Roomers Revisited Ch. 05


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Well, shit. You've had the rest, now try the best. I swear there ain't another woman in the country can give head like Annie. As her lips caressed my cock and slid slowly down the shaft I felt the familiar sparkle run through me. Ain't anyone else who can do that. She wriggled her little butt some, reminding me she had needs too, and I dove in there, matching her rhythm and letting the tension drain out of me. She purred deep in her throat and the gentle vibes ran down my shaft and joined the pool of lust that was gathering in the pit of my belly. Her clit was under my tongue and I slid the tip round it before heading south again and rimming her tiny pink pucker. Not a girl who liked it in the ass, but the occasional "Hi" in passing always went down well. She stiffened and mashed herself hard against my face, forcing her clit against my chin, and we were off to the races.

Good races too, if a marathon punctuated by sprints is what rings your dam' bells. Must have been an hour before she let me struggle off the sofa and crawl into the kitchen, looking for refreshments. Managed to liberate a beer and some juice and stumble back, slump down. She'd moved over and recharged the bong, was sitting ready with her old Zippo, little smile on her face, looking like a skinny, wasted Mona Lisa.

'Jeez, Doug, seems like it just gets better. You think maybe we're growin' up?' No, dummy, it's called getting real. I been that way for a while.

'I swear you're a witch, Annie. How come you manage to put it into words?' She looked pleased,, pushed her face into my neck, kissed it. Not often she did that, and I was kinda touched.


Jeez, almost midnight. Time for Doug to get his beauty sleep. Seemed like I'd been stood in the window all day, except for dinner with Annie. Still, meditation never hurt anyone. I like to have everything straight in my head.

Fact is, I felt sorta smug. Annie fixed up and happy to go, whenever I said; Kirsty on tap, knowing her place; Doug in the catbird seat, happy as a pig in shit. Funny thing though, seemed to me the talent wasn't sticking its nose in as much as it used to. Mebbe it's done its job, got me where I always wanted to be. I have to say, I got no idea if that's good or bad. Looking back, if the ability hadn't been there, I hadn't picked up on it, realized what it could do, well shit: where the fuck would I be? Not here, not financially stable, not elbow deep in willing pussy, that's for dam' sure. On the other hand, a whole bunch of people wouldn't have got hurt. One of them would still be alive. Callous Doug, I guess, but I can't get too worked up about that right now. Knock on the door, and I knew it was Kirsty from the rhythm.

'Only if you're hot for my body.' She slipped through the door, quiet like always, turned on a reading lamp.

'Like you didn't know that. Standing in the window's one thing, but standing in the dark's something else. What are you worrying about now?' Nothing at all, girl, nothing at all.

'Hell, Kirsty, not much. Guess I was kinda hopin' you were about, wonderin' if you were up for a little exercise.'

'Dumb question.' There was clothes flying every which way as she spoke, and two seconds later I was on the couch, smothered by sweet fresh girl. Damn, but I can sure pick 'em. 'You hold still,' she murmured. 'I've been studying for hours and I need to unwind so badly it hurts.' Doctor Doug to the rescue, I thought, as I hoisted her up and set her on my face. Time for the party trick. Ever since I discovered how to do that, all them years ago, I been amazed how it never fails. Her thighs were kinda covering my ears, but I thought I heard a purr of contentment as she settled herself, squirming backward and forward to let me check out the territory. Seemed the same as ever: warm, pink, damp, smelling real good, slightly alkaline. My cock jerked as Kirsty leaned back and trailed her fingers along the shaft and I let my tongue slide up the driveway to the front door. I swear she quivered all over, from dandruff to bunions, my grandpa used to say, and I felt myself hardening at the thought of what was coming afterwards.

Pussy sure is an amazing piece of creation. I don't think there's one fuckin' aspect that I don't love. Taste, texture, the noises they make when you're working on them, you can't whip it. All the same, all different: tell the truth pussy's the closest I ever come to religion, and that's a fact.

I guess I'd been thinking a tad too much about that, and not realizing what was going on. Kirsty was dam' near outa control, flinging herself about like a fuckin' madwoman, trying to push my head away from her crotch. I relaxed the action, pulled back some, and she slowed and slumped, breath rasping in her throat.

