Mrs. Wentworth and a Useful Lesson


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Janine had arranged things so I was right next to her around a small circle table. She reached next to me and put her hand on my knee. Then she said loudly, "He seems very hungry. I hope he doesn't just eat cookies." Mrs. Wentworth didn't react but she glared at her again.

Janie said, "I'm glad everyone came. I hate to just drink alone. Tea, I mean. Now that everyone is here we can have martinis. Help yourself to the pitcher on the table. No one wants just one do they? Now, dear sweet Doris, please tell us all about how you've been corrupting your delicious young man today." I sort of liked being called delicious and she looked at me almost like I was a steak she was going to eat.

On the other hand, Mrs. Wentworth took things differently. She did help herself to another martini. But she was getting more annoyed with Janine. Or maybe embarrassed. "Janine, please! We're all happy to be here but you give Stephen such a bad idea of how respectable ladies behave. We've done nothing of the kind. I expanded Stephen's cultural education at the opera last night and he accompanied me on some shopping today. Then we joined the two of you for tea. It's all very respectable."

Janine rolled her eyes. "Doris, could you be more boring? Opera and shopping aren't exactly the wild life kids are hoping for. You could have at least stayed out all night at downtown bars or slept in the park. Did you at least buy something fun? I'm surprised our young stud didn't fall asleep last night or today." Then she reached over again and squeezed with a hand in my lap and on my thigh.

I stayed calm and had another cookie but Mrs. Wentworth got defensive. "Stayed out all night indeed! We went home and got a good night's sleep."

She was lying. Not that it mattered but she tried not to look at me before she continued. "Then this morning we went to a few stores and bought a few things I needed and some groceries." I guess she didn't want to talk about where we went which was okay with me but I didn't know why she didn't want to say.

Janine turned to me. "Stephen, I'm sorry. Opera wouldn't be on my list. I'd take you to a motel and spend the afternoon giving you a completely different education. In fact my husband won't be home for an hour. We could ditch these two and go upstairs so I can give you some private lessons unless you think we should have Kimmie join us for a threesome?" She grinned.

I knew she was teasing but Kimmie just giggled while Mrs. Wentworth yelled at her. "Janine! Honestly, stop it. You're just trying to shock us now." They were sort of mad at each other but not completely. It seemed like it was a kind of teasing they were used to. And they soon started talking about something else as if nothing had happened. But I was daydreaming about what they said and trying not to look like I was picturing the whole thing in my head.

They kept talking and I stared at each woman one after another. It was fun being there with them even though this was kind of boring. Janine was very flirty and it annoyed Mrs. Wentworth. I think she noticed each time Janine reached over and patted my leg. She did it a lot. I think Janine was teasing me on purpose. And each time she talked to me, which was only a few times, she turned in my direction and did it. The last two times she actually reached over and grabbed the bulge in my pants and squeezed. Mrs. Wentworth glared each time and on the last time actually hissed angrily at her. I guess that stopped it.

Janine was drunk I think. She'd had three martinis which is a lot and I was sure she'd had a drink before we got there. Mrs. Wentworth had three too but she didn't have anything first and she was still a little on the drunk side.

Janine's dress was the kind that wraps around and ties. It makes great cleavage but also when you sit you can play with and expose lots of leg like Janine did. In fact, she exposed a lot more. She moved a leg outside the chair and pushed the bottom of the dress up pretty high. I know she did it on purpose because she looked at me and smiled and looked down so I could see she was showing me her panties. They were very blue and had lots of lace trim. I had to look.

Mrs. Wentworth was real mad and Janine seemed to be trying to make her madder. Suddenly she grinned and said, "Doris, you said something about shopping. I think I bought more fun things than you did. The new undies I bought are probably better than whatever you are wearing. Let me show you." Then she stood up and untied her dress and unwrapped herself. The bra matched her panties and she was definitely right about looking good. Then she walked over and showed herself to me but talked to Mrs. Wentworth even though she was looking at me. "Doris, maybe we should all open our dresses and see whose underwear your delicious pupil likes best?" Then she leaned in and her breasts were six inches from my head. "Does Stevie want to judge all his lady friends? Hmmmm?"

