Silver Ch. 09


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"Love me, Dayd," Kasen begged, need and want like a fire in his veins. He moaned at the exquisite feeling of pressure as Dayd's long, thick erection pressed against his most intimate entrance. It made him shiver in ecstasy.

"I do, dear sweet Kasen," Dayd replied as he sealed his mouth over Kasen's, kneeling between Kasen's legs, lifting the blond's hips to rest on his thighs. He pressed harder against the tight rosette.

"More Dayd," Kasen pleaded, his voice rough with passion.

Dayd growled low and feral as he slid all the way inside and stilled, remaining motionless although he felt it was almost beyond him to do so. The tightness made him groan as every inch of his flesh was encased by his mate's flexing and relaxing sheath. Reaching the end of his endurance, Dayd angled himself to find the spot that he thought would give the most pleasure and rotated his hips.

In response Kasen wailed, arching his head back to expose the cords in his neck, writhing on the grass. A triumphant smile lit over Dayd's features as he pulled his hips back and slammed that spot again, his fingers grasped tightly at Kasen's thighs to pull his lover into every thrust.

"More, Dayd, more," Kasen whispered. He reached up and cupped Dayd's cheeks in his fingers, pulling him down, his tongue flicking against the big male's lower lip. Incoherent groans left Kasen's throat as Dayd thrust faster and deeper in response. He wrapped his legs tighter around Dayd's hips, meeting his mate's thrusts to get more of the sensation that raced like molten fire in his veins. Searing heat rippled through his groin as Dayd pushed inside, pounding into him, hitting his sweet spot over and over.

Dayd gave a sound between purr and growl as he thrust back and forth inside the hot, tight channel. The PrideHomer felt Kasen flex around his shaft as their mouths met in heated passion, tongues dancing in an age-old rhythm. Dayd pulled Kasen closer, growling deeply into the blond's mouth. Then, gripping the slender hips of the young man beneath him he tilted them upwards, the angle allowing him to thrust even deeper, stroking across Kasen's jewel with renewed vigour.

"So good, my sweet Kasen," he husked, his passion edging him to the point at which he knew he would be beyond coherent thought much less speech. Dayd reached for Kasen's erection and stroked it at the same pulse-racing pace. Sweat dripped from his pores as he strained over his lover, his hard muscles sharply defined by the sheen of perspiration.

Kasen's loins tightened and heat spread throughout his hypersensitive body as Dayd stroked his sweet spot and shaft with perfect precision. His eyes fluttered closed, his body twitching uncontrollably as Dayd played him masterfully, guiding him towards their shared zenith. Nothing he had ever experienced before could compare with the exquisite sensations Dayd engendered. Kasen knew beyond doubt that the man pleasuring him was the other half of his soul.

"Fill me, Dayd," he pleaded. "I want to give you pleasure." Kasen groaned as he leaned up and captured Dayd's mouth, the bigger male instantly ravishing him with his teeth and tongue.

"You are my pleasure, only you," Dayd whispered as he broke the kiss for a brief second. His tongue then swept imperiously into Kasen's conquered mouth. Kissing Kasen was so addictive that Dayd never wanted to stop. He began to thrust faster and harder, Kasen's whimpering mewls urging him on. He growled and groaned with the sublime pleasure.

As Dayd stroked his mate's staff, Kasen's body quivered even more. The cat-man could feel and scent how close his lover was. The hardness in his hand was slick with liquid need and it throbbed with the same beat as their pounding hearts.

Kasen's muscles were tight and quivering and he felt like a volcano ready to erupt. One final thrust against his prostrate and he came in great convulsive heaves, screaming Dayd's name, his cream pouring over Dayd's demanding hand. Kasen felt delirious from the joy coursing through his veins. Dayd's hot juices flooded his contracting channel and the flames of desire that had been burning within him flared high taking him to a place he had only dreamt of. He lay, trying to regain his breath his body still convulsing with aftershocks from the intense orgasm,

Kasen's convulsions pushed Dayd beyond his tenuous control. He threw back his head and roared as he came deep inside of the young man beneath him and filled Kasen with his seed. Collapsing partially atop his mate, Dayd shook in reaction from the cataclysmic release. He wrapped one arm around his young lover, holding him and stroking his flank with the other as the blond came down from his euphoric high. He moved his nose and lips against Kasen's throat, biting there harshly, marking the blond once more as his.

