Stranger Than Truth Ch. 08


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"Giggy does this on a regular basis?" she wondered.

When the last preparation had been completed, Rachael walked out and zipped up the gloves. Valerie looked up with tear filled eyes. The look on Rachael's face told Val that she should not speak right now. Several moments passed as the two, dominant and submissive, looked at one another.

"Valerie, you're a dog right now. Dogs don't speak, they whine and bark. Will you be a good dog for me?"

Valerie moaned in despair. She nodded her head, only to have it grabbed by Rachael.

"Dogs don't nod their heads. They wag their tails when they're agreeable."

Valerie didn't think she could have been embarrassed any worse, but now she felt just that. She wiggled her ass, causing the tail in her butt to wag back and forth.

"Good girl." Rachael unclipped the chain and clipped the leash. "Come on Valerie, we're going for walkies."

Rachael led Valerie on a walk about the yard. The pace wasn't too fast and even on all fours, Valerie was able to keep up. The gloves and knee pads protected her knees and hands from the occasional rock or section of concrete that they traveled over. Every once in a while, Rachael would reach down and scratch the ears or pet Val's back, muttering how good a girl she was. Rachael seemed to be extremely patient, the walk lasting for just over an hour. Rachael then clipped Val back on the chain and went inside.

When Rachael came out, she was carrying a dog's food dish. She set it in front of Valerie.

"Here you go, Valerie. Eat your breakfast."

The dish was the normal two compartment type, one for water and one for food. There was some sort of meaty food, covered in a gravy in the food side. Valerie felt her stomach try to rise at the though of eating dog food. She looked up at Rachael with pleading eyes and whined.

"Don't give me that, you bad dog. I'm not changing food for you again. You will eat what I've given you."

The harsh words were accompanied by a harsh smile. Valerie could see that Rachael was truly enjoying what she was doing. Knowing that the only way out was to use her safe word, Val bent her head down and sniffed at the food. It smelled much like beef and gravy. She started to pull her head up again, when Rachael's hand pushed her face into the bowl. Cold gravy smeared her face.

"I said eat!"

Tears flowing freely, Valerie opened her mouth and took a bite. The cold piece of meat was hard to chew, but the taste was not totally revolting (the cold was worse than the taste). Slowly, Valerie consumed the entire can, she assumed, of dog food. The water was a relief, something she could wash the taste out with and rinse the gravy off her face with.

"Very good, Valerie. I'm so proud of you. Let's play."

With that, Rachael went back inside and came out with a plastic bone. She unclipped the chain again and gave the bone a toss. Valerie did not need a command to know what to do and she moved after it, picking it up with her teeth. When she turned around to bring it back, she heard the click at the same time she saw the flash. Rachael had just taken her picture!

The shame that had started to fade returned with a vengeance as she realized that others would see her like this. Valerie wondered if Rachael had taken any pictures of her eating the dog food. The morning went on like this, Valerie acting the part of a dog in any number of ways while Rachael was the strict, yet attentive owner. Valerie felt a twinge of pressure in her bowels and looked up in alarm.

Valerie rubbed her head against Rachael's leg, getting her attention.

"What is it girl?"

Valerie made a squatting motion and tried to mimic crossing her legs.

"Oh, you need to go potty. Well, over here girl."

Rachael, to Valerie's horror, led her by the leash to a corner of the yard and pulled the butt plug out. Valerie looked up, shaking her head.

"Valerie, I'm not going to let you crap in the living room floor. Do your duty right here. I don't want to have to wait all day."

Valerie was sobbing. With the plug out, she was struggling to keep from soiling herself. She looked up, pleading with her eyes. Rachael crouched down.

"Valerie, you're a dog. Dogs shit outside. Do you understand?" Rachael's face was hard, showing no emotion. She met Valerie's eyes and held them with her own.

Valerie could not make herself do it. "Red light," she whispered.

Immediately, Rachael released the chains holding her legs bent.

"Can you make it to the bathroom?"

"I think so. I just couldn't do it, Rach, I just couldn't."

"I know, it's okay. I expected you to red light at this."

Rachael helped Valerie to the bathroom, setting her down with seconds to spare. Valerie was embarrassed to have Rachael watch her on the toilet, but found her relief at not having to go like a dog more than compensating. The gloves were removed while she sat there. Once finished, Rachael led her to the front room and removed the rest of the dog costume.