I think I was smart to be quiet. Mrs. Wentworth was up and over and pushed Janine back. She seemed pretty mad. "Sit down you drunken bitch and stop it. You're just trying to make me angry and it won't work."

Then Janine, who really was trying to make her mad and had succeeded, just giggled and said, "Doris, my love, I don't want you to be mad. I just want Stephen on his knees to eat me. But if you want to lick instead, I don't mind." And then she just started laughing.

Mrs. Wentworth didn't react how I thought. That didn't make her mad anymore. She just turned and said "We should leave, Stephen. I think Janine needs some alone time. Why don't you thank Janine for the tea and we'll be on our way."

I thought would create another fight but it didn't. We just got up and I said thank you and Mrs. Wentworth said "Thank you Janine. We'll have to do this again soon. Oh, why don't we give Kim a ride, she's had as much as I did."

With that, we all moved to the door and it was like nothing had happened. Janine had completely removed her dress but hugged both Mrs. Wentworth and Kim like friends. Then she grabbed me and kissed me very hard rubbing her half naked body against me. She let go and whispered in my ear "next time we fuck." Then she smiled and we all left.

We got in the car with me driving. The others had had a few too many. That's why we were driving Kim home. She actually lived nearby and we dropped her at her house. Mrs. Wentworth walked her to her door and they talked for about a minute before she came back. Then Mrs. Wentworth got in and we headed home. I waited a few minutes and nothing was said so I jumped in. "So, what was that all about? It was kind of a weird afternoon, huh?"

Mrs. Wentworth sighed and then looked at me while she thought about what to say. "Stephen, you're such a good sport to put up with all of us. Janine must have been shocking to you."

I knew I should have been shocked I guess but I wasn't really. In fact, it kind of turned me on but I knew enough not to say that.

"Mrs. Wentworth, I wasn't shocked at all. I mean I have friends who are a lot like that so no big deal. I just wasn't sure how everything went and how we knew when to leave and stuff like that."

Mrs. Wentworth smiled and said "you have friends like Janine? A lot of the girls you know tease you, grab your crotch, invite you to get on your knees and take their dresses off? Maybe you lead a more exciting life than I think Stevie dear."

I knew she was kidding but I couldn't help being embarrassed. "No, I didn't mean that. I don't know a lot of girls who are into anything really. But, you know, some people do stuff and talk certain ways. I just mean I was cool with it."

She reached over and patted me on the knee and laughed a little. "Yes, of course. Actually, sweetie, Janine has always been a little wild and likes to get crazy sometimes. She also likes to drink and that makes her crazier. I could tell you stories about when she and Kim and I were all younger. Never mind though. I was a little worried that she was might have been a little bit serious about trying to seduce you. But most of it was just to try to make me angry. She has always liked to tease me for fun. There was a time in college when, well never mind. I knew it was time to go."

Then Mrs. Wentworth got less serious and playfully slapped my arm. "Not that you seemed to complain when one of my best friends was almost naked and throwing herself at you. Maybe that's what you like, dear. You like to have all your women strip to their underwear and drape themselves on you." She was laughing but made it sound like a crazy movie script.

I just laughed too and said "no, no. I don't like that. I mean that isn't what I was thinking. I mean it hasn't happened before. She's your friend and I was being polite." She laughed and smiled at me.

By then we were home and she let me hold the door open for her before she got out. It was a little like I was her driver and a little like I was her date. But while she opened the front door, I got most of the bags and the little suitcase from the trunk and brought them in. She took two of the bags and asked me to take the others up to her room.

I took everything up. Since she was downstairs and I had a few seconds, I took a minute or two and looked at the silky bed sheets and then at her dresser. I looked inside it but then decided to just head back down.

