Soldier Doll Ch. 03


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Now that they had the job situation ironed out, they could turn their full attention to their wedding. Louise and Jane had already picked out her dress, and two of her friends from medical school had been roped in as bridesmaids. Dylan had no best man; he had no school friends close enough to ask, and had even briefly toyed with the idea of asking Jane to be his best man, but when he realised how much she was looking forward to sitting on the bride's side and crying, he ditched that idea. Harry was giving Louise away, and Dylan was running out of ideas when Mike Bruce called him and asked to meet in a pub in Porthmadog, The Royal Madoc Hotel. When Dylan got there, Mike was there with a face from the past; formerly Captain, now Major, 'Johnny' Walker, 16th Air Assault Brigade.

"Dyl, I think we've solved your best man problem!" grinned Mike Bruce, his eyes dancing as Dylan wondered how the hell he even knew there'd been a problem. Mike put him out of his misery.

"Louise told me; she said you were slowly going loopy looking for a best man, and as most of your friends would be struck dead or turned into a pillar of salt if they walked into a church, I thought I'd ask a mutual friend on your behalf, someone who hasn't been inventively sinning in most of the world's fleshpots, and voilà!"

Mike, Dylan and Johnny talked over a few beers, mostly about old times, Johnny all ears to find out what life had been like for Dylan after being invalided out of the SAS. Dylan was in turn pleased that his old friend and former unit commander was advancing, and was on track to make Lt. Colonel after four successful tours in Afghanistan. When they'd finished their beers Dylan's mind was made up, and when he asked him, of course Johnny agreed to be his best man. Dylan breathed a sigh of relief; now, at last, all their preparations were complete; show-time!


The wedding was a success; nearly all of the boys from Jeddah had managed to attend, although they were suspiciously absent from the church service; Louise was of the opinion that they'd decided not to tempt fate, seeing as they'd misbehaved with gusto and imagination in just about every sleaze den west of Suez, but they made up for it at the reception, where their hulking presence made sure the festivities didn't get too boisterous. Dylan had to grin when he saw Jane being squired around the dance floor by Harry 'Stiletto' Harkness, ex-Green Beret, and a man who Dylan happened to know had once slapped a Somali pirate so hard he'd snapped his neck, and now there he was, in a dinner suit, fox-trotting with Jane; Dylan made a mental note to hold it over him in case he ever needed a favour.

Most of the other guests, for the most part Louise's medical colleagues, were intrigued by the taciturn, self-effacing group of men who seemed so close to Dylan and Louise, and most of the single women were agog over Johnny Walker, the handsome best man in his dress uniform, the news that he was currently unattached doing the rounds in double-quick time. Johnny left that evening with a whole clutch of phone numbers, as did a surprising amount of the boys from Jeddah; apparently, some women were attracted to mysterious, competent looking strangers...


Louise settled into their new house like she'd always lived there. They'd elected to stay home and build their nest rather than take a honeymoon; after all, Dylan had been around the world almost non-stop for nearly seven years with his job, and Louise had had enough adventures in exotic places to last her a lifetime, so now she wanted domesticity, nest-building, a chance to set up her home the way she wanted it.

After several frustrating months wrestling with the legal niceties attendant on buying property in Wales, they finally bought a medium-sized four-bedroom cottage in Aberystwyth built of grey Welsh granite with roof slates from the quarries not far away, and the position was just ideal; from the master bedroom the house overlooked the Royal Pier and the sea, Aberystwyth Castle, and the cliff railway, and from the rear bedrooms they overlooked the university half a mile away. It was also a five-minute walk to the hospital, which had been the clincher when they'd first considered buying it. Also, Harry and Jane lived in Capel Bangor, only a couple of miles away along the A44, so the family was still together; Louise hadn't wanted to move anywhere distant from them, she knew her children would need grandparents, and Harry and Jane wanted nothing more than to take that role.

They'd been on a frenzy of shopping, literally buying their entire home contents in one fell swoop, all paid for by the amazing bonuses the company had given them, especially Dylan, for his work in Brunei in putting two gas platforms back in production in such a short time. As Louise worked away at filling the new bookcase with all her medical textbooks and Dylan's growing collection of mystery novels and military histories, she hummed happily to herself, Dylan noting and smiling gently as he listened to her, completely relaxed and at peace for the first time in what seemed like forever. The sight of her on hands and knees as she lined up books was also giving him some decidedly impure thoughts, and with Dylan, to think was to act when it came to Louise. Ghosting up behind her he slipped to his knees, and as she straightened up to admire her handiwork, his hands slipped around her waist and cupped her breasts.