"Does Giggy do this often?"

"Yes, at least once a week. I've had her as a dog for a full day, including sleeping in the dog house. I want more from you, Valerie."

"I'm yours Mistress. What do you wish?"

"Come with me."

Rachael led Valerie to her bedroom. The room practically screamed, "dominant." The bed was an old fashioned brass bed and had leather straps attached to the metal frame in several places, allowing for any number of bondage positions. In one corner, ropes hung from the ceiling with clips at the ends. There were two dressers, the one Rachael went to seemed to have nothing but toys. Rachael was pulling out several items, all of which looked like some form of restraint.

"Our employee discount is very nice, including the chance to field test something new in exchange for a review of the item. I certainly couldn't afford all this on my salary alone. Come over to the bed, Valerie."

Valerie walked over to where Rachael had pointed. With her armful of devices, Rachael joined her. Motioning Val to turn around, Rachael brought Valerie's arms behind her, arranging them wrist to elbow, then wrapping leather straps to bind the two forearms together. Valerie flexed her arms, sighing contentedly when she couldn't pull loose.

"So, you like being bound?"

"Yes, Mistress, it's very erotic and makes me feel safe."

"Has Charles put you in his iron maiden?"

"Yes, on the night before national nude day. It was somewhat frightening."

"I can imagine. Giggy loves that thing. I'd like to get one myself, but they have to be custom made; way out of my budget. Bring your legs closer together."

Valerie did so and watched Rachael attach a short hobble chain between her ankle cuffs. Additional cuffs were fastened just above her knees and a shorter chain linked them.

"Try to walk."

Valerie found that she could walk, as long as she didn't try to take steps longer than a shuffle. "Mistress, I won't be able to handle stairs very well."

"You're right. You'll just have to trust me. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Mistress. Are we going out?"

"No questions."

A hood was slipped over Valerie's head. This hood had a zippered opening for her mouth and no eye holes. The mouth was currently closed. The nose was open, in fact more open than other hoods Val had been in. Valerie's hair was pulled through a hole in the back. She felt a garment of some sort pulled over her body. She thought it was some type of dress (it was), but it had to be pulled down with some force, as it was a very tight fit. By the time the hem had reached her feet, Valerie realized that it was so tight around her legs that her steps would be even shorter than the hobble chains forced on her. The last items were shoes, from the feel of them, high heels, very high heels.

"Valerie, can you speak?

Valerie's muffled, yet clear voice replied with, "Yes, Mistress."

Valerie heard the snap of a leach being attached to her collar. A tug started her moving, her steps very short, through the house. Rachael once again demonstrated how patient she was capable of being. They seemed to wander the house for an inordinate length of time as Valerie became used to walking in the heels, hobbles and hobble dress she was wearing.

"Valerie, until I say otherwise, no speaking, not even to answer a question. We're going out. Just follow the leash signals like you did in the house. Do you understand?" While she spoke, Rachael put Val's coat over her shoulders and buttoned it up.

Valerie nodded her head, thinking that she would never be able to handle the steps outside. She followed Rachael out to the porch, stopping when Rachael indicated she should. Several seconds later, the leash tugged and Val, suspecting what was coming, stepped forward onto thin air. With a shriek, Valerie toppled off the steps to find herself in the arms of Rachael, unhurt.

"Very good, I'm proud of you. I will not let you be hurt, Valerie. I will frighten you, but you will come through this outing unscathed."

Valerie was back on her feet and led to the car. Rachael buckled her in the back seat, much to Valerie's relief (Rachael had tinted windows), and drove away. The hood was hot and Val started sweating, drops of salty liquid running into her eyes and lips. The drive seemed to last forever, though it was only 30 minutes. The car stopped, the engine silent and shortly, Rachael opened Val's door.

"Remember, no talking at all. I can't stress how unhappy I will be if you make even a sound."

Valerie nodded her head while Rachael undid her seat belt. The leash was attached again and Valerie was following with her short steps, this time with no coat on. There was a gentle incline (a wheel chair ramp) and then they stopped. Rachael rang a doorbell and several seconds later the door opened.

"Rachael, dahling!" The deep southern accent grated on Valerie's nerves. "So this is your new toy. It looks so lovely, dahling."

"Doesn't it though. I've already had so much fun with it. I'm so looking forward to showing it off to the girls."

