Quixotic Rapprochement


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Taking the money she and I had sent, I headed to an old local motel with a neon sign stating 'Vacancies'. I went to the night window and got a room for cash and had them turn on the phone for long distance calls and prepaid for ten minutes. I threw the backpack and much of the contents into their dumpster and carried the package of clean clothes with me to the room. Inside the room, I stripped nude and placed all of the clothes I was wearing into a garbage bag which I wrapped tightly. I went to the shower and washed. There in the stall, I was watching the dirt swirl down the drain and was transported back to the farm. I would go home to Emma. I didn't know if things would be like they had before, but I needed to be somewhere safe and I knew that would be the one place on earth I could find it. When I finished my shower, I called the airline and verified I could be on the first flight tomorrow. Then I made my call to Emma and told her I'd arrive tomorrow evening.

This trip to my old home was different for many reasons. The biggest difference from that trip home on the bus all those years ago was that I was flying, in first class no less. The other differences had to do with that saying 'You can never go home again', at least that was how I quoted it now. Emma was there and we'd remained in contact and even visited one another over the years. She hadn't ostracized me for marrying Joie. She'd seemed happy for me. I wished her life had been better, not that it was over by any means. I'd always thought that she would find the right guy to settle down with and use some of the money she was making to find a way to have some kids.

That never happened but she had taken my original business plan and run with it. The farm was doing very well. In the back of my mind, I had this vague idea. It was crazy and I knew it, but I thought it might be worth running it passed her. I'd wait and see if things were lining up the right way. It could be the beginning of something truly fun.

In the plane, I had several drinks. Having abstained for the last sixteen weeks or so was compounded by the amount of weight I lost. The flight attendant should have stopped me at three, but they'd kept refilling it and I'd kept drinking. Lifetime top elite status must have shown up on their passenger list. I was literally passed out when the plane landed in Burlington and awoke with a start when the plane touched down.

Somehow, I managed to get myself and my new bag outside into the bright daylight, where my eyes suddenly felt like someone had rubbed sand in them. I didn't have long to wait, but my head was pounding and when Emma pulled up in her new farm truck, the sound from her horn had nearly split my head open. I put my bag in the back, she hadn't replaced Samson. She hadn't replaced anything that she loved. Getting into the cab, I looked her up and down. I'd have sworn that she didn't look like she'd aged a day from all those summers ago.

"Jesus, Squirt, you smell like a distillery."

"I love you too, Emma. Could you speak a little more softly?"

"What have you done to yourself?"

"I've been discovering that I can't hold my alcohol anymore."

"Let's get you home. God you're so thin."

"I'm okay, I just need some of your home cooking."

She shook her head at me and pulled away from the pickup area. Outside the window, I could see the verdant countryside passing by and I realized that the last time she'd driven me home, the windows had been down. Now she was driving a nice new truck and the air was on. After so many days on the trail, it felt almost surreal. I must have dozed off at some point because I awoke when she opened my door and assisted me from the truck.

"I can't believe you came home drunk," she chastised me. "Pops would have beat you silly."

"That's not what you thought at the lake," I quipped. "Hey, there's all my junk," I said as I spotted my container parked by the shed.

"Come on, pick up your feet," she said gently.

She continued to assist me as my legs were rubber beneath me and didn't seem to be functioning correctly. Trying to make it work, she wrapped my arm about her so she could support me to the door. It was working until we reached the porch steps and I couldn't manage them. A sweat broke out on me and the sky seemed to spin as I'd lifted my leg for the first step. Then, in what seemed like a flash, I was laying on the porch with her atop me with her elbow pressing into my tummy.

"Brurp - uhg - you need to move, I'm going to lose this," I warned her as I felt my stomach beginning to wretch.

She got up, helped me to my side and held me as I lost the meal and drinks from the flight. The effluent didn't just go into the flowerbed, there was some on just about all of my new clothing. When I finished, was when the crying began. Emma didn't berate me or give me any grief. She was gentle, as she helped me up again and got me inside. She got me to the back bedroom addition and into its attached bathroom. Sitting in the tub, the crying continued and I may have blacked out.

