Students Rule II Ch. 04


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"You can do it! She's just as tired as you are. Just suck it up and dig deep!" Then he extended an arm to her. "Now get up and take it to her!"

Almost without realizing it, Cori reached up and grabbed hold of his hand. With almost no effort at all, the young man lifted her to her knees and slapped her on the ass.

"Now go get her!"

Cori turned her back on her lone supporter, seeking out her foe. She found her, resting with her ass on her ankles and her hands on her knees. And yes, she too was breathing very heavily. 'Maybe he's right,' Cori thought as she launched herself across the tarp.

But Virginia reacted quick enough to straighten up and meet the attack chest to chest. The girls locked their arms around each other and struggled for position. It didn't take long, however, for Virginia to push Cori onto her back and pounce on her.

When she felt her back hit the tarp and Virginia's body crash down on top of her, Cori was sure she was doomed. Obviously Maurice had been wrong -- try as she might, she just wasn't strong enough. But then, just as thoughts of surrender were going through her mind, she heard his voice again, only this time there was an urgency in it, almost like he was trying to tell her something.

She never really understood what he was trying to say -- at least not on a conscious level. But somehow, her hands managed to work their way around to Virginia's back. The next thing she knew she had unhooked the strap around Ms. Lee's back and was untying the neck strap.

Just an instant earlier she'd been teetering on the brink of defeat. But from out of nowhere, hope for a small moral victory presented itself, and with it came a renewed strength. With a sudden burst of energy she managed to roll Virginia onto her back, pulling her top free in the process. And as the Principal's hands moved instinctively to cover her breasts, Cori pounced.

The guys were cheering wildly now and their support was definitely shifting. Suddenly, Cori was the favorite, and they did everything they could to urge her on. Yet even with her renewed surge of energy and her new supporters, Cori was having trouble and Virginia was wiggling her way free.

Virginia managed to turn to her stomach and climb to her hands and knees. But as she was crawling her way to freedom, Cori's eyes caught sight of her bottom and somehow, she found the strength to launch one more attack, this one knocking Virginia's arms and legs out from under her and sending her sliding across the tarp on her stomach. Instead of pouncing on top of her -- a strategy that had never really worked in any case -- this time Cori grabbed hold of the tie strings on the sides of Virginia's bikini bottom and pulled.

A moment later the guys were cheering wildly as Cori knelt in the middle of the tarp, waving Virginia's bottom triumphantly above her head.

It might have been the shortest celebration in the history of sports as Virginia quickly regained her composure and launched another attack, blindsiding Cori in mid-celebration. The bottom flew from Cori's hand as the two naked women crashed to the tarp. Despite everything they'd been through, both women managed to draw on reserves that neither knew they had.

They grabbed at each other with their hands while they tried to lock their legs around their opponent. They rolled across the tarp, each woman pulling on a handful of the other's hair. Somehow, they managed to continue their frantic attack, neither able to hold the advantage for more that a second or two, until finally, they both simply collapsed on the mat.

Somehow, they ended up head to toe, with Cori flat on her back while Virginia was splayed out on her stomach. For a full 30 seconds, neither moved. Finally, Cori could make out Virginia's form climbing to her knees. But there was no energy left in Cori's tank.

Virginia made it to her hands and knees shakily. She lowered her head for a second, closing her eyes and trying to fill her lungs with much needed oxygen. Then a small smile reached her lips. Victory, she knew, was at hand. Just one more ...

She never finished the thought as a shooting pain struck hard against her arms, sweeping them off the tarp and bringing her head crashing to the tarp. She was stunned -- literally -- unable to move, unable to fight back.

For Cori, just at that moment when everything seemed lost, she'd heard that voice. And from somewhere, she'd found the strength to respond. She'd swung her left leg into Virginia's arms with all the strength she could muster, causing the arms to slip backwards and the chest and head to come crashing to the tarp with Cori's left leg directly under Virginia's stomach. Next, she'd swung her right leg across the small of Virginia's back and locked her ankles together. For good measure, she'd grabbed Virginia's right arm and slid it until it, too, was inside her scissor lock, holding it there with her hands.