She was on the couch and had opened a bottle of wine. "Come to me sweetie. We're going to have a lazy evening and drink too much wine. There's a tray of little appetizers I'm reheating in the oven just to give us something to bite. Now come here."

I went and sat by her. It was awesome. She and I drinking wine, relaxing on the couch and just hanging out with each other like there wasn't anyone else she wanted to be with. Ten minutes later the oven bell went off and I got up and put the appetizers on a plate. There were a lot and I brought them over.

But as I was setting them down, she asked one of her questions again. "Stevie, darling, I am wondering something. You can tell me honestly, Stevie. Janie said you should eat her and I wondered if you had ever done that before? Now before you fly off the handle, this is just private talk between friends. I know a lot of men don't and I think you probably never have, have you?"

I just stared at her for a really long time. Sometimes, she seemed crazy. Did she want to embarrass me? I mean it was really personal and not the thing you ask. I guess she was a little drunk. Maybe that was it. Of course I hadn't. I wanted to but I didn't ever have a girlfriend where that was possible. I just wasn't experienced so I admitted it. "Yeah, well I haven't exactly done that. I mean I don't really remember every date I ever had but I think I probably didn't get around to that."

She giggled. "You'd remember my cutie. I guess a man never really does that right away. He needs some help."

But then she was looking thoughtful and sort of far away in thought. "A man learns when someone shows him. A teacher is what a man needs. He needs someone who, for his own good, shows him what to do. A good teacher does that." She didn't seem like she was talking to me. It was more like she was just talking and I happened to be there. She wasn't even looking at me.

I didn't want to keep talking about not being experienced so I dropped it. She kept drinking wine and I was drinking the glass she gave me and eating a lot of the things she made. It wasn't dinner but I wasn't super hungry anyway.

She pulled off both her shoes and stretched out her legs which I almost had to stare at. I liked her legs a lot. She could probably figure that out too. But pretty quickly she got up and said "be right back." I heard her go upstairs and knew she would change.

She came back down wearing a nice silk robe but it was long. I liked her short ones better but I guess the leg show was over. She sat down and started flipping TV channels. Finally she stopped and shut the TV off.

She took a very big drink of wine and then turned to me. "Stevie, I know we're friends now and your mommy told you to help me when I need it. You've been a wonderful helper but I can't forget that I was and I still am your teacher. And I'm also really embarrassed about what happened today with Janine. But I have a solution. Stevie, sweetheart, will you trust me?"

She looked so serious and so concerned, I didn't know what to say. But of course I trusted her. "Mrs. Wentworth, of course I trust you a lot and I know that I have learned a lot just talking to you so whatever you say is okay with me."

That made her happy, I guess. She then turned on the couch and whispered. I don't know why she was whispering. No one was watching but maybe she was nervous. She put her feet up and bent her knees and parted her legs. I could see a pair of white silk panties covering her as her legs got wider. All I could do was look at them in awe. She didn't mind.

"Stevie, darling, we're going to begin a lesson. This is just a lesson. It's perfectly clinical, that's all. Intimacy like this would often happen when your partner was not clothed but I'll leave these very thin, sheer panties on so you know we're just studying and learning. Now I want you to bend over and gently kiss my thigh near the panties leg hole. This is how a man starts to orally please his partner."

I didn't believe this was happening and I didn't speak because I was afraid I would mess things up. I just followed.

I leaned in and kissed and licked gently all the way to the edge of her panties. I liked the way she smelled. Her smell was very strong and like a unique kind of perfume.

By this point she had both hands on my hand caressing the back of my head but one was gently pulling me up further. "Now place small kisses up and down the front of the panties. Yessss, just like that. Now stop up here and spend a few minutes kissing." Her panties were soft and a little wet but just a little.

Her legs were a little wider and her speaking voice was breathier, like she was having a little trouble with her breath. "Stevie, that's a woman's clitoris. Sometimes it's easier to notice a woman's clitoris when I'm excited. It's very sensitive even through my panties so be gentle but your partner will like the attention you pay here."

