Punishing The Unruly Son Ch. 03


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"Well," Mom answered, taking a deep breath and letting it out, "I guess we need to take your cell phone and then, all your clothes have to come off. After that, you're going to stand in front of us naked for a few minutes so your sister and I can have our first look at you."

Bobby shrugged his shoulders and reached into his back pocket and handed Mom his cell phone. She took it from him, powered it off, and set it on the end table next to the chair. Then looking at me, Mom said the words I'd been dying to hear her say.

"Sandra," Mom said softly, "will you please undress your brother?"

The only sound in the room was the sound of Bobby's breathing as I stood up and walked up to him. "It's okay." He said to me, softly. "Just do it."

I bent down to untie his sneakers and asked him to pick his feet up so I could take them off. Reaching up under his pant legs, I took hold of the top of his socks and pulled them down to his ankles. He picked his feet up again and I slipped his socks off and handed them up to Mom.

He was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, so as I stood up in front of him, I reached out and unbuttoned the top button on his jeans and loosened them around his waist. Pulling his t-shirt up, he raised his arms to help me, and with almost no effort, I pulled his t-shirt over his head and held it out for Mom to take from me.

I looked up into his eyes as I reached back to his waist to unzip his jeans. As I touched the tongue of his zipper, I realized that my hands were only mere inches from my little brother's penis. He shuddered as I lowered the zipper and knelt down in front of him, hooking my thumbs into the waist of his jeans and began pulling them down.

They weren't tight on him at all, and as they came down his thighs easily, I was left staring at his boxers, knowing full well I was only moments away from stripping my little brother naked and seeing his cock for the first time since he was five.

As Bobby stepped out of his jeans, I folded them and handed them up to Mom as I remained kneeling in front of him. As Mom took the jeans from me, I looked up to Bobby's face and he was as embarrassed as I've ever seen him. His whole chest was red and his blush covered his neck, face and his ears. The look in his eyes was silently begging me not to pull his boxers down, but, I knew I couldn't grant his wish.

I looked over at Mom and she nodded her head at me. "It has to be done, Sandra." Mom said. "Let's get it over with...... it'll be better for all of us once he's naked and starting to get used to it."

I looked up at Bobby again, gave him an understanding little smile and he smiled back. Then, as I reached up to hook my fingers into the waistband of his boxers, I felt him flinch and his stomach tightened.

Then, realizing this was a moment I'd never forget, I pulled my little brother's boxers down his legs without stopping, and, immediately focused my eyes on his crotch. My first and immediate impression could be summed up in just one word: "Thick".

He had a terrible mess of dark pubic hair that swirled around his groin like a briar patch. His penis, just inches away from my face, looked beefier, and, more developed than any cock I'd seen up to that point in my life. Without taking my eyes away from it, I reached down and pulled his boxers from around his ankles and handed them up to Mom.

Standing up, I walked over next to my mother and she and I both looked down at my little brother's cock. My Gawd, it was thick -- very thick, probably the thickest cock I'd ever seen. It was a little longer than average length, I guessed maybe five inches or a little longer as it hung there flaccid, but the thickness of Bobby's cock made it look more like a small arm rather than a penis.

I felt a flood of wetness fill my panties as I stared at his thick, soft cock, and I wondered if either he or Mom would be able to smell my arousal. But, I didn't care -- it was so exciting to see my little brother's bare cock right in front of me, and as I stood there staring at it, I wondered how large it would be when he was hard.

Mom was more composed than I was, and I didn't realize she'd called my name twice before she reached out, pulled my hand and told me to sit down.

"Bobby," Mom said, "come stand here in front of us so we can see you up close. I know this is uncomfortable, but, we might as well get all the looking done now...... get all the curiosity out of the way...... and then maybe it will gradually feel normal to all of us."

I watched in rapt fascination as Bobby stepped in front of us, stopping three or four feet away. "Closer." Mom said, reaching out for his hand and pulling him within a foot of us. His cock was still soft, and as I looked at him, I could see his balls pulled up tightly next to his body and his thick cock hanging down in front of them.

"Bobby." Mom said, calling his name to get his attention. "Look at me."

When he looked up at her, she asked, "When you refer to your penis, what do you call it? What I mean is, do you call it your penis? Your dick? Your cock?"