"'ullo darlin', nice knockers!" he grunted in her ear, Louise giggling as she leaned back against him.

"You're a loony, Dylan Thomas Taliesin Lewis! If you keep squeezing my boobs like that they're going to come off one day!"

Dylan rubbed her nipples through the material of her shirt.

"What, these lovely things? If they do, can I have them?" he grinned, sticking his tongue in her ear and making her shriek and giggle. Dylan stood up and helped her to her feet, and immediately pulled her in for a long, smouldering kiss, his hands clamped around her firm, springy bottom. When he pulled away, Louise drew in a long, shuddering breath.

"Want to christen the dining room? We haven't done it there yet!" whispered Dylan as he squeezed her cheeks and rubbed her puckered little rosebud through the material of her leggings.

"You're like that rabbit on TV, Dylan bach, you just keep going!" she grinned, wriggling as she hugged him, rubbing her mound against the bulge she could feel growing in his jeans, "we only did it twenty minutes ago in the parlour, are you some kind of sex-addict?"

Dylan thrust himself harder against her, hearing the catch in her breathing as he did so.

"Only when it comes to you, Gariad! Now, do you want to or not? Because that barmaid in the Red Dragon was awful interested in me last night, and she does have lovely big tits!"

Louise looked into his eyes as her hand snaked down to cup his scrotum.

"If I didn't know you were joking you'd soon be singing soprano, Soldier-Boy! I'm a doctor, I can make it look like an accident!" she grinned.

Dylan slid his hand down the back of her leggings and rubbed his fingertip over her tight bum hole, making her jump.

"So, Dining Room, or do you wanna race me to the bedroom?"

Louise laughed and took his hand, leading him to the stairs. As they climbed the stairs, Dylan was entranced, as always, by her trim little bum wagging in front of him, and had to resist the impulse to grab and bite; plenty of time for that later! Once upstairs, Louise detoured into the bathroom while Dylan wasted no time pulling off his trainers, tee shirt and jeans and sliding off his shorts to hop into the bed and wait for her. As he plumped-up the pillows, something fell onto the floor, and as he turned to see what it was a voice behind him spoke.

"Hello Soldier, looking for a good time?"

Dylan grinned as he turned back to see Louise there, gloriously naked and smiling invitingly.

"Come here, baby-girl!" he murmured, pulling her to him. Louise climbed onto the bed to sit astride him, her arms around his neck.

"Love you, Soldier-Boy!" she smiled, kissing him.

Dylan slid his hands down to her waist, then on down to clasp and hold her tight bum-cheeks, squeezing and massaging the firm flesh as they kissed. Louise could feel the excitement growing as his cock swelled, and as she kissed him she began to slide slowly and gradually, back and forth along his length, encouraging him, teasing him, the feel of her damp heat building the need in him. Dylan could feel himself hardening as she teased him, his cock lying along his stomach as she slowly slid herself along him, teasing herself now as she teased him. Dylan broke their kiss to look into her eyes and smile, then nip her bottom lip gently between his teeth. Louise sighed and pushed him back against the pillows, raising herself up to take hold of him, then the wait while she aimed him at her centre, finally the slow build-up of sensation as she slowly impaled herself on him, her wet succulence engulfing him.

Dylan groaned softly at the feeling, Louise sliding all the way onto him, then slowly, oh so slowly grinding against him, her hips working like a bull-rider as she rubbed her clitoris against his wiry pubic hair, pleasuring herself even as she rhythmically squeezed and released him, slowly building toward that crashing release that always came when she made love to her man. Her face and neck flushed as she sped up, her orgasm nearing, to explode inside her as Dylan began rising in time to her grinding, pumping himself into her as she slid up and down on him.

Louise sat bolt upright as the white-hot intensity of her orgasm wiped out all thought or feeling except those swirling and crashing through her; wave after wave, a constant barrage of white noise as her ears rang with the intensity of her release and she screamed out his name as Dylan moved inside her, rolling her orgasm on and on.

At last the intensity began to die away, aftershocks quivering and swirling though her as her body sought to re-balance itself after the barrage of impulses and sensations that had just rocketed through her. Louise slumped down onto Dylan's chest, his arms around her as she gasped and sobbed for breath. Dylan held her close as she shuddered and quivered, her heart thudding like a hammer, until, as calm gradually returned, she realised he was still inside her, still hard.

