She Had Horns


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Muriel gave Cabe another kiss and then gently but firmly pushed him in the chest until he half fell and half tripped backward onto the bed. She cracked a sly smile as she strode forward and towered over him. It was an overt gesture of dominance, which he felt succeeded in keeping him more than a little uncomfortable.

In the dim light, only her pale flesh was visible while her black dress vanished into the dark shadows of the room. The deep vee between her breasts widened as she slid the straps of her dress from her shoulders. Silently, the silky fabric slid down her body and pooled at her feet, revealing a magnificent figure of feminine perfection -- long legs, curvy hips, a flat belly, and perky breasts that beckoned to be held. No panties obscured the clean-shaven lips of her pussy.

Cabe's admiration of her body was interrupted when she flicked a single finger at him. Somehow, in that tiniest of gestures, she conveyed a sense of irritation at him for not having yet shed his clothing. Fumbling, he quickly untied his shoes and kicked his way out of his pants and underwear and then flicked through the buttons of his shirt and tossed it on the floor as well. Muriel peeled the forgotten bandanna from his head and ran her fingers through his matted hair.

Muriel, retaining her stiletto-heeled boots and costume horns, straddled his lap. He could smell her sex even as he felt her heat against his crotch. Her very essence was intoxicating and never before had he been in the presence of a woman who so completely oozed wanton sexuality.

They kissed, each aggressive and eager to taste and explore the other. More than once, Cabe found himself nearly jabbing himself on one of her horns when he tried to kiss her neck or nibble on an earlobe, yet she seemed to have little trouble remembering to watch out for them. He again considered asking her to remove them, but recalled that they had felt rather firmly attached when he'd held them during the climax of the blow job. Idle curiosity at how she had accomplished that soon faded under her enthusiastic attention.

Cabe ran his hands up Muriel's sides and over her breasts, eliciting a gasp of pleasure. They were not overly large, but certainly had a pleasing firmness and heft to them. Her nipples were erect and he teased his fingertips across them in response to her approving moans.

"Suck them," she whispered in his ear.

Muriel raised herself up and held one of her own breasts up to his mouth, not that he needed any further encouragement. He teased the nipple with the tip of his tongue before finally taking it all in his mouth. He gently sucked as he continued to roll his tongue around the bud.

"Mmmm...harder," she said. "I like it hard."

He sucked harder, figuring Muriel would let him know if and when he went too far. Judging by her reaction, however, he could probably leave a blood blister before she got enough of him. She gasped and moaned, her body shuddering in the first sign that she might be losing herself in the heat of the moment as he had long since done.

Cabe abruptly became aware of a peculiar taste in his mouth. It was something unfamiliar to him -- perhaps a little fruity while hinting at exotic spices. He wondered if she might have applied some sort of body dust or cream, anticipating that someone this night would be sucking her nipples. He had heard of such things before, but never had the pleasure of trying one out. The woman seemed to be an endless font of surprises.

Cabe found himself becoming a little light-headed, a likely result of his prolonged arousal and lack of blood going to his head, he figured. He held onto Muriel like a life-line, one hand around her back and the other massaging whichever breast he wasn't currently sucking. He alternated from one nipple to the other, sucking as hard as he could and savoring the unique flavor which seemed to increase in strength rather than fade away.

After several minutes, and with the inside Cabe's mouth beginning to ache from the intense sucking, Muriel leaned back until her nipple slipped from him with a soft pop. She grinned wickedly at him, wild lust in her dark eyes. She reached between her legs until her long nails scratched along the length of his renewed erection.

"Lay back," she said, lifting her own weight off him so he could slide back toward the middle of the bed.

As he shuffled back, Cabe felt the whole room tilt wildly as if he was on the verge of passing out. He laid back, grateful for the relative stability of the change in position. Whatever was bringing this on -- dehydration, adrenaline, exhaustion -- he just hoped he would be able to last a little bit longer.

Once he was settled, Muriel re-straddled him. Sitting over him, she slid her wet pussy across his erection, triggering a cascade of pleasure through the nerves throughout his body. This was it, he realized, he was about to lose his virginity and to the most amazing woman with whom he had ever crossed paths.

The last fleeting voice of reason in the back of his brain reminded him that he was forgetting something.

"Wait," he said, his voice raspy. "I have a condom in my pants."

She paused, looking down at him with perhaps a bit of disappointment. She then smiled and shook her head gently.

"Dear, there isn't any sort of protection in the world from the likes of me."

It wasn't just Muriel's words, but the way she said them, that transformed Cabe's trepidation into fear. Since she had first bumped into him, he felt something was off about her, but now he was absolutely certain. More than anything, he wished he had left with his friends when given the chance.

He couldn't place his finger on what was wrong with the girl, though. Was she simply a risk-taker, who couldn't get off unless there was an element of danger involved? Was she some deranged sort who was trying to use him to get pregnant? Or, worse, might she be carrying some disease that she was intentionally trying to infect men with in some twisted sense of vengeance?