The next thing I remembered I was under the hand held showerhead. I was completely nude and Emma was washing me with a soft washcloth and rinsing me off. I faded in and out several times. An angel seemed to keep saying, What's happened to my sweet baby? as her soft lips met mine.

I awoke in a tub of warm water. Emma had finished cleaning me and pushed the long straggly hair from my face. I looked up at her and saw her return my gaze deeply, her eyes filled with concern.

"I'm so sorry, honey," she whispered as she continued stroking my forehead. "I know losing her hurt," she said breaking down. "I've been so worried about you these last several months. I thought you'd gone on that hike to kill yourself," she cried lightly kissing my forehead as tears ran down her face and onto mine.

"No, no, I'm going to get through it. Don't cry for me, Em."

I'd only ever called Emma, Em, a few times and those few times had gotten me a rebuke. It'd been Bo's name for her all those years ago; she hadn't let anyone else get away with it. Tonight though, with me lying naked in her tub and her crying over me, it gained me a gentle hug and soft words.

She repeated the words over and over again, "It'll be okay, dear, sweet boy."

I'd thought I'd gotten all of my self-pity out on the trail, but evidently, there was still some remaining.

"Come on, let's get you dried off," she said attempting to help me up.

"I'm sorry I've put you through all of this."

"Don't be ridiculous."

Standing in the tub, I was fully nude as she assisted me to the bathmat. There she handed me a large terrycloth towel that smelled like home and felt like heaven. I could feel her eyes on me as I wrapped myself awkwardly and she assisted me to the bed. In my mind that summer six years ago seemed like it had just been a week ago. Emotions flooded forth like the gates had been thrown open. There was love in me. Love I thought had vanished long ago. Had my love for her not faded one iota? I'd believed I loved Joie with all of my heart and was certain that she'd been my soulmate. I felt confident it was true but wondered if maybe I'd transferred what I'd felt for my sister or if somehow this other love for Emma had been buried all this time.

"Do you think you can love two people with all of your heart?" I asked as she helped me sit on the bed.

"Parents love their children."

I shook my head which made the room spin and me lie down. She was beside me cradling my head in her hands and whispering sweet words to me. When I awoke, I'd latched onto Emma's teat in the night. I hadn't thought it would be like this with all the time apart, but here we were sleeping nude in her bed again. The natural order of things in my universe seemed to have forces that pulled me to her.

When I released her nipple, she looked down at me and said, "That was nice, why'd you stop?"

"I didn't know if we were doing that, now."

She stroked my forehead gently, "You can do anything you like with me. I realized a while ago, that there was only one person in the world for me. Sending you away was silly of me, but I was happy for you and the love you found."

I resumed suckling upon her. It was the most comforting thing I'd done in a long time. After a while, I released her and asked the question that kept running around in my head.

"When did you realize that?"

"Oh, I had doubts the day I dropped you at the bus station, but I thought I'd gotten past them until the day of your marriage -"

"I'm sorry, I did love her and -"

"Yes, I made you promise you would move on. I wasn't jealous of her, I was happy for you and sad for me. You can have more than one feeling at a time."

"What was your realization?"

"Well, her maiden name sounded familiar, so when I came home, I dug through some of Mama's old papers and made a trip to Montreal to check some records -"


"Well, I found her mom, Geneviève, was Mama and Sarah's aunt. So as it turns out, you married your great aunt or maybe third cousin, I get them confused."

"I didn't know," I said. "So that convinced you it'd be okay to love your brother?"

"Well, I loved you against my own will. I'd broken my own rule and allowed myself to love you. Then I'd pushed you away so you would find a love and you did. But I just realized that the thing that mattered was the love. Then when Joie told me she was dying -"

"She told you?"

"Yes, and she told me about her brother. She also told me that one day you might return to me and that I should think long and hard before sending you away again. She loved you so much, Paul."

"I miss her terribly."

"She wished only joy in your life and she was so sad that she was going to cause you such pain. It was the most loving thing I have ever seen. When you called me that day to tell me about your hike, I worried you might die."