'I thought I was going to die, and you didn't take any notice. You focus so hard it scares me sometimes.' Focused my ass.

'Uh, getting kinda lost in the pleasure zone, I guess, Kirsty. You OK?' She wriggled backwards, lay along my chest, face almost touching mine.

'I'll probably live. I'll need some reviving fluids in a minute though, as soon as I can decide how I want them.' Me, I kinda liked the idea of finishing up with a BJ.

'Better if you had one of my famous beef injections, real slow. Trust your medical advisor.' She giggled and kissed my nose, pushed her little mound down against my cock.

'When Annie was here, do you know what we were talking about?' I never got into trouble saying nothing, so that's what I did. After a moment she went on. 'Once we'd decided how to share without fighting, she said something really interesting. She said that the reason we can put up with you being so selfish and everything is because you're not smug, nor pushy, ever. You just look sweet and let us decide. Most guys don't do that, and I was sorta curious how you manage it.' No way, Kirsty: you're cute as a button, but I ain't falling for loving interest. Doug's advice: never tell a woman too much about yourself. Once they get a taste for that, they tend to get real uppity.

'Hell, Kirsty, it's a matter of respect, I guess. Only time I get up on my hind legs is if one of my friends has a problem. Guess I can come over kinda dominant if that occurs. It don't happen, well hell, I tend to trust the people who trust me.' Total fiction of course, but she loved it, buried her face in my neck, squeezed me till I thought I was gonna burst. All I could think of was that I'd said it without the clicks butting in.

Shit, after that I could do no fuckin' wrong; just rolled her over and slid right in, took my own sweet time getting her up the slope again, held on till she was begging then let it go, filled her good I reckon. Leastways, an hour later the goodnight BJ was almost as good as one of Annie's. I didn't even go back to the window, just crawled into the sack when she'd left, went out like a light, feelin' real good.


I guess that's about it; life's stayed smooth since then. Course, Kirsty left right after she graduated: some tears, not too many, swore she'd never forget, but she didn't think she was gonna visit. I was kinda relieved, tell the truth. Chrissie as a long range occasional was about as much as I could handle. But there's always a Miss next time, and sure enough, Fran turned up with the next year's set of freshman, and after her there was a Michelle, my memory serves me right. Annie in the background, keeping me stable. Fuckin' prime time.

Never had the clicks since Kirsty left, either. Seems like they knew they weren't needed, curled up and went to sleep. Fine by me. Anything that means less work is good. Being a slacker ain't always a bed of roses, but I think I've cracked it.

Time for a beer and a book I guess, then a little time with Annie, come back and think about whether Donna or Veronica oughta be the next target. I ain't too worried which: guess I'll let them come to me. I gotta say, I sure can pick 'em.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
loved it

I too read both series in few hours and I liked them both. Language you used was harder to understand but it was interesting too but hopefully you wont use it too often. I also didn't like guy calling everyone "kid" it was boner killer. Sex was pretty vanilla and wish it was more detailed. I loved your story reminded me of romance stories of dreamcloud, I just wanted quick sex story but I this was great read too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
excellent story!

I just finished readin both series in sequence. I couldn't stop and I have a short attention span. An excellent mix of story and sex and neither interfered with the other. I am glad you did not try for a "happily ever after." It would have been totally inconsistent with Doug's character. Really good character development. I imagined Doug and Annie in adjacent rooms at the nursing home in the end. Thank you for a great read.

Jerry Kircus

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Page turner

Was just browsing when I came across "Roomer". All I can say is that I was pleased that you decided to continue with "Roomer Revisited". The series really was a page turner and while I didn't read through until the finish, I did hurry with the horse chores so that I could finish the last two chapters. Thanks for a pretty good read.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 12 years ago
For some reason I can't rate any story in this section...

Or I would have given you and others a bunch of five stars. I really enjoyed this series, all the stories were pretty laid back. I will check out your other wrtings. Thank you.

TheflucTheflucover 12 years ago

I just logged in on my pc to leave a comment, cause it needs to be said.

i accidentaly pulled an all nighter reading your story about doug, its enthralling all the time, excellently written and I had a lot of fun reading it.

Just wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work!

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