Cabe wanted to get up, wanted to tell her that he was done. His judgment, however, felt as skewed as his sense of balance, and he said nothing. Helplessly, he watched as she grasped his cock and guided it inside her pussy.

The sensation exceeded anything his imagination could have conceived, the slick pressure of her pussy igniting every last nerve ending along the length of his cock as it was completely buried. No amount of reason would allow his body to resist, so he gave up any pretense of trying. Judging by her self-satisfied expression, Muriel knew he was lost as well.

She held him firmly in place, clamping her thighs around his hips and not allowing him to move. Once it was established that things would proceed at her pace and discretion, she finally started to rock her hips in a slow front to back motion. She dragged her fingernails across his chest, scratching him almost hard enough to draw blood. Cabe groaned, caught in that place between pain and pleasure.

While Muriel slowly increased her tempo, he gently rubbed her legs and hips. Adventurously, he reached up for her bouncing breasts and she merely closed her eyes and let him do as he wished. Her expression was so focused, he couldn't tell if she was actually enjoying herself.

He snapped out of his mental fog when she abruptly dismounted him, kneeling beside him on the bed. He felt a fleeting moment of disappointment that they were done and he hadn't achieved orgasm. Had she finished? There had been no signs.

"On your knees," she said in a tone that retained a seductive edge but brooked no dissent.

Cabe clambered up to his knees, struggling to stay steady as his head again spun violently. Even his vision seemed to be getting a little fuzzy, casting a blurry edge to the few edges in the room discernible in the dim lighting.

Muriel climbed on her hands and knees, positioning herself before him such that his slicked cock was bobbing against her ass. And it was then that Cabe realized the woman had a tail. It was several feet long, about two fingers' in width, and appeared to glisten as if textured like snake skin. The tail moved and swished from side to side above her back, leaving no doubt that it was very real and very attached to her body.

A surreal sort of panic began to build in Cabe as he doubted what his mind was seeing. While they had danced, he recalled, his hands had been all over her ass, and he was quite certain there was no way she could have hidden anything like this tail beneath that sheer garment. Could he be imagining this? It struck him that the peculiar taste from her nipples might have been more sinister than simple flavoring for his enjoyment -- some sort of hallucinogen, perhaps? He had known from the get go that he was in way over his head with this woman, but this put a whole new twist to his fear.

Muriel wiggled her ass playfully at him and looked back over her shoulder. "C'mon, dear. Don't leave me waiting."

Another wave of disorientation threatened to send him over the edge of the bed, so Cabe grabbed Muriel's hips and held on tightly until it passed. Her smell was driving him over the edge of reason and, against his better judgment, he leaned forward until the tip of his cock brushed her wetness. She leaned back into him until he slid entirely inside.

Hoping he might be able to escape this nightmare by getting things over with quickly, Cabe started fucking her with a steady and quick rhythm. He was careful not to touch her tail, worried that not only would the hallucination look real, but that it might feel real as well. He hated himself for the sensation of pleasure his body took from this foolish coupling.

After a couple minutes of steadily pounding Muriel while she simply ground her hips back into him in time, Cabe felt himself starting to wear out. Had she not given him the blow job a few minutes earlier, he would have finished by now. Instead, his arousal was slow to build and his head and body felt like they would give out before he could finish.

Almost encouragingly, Muriel's tail wrapped around his waist, the smooth, cool scales causing him to shudder. She looked back over her shoulder again, and this time her eyes were glowing the red of dying embers from deep within. She licked her lips invitingly, but Cabe only blanched at what he thought was a forked tongue.

His mind, even rationalizing this as a hallucination, was on the brink of cracking in fear. In spite of himself, though, he was unable to leave her. Some deeper animal instinct kept him at her side.

"That's nice," she said, her voice as sensual as ever. "You look tired. You should lay back down."

He obeyed. He wanted to curl up in the fetal position, close his eyes, and wait for the real world to return. Instead, he simply laid on his back and waited for the woman to reassert control.

Cabe absently noted that what had been her knee-high boots now appeared to be furry calves ending in cloven hooves. Sure, why not? He could only assume that whatever drug was addling his mind was going to keep adding to his construct of this woman as a demon.

Muriel, glowing eyes, horns, hooves, and all, straddled him once more. She ran her fingers, now tipped with razor-sharp claws, up his chest and leaned in close to kiss him. As her tongue forced its way into his mouth, he could feel that it was indeed forked. His body responded to her in kind, however, and over his own sense of revulsion he kissed her back. His tongue found the wickedly sharp tips of her now enlarged incisors.

"Drink again, my lover," she said, offering him one of her breasts.

Drink? As he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked like a man parched to within an inch of his life, he realized that her curious taste was more than just some coating applied to her skin for flavoring. He was actually drawing fluid from her breast, suckling milk like a baby, though this was nothing like milk. Or was he simply hallucinating that as well? His mind recoiled further back while his body acted on instincts that were out of his control.