"You told me that yesterday."

"I wanted to make sure you heard it, because that was the day I decided that if you came back, I wouldn't send you away ever again."

"I love you, Emma. I've always loved you."

"I've loved you forever and my love has evolved."

Over the next several months Emma fed me enough to get me back to a healthy weight. We reopened our exploration of one another and we started planning what we wanted to do together. Several of the things she wanted to do were tied up in the farm but I don't think she understood the amount of wealth we now had. When I told her I had accumulated nearly fifty million dollars in our six years apart and I wanted her to stop working on this farm and go see the world together, her ideas became a little more exploratory.

One of Emma's lifetime desires was to go to the Netherlands to see the tulips and other flowers they grow by the thousands. She'd shone me pictures in one of her textbooks as a child. There'd been row upon row of them forming a multicolored rainbow. I remembered asking her where those were and she'd told me Holland, where they have those wooden shoes. Afterword, she'd read to me from 'Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates', the story about the boy who put his finger in the dike.

The fact that she really wanted to go had come up again when we'd planted the first bulbs in the front flowerbed. That was when she'd told me that tulips represent perfect love. All of these ideas rolled around in my head together and I decided we'd just go. I called and got reservations and airline tickets for the weekend. Although spring planting was done, I wanted to convince her to let another farmer tend the field or perhaps just let them overgrow. When I asked her of course it'd been very carefully worded - um - well I'm not very tactful.

"So, when we go to the Netherlands, should we just burn the crops or let them rot in the field?"

"Um - what?"

"I'm thinking burn them."

"What are you on about?"

"We're going to the Netherlands tomorrow. So, I'm trying to figure out what to do about the crops."

"We're going?"

"I've got the tickets and reservations. We're going to Holland, you know like the shoes and tulips," I said playfully.

"I know where the Netherlands is. I haven't got anything packed or anything to wear."

"What you're wearing is fine. We can pack a few things and buy whatever we want or need. It's time to start living this life."

"You've lost your mind!"

"No, I found you, my other half, again," I said grinning ear to ear. "Come on it'll be fun; you've wanted to go forever. This is the time to see the tulips; they're going to be at their peak. Let's go and see and do."

There was some hesitation; I could tell she was worrying about crops, the house, and a dozen other things that didn't matter as long as we were together.

"Emma, as long as I'm with you I'll have everything I need. Let's pack what we absolutely can't live without in a very small travel bag and go."

"When is the flight?" she said finally smiling at the idea.

"We need to be there just before noon."

As the saying goes 'veni vidi vici' and we did. Emma and I came, saw and conquered, well figuratively. The tulips had been her favorite and the windmills were a close second followed by the engineering feats of the crazy water bridges that carried boats over road traffic or even other waterways. Of course, our trip to see the tulips turned into a month long romp across Europe. We could have gone longer, but at a certain point, we'd seen so much art and history, that we needed a break before going back at it.

When we got back home and settled into our bed there was a palpable tension about us. We were crazy in love and back in the house where it'd all started. She had that look in her eye and suddenly we were kissing and making out like that summer so long ago. The experiences life had brought us, simply made this love that much stronger.

"What do you think you're doing, Squirt?" she asked when I began feeling her breasts through her blouse.

"Sorry, mother may I feel your breasts?" I asked her as I restarted the game we'd played so long ago.

She nodded affirmatively and waited. She smiled and finally said, "Yes you may."

The game quickly devolved into us pulling each other's clothing off because she wanted to use one of the toys we'd gotten in the red light district. I didn't know that it excited her, but she wanted a toy in her butt while I made love to her. I loved the sense of exploration she was displaying and so I lubed up the narrow cylinder and let her put it inside her tight pucker. With it inserted, she climbed atop me and I ate her tulips eagerly while she sucked my cock in our soixante-neuf. The buzzing on my lips and tongue had me wanting to see what it would be like with my member in there, but I licked and tongued her until she was squealing from the pleasure.

"Yesss. Oh, gawd, I need - my baby - brother's - cock," she said as she climbed off and lied upon the bed.