"You look so beautiful in your pleasure, Kasen." Dayd whispered. He continued to move slowly, languidly, into Kasen's sated body. He raised his fingers, coated with Kasen's crème to his mouth. "Look at me," he commanded.

The young man's eyes fluttered open briefly and he watched as Dayd began to lick each finger clean, the primal gesture making his sated cock twitch dryly. As the last digit left Dayd's mouth, Kasen finally surrendered to oblivion.


Kasen had no idea how much time had passed when he next opened his eyes. He smiled into the furred chest he was pillowed upon and teasingly suckled at the cinnamon nub that peeked through caramel fur. He grinned at his mate as Dayd's purrs deepened. Then a thought hit the blond.

"When do we have to leave? You need to get ready for the naming ceremony." Kasen was not sure if his new status with Dayd made him more aware of the PrideHomer's mood, but he knew instantly that his lover was discomfited by the question.

"No rush," Dayd said. He had known this moment would come, but the PrideHomer still tried to avoid it.

"This is something really special," Kasen persisted. "Sholto told me that even the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Prides your family marry into make the effort to attend a naming. Uist is your cousin. I know this is important to you."

"We will not be attending," Dayd said, deciding it was no longer appropriate to be anything other than open with the man he had just taken as his mate.

"Theophilus doesn't want me there does he? This is his doing," Kasen said angrily.

"No it is not," Dayd growled immediately.

Kasen blinked at the tears that suddenly filled his eyes. In the months they had spent together Dayd had never raised his voice or spoken so sharply before. He did not resist as strong hands pulled him to nestle against Dayd's neck and sweet musk filled the air around him.

"Oh, my beautiful Kasen," Dayd said, his voice soft and sad. "You hadn't mixed with any non-human types before you met us had you?" He gave a half-smile at the shake of the blond head. "PrideHomers and Phixians, and to some degree Dregans, we may look very different but share one trait that is important here. We do not just use sight. We use scent. You may have schooled your face to be neutral, but your anger and...your hate...towards Theophilus has been scented by us all. Theophilus also has strong empathic qualities, he knows how you feel. He is confused. He doesn't understand why you hate him. He may have more years of life than you, but you are actually more mature. He is not long classed as fully adult."

"You scent me," Kasen murmured from the sanctuary of Dayd's chest. He knew it happened but somehow it had never registered, just what scenting actually meant. How much his real emotions were open to the PrideHomers.

"Yes, my sweet one. I, all my family, Xavier, we have all known your true feelings and hoped you would realise you are angry towards one who has done nothing. Theophilus argued we had to go to the naming. He has been unwavering in the belief you and I would mate. He said we remind him of Uist and Sholto and I could not ask for a better compliment. It was not he who decreed we must remain absent. It was Willis and my Sire. They used the one thing against which even Theophilus had no answer. The three little ones, today is their special day. Everyone wants them to be happy. They might be babies, Kasen, but they can scent and they can feel. You cannot have failed to notice they cry when you are near Theophilus?" Dayd asked, pushing at Kasen's shoulders to look at his mate.

"I thought it was just a baby thing," Kasen whispered. Shame permeated every cell as he had the sickening notion that he knew what Dayd was about to say.

"They might not understand what it is you feel towards Theophilus, but they know it upsets him and that upsets them. They scent you, too and react the only way babies can, with tears."

"Oh, Dayd, I've been such a fool. I was so shocked when I saw Theophilus. As bad as it was Jabez snatched me, I thought it was because he found me attractive. Then I realised it was because I reminded him of someone else. I got so twisted inside that it just became easy to take my anger and frustration and...hate out on the one I could reach. I knew it hurt him and I got a perverted sense of satisfaction from it." Kasen buried his face in Dayd's chest. "What can I do?"