And then she squeezed.

Virginia finally regained her senses as Cori tightened the scissor lock around her waist. She turned her head to her right and saw Cori's back. She turned to the left and saw her feet. Then, for a brief moment, she found enough strength to fight. But with her body held captive in the vicious scissor lock and her right arm firmly under wraps, she had only her left arm and legs to fight with, and at that moment, they just weren't enough.

With both hands still securely holding Virginia's right hand, Cori raised her head and surveyed her audience. Mostly, there was stunned silence, with the only smiles to be found belonging to Maurice and Brian.

She returned her attention to her opponent, now lying docile in her snare. She removed her right hand from Virginia's hand, but maintained a firm grip with her left. She then moved her now free right hand to Virginia's bare ass, placing it upon the oily cheeks.

For a moment, she rubbed the bare cheek tenderly, almost lovingly. But just when she felt her vanquished foe's body start to relax, she unleashed her furry.


Three very hard blows to the buttocks in quick succession signaled the beginning of the end for Virginia -- and she knew it. For a moment, she resisted, trying to squirm her way to freedom. But it was to no avail. The scissor lock was too strong and she had no leverage with which to free her captive hand.


Three more blows and Virginia's body went limp --unable to fight on.


One blow, this time, and Virginia could feel tears trickling from her eyes.

The blows continued to come, one at a time, with a several second pause between each new blow. Virginia was in a state of shock. She'd played most every sexual game she could imagine. She'd been the Master, she'd been the slave. She'd been with older people and with students. But she'd never been physically beaten by a woman before.


The blows kept coming. She lost track of how many, but she was very much aware that the pain in her ass had spread to her pussy. Only there, it wasn't exactly a pain.


Cori was quite aware that Virginia had long since ceased all resistance. She was also aware that their was an increasing amount of squirming coming from her hips and ass -- a squirming that Cori was all too familiar with. And a wry smile crossed her face. This would be the perfect ending to what had turned out to be a very exhilarating fight.


Three more blows with all the strength she could muster before she changed tactics.

She removed her left hand from Virginia's captive arm and regripped it with her right. She then slid her chest up close to Ms. Lee's hips, slid her left arm over and between her thighs, and eased the fingers up to her pussy. She smiled as the legs parted instinctively.

The fingers slid quickly and easily into the waiting pussy, immediately going to work sliding in and out of the woman's center.

Virginia's ass kept squirming, now trying to aide the fingers in any way possible. There was a moan emanating from the beaten woman's throat that was getting louder with each thrust. Finally, her body went stiff as her free hand grabbed a handful of tarp and the orgasm crashed over her body.

But even as the orgasm struck, Cori's left hand kept up its attack on the convulsing pussy. Her right hand, meanwhile, had released the captive arm.


The right hand once again took up its attack on the already tender ass, joining a left hand that refused to quit pounding the convulsing pussy. The assault didn't end until orgasm after orgasm had reduced the totally defeated woman to little more than a squirming pile of flesh.

* * * II * * *

Cori slid her leg out from under her defeated foe and eased herself to her knees, straddling the small of Virginia's back and facing the back of her head. With a viciousness that betrayed her true emotions, she grabbed a tuft of Virginia's hair and pulled the head from the tarp, twisting it so Brian and his friends could clearly see the defeated face.

"Well," she said challengingly. Cori couldn't believe the feelings that were running through her body as she sat triumphantly on Virginia's back. She'd won! More than that, she'd vanquished her opponent, reducing her to a whimpering mass of humanity unable to offer the least bit of resistance.

She knew she shouldn't be feeling like this. After all, she'd been stripped of her clothing, her compassion and all but the most basic of human instincts -- hatred. She'd fought another human being -- a woman and colleague no less, someone she had not only respected, but loved. And she'd done it in front of her students. That much alone was a shame she should never be able to live down. But it was more -- much more.

At the end -- even when victory was assured -- she'd continued her assault. She'd mercilessly attacked not only Virginia's ass, but also her pussy -- right there in front of the students. And she hadn't stopped until the school Principal was totally and completely pummeled.