"Uh..... my cock, I guess." Bobby answered, looking away from her, clearly embarrassed and trying to avoid her eyes.

"Sweetheart," Mom continued, "I want you to look at me and your sister..... look straight at us, and in your most believable voice, I want you to ask us both to examine it. Make sure you use the word 'Cock', Bobby. Ask us to touch it, and remember to say please. Try to be as convincing as you can."

Bobby shuddered as he heard Mom's request. He raised his hands to his face and rubbed his forehead and his cheeks. The redness in his face deepened and his breathing became short and choppy.

"You have to do this, Son." Mom said, tenderly. "We have to get this out of the way."

It seemed like an eternity, but in reality, it was probably only ten or fifteen seconds before he tried to speak. He had to clear his throat and start twice, but, he did it.

"Sandra," my little brother began, looking directly into my eyes and taking a huge breath, "and Mom," he continued, looking at her now, "I'd very much like you to.... uh........"

Bobby's voice trailed off and we couldn't hear his last few words. When I looked up at him, he was valiantly trying to keep eye contact with Mom, but his eyes were filling up with tears so rapidly, he finally had no choice but to lower his eyes to the carpet and let the tears stream down his cheeks.

Bobby's chest was fluttering and it was hard for him to catch a breath. He kept trying to speak, but between his crying and not being able to take a breath, all that came out of his mouth was a gasp for air and the pitiful moaning of his sobbing.

I just couldn't sit there and watch this. Without even a thought about what mother would think, or say, I stood up next to my little brother and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled myself squarely against his side.

Leaning up to his ear, I whispered to him. "Okay, just relax, Bobby." I said. "We're going to breathe together...... me and you...... here we go.... stay with me now."

I stood next to my very naked brother, while Mom sat there watching, for about three minutes. It took him about thirty seconds to calm down, and once he started to breathe along with me, his crying began to subside. I kept standing next to him and as we breathed in unison, I leaned up to him again and whispered so softly, I didn't think Mom could hear me.

"They're just words, Bobby. That's all." I whispered. "Mom and I both know exactly what you're feeling right now, but I'm not going to let you give up. I don't want you to move out. You have to try it again..... you have to say those words."

You might think I'd be sick and repulsed by my little brother's seemingly weak nature. But the truth is, until today, I hadn't seen Bobby cry or shed a tear since Dad's funeral. He hardly ever shows any emotion over anything, and the fact that he'd already cried several times today spoke volumes to me. So, I couldn't sit there and watch him be emotionally torn up over a few words, especially this early into his punishment. I was compelled to go to his aid, and if mother didn't like it, that was just too damn bad.

I stood there with my arms around my brother's waist for just a little longer - until I was sure his breathing was under control and he felt steady. Then, I pulled his face to look at me, gave him a kiss on his cheek and whispered, "Don't you dare give up."

Returning to the couch and sitting down next to Mom, she looked at me and she was smiling as tears were pooling in her eyes. She put her arms around me and whispered "That was so sweet. Thank you."

"Please." My little brother said clearly, looking right into my eyes. "Would you please examine my cock? Mom and Sandra, I'd really like you to examine me. Please?"

Even though I actually heard him say those words, I was literally shocked out of my wits when Mom's hand came forward and she gently placed her palm under his balls and cupped them in her hand. Bobby shuddered at her touch, but Mom didn't pull back. "Stand still, please." Mom said, as she wrapped her fingers tenderly around his pink sack and felt him.

Bobby's cock responded immediately, and just as if it happened in slow motion, I watched his penis begin to swell and grow. In a matter of seconds, he was beginning to get hard and his cock was starting to lift from its resting place. I thought Mom might stop and pull her hand away, but, she didn't. In fact, she started lightly massaging his balls and in a few seconds, my little brother's cock was pointing out directly in front of him -- right at me.

"It's okay, just let it happen, Sweetheart." Mom said, softly. "There's nothing to be ashamed about. You have a nice, healthy penis and it's simply reacting to the way I'm touching you. Just be still and let Sandra and I do what we need to do here."