"Apologise," Dayd said simply. He heard the half-laugh, half-sob that greeted his reply and pushed Kasen up to look at him again. "Theophilus is the most generous-hearted person I know. If your apology is sincere he will accept it and forget the past."

"You love him don't you?" Kasen asked.

"Yes," Dayd said. "But I am not, nor ever have been, in love with him. That part of me is for you alone." Dayd reached to stroke the silken strands of the blond bob.

"You miss my long hair, too."

"I would have been happy had you cut it, no matter my preference, because it was what you wanted. Not because you thought people saw Theophilus when they looked at you. Although I recognised where the similarity between the two of you lay, it was your blue eyes that I truly noticed."

"I want to apologise to him, Dayd. Perhaps you can still go to the naming," Kasen said with determination, touched by his lover's simple declaration. He trusted Dayd to speak the truth.

"We both go or we both stay away," Dayd said emphatically. "We are mated. One does not go without the other.


Xavier's tongue flickered in the air before he drew it back. He glanced at where his young husband lay on a sumptuous nest. Two little ones were curled against his right side and, although asleep, clutched at each other and Theophilus. The third, currently at his breast, was Rayner and Tristam's, the tiny telepath needing a mental connection as well as physical when feeding.

Theophilus was humming softly; one hand occasionally brushing over the two sleeping infants, the other holding the third safe. Xavier recognised the approaching scents. He rose slowly to greet them. The anxiety from Kasen was pouring off him in waves, as was shame. Xavier prayed it boded well. He would not permit a young and foolish human to ruin this day.

"Dayd, Kasen," he greeted them, a comfortable distance from his mate. "May I help you?"

"I want to apologise to Theophilus," Kasen blurted quickly. "I'm so sorry. Please?"

"He is still feeding," Xavier demurred. He looked between the fretful human and the now clearly anxious PrideHomer. He knew what his husband would want. "However, if you do not disturb them, I am sure he will be pleased to see you."

"Thank you, Xavier," Kasen said, relief evident in his voice. He took a few hesitant steps forward. Now it came to it, he was completely uncertain how to approach the recumbent blond.

"Kasen, you are mated. I am so pleased for you."

Kasen stared at Theophilus, stunned that the other blond was still so gracious despite his previously hurtful behaviour. He found his eyes brimming with tears once more.

"Come here, little one," Theophilus urged. He smiled reassuringly as Kasen came first to kneel, then to stretch out at his left side.

Kasen was surprised when a deceptively-slender, strong arm wrapped around him, holding him comfortingly. He managed to murmur a half-sobbed apology as he was rocked gently whilst cleansing tears fell. A soft humming accompanied the soothing motion and occasional kisses were pressed into his hair. He found himself burrowing close, the sweet smell of the other blond like a balm to his nerves. Finally, a persistent butting made Kasen open his eyes and pull back from Theophilus' side. His own eyes widened as he was regarded intently by three sets of curious orbs.

"Your cousins would like to meet you, Kasen," Theophilus said smiling widely. "This is Uist and Sholto's son." He indicated the child closest to Kasen, a light covering of reddish-blond down adorning his body. "He will try and use his scent glands although they will not produce musk until his puberty," Theophilus laughed. "And because he will, so will these two even though they have no such glands. This little one is Rayner and Tristam's and this is Xavier's and mine."

The second child had dark blond hair and large dark eyes that made Kasen feel the infant was staring into his heart and soul. The third had a short mop of platinum-blond hair, a tiny frill was beginning around his neck which was currently lilac and amber, vertically slit eyes. His tail kept in constant touch with the other two children and Theophilus. Kasen swallowed as he was then the subject of very close scrutiny as first one, then all three children made their way onto him.


Tristam, Rayner, Sholto and Uist stopped and grinned at the sight before them. On the large nest, Dayd and Kasen played with the three small children who all demanded equal and constant attention. Xavier lay back against a tree trunk watching whilst his tail gently rocked a hammock in which Theophilus lay.