And had all this embarrassed her? Had it shamed her to the point where she wanted to crawl under a rock and hide? On the contrary. It had taken her arousal to levels she'd never before reached. Succinctly put, she was horny as hell -- and she couldn't care less who knew.

"I'd say we have a winner," Brian said.

Cori pushed Ms. Lee's face back to the tarp and, in all her nakedness, rose to her feet and stepped in front of Brian. She made absolutely no effort to cover herself.

"There's something I want," she stated simply, looking him square in the eye and holding his gaze.

"And what would that be."

Cori turned away from Brian and walked carefully to where Maurice stood. She came to a stop inches in front of the young student and quietly looked him square in the eyes.

"Him," she said curtly.

Brian let out a soft chuckle. "I'd say that's up to Maurice." He turned to his teammate and waited.

Maurice hesitated a moment before reaching forward, sliding his right hand behind Cori's neck and grabbing a handful of hair. He then pulled her slowly but forcefully to her knees.

"We play by my rules," he said simply, yet with a tone of absolute authority. "You're the slut, and I'm your Master." There was another brief hesitation. "Any questions?"

She shook her head as best she could with him still holding her hair. "No, Master," she said in a voice all the boys could plainly hear.

He held her for a second more before releasing her hair. He straightened up, grabbed the bottom of his tee-shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it off to the side. Then he looked down at her and waited.

She reached up slowly and placed her oily hands on his chest. She squeezed his muscular pecs, twirling his nipples in her fingers, before sliding her hands over his six-pack abs. When her hands finally reached his gym shorts, she slid her fingers inside the waistband and pulled the shorts over his hips and down to the ground, where he stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

She looked at her naked master, his big fat cock on full alert, and she smiled. She reached out with her hands, stroking it gently, lovingly, before sliding one hand to his balls. She squeezed him as she stroked his meat, slowly at first, then a little faster. Finally, she moved her lips to the prize.

She circled the tip with her tongue, bathing it in saliva before sliding it just into her mouth. Then she withdrew her lips and gave him another stroke with her hand. Finally, when she could stand it no more, she moved her mouth back to the cock and eased it in.

At first she didn't take all of him, bobbing her head about halfway down his tool. But with each new stroke, she took him a little deeper until finally, she was taking his all. She held the fingers of her right hand around the base of his cock while her left hand was caressing his balls, her mouth never missing a stroke. When she finally felt that initial quiver of excitement building in his body she released his balls and jammed her finger deep into his ass.

That was all it took, as he latched onto the sides of her head and began pumping his cum down her throat, holding her on his manhood until he was completely drained.

When he finally released her, she lowered her ass to her ankles and slid several feet back on the tarp. She looked him over hungrily, smiling as his limp manhood began to twitch.

* * *

Virginia, meanwhile, had regained her senses in time to see most of what had just transpired. Her initial reaction was shock. That was not the Cori Goodman she knew!

It took a moment for the real meaning of that thought to sink in. No, that was not the Cori Goodman she knew -- it was the Cori Goodman she'd created.

"She was right," she said in a voice no one else could hear. "She was right."

She looked in Brian's direction and found him staring at her. Without emotion he pointed at his feet, much like a Master would do with his dog. Hurriedly, she slid across the tarp, wondering if she could ever make things right with Cori.

* * *

Meanwhile, Cori eased herself onto her back and spread her legs, her glistening body on complete display as her hands slid over her breasts. She could feel the young male eyes upon her, boring a hole in her body as she squeezed her oily breasts, kneading them as she rolled her hips and tugged roughly on her nipples. But she felt neither shame nor embarrassment; only the pure animal lust that was consuming her.

She slid her hands to her pussy, working her clit with one while the other slid into the depths of her pussy. And she closed her eyes, moaning as the pleasure worked its way deeper into her womanhood.

Only a few seconds went by before she felt Maurice's hands on her thighs, sliding up towards her center. He took her hands and gently pulled them from their task before replacing them with his own. And as she felt him beginning to work her hot, hungry box, her hands retreated back to her breasts.

