Open a Present, Open a Marriage


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If I want to? Oh my God how I wanted to! Tommy's cock was still in my hand, a bit softer but still fuckable. But...what's this I'm feeling? Him getting harder? Yes! So I squeezed and stroked his slippery cock again, my other hand going to his oily, slippery balls, and I massaged him that way as a breathless fever built up in me. Tommy was wildly hard again, our eyes telling each other how desperately we wanted what was next. I got on top of him and pressed the tip of his hardness into my pussy, my legs trembling as I began fucking him. I kissed him with my messy whore mouth, and the two of us made the most perfect noises, loud moans and breathless sighs, the glorious sounds of the most exciting kind of sex.

I felt Amber join us on the bed, her hands touching me so lovingly, her mouth kissing the hot flesh of me, and then my ass was her plaything, her mouth there, eating it. I orgasmed so deeply just then, with her tongue fucking my ass and Tommy's cock fucking my pussy. I think I blacked-out into the spirit world. That's how it felt. The French call orgasms 'the little death', and oh my God, I wanted to die again, and again, and again.

Delirious, I found myself sitting up, riding Tommy's cock, his hands all over my tits. Amber, up on her knees, kissed my mouth with crazy passion. She straddled Tommy's head, mounting his face, and I watched his mouth on her pussy, his tongue on the wet shininess of her clit, and I knew I wanted my mouth there. She kissed me again as we both rode Tommy that way, the freedom in my mind intoxicating me even more, my mouth kissing her neck, her shoulders, and finally her tits, Amber thrusting them to me, showing me her desire for me to have them. Her moan as I mouthed them was the sound I'd heard in my dreams, her sexy moaning giggles as I nibbled on her nipples a more beautiful sound than I'd ever imagined.

Then she did something remarkable. Leaning way back, supporting herself with her arms, she rode Tommy's mouth with her asshole, giving her wide-spread pussy to me. With Tommy fucking me from below, I hungrily mouthed a woman's wet pussy for the first time. Oh my God did I love it! After a beautiful long time of it, with Tommy moaning and probably barely able to breathe under her ass as he fucked me, Amber came on my mouth. The thrill of it, and Tommy's perfectly hard thick cock, made me cum again. Tommy's cock slipped out of me during my orgasm, my hand reaching back, grasping it, thinking I'd put it back in me, but he was cumming, too, crying his bliss under Amber's ass, my hand massaging the hot heat of his cock as he was cumming, the last dribbles of his cream oozing out of him, making my hand even happier. In my delirious daze I knew I had a new understanding. This sex called 'threeway'. There can't possibly be anything better.

We rested a bit, sipping daiquiris, giggling, feeling so modern and sexy being all naked together. Then, when our horniness flamed like a fever again, Tommy fucked me doggy style with Amber right next to us, our minds and bodies fully into the groove now, me crying out for him to fuck me harder, him fucking me harder than I've ever been fucked in my life. Orgasms came at me in waves. Tommy didn't let up, me crying out at the top of my lungs, desperately screaming, "Don't stop!...Oh!...Fucking God!...Don't Stop!"

Tommy collapsed after my melt-down, adorably exhausted after he'd so wonderfully ruined me. Amber snuggled with me, kissing me, her hands so gentle all over me. She spooned me from behind, kissing my shoulder as she softly fingered my pussy, with Tommy on his back now, leaning back on the pillows, watching us. His beautiful cock was near, so I tickled it with my fingers, the masculine magnetism of it drawing my mouth to it again. I felt it getting harder inside my mouth as my fingers played with his balls.

This quiet time was delicious. So pure and loving. Our deep friendship was behind it all, obviously, but I found myself feeling amazed that this threeway 'experiment' was so thoroughly awesome and beautiful. With Tommy nearly fully hard again in my mouth, and with Amber's hand softly on my pussy, I wondered how it could get any better. Then I remembered the flip side of the threeways, Tommy in my own bed with Evan, both of them fucking me, and I moaned and felt a tingling warmth inside me, a feeling like heaven.

After some more quiet time, blissfully relaxed and giggling, the three of us were slowly overcome with another rising fever and we started kissing again. And touching. I realized I hadn't had Tommy's mouth on my pussy yet, so I pulled him to me, his lips and tongue slow and gentle on me as Amber and I kissed like long-time lovers. This hushed moment of threeway felt as perfectly luxurious as anything I'd ever experienced in my life, the pure wonderfulness of it letting me slowly float into an orgasm again, Tommy's mouth taking me there so exquisitely.