"So this is how you care for our cubs?" Uist asked with an amused growl. "By lazing around." As he spoke he reached effortlessly into the hammock to lift the slender blond form and spin Theophilus around earning delighted peals of musical laughter.

"The little ones wished to get to know their cousins," Theophilus countered as he was set on his feet, kissing each of his family in turn.

"Do you want to get to know them really well and take on nappy duties?" Sholto asked hopefully. The dismay on Kasen and Dayd's faces had him laughing along with the others. "Guess not. Hey, I tried, guys," he added.

"They cannot," Theophilus said as he reached to help the small, blond human and his PrideHomer mate to their feet. "We have to see Willis and Denys. They have an announcement to make."

"They make a good pair," Uist announced, his purrs rumbling deep in his chest as he watched Dayd and Kasen be led away by an excited Theophilus, Xavier following behind. "It is good Kasen has settled."


Willis stood proudly before the gathering of his family and friends, ready to officially name the newest members of his Pride. The three couples stood before him, their small bundles behaving impeccably for the moment.

"Welcome to you all," he rumbled. "Today we have our naming ceremony for the young ones. Firstly, the cub of my cub, I welcome Keefe to the Pride." The cat-man added his own roar to that of the gathered assembly as Uist held his son high, then laughed delightedly as Keefe tried to imitate the sound. "Secondly, although the first-born of my three grandchildren, I welcome Zene to the Pride." Another roar accompanied Xavier raising his son. "Finally I welcome Marnin to the Pride." He nodded approvingly at the roar, waiting for the six, plus their infants, to take their seats.

Willis could see people looking at him with interest; clearly certain more was to come. He smiled widely.

"I have good news for the Pride. My sibling's youngest cub has chosen a mate. Dayd has chosen Kasen of Earth."

His smile turned tender as the small blond blushed crimson, trying to bury himself against Dayd's solidity as he was encouraged to stand and accept the endorsement from the gathered PrideHomers. Willis nodded at Denys. His eyes then sought out Laban, receiving a nod from the Phixian.

"My last piece of good news is from our extended Pride. Laban wishes me to announce that Meta, daughter of his sibling, is to be married to Alden who helped rescue Uist, Sholto and Theophilus when they were kidnapped."

The last roar seemed to echo longest, a mixture of approval and gratitude expressed in the sound. Willis looked around. His six boys were surrounded by family and friends, as were Dayd and Kasen, Alden and Meta. He felt the strong grip at his shoulder and pulled his brother into a hug.

For now, at least, all danger was past and everyone could enjoy peace and joy.

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circleofcandlescircleofcandles6 months ago

This was an amazing story! Please write an offshoot about Dayd and Kasen!

Your style of writing is such an inspiration and a goal for me. I hope to one day be able to write true love gay stories as well as you do with as much complexity to the story and characters. Whenever I write, I ask myself what would Pelaam do?

There are plenty of brutal, fast and abusive couplings on this site and your style of romance is just so perfect, I wish more people would appreciate and experience a good story about mates and true love.

ilovegibbsilovegibbsover 8 years ago

I am a huge fan of Vampires and Lovers because I absolutely love vampires. So I saw that you had written another series so I couldn't wait to read it. I wasn't to sure about when I first started reading it but your talent at story telling drew me in and I was hooked. I fell in love with all your characters, as I did with the characters in Vampires and Lovers. I hope you will continue the story. I would love to see what happens with the kids. I know I will be reading this series over and over. Incredible job!!! Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago


bigredpupbigredpupalmost 10 years ago

Love this series. I only wish there was a canine humanoid. Lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I don't care what others say I loved Theophilis (sorry if I spelt his name wrong) and I don't believe he over shadowed the other characters. Sure one chapter centered him but apart from that it was a family and team to solve all the problems. I know this chapter could easily complete the series but please keep it going!! I love it!! Or how about a spin off series staring the children but still including the parents too?? I love these characters more than any other story I have read and I really hope you decided to keep this series alive!

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