As her heat continued to build, she released her tits and reached for his hands, pulling him on top of her. A moment later his meat was buried deep inside her and her legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. He then began a slow, rhythmic pounding of her pussy, each thrust sliding them several inches across the slick, oily tarp.

She arched her pelvis to meet his thrusts, clinging to him desperately. She heard a scream, completely unaware that it was hers. He continued his attack, each thrust coming quicker and harder. Finally, it struck! An orgasm worthy of all the stress and turmoil her body and mind had been through.

She yelled out, clutching him desperately as he pounded her savagely. And still she came. She felt his body beginning to tense as his thrusts became more desperate. And she came some more. He finally exploded in her, sending them both completely over the edge as he jerked spasmodically into her. Finally, mercifully, he collapsed on top of her, gasping for air.

They lay in each other's arms for several minutes. When they finally recovered enough to function, they looked into each other's eyes. At long last, he pushed himself to his knees and extended an arm to help her up. Carefully, they made their way to their feet.

They looked at their audience, their eyes finally settling on Brian. It was Maurice who spoke.

"Where can we clean up," he asked.

"There's a shower over there in the changing room," he responded, pointing to a small extension off the garage. "You'll find plenty of towels."

Without another word, the two turned and started for the shower.

They spent the better part of a half-hour in the shower, trying to purge the oil from their bodies. When they finally finished, they left the changing room hand in hand. They paused for a moment and watched as five naked young men took turns having their way with their principal, and then they left.

* * *

Virginia Lee lay face down on the tarp, her skin glistening with the oil that covered every inch of her body. It was almost dark now; at least three hours since Cori had left and the boys began having their way with her.

And oh how they'd taken her!

They'd fucked her in her pussy and they'd fucked her in her mouth. They'd even fucked her in her ass. How many times they took her, she couldn't say. Several times each, at least.

And then they'd stopped, leaving her alone on the tarp to recover from the aches and pains and orgasms that had so dominated here day.

She'd finally drifted into a light sleep, almost, but not quite aware of the comings and goings around her. It was at that moment that she felt hands once again taking hold of her hips and lifting her ass from the tarp.

"Nooo," she moaned pitifully. But her plea went unanswered as she felt one of the students sliding up behind her and slipping his cock into her pussy. Another hand grabbed a wad of her hair and pulled her mouth towards his engorged cock. Soon thereafter she was getting it from both ends.

She wasn't giving the young man a blow job any more than she was making love to the guy behind her. She was simply the helpless repository for all their pent up teenage lust. They pounded her mercilessly, the guy in back even leaning forward and squeezing her tits.

Yet before either of the boys neared their release, Virginia felt her body exploding in yet another orgasm, shaking her to her very core.

Through her orgasmic fog she was vaguely aware of cum spurting into her mouth, only to drip out the sides and down her chin. The next thing she knew the guy behind her had a hold of her hair as he pulled her head back and emptied his seed into her cunt. A moment later she was once again face down on the tarp gasping for air.

But there was no rest for the wicked, it seemed, as almost immediately two other boys took a hold of her arms and hoisted her to her feet. She was barely aware of being led away from the mat and towards the changing room. It wasn't until the cold water from the shower struck her body that some sense of awareness returned.

* * *

When she finally recovered enough to function, the guys exited the changing room, leaving her alone in the shower. She adjusted the water to a warmer flow and took a long, slow shower. When she climbed out, she grabbed a towel and dried off, before wrapping it around herself and exiting the room.

She found the students -- once again dressed in their gym shorts and tee shirts -- sitting around the patio table, a half empty plate of sandwiches and a crinkled up bag of chips in their midst. It was Brian who spoke.

"Lose the towel," he said without emotion.

"Yes sir," she replied obediently, never diverting her eyes as she complied with his request.

He allowed her to stand there for several long seconds as the table full of young male eyes drank in her nakedness. Finally, he nodded towards the chaise lounge where her clothes sat, all neatly folded.