I looked up at Bobby and his eyes were closed. His chest was moving in and out, and he was breathing evenly now. Mom's eyes were trained directly on Bobby's cock and as she continued to cradle his balls in her hand, his cock got harder and harder. Before long, it was pointing up toward the ceiling, almost as if it was straining to reach the roof. And what I thought was an average length penis before he got hard was now in the "OMG" category. He was thick and long and hard and it was the most beautiful cock I'd ever had the pleasure of seeing.

Bobby's cock wasn't only 'Beefy', but, it was truly beautiful. His shaft was covered with flawless, flesh colored skin and the head of his cock was perfectly proportional to the size of his shaft. There were squiggly looking blue and purple veins running up the side of his shaft, and as I looked at them, I could almost see them pulse as the blood pumped through them.

His cock was undoubtedly the most impressive one I'd ever come across, and as I looked at him closely, I began to wonder exactly how it would feel inside me...... how I would feel as he slipped it into me, filling my vagina to the brim with that beautiful, fat phallus.

But, I think my mother, sitting beside me, was even more affected than I was. Her eyes were about to pop out of her sockets and she was breathing harder than he was! Her chest was almost heaving as she sat there, holding his balls and watching his cock inflate. One thing for sure -- we'd talked earlier about perhaps helping Bobby lose his virginity -- and looking at my Mom as she stared at my little brother's cock, I knew without a doubt I'd have to fight her for that honor now.

Bobby's cock started to pulsate once it reached its full, majestic size. I watched Mom's other hand rise up out of her lap, and slowly, she curled her fingers around his thick shaft. I was mesmerized watching Mom's dainty, slender fingers try desperately to fully grasp my brother's cock, but it was impossible for her to do -- he was just too thick.

The leaking between my legs was rampant now, and as I sat there, I could feel how wet my panties were. Never had I been this turned-on simply by seeing a guy's cock, and with it so close in front of me, my juices were flowing liberally and I was sure my panties were turning into a sopping, wet mess.

Bobby started to moan a little when Mom's fingers snuggled themselves around his shaft. "Shhhh, Sweetheart." Mom whispered. "Just be still and let me do this. I'm not going to hurt you."

Mom's fingers were lightly squeezing my little brother's cock. Maybe it was unconscious on her part, but, when I looked up at Bobby's face, I saw him looking down at what Mom was doing. His mouth was open and he was taking deep breaths, but when our eyes met, the look on his face told me he was starting to go into sensory overload.

All of a sudden, Mom let go of Bobby's cock and pulled both her hands back into her lap. "Sandra," she said, her voice cracking and weak, "go ahead and examine your little brother's cock now."

Mom's words caused my heart to quicken and as I turned to look at her, she nodded her head. "It's alright, Dear. He has to get used to both of us touching him. Don't be shy and don't forget, you have every right to do this."

Oh, I can guarantee I wasn't shy. I just didn't want to appear too eager to feel that wonderful looking organ in my hands. Although Mom and I already admitted to each other that we were both excited about having Bobby naked in front of us, I had to keep up the appearance I was dong this as part of Bobby's punishment. If she knew how desperately I now wanted to feel his girth in my hands...... in my mouth..... and inside my pussy, I wasn't sure how she'd react. So, I followed her lead and slowly reached out for my first feel of my brother's majestic cock.

Unlike her, though, I reached out with both hands, grasping his rod with one hand just under the head of his penis, and the other at the bottom of his shaft. I tried to make it look like I was being gentle, but once my fingers were wrapped around him as far as they would go, I slowly began to squeeze him, feeling the spongy softness of his skin finally give way to the hardness underneath.

Bobby's cock head seem to swell when I squeezed him, and then I felt him flinch and his cock muscles contracted. I looked up into his eyes and he was staring down at me, watching what I was doing.

I released the pressure of my fingers and then squeezed him again, this time releasing him much quicker. I did this three or four times, and each time I did it, my little brother's cock reacted by flinching and contracting.

I was watching the head of his penis as I did this, and it rhythmically swelled in response to my squeezing. Bobby moaned again, and as he moaned, a bubble of precum appeared at the tip of his cock. I heard Mom's sharp intake of breath when the bubble appeared, but she didn't move or say a word. And as I squeezed him one more time, the bubble of precum that was haphazardly balanced at the tip of his cock rolled down his cock head and onto my fingers.

