Paid to Seduce His Mother V. 02 Ch. 05


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"Of course, Pete. I have to check with Evie to see what my hours are now that I'm full time. I'll call you tomorrow to arrange a time, if..."

"That's fine. Right now, I'm in no condition to make any decision except to let Nancy drive. Until tomorrow then, and my apologies to your lovely boss for disturbing her charming establishment. Come, Nancy. 'Tis time to take our leave," he proclaimed, waving his arm and hand over his head in a grand fashion.

Behind him, grinning, but shaking her head, Nancy stopped to say a few words to Evie as she tried to pay for their dinners. "I'm so sorry, dear, that he was so rude. He hates to be told he's wrong, especially when he is so wrong, as he was tonight. And to realize that it cost him a talented cook...but I sense we were going to lose him soon anyway, Right?"

Evie pushed the proffered credit card back without using it. "Mike said it was on him, and, while I haven't seen him angry in a few years, I know he can be just as upsetting as your husband. As to your question, we're trying to decide the path our relationship is going to take, but it looks like you're safe in assuming that." Her smile was dazzling, drawing a similar one from the older lady.

Nancy picked up the credit card and held it up. When Evie shook her head, she sighed and put the card back in her wallet. As she organized herself, she spoke, "Would you believe, my parents used to bring me here when I was a little girl. My older brother had his high school graduation party here. Then we moved up to the North East side and we quite forgot about all the places we shopped down here.

"One of our assistant cooks, who is on vacation, was passing yesterday and saw the line which had formed. They're familiar with your menu and wondered what was going on so they stopped. They called Pete before they left the parking lot after having the game hen.

"Ordinarily, both of us would be upset with you--first for stealing away our cook, and then in having him invent such a wonderful variation on an old favorite, but it's good to see the old places get new life. And the dish will spur Peter to stretch and get creative again. For that I thank you. When he gets creative, he gets creative everywhere, if you understand." she said with a shy smile.

About that time, Mike came out of the kitchen and saw her at the register, chatting with Evie. He walked up to her as she turned to leave. "Nancy, Mrs Rior..." he hesitated as she turned, then went on, "My mother wouldn't forgive me if I didn't say hello to you for her. She was sorry she missed you the night we had dinner at Someplace Else."

"Your mother? I..."

"Maggie Nelson. She said..."

"Oh mi god! You're Maggie's son? O mi god! How is she? And I missed her? Oh, shit! Pete will never forgive himself now. If your mother hadn't told me about ... we wouldn't be in business today. Tell her I said hello, and she must call me, this week for certain. Your phone number, will I be able to reach her with that? Or her business number?"

"At the interview, the number I gave you as my home number. Unless we're out gallivanting, it should reach her."

"Thank you, Michael. You must bring her for dinner, or at least lunch, and Evie, too. I think you have quite a nice catch there. Just because we're competitors, it doesn't mean we can't be friends. Do call Pete; speaking of whom, I need to get going before he decides to walk home. Thank you again, Mike. Good night." and with that, she turned and walked through the door.

Part LXI

It was still light out when the young couple was able to leave. The few leftovers were stored; the kitchen and dining room cleaned; the cash drawer tended to and, courtesy of Bella, the deposit made. As Evie got into the Jeep, she grabbed Mike and pulled his face to her for a kiss.

"I'm not sure how it happened, but I'm glad you're going to be working for us full time. The wife said it was probably just as well, since you'd probably be leaving soon anyway, and she didn't want to invest a lot of time and effort in someone who wasn't going to stick around."

When she released him, she settled into her seat. "I need to run by the apartment to get a change of clothes and pick up my car. You can wait or I'll meet you at your house."

"I'll go on ahead, but don't be long. I'd like us to tell Mom together, and I'm sure if I'm alone with her for more than a half hour, she'll be able to worm it out of me."

"You keep grinning like that, she won't have to worm it out of you. It's like you're in broadcast mode. Oh, Mike," she said reaching up to kiss his cheek, "I'm so happy that you're happy, too. I was afraid that you'd feel like you were trapped or something."

He glanced at her, leaning against his arm, and holding it. "I wouldn't care if I was. I read a line once, in a book, about a man going to battle, 'Never was a man more certain of, nor more pleased with his fate.' It's not a battle, although I'm sure there will be some, but it describes how I feel." He reached out with his right arm and wrapped it around her shoulder.