"Well, don't just stand there, come on in, dahling. You're the first to arrive. Oh my, look at that." A hand touched Valerie's pussy, causing her to jump slightly. "It's wet! I do believe it likes being a toy."

"Steph, I do believe you're right." Another hand touched her. "It tastes so lovely as well."

"Dahling, you just have to let the girls have a taste. It would make an excellent addition to the hors d'oeuvres."

"So the plans for the party are still on?"

"Of course, dahling, y'all are going to simply love what I've planned. Come on, I'll show you the play room."

Tears formed under the hood as Valerie struggled with accepting being referred to as an object. It was this that made submitting to Rachael so hard, yet so fulfilling in the long run. She knew that her Misress for the day was in heaven, having a living thing to play with and Val took heart in that knowledge, subsuming herself in the pleasure of her Mistress. Valerie followed Rachael's lead, listening to the two women talk about nothing of seeming importance. After passing through a doorway, Valerie heard the sounds of moaning nearby. Then her nose detected the smell of sweat and sex.

"Stephanie! I love what you've done with her. That's a beautiful pose. How long can she keep it up?"

"Oh, Clarice can stay like that for hours."

The two women were referring to Stephanie's slave, Clarice. She was bound to a set of uneven parallel bars, one bar two feet above the ground and the other four feet up and two feet away from the first. Intricate rope work bound Clarice's feet to the lower bars, legs spread four feet apart. She was bent over the upper bar at the small of her back and lashed there. Her hands were linked to the support to the upper bar by lengths of rope. She was blindfolded, but not gagged. Below her were several stair steppers.

"The steps are a nice touch. She should be able to please anyone."

"That's the plan dahling. Clarice, how are you holding up?"

"I'm thirsty, Mistress, other than that, I'm fine. Will you be playing with me today?"

"Of course, of course, and not just me. You're the main entertainment. I've got all the floggers and whips freshly oiled. Doesn't that sound mahvalous?"

"Yes, Mistress." Clarice's voice was heavy with desire and Valerie knew she was hearing a pain slut anticipating a hard day's play. Under her hood, Valerie smiled, thinking how much Surmi would love to be here.

"Clarice is such a doll." Stephanie let her slave drink from a sport's bottle.

"Do you mind if I give her a little taste?"

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea." Just then the doorbell rang again. "Go ahead and make my little slave happy while I greet my next guest."

Stephanie walked away Rachael as went over to the bound slave. Her hands reached out and grasped Clarice's nipples, squeezing hard.

"Oh yes! Please, more, harder."

Rachael smiled, watching Clarice's cunt moisten while she squeezed harder, bringing her finger nails against the nipples.

"Do you have permission to cum?"

"No!" she gasped, the pain momentarily stealing her voice.

"Then you're in for a hard day, aren't you?"

"Yes! Oh, that hurts so much."

"Shall I stop?"

"No, please, don't."

"Rachael, you little slut!" came a loud voice from the doorway. "Can't you wait until the party starts?"

"What's the fun in that?" Rachael let go the nipples she was squeezing, Clarice moaning in disappointment. "Heather, this is my new toy. I call it Valerie."

"I was wondering what the new piece was? Will we be playing with it as well?"

"Not exactly, though we do have plans for it. It's to receive no pain and no pleasure today."

Heather nodded knowingly. "One of those games, eh?"

Rachael nodded with an evil grin. Valerie felt another hand at her cunt.

"Here, have a taste."

"Mmmm. Simply delightful. You will be sharing, right?"

"Of course, it would be horribly rude of me to hog all this for myself. In fact, I should probably get it set up in the sitting room. Come with me Valerie."

The leash tugged and Valerie followed. The trip was short. When she stopped, Valerie felt the dress being removed. Her arms were unstrapped and she was prompted to lie back on a table, one with a glass top. The table stood three feet above the ground with four legs. Valerie was surprised when her limbs were not tied to the table legs. Instead her arms were stretched out at the shoulder with elbows bent back so that her wrists were against her side, hands pointing back out. Similarly, her legs were splayed with her knees out to the side and her feet together at the base of her ass. Ropes pulled her legs flat, forcing them to stay in place.

"Valerie, we're going to place some things on you. If they fall or spill, I will be very unhappy with you. Do you understand?"

Valerie nodded her head, wondering just what was going to happen.

"Rach dear, no threat of punishment? Where's the fun in that?"