In the next five seconds, more precum bubbled up through the tip of his cock and balanced there precariously before being pushed out by more, and then more precum. It was all gathering on my clenched fingers under his cock head, and when Mom stirred next to me, I glanced in her direction to see her staring at the shiny, slippery substance that was coating my fingers.

"Bobby, be still, please." Mom said calmly, as he swayed from side to side. "Let your sister finish what she has to do. You've been very good so far, don't spoil it now."

"Go ahead." Mom said to me, softly. "You can continue."

I wasn't sure exactly what she was trying to tell me. I mean, Bobby's precum was evidence that he was extremely aroused. Did she want me to do more? Should I stroke him? Surely she knew that might make him cum. Or, maybe she wanted me to squeeze him some more -- perhaps milk more of his precum out of him.

Not knowing exactly what she wanted me to do, I squeezed my little brother's cock again, but this time, I squeezed him hard and it caused his cock head to turn a deep purple color and mushroom up bigger than it had before. Bobby was panting now and his pelvis was pushing out toward me. Now, a small stream of precum flowed freely from the tip of his penis causing the fluid that had gathered on my fingers to start to run down my hand.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mom raise her hand. Turning to look at her, I watched as she touched her finger to Bobby's cock head and pulled back a thick drop of his precum. In a million years, I would have never anticipated what she did next, but, she did it so smoothly, I had no choice but to just sit there and watch.

With the drop of precum on her finger, Mom stood up and placed her free hand on Bobby's chest. Then patting his chest very softly, she raised her hand with the precum covered finger and rubbed it against Bobby's lips. Reaching down to his cock to gather up more precum, she raised her hand again and placed the tip of her finger right in front of his mouth.

"You have to learn to respect and obey your mother, Sweetheart." Mom said, almost whispering to him. "No matter what I ask of you, you have to do it. That's the rules."

I saw Bobby nod his head slightly, and when he did, Mom gently pushed just the tip of her finger into his mouth. "Suck now." Mom whispered, faintly.

Bobby did what he was told, and after fifteen seconds of sucking, Mom pulled her finger out and immediately touched the head of his cock again, this time gathering up as much precum as her finger would allow, and she held it up to his mouth. Bobby opened his lips, and again, Mom pushed her finger in and he sucked it.

Mom pulled her finger out of his mouth and reached down to pull my hand away from Bobby's cock. Then, pulling me up to stand beside her, she looked up at him and told him he'd made a mess on my hand.

"Sandra," Mom said, calmly, "let your brother clean your hand."

Like I was in some kind of a daze, I raised my hand up to Bobby's face. He reached out with his right hand, taking my hand in his, and then one by one, guided my fingers into his mouth and sucked all the precum from each digit. When he was done with my fingers, he turned my hand over and licked my palm and then the back.

When he was done, Mom put both her hands on Bobby's chest and told him he'd been very good. "Thank you, Sweetheart. It's important that you learn to do what your mother says. And, I can see you're trying very hard to obey and do what you're told. I'm very happy about that, and so is your sister."

I tried to say something, but, my throat was dry and when I tried to agree with her, it sounded like I was croaking. Clearing my throat, though, I finally looked up at Bobby, gave him the sweetest smile I could make, and told him I was happy, too.

As we stood there, Mom reached down and placed the palm of her hand on Bobby's cock head and grasped him tenderly, smearing the precum around the head of his cock and then running her fist down his shaft. She jacked him furiously for five or six seconds and then suddenly stopped.

Pulling her hand away, Mom sat down and pulled me down next to her. "I know that was difficult for you, Sweetheart, but you did very well." Mom told Bobby. "You didn't complain and you obeyed me. You have no idea how pleased I am about that. You even passed the little test I gave you with flying colors. And Sweetheart," Mom added, in a very loving tone, "I don't want you to be ashamed of what I made you do. There's nothing wrong with a young man tasting his own precum."

"Keep in mind," though, "your sister and I have every right to touch you any time we want to, and we will be doing that. Each day you'll be presented with a test of obedience and I expect you to do exactly as you're told. I promise I won't ask more than I know you can give and we'll be here to help you. You might feel humiliated or ashamed by doing it, but, you have to be strong and do exactly as your sister and I ask."