Muriel leaned back and stretched out a pair of wings which blotted out most of the little streetlight from the window. She drew her claws across his chest, this time drawing blood in parallel rows that caused him to gasp. Her eyes glowed brighter at his reaction and her fangs glistened as she grinned.

She guided his cock back into her pussy, which now had an internal heat that seemed close to inflicting burns upon his flesh. There was no slow build up this time as she started riding him hard and rough, using him solely to satisfy her own needs. Cabe could only lay back and watch, his psyche an innocent witness to this thing's carnal lust and consumption of his body.

As her moaning and pace became increasingly frantic, Cabe felt his own arousal beginning to peak. Muriel lowered her chest onto his and wrapped her wings over the both of them and the bed. Her very skin, now seemingly all of the same scaly texture as her tail, became scalding to the touch. He felt his own flesh begin to pop and sizzle and only her mouth pressed firmly over his prevented him from screaming in agony. The smell of burning flesh soon assaulted his nostrils.

Through the pain, however, his orgasm built until it finally exploded deep inside her burning flesh. As he came, Muriel reared her head back and unleashed a primal scream of ecstasy while sinking her claws deep into the flesh of his shoulders. Moments after his orgasm subsided, overwhelming pain took him as what felt like a thousand razor sharp teeth inside her pussy sliced him while simultaneously snaring him in place.

He screamed.

His body was broken, his mind lost. Smoke choked his lungs while the very bed upon which they laid burst into flame. And through it all, until he could see no more, those eyes stared back at him from within that horned skull.

* * *



"Gimme a hand over here. I think there's another body under here."

Consciousness slowly coalesced into terribly memories that shocked Cabe back into wakefulness. For a moment, everything was dark and he wasn't sure his eyes were even open. Did he still have eyes? After what he remembered happening, he wasn't certain that he was even alive.

Light suddenly appeared, however, and Cabe came to realize that somehow he was still alive. Red and blue lights strobed through chaotic patterns above him in the otherwise dark room. Two men, each wearing a headlamp, stood over him. He realized they were wearing firefighting gear.

"Sweet Jesus! This guy's alive!"

"Hey son, you okay?"

Cabe dared to let his mind take stock of his body. Slowly wiggling his fingers and toes, he was relieved to feel no pain. He hesitantly ran his fingers over his chest and was startled to find no burnt flesh or claw marks. Hallucination, he reminded himself. No matter how absurdly real it felt, it had all been in his mind.

Cabe sat upright, both firefighters quickly offering assistance. He was naked and completely covered in wet ash and soot. Between that and the ruined wreckage around and above him, he realized there had been a major fire.

"What happened?" he managed to ask.

"Whole building went up during a party couple hours ago," one of the men said. "Couple fatalities, unfortunately. Figured you were another."

"Were you in here when it happened? Wouldn't have thought anyone could survive something like that."

"I, I don't know," Cabe said, his mind starting to withdraw back into itself at the horrible possibilities.

"Do you remember anything?"

Cabe, with tears starting to roll down his cheeks, looked up at the man. "She had horns."

* * *

No one had invited Cabe to join in any Halloween festivities, and that suited him just fine. The horrors of the previous year were finally starting to fade with time and therapy. He still had no idea what had really happened and figured whatever hallucinogen he'd been slipped had permanently ruined any possibility of learning the truth. Tonight would be difficult, but he hoped that by staying far away from costumes and parties it would pass uneventfully.

Balancing a bag of groceries, he fumbled with the key to his apartment's front door. The porch light had intentionally been left off to discourage trick-or-treaters, but it had the unforeseen drawback of making it difficult to get unlocked. Finally, he felt the key slide home and he unlatched and opened the door.

As Cabe closed and re-locked the deadbolt, the hair on the back of his neck raised with the sensation of another presence in room. He flicked the light switch and spun around. Sitting in the middle of his couch was, unmistakably, Muriel. Gone were the scales and hooves and wings. No horns protruded from her mass of wavy red hair. But those dark eyes belonged to no one else.

In Muriel's arms, wrapped in a white blanket, was an infant. The child's head bobbed in a subtle but persistent fashion, clearly nursing at Muriel's breast. The figure of his nightmares looked up at him and held her index finger to her lips.

"Quiet now," she said. "You don't want to interrupt your daughter's feeding."

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SteelPaperTSteelPaperT3 months ago

Delicious story, delicious twist

NovaMNovaM6 months ago

I like it ❤️‍🔥 The last sentence: sublime, molten deliverance ☯️😈🫣🌋

Thank you 🌺🌸

Big_Tim99Big_Tim99about 2 years ago

Cursed to be a demon,Uriel had to mate with a virgin on All Hallows Eve.

A year later time for daddy to meet his little girl.

sidd934sidd934about 2 years ago

It feels like quite a build-up to a sequel dear author. I hope that there will be one.

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