"Baby, you didn't..." she began, but his finger on her lip silenced her. Louise grinned as his hand swept down to hold and squeeze her buttocks, one finger sliding into the crevice between them to tease and prod lightly at her little hole.

"I know what you want, you dirty boy!" she grinned, sliding a finger into her pussy and pulling some of her own juices out to rub against her puckered anus, working the damp finger into herself to open and loosen her ring for what was coming. Louise slid off him and pulled a pillow under her midriff as she lay on her stomach, then grinned at him.

"Come on Dyl; playtime!"

Dylan grinned as he positioned himself between her invitingly spread-open thighs, raising himself up on his hands to slide into her in one long, steady stroke, Louise hissing between her teeth as he filled her again. Dylan pumped a few times to lubricate himself with her juices, then slid out of her pussy and put the head of his cock against the tight little knot of her anus, pushing slowly forward as Louise held him and controlled his penetration. He went slowly until the tight sphincter suddenly gave way, allowing the head in and springing back around the steel-hard shaft of his cock. Dylan pushed himself slowly into her hot rectum, feeling the sinewy pulsing of her anal tube as he invaded her, Louise gasping and moaning as she slid ever further into her until he was all the way in, his heavy balls resting against her swollen labia.

Dylan began pumping, as he did so Louise moaned and moved against him, enjoying the feel of her man giving her so much pleasure. They pumped and humped together, Louise pushing back against him as Dylan pounded his thick cock in and out of her tight anus. Louise gave way first, her orgasm rising up and almost catching her unawares, it came on with such lightning rapidity; but then, Dylan fucking her this way always did that to her. Louise screamed as her uterus convulsed in orgasm, fluttering against the thin wall separating it from where he was embedded in her, her rectum in turn convulsing and contracting around his cock. The feel of the constriction around his cock was too much for Dylan, tipping him over, the spunk bursting out of him to spray inside her bowels. The feel of his heat inside her set her off again, her rectum pulsing and squeezing Dylan even more, milking him of every last drop of his sperm.

Dylan rested his head in on Louise's spine, between her shoulder-blades while he waited for his heartbeat to slow enough for him to catch his breath. As his cock slid from her, smaller orgasmic trails rolled and spun through her, lesser fireworks, smaller and less bright than those that had gone before, but still enough to make the breath catch in her throat, making her gasp again.

"baby-girl, that was fantastic!" he smiled at her, "remind me to keep you!"

Louise rolled onto her side and grinned at him, her lip caught between her teeth, obviously thinking about something. Her hand went under the pillow, looking for something, her eyes widening as she scrabbled under the pillows, not finding what she was looking for under there. She whipped around and looked over the side of the bed and relaxed, reaching down to pick up something. She turned back to Dylan, grinning, and touched the tip of his nose with her forefinger.

"You're going to have to keep me, Mr. Lewis; you can't just push a girl in my condition out in the street to fend for herself!"

"What are you talking about, Gariad?" asked Dylan, puzzled, "What condition?"

Louise waved a white...thing in front of him, with a little window on it, and two blue lines.

"What's that, baby-girl, what are you talking about, what condition?" asked Dylan, now completely at sea.

Louise pulled him down to her and kissed him gently.

"Darling Dylan, Mrs. Lewis is proud to announce a forthcoming happy event. Dylan, sweet, gentle, precious Dylan, we're having a baby; you're going to be a father, Dyl!"

Dylan's eyes widened and a big grin split his face as he hugged her tightly to him, his heart near to bursting with love and pride. Now their family was complete, and everything they'd worked for, everything they'd been through, here at last was the pay-off, their ultimate gift to each other here and now, where their lives had finally come full circle, the boy who went off to be a soldier, and the sister who waited for him, his very own Soldier Doll.

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ezezeker33ezezeker33about 1 month ago

Great story!!! Loved it!!!

2456245611 months ago

Loved it. 5/5. Kinda like an X-rated Jack Higgins story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The MC having a preference for having anal sex with the woman he loves is just not something I can identify with. However, I managed to skim over those bits to finish the story. I like your writing style and with some help from an editor it can be quite top notch.

Crusader235Crusader235about 4 years ago

Wonderful story, not everyone's cup of tea, but so glad I read it. Five Stars!

I've never read the Welsh language in a story before, so glad you did that. Semper Fi!

WargamerWargamerover 4 years ago
Another great story

Keep up the great work

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