I was trying to follow her instructions carefully but it also made sense just to kiss and lick gently and make sure she was responding. I knew she was teaching me but I thought that getting a real response would happen if I was doing it right.

She wasn't talking as much as when we started and her hands on my head were holding it tight, almost pulling my hair. Her body didn't stay still which made it harder but I think it was because she was having fun too. Sometimes she would talk between gritted teeth: "yes, Stephen, OH, right, yes that's what I meant." Other times, she wasn't very specific: "yes, oh yes, thats a good idea."

She had loosened her grip and I lifted my head to just look a bit and her back was arched backward which made it hard for her to see what I was doing. Also her eyes were closed but I think she could feel it.

Her panties were even wetter which I could feel on my chin. It was then that I figured out that arousal makes a woman sometimes get wet. Mrs. Wentworth wasn't really speaking anymore, just making noises and moving around.

Suddenly, I felt her body shaking and her legs twitching and heard a muffled sound from her head but I didn't want to stop tasting her. It wasn't long after that though that she pulled on my head and pulled me off her and slid me up so I wasn't doing it anymore.

She held my head and seemed to be catching her breath. I was pretty sure she had an orgasm even though she was just teaching me. Actually her orgasm made me feel better than almost any part of it. I got a lot of pleasure inside just from knowing that I had caused an orgasm in her no matter why it happened.

After a while, she moved back to her old position and sat back up on the couch. I figured she would have to go upstairs and change again but she didn't leave.

A few minutes later, she didn't look at me became all teacher-voiced again and said, "anyway, so you can see that if you happen to be with a woman sometimes and she has some interest in something like that you'll know what to do. You can see why it was very naughty of Janine to suggest something like that today. I don't know what she was thinking."

I wasn't sure what would happen next so I just said, "Yes, it was very surprising and not right of her to ask that."

I wanted to be grateful but wasn't sure what to say exactly so I added, "Um, thank you for the lesson for me though." I wasn't sure what to say next because I wanted her to know how much I enjoyed doing it for her but not if she would think that was weird.

She finally turned to me and smiled and said "you're just the sweetest young man, aren't you?" And then she leaned over and kissed me. It was nice. Not too quick either which was sort of funny because I bet my mouth kind of tasted different because of where it had just been.

I stayed pretty hard the rest of the night but all we did was talk about other stuff, finish the wine, and the appetizers. She kissed me goodnight, got up, walked into the laundry room for a second and then to bed. "Night night sweetie."

It wasn't late but I was actually pretty tired. I walked by the laundry room too about fifteen minutes later. I went in and found she had left the panties she was just wearing on the top of a hamper in there. I could tell because it was open and they sort of hung on the edge. I couldn;t help myself and grabbed them. They were still wet, obviously. I wasn't about to jack off in the laundry room so I slipped them in my pocket and went upstairs.

Mrs. Wentworth's door was open because she has that open door policy, as she calls it. I put my head in and said good night. She was already in bed and said "night night, Stevie. Thanks you for taking care of me today. I hope you get to sleep easily."

I changed pretty quick and got under the covers and masturbated right away. The panties were my inspiration. The open door rule made me be nice and quiet as much as I could so she didn't hear. But I came pretty fast and the panties reminded me of the new amazing that happened and all the amazing things that had happened all day. It was a wild day and I fell asleep smiling and looking forward to the next day.

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imready4xxximready4xxxabout 5 years ago

Need more of Mrs. Wentworth!!!!!!!! Excellent reads!!

TSreaderTSreaderover 8 years ago
Another fun chapter!

Sexy is well explained throughout!

qequsqequsover 10 years ago
nice :)

thank you for your mail (i know it was long time ago) but now when there are more than just one part updated after 'opera' i can start to read. This one i enjoy as much as 1-4 and im going straight to 5th ! :p

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great writing.........

great story, but after all of those installments, they still aren't making love, he can't even eat her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
When does the next one come out?

Awesome story. Looking forward to next one.

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