirt and sweater. It was a pleated, black skirt almost like a uniform worn by some schoolgirls. The sweater was the correct size but it was very baggy with a swooping neck and large armholes. She shuddered just thinking of what she would look like in the outfit.

Not being able to think of a way out, Susan reluctantly headed for the washroom closest to the parking lot. Maybe she could change and exit the building to her car without anyone seeing her, she thought. Once inside the restroom stall, Susan slowly removed her clothing and donned the skirt and sweater. 'Oh no,' she thought. 'I've never gone anywhere without underwear." It surely felt strange but she bit her lip in an effort to put the humiliation out of her head.

On her way out, Susan caught her reflection in the mirror. She shook with fright seeing that she looked like a little schoolgirl and her mind played tricks on her. She was positive people could tell that she wasn't wearing panties or a bra. Turning sideways, she noticed that her bare breast was exposed through the large armhole if she raised her arm just slightly. She made a mental note to be careful of the fact.

Susan brushed the sweater down in front giving the bottom a little tug in an attempt to make it longer. She assumed it would suffice even though it didn't quite reach her waist leaving her bare tummy exposed.

Pleats made the skirt flare out giving her a youthful look. It was not a garment she would normally wear, as it resembled something from the 70's. The skirt was way too short but she shrugged realizing that she did not have a choice. Susan preferred skirts or dresses that were knee length that didn't show off her shapely legs, as she did not think it proper for professors to dress in a sexy manner.

Susan almost ran out to her car thankful that she did not run into anyone on the way. She breathed a sign of relief once she got behind the wheel and tried to relax for a minute. Looking down, she saw that the skirt rode all the way up her thigh. In a sudden show of bravery, she raised the hem for a quick peak. Her heart quickened seeing her shaved pussy and she even spread her legs enough to see that her ruby lips were glistening with moisture.

Ashamed and feeling guilty, Susan quickly covered herself, as best she could, and started the Mustang. Her heart was certainly beating much faster than normal and it felt extremely hot for the time of day. She started driving and soon came to the park with a strong desire to rush away from the intended rendezvous. Maybe she could meet Kaz and reason with him, she thought. 'Yes,' she whispered, 'I'll plead like never before and maybe, just maybe he'll feel sorry for me.' It was true that nobody must ever find out about what she had done, but also, she didn't want to succumb to Kaz's demands.

Seeing the shelter Kaz had mentioned, Susan had to work up the courage to go forward. She parked and headed to meet her young student. The picnic shelter had sides that were about four feet high with an opening between the top of the sides and roof. Susan couldn't see inside from a distance and slowly walked up to the doorway, hoping Kaz would not be inside.

At the doorway, her heart stopped for a second, as she saw Kaz sitting on top of a picnic table. He smiled at her and Susan was mad at herself for not remaining steadfast, as she felt her tummy quiver in anticipation. Suddenly Susan felt totally controlled by this boy and her feet started moving in his direction.

Kaz knew she was reluctant and hesitant about being there. She would certainly put up a fight to stop him from assaulting her body, he assumed. Seeing her sexy body clothed in the provocative schoolgirl outfit made his heart skip a few beats. He knew seducing Susan would be worth any risk, as she was such a well, refined woman.

As Susan got closer, Kaz stood up and quickly put his arms around her pulling her tight to his rugged body. "I knew you would come... you want my hard cock and by God I can hardly wait to fuck your ass," he whispered. "You are going to be my loving slut... now let's see if you dressed as instructed," he said holding his face next to Susan.