I wanted my cock inside her and she'd read my mind. Her words always seemed to work on me as well as any physical contact. When I went to insert, I met some wonderful resistance accompanied by the vibrations that passed through her.

"Oh, that's nice," I said as I slid within her.

The vibrations tingled the length of me even when I was mostly withdrawn. Every stroke pushed us both closer and closer to oblivion. I could see the lust and love in her eyes as I pounded away at her. There was no one who loved me as completely as she did and her love poured forth through the beautiful crystal blue windows to my soulmates being.

Looking down at us coupling, I was taken instantly back to the time I'd told her I loved her after we'd finished. That time had followed with a small hurt, but this time there would be complete acceptance of my love and everything it carried.

"I'm cumming Emma. I love you so much. Oh fuck - I love you."

"Shoot it inside me; fill me with your seed. I love you too. Cum inside! Squirt - oh - yeah - baby - I feel it - squirting inside."

Rope after rope rushed out of me, and Emma locked her legs around me to pull me in tight. She froze in that position as we both twitched through our simultaneous orgasms.

When she finally relaxed and unlocked her legs, I rolled beside her and said, "I think I may start drawing again."

"I may have to start posing again."

"You just did, don't be too greedy."

After about a month home, we'd settled into being a real couple. We weren't doing much about the crops and we'd just finished making plans for our next adventure. Emma got up to use the restroom and I was sitting on the bed thinking about Greece. I was having mixed feelings about going there. It would bring back Joie in a way, but Emma wanted to go and I couldn't let her down.

We weren't going to the same villa at least and the isles would be beautiful. While I thought about the trip, I made a realization and stupidly said it aloud, well actually, I yelled it so she'd hear me.

"It seems like we made love at least twice as often since we've been home as we did on our trip!"

A crash of glass came from the bathroom and I rushed to the door. "Are you okay?" I asked standing in the doorway. Seeing the shattered glass on the floor, I bent immediately to start picking up the shards. I was so concerned that she not cut her feet that my focus was on the glass and them. When she didn't respond, I looked up to see her expression, "Em, are you cut?"

"Yeah - um - no - this wasn't - it's not supposed to be possible."

"It's just glass, are you alright? Do I need to call the doctor?" I asked thinking maybe she was having a stroke from the way she was speaking.

"No - yeah - maybe - eventually. Sorry sweetie, I'll be fine," she said turning from the sink to see my concern. "It's a good thing this time," she reassuringly mumbled to herself. "This time I'll have you," she said and then laughed a little.

"Here, step over to me. I think you need to sit down; I'll get the rest up later," I said as I held out my hand.

That was when I saw what she had and instead of taking my hand, she placed it into my hand. I looked at it and then at her and then at the box on the bathroom sink. The words didn't seem to register correctly, as I read them. Test It was a test, and this thing in my hand meant something. The weight of her stare as she placed it in my hand told me this was important. The white plastic stick and the plus sign. There was a deep meaning that was being blocked by shock.

"Wait - what - I thought -"

Then she stepped over the glass to take my hand and lead me back to the bed. We sat and then lay together nude while our hands caressed each other gently. I could see there were tears forming in her eyes but they seemed to be tears of happiness. Surprised and overjoyed, Emma began nodding her head affirmatively and then hugged me tightly around my neck with her left arm.

Her right hand trembled as she caressed my face, "I guess they were wrong and I'm so happy."

"Me too, it's the best thing that's ever happened," I said softly.

"I can't believe it's happening, again."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Full circle, huh?

Wonderfully done, thank you!

Celastrus_orbiculatusCelastrus_orbiculatus5 months ago

i started reading a stroke story and i was fucking crying my eyes out at a few points. GREAT WRITING. sexy too.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Beautiful story.

nekkid_handymannekkid_handymanabout 1 year ago

Incredible! This story was so well written that I felt drawn into the lives of the characters and felt the emotions right along with them. I even cried when Joie passed. I am so happy you created this little gem of literature and cannot wait to read the rest of your creations. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amazing story that brought me to tears. Love can be complicated and you captured so much emotion in this story. Bravo

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