"You mentioned the 800 pound gorilla in the room in the shape of my relationship with the other women in our families. I'll give that up if you want me to. I know Mom and Ellie would understand and accept my decision to limit myself to you."

"What about my mom; what would we tell her? This morning she seemed pretty anxious to get you alone again."

"I've already told her she needs your permission to have access to me."

"She won't stop now that she's had a taste of you, and if I'm going to let her, then I can't say no to Maggie and Ellie."

"I could say no to her, now that we're officially together, except for special occasions, like her birthday, and national and religious holidays..."

"Thank you, but then she'd come up with things like St Swithin's day, or National Celebrate Porcupines Day or..."

"Worship Penis Day?"

Evie laughed. "Exactly! Here we are. I'm just going to grab some underwear and a sun dress, and I'll be right behind you. We'll tell your mom as soon as I get there. Tonight...tonight, we get to make love for the first time..."

"What? We made love last we..." he interrupted.

"If you mean what you did while I was eating your mom, that was simply fucking, Mike, pure sex; there was no love in that act. As I was saying, in the morning, before I leave, so Maggie knows I meant it when I said I'd share you with her, we're going to join her in bed so you can make love to her while I watch.

"Then, tomorrow night, we'll do the same thing with my mother. Okay?"

Mike pulled into the drive, in front of his garage bay, pleased to see his mother's Volvo in its customary place. He hopped out of the Jeep and had a hard time refraining from running into the house. Maggie was in the kitchen putting on water for a cup of tea. When she heard the door open, she pulled two more cups from the cupboard.

She was pleasantly surprised when Mike grabbed her and lifted her up to whirl around, obviously pleased with life. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, teasing his lips with her tongue, puzzled when he didn't respond.

The mother in her asserted herself, and she smiled, commenting, "Wow! Must have been a good day at work. I haven't seen you this worked up in a long time."

"Yeah! Evie and Anna said it's the biggest weekend they've had since they bought the restaurant ten years ago. Pete and Nancy Riordan were in, and Pete wanted to buy the exclusive rights to my game hen recipe. Instead, he got nasty when I refused and said I had to quit Waverly's because I was supposed to go to work for them in three months, so I quit Someplace Else."

"Mike! What are you going to do?" Maggie asked, alarmed at her son's apparently brash move.

"Evie had already offered me the head cook job, so I took it, right there with Pete sitting there, eating my food. Oh, god, he was pissed!" Mike started laughing. "When I told him he'd need a mass spectrometer to analyze the recipe, he got so mad he walked out on his wife. I told Evie she needed to take his keys to give to Nancy, he was so angry.

"That really set him off, and he got so angry he couldn't take it and wound up in a laughing jag which went on for nearly ten minutes. He invited me to have a drink with him this week, and we parted friends.

"I think Nancy might call you to get together. She didn't realize we were related until I told her you'd be mad if I didn't pass on hellos. She said you should call her, and then asked how she can get in touch with you."

"Oh, good; that'll be nice. And Evie, did you two have your talk?" Maggie asked, barely registering the information he had spouted in his excited state.

Just then, the sound of the front door opening forestalled Mike's answer. "Hello!" they heard Evie call.

"In the kitchen," called Mike. He looked at his mother. "Yeah, we did," he said with a wide smile.

Evie appeared in the doorway, nude, surprised to find her new cook and his mother fully clothed. "Oops! I just assumed..."

"And rightly so, dear. Mike, we're overdressed, so strip, now," Maggie ordered, pulling off her top. "Mike, you were just about to tell me about your talk with Evie. Did you two get things worked out?" He waited until they were both nude to answer.

"Yeah," he replied, "sort of. Would it be possible to get the in-law apartment into shape, so I could live down there?"

"What?" both women shouted.

"Why?" asked Maggie.

"Whoa, Mike!" interjected Evie. "We need to talk about this before you ask your mother to invest that kind of money."

"But, I thought..."

"And we will, just not until...just not now. We've got time. Slow down and let's get to know each other again, okay?" Evie reached up and kissed him on the cheek, rubbing her hand over his chest, as if she were smoothing out the wrinkles in his forehead. "Trust me, sweetie. Soon, but not right away."