"Sandra, I don't need to threaten anything. The simple knowledge that she's failed will be plenty, isn't that right Valerie?" Valerie nodded her head. "In fact, a punishment would ease her suffering if she were to fail me, isn't that right?" Valerie nodded again, knowing what Rachael said was true; a failure without being punished for it would mortify her.

"Oh, I'm going to love to watch this one fail."

"Don't get your hopes up. This toy is the most submissive thing I've ever encountered. It begged me for a no pleasure day to really feel it's place. So far, it has been perfectly pleasing."

"We'll see, we'll see."

There was sounds of movement as people moved away in response to Stephanie's call for play time. A few minutes later, Rachael returned alone.

"Valerie, Sandra's going to do her best to cause you to fail. Just remember, you have only two orders right now; don't speak and don't spill anything we put on you. I won't let her pleasure you or give you pain, but anything else she does is fair game. Are you up for this?"

Valerie nodded and shook her head, not sure what to answer.

"I know, this is hard. I know how much you struggle with objectification." Rachael's hand stroked Valerie's tummy. "I wouldn't do this if I didn't think you were up to it. Make me proud, girl."

Valerie nodded her head, wishing she could see Rachael's eyes for reassurance. She felt like she was alone for quite some time, though there was someone in the room with her, watching for signs of distress. In the play room, Clarice was in heaven, a very painful heaven. One of the visiting dominants was standing at her head, pussy over Clarice's mouth while two others took turns whipping her breasts with straps. Tears were running from under the blindfold as Clarice licked the cunt at her mouth, delving her tongue deep into the folds.

Stephanie approached Clarice's spread legs, cat in hand. Clarice's glistening pussy was open and inviting. Stephanie brought the cat down on the soft, exposed tissues with a light stroke. Clarice screamed into the cunt she was pleasuring, the vibrations of her voice sending the woman into an orgasm. Clarice's head was squeezed as the climaxing woman clenched in ecstasy. Another stroke of the cat brought another scream and the orgasm continued. When the third cat strike hit, Clarice's entire body tensed in pain. Stephanie actually watched the lower bar bend a little at the force of Clarice's pull. The assembled dominants watched in awe as the woman whose orgasm finished stepped back to reveal the smiling face of the bound pain slut.

Through her tears, gasping in pain, Clarice asked, "More please, Mistress. May I have more?"

Rachael, holding two clover clamps, stepped up to place her pussy at Clarice's mouth. She bent over and attached the clamps, pulling on the short chains as she stood erect again. Clarice moaned in pain and started licking at Rachael's cunt. Two other dominants picked up single tails (more like switches) and started using them on Clarice's inner legs. While Clarice was licking at her, Rachael rubbed her pussy over the slut's face, smearing copious quantities of pussy juice on her. The sensation of Clarice's groans and yelps against her sex drove Rachael crazy. As she was sent to erotic heights, she pulled harder at the clamps, increasing the sensations in a lurid type of feedback. When Rachael's orgasm hit, she jerked her hands up, snapping the clamps off Clarice's tits. The intense pain caused by the violent removal caused Clarice to scream loud enough for Valerie to hear it in the room across the hall.

Valerie was now being adorned with platters of snacks carried in by the submissives of the visiting dominants. She didn't recognize what they were, but knew she had to be perfectly still, as some were obviously perched in a less than fully stable way. It was the smells that eventually told her what was on her. Pungent cheeses, aromatic fruits and the warm aroma of chocolate. Curiously, her pussy was left bare and she had a good suspicion as to the reason.

Every once in a while, someone would stroke her cunt lips briefly, just enough to entice moisture out of her, but not enough to bring her any pleasure. Her suspicions were confirmed half an hour later when the women came in to enjoy the snack buffet that was Valerie. Repeatedly, something was dipped into Valerie's cunt, followed by comments on how splendid the "dip" was. Valerie was grateful for the tight bondage on her arms and legs, relieving her of the need to try to hold them still. After a dozen or so dips into her honey pot, as one woman insisted on calling her cunt, someone dipped something into her and started caressing her pussy lips with it. Valerie stifled a gasp as her body responded.

"Sandra! I think I made it clear, no pleasure, no pain. I expect to have my property respected."

"Rach, dear, you're such a spoil sport. How can I get her to disobey you if I can't hurt her or have her writhing with need?"