Smiling, Maggie watched as the young lovers settled their first mild misunderstanding. "So, I guess you did work things out."

Evie smiled. "Pretty much. The important part, anyway. For the foreseeable future, if you don't mind, we'll be trading sleep overs a couple of times a week. I'd like you to join us, sometimes." She slipped her arm around Mike and smiled as she reached out to Maggie.

Maggie took the hand she offered and stepped into the circle Mike's other arm created. "You don't need my permission, Evie. This is as much Mike's home as it is mine. He's free to have guests over if he wishes. As for joining you, since you're aware of our secret, I'd love to occasionally. Are you going to make that same offer to Anna?"

"We'll offer, but...the other morning when she was here, that was the first time I've seen my mother completely nude. I'll be surprised if she ever accepts our invitation to join us. She'll ask for and expect some time alone with Mike.

"We've talked, and while Mike offered to forego sex with the women we discussed the other night, I think it'll work out best if I share. The rest of you will just have to remember, I come first, and last.

"You'll all have some one on one with him, probably not as much as you want, but some, and our three and moresomes. Tonight, we'd like to be alone, sort of celebration sex, but in the morning, we'd like you to join us."

"Are you sure? Both of you? Mike?" When he nodded, she turned to Evie. "You''re certain? Mike said you saw us the other night, but this is a bit different."

The young blonde nodded with a smile. "I'm as certain of this as I am of my love for your son. And I'm as certain of that as I am of the tides."

Maggie returned her smile and leaned down to kiss the woman who seemed destined to control her son's cock. As she straightened up from the brief buss, she said, "There's plenty of daylight left. Anybody up for a skinny dip before we have some tea?"


Evie sat on the edge of Mike's bed, running a comb through her towel dried hair, working out the tangles. "Your mom is a good swimmer."

"Yeah, there wasn't a lot else to do at the cabin with just the two of us. We worked our way up to a mile using the crawl and the backstroke. It's amazing what just a couple of days off can do to you. I'm almost plum tuckered," he said, flopping back on the bed

"Almost, huh? Does that mean I have to take it easy on you?" she asked, reaching for his flaccid cock. "There better be some life in this guy, or I may rethink..." Mike reached up and pulled her over onto him.

"Don't worry about that. Maybe when I'm seventy or so, I might not be able to get it up for you, but until then, all you have to do is ask. He'll be ready for you as soon as humanly possible, and even if he isn't, I promise I'll find other ways..."

Evie leaned down to stop his lips with hers. Pulling her face back, she whispered, with a provocative smile, "Prove it."

He grinned and, using his legs, lifted her and moved her to the center of the bed. "Turn around and feed me your quim," he ordered. Evie returned the smile and quickly moved into the 69 position. Mike pulled a pillow under his head and positioned her hips right over his face.

Evie looked at his cock, awestruck at the sight of his cock. "Uhh, Mike, have you been taking some kind of weird vitamins or something? You look a bit longer than I remember from last weekend. Maybe not as thick, but definitely longer."

He laughed in response. "Your fault, you and your mom. Between your butt and her tightness, he got really squeezed this weekend. Don't worry, in a couple of days, I'm sure he'll be back to his usual size. Not a problem is it?"

"Noooo, just a surprise." She reached out and licked it with her tongue. "Just as long it's still as sensitive as it was," she said, flattening her tongue and licking his crown like an ice cream cone.

"Ohohoh, yeah," he gasped out. "Are you?" he asked and returned the caress, flattening his tongue over the entrance to her vagina and sliding the flat of his tongue up and over her clit.

"Unnnnghhhh. You snot! I'll get you for that! Someday." She closed her mouth over his crown and gently ran her tongue over the entire surface, then, applying enough gentle suction to pull her cheeks in against his member, she slid her mouth down until he hit the back of her throat.

Mike moaned his appreciation, and, with his tongue poised at the top of her slit, he began to draw tiny circles along the edges of her labia, down one side and up the other. Evie caught her breath and pressed herself against his mouth, tensing her abdominal and thigh muscles. She released his cock and positioned her tongue at his pee hole and began to duplicate his tongue action, covering his glans with tiny circles, and finishing up on his frenulum.

With a groan, he thrust his hips up, pushing his rod into her mouth and his tongue into her vagina. That combination was enough to force all thoughts of teasing and tantalizing each other out of their minds. Both began to seriously drive the other to climax.

Evie's hit her first, a feeling of unbearable pleasure which began somewhere in her lower abdomen and quickly spread throughout her body, seeming to explode out through her skin and flood back over her, feeling like a warm silken bath.

Usually, she would have tensed up, straightening her legs as if she were planking, and screamed out her pleasure, but this time, with her lover's cock buried in her mouth, she curled into a fetal position, closing her thighs around Mike's head and driving her mouth to the base of his cock, deep throating him, as she squealed in pleasure around his dick.

Evie's climax surprised Mike. It happened without any of her usual threshold signals. One second he was stimulating her with his tongue, lightly slapping her clit, and the next she was pushing his head into her quim with her legs.

Dimly, he was aware that something felt different in his groin. It took a couple of seconds to sort out the sensations, a hand gripping each hip, holding on for dear life, the strange warm wet sensation enveloping his cock, the vibrations from her cry all along his shaft, and some pressure against his touch hole, not a finger, not a tongue, it had to be....and suddenly he was emptying his load of sperm directly into Evie's stomach.

Evie felt the pulsations of Mike's orgasm in her throat, only then becoming aware of the fact that she had his entire member in her mouth. Smiling around it, she moaned her approval and relaxed her legs, allowing him to resume breathing. With some effort, she was able to roll them so they were on their sides, without losing more than an inch of him from her throat.

"Thd id nds; id feoo guw," she mumbled around him.

"What?" he laughed.

With an exaggerated exasperated sigh, she slowly backed off her new favorite toy. "I said, as everyone else in the room could plainly hear, this is nice; it feels good. Do we need to get your hearing checked before you start working? Lordy, we can't have a hearing impaired chef getting all the orders wrong."

"I hear English just fine. It's the mumble mush language you were talking I had trouble with. Let me demonstrate," he replied, pushing her on to her back and diving into her crotch again. "Led te uf yu udthrthn dth," he said, attacking her labia with his tongue.

"Ooohh, fuck," she moaned. "Who cares?" she said and slurped his cock back into her mouth. In a few seconds he was fully erect again, and her hips were thrusting at him, searching for something to fill the void between them.

Mike pulled his cock from the warm maw enclosing it and turned around, to replace it with his pussy coated tongue while his phallus found its way to a warmer, wetter, more welcoming, more suitable refuge, to carry out its assigned role in the preservation of the species.

Mike pulled back from the kiss, his heart full of love for the woman under him. In her face he saw the love he was sure was showing on his, a fact confirmed when her smile widened.

In that instant, Mike knew! He understood finally what love meant; what the relationship between his aunt and uncle was and why it could work; the difference between loving and being in love, and how both were different from what he felt for his sister and mother. And he knew he was in love.

He knew his love for this woman and hers for him would help them overcome any problems or disagreements they would ever have.

Below him, Evie, seeing the love in Mike's expression, knew, was sure of, only one thing--she had been right in attaching herself to this man. Their love for each other was all that mattered.

They made love twice more that night, the last time in Mike's favorite lotus position with Evie impaled on his erection as he sat cross legged with her legs bent upwards between them. As they kissed, their faces between her legs, Mike gently raised and lowered her, using his legs and hands to lift her.

She was aware of the slow onset of her orgasm, beginning at their nexus and slowly rising up her body, gently spilling over, similar to turning on a warm shower on a chilly day, accompanied by immeasurable feelings of satisfaction and well being, and buoyed up by their love. Through it all, she was aware of the spasming of his climax in her vagina. When they were done, with tears in her eyes, she kissed him, saying, "I love you."

To which he replied, "I love you, too," leaning in to kiss her.

In the morning, Maggie was woken by the touch of soft lips on hers, and a velvet tongue softly caressing her kitty. "Mmm," she laughed. "If I'm going to be woken like this every time, I think I agree with Mike; it's time you two moved in here with me."

"Soon," promised Evie, sliding down to lie beside the older woman. Her hand came up to gently caress Maggie's breasts. "I love your body, so tall and lean without looking skinny or lanky. Mike said you used to model."