Their bedroom felt like a dream chamber to me; time and the outside world were things that didn't exist. Time, though, never truly comes to a halt, and things do have to end, but not before more — more hedonistic playtime, more of this new and deeper kind of love. Amber moaned when I pushed her down onto her back and mouthed her sweet pussy again. Tommy was near, watching, so I put my ass up in doggy-style position. "My sexy best friend told me you're a good ass eater," I said, catching his eyes with mine, my insides all tingly, feeling as deliciously slutty as I ever have. Tommy smiled, looking so perfectly 'Tommy like', my fantasy man for I can't even remember how long. My thighs and ass were all goosebumpy when his hands caressed me there, his mouth moaning as he tasted me, deep in the crack of me, my asshole loving his tongue as much as his tongue loved my asshole. As my mouth lifted Amber closer and closer to another beautiful orgasm, Tommy began deeply fucking my pussy from behind, and I knew for certain that all three of us were already counting the hours till next time.

Driving home was the oddest thing. So dark, and the snow had stopped, the fresh blanket of frozen white making all the neighborhood houses' Christmas lights look like they do on TV, when it's all perfect. I had the radio on in the car, but I'm not sure I heard it. With my Ugg boots on, I felt clumsy on the gas pedal; good thing there was no traffic this late, nearly 11pm, on a Sunday. I'd been away from home nearly five hours. Having sex. It all seemed so odd.

Evan greeted me at the door, his face and eyes gentle and loving. He saw I needed to kiss him so we embraced, the open-mouthed moaning kiss so warm and soft with passion. "Thank you... Thank you... Oh my God, thank you," I said to him, the softly fevered kiss barely stopping for the words.

"You're okay?" he asked.

"I'm okay," I said, still kissing him. "I'm yours. I loved it, and I'm yours."

"You loved it?"

"Yes," I said, looking into his eyes, so close. "I did. You'll love it, too. Amber, she's so beautiful. You'll love it, too."

"And Tommy? Did he?"

I smiled. "Did he love it? Yes, he did. He's sweet, like you."

"Did you eat?"

"No. I'm hungry." I followed Evan into the kitchen, seeing an empty beer bottle, and another half-full one. "Didn't you go out with Donny?"

"Yeah, but I didn't stay too long. I was distracted. He says hi."

"Oh," I said, looking around. "You brought home wings?"

"Yeah, and some pizza. I thought maybe you'd be hungry."

"Thanks, hon," I said, going to him, kissing him again. "You're so thoughtful. You and Tommy. He warmed up my car for me."

"Ahh," Evan said, smiling. "That was nice of him. I'll have to remember to do that for Amber when she's here. Did you guys...decide on a day?"

I smiled. "No. I'll talk to her in the morning. It'll be soon, I hope. Your patience will be rewarded. You'll see."

"So...threeways are good?"

"Very, very good. Oh my God, Evan. Be prepared. You're gonna be a happy guy."

"Wow. I mean, I expected it to be good, but you're seriously enthused. You look...luminous."

"Do I? I'm sorry. I wish it wasn't still so one sided. You'll see. And it wasn't just Tommy. Amber were right, I'm in love with her. I can see it now. It's clear and open. I think it is for her, too. Oh, God, I hope it's not weird for you. I can't even imagine what you're thinking."

"Haley, we talked about this. I'm fine with it. I've sort of always known you're in love with her. If our marriage stays the same and this is all better for you two, then I'm all for it. The trick is to keep it all under control. That might be a challenge, for all of us."

"You've been thinking," I said. My eyes felt sparkly, all the daiquiri rocket fuel in me now mellowed to a warm simmer. "I guess I would have been, too."

Evan heated some pizza and wings in the microwave. "So, you got there at six, how much time did you spend...doin' it?"

I smiled. "Doin' it? Amber led us right up to their bedroom, so...pretty much the whole time."

Evan's eyes showed his gentle surprise.

"She'll want to be in your bed the whole time, too," I said. "She wants to give you a handjob, and suck your cock, and...lots of other things."

"Did you...give Tommy a handjob?"

I nodded. "Amber had this 'edible oil'. Vanilla flavored. Super slippery. Tasted not great, but..."

Evan nodded, his eyes looking a bit glazed as he thought about it all. "I can smell it. I thought maybe she gave you perfume."

"I should clean myself. They offered their shower, but..."

"I'll wash you, after we eat," Evan said, the loving twinkle still in his eyes.

I smiled at my sweet man, knowing that he was fine. Knowing that I'd left home and had a mindblowing threeway, and we were fine.

I called Amber in the morning. She suggested we meet for lunch, so we met at the Silver Front Diner again, a table in a corner, by a window.

"So many people return things," said Amber, watching the people outside, mostly women, going to and fro to return Christmas gifts.

"Tommy's gift from you is un-returnable," I said, smirking. "Final sale. No take-backs. Do you think he minds?"

Amber smiled. "I'll never be able to top it. My gift to him was you, you know. I gave him you. I'm still amazed that it happened. How did it happen, Haley? How did we end up doing something so incredible? I feel like it snuck up on us, but ...maybe it was there the whole time. I'll tell you, I loved it, so, so much. I can't stop thinking about it."

"Yeah, me too," I said. "I can see how a person could get addicted to that kind of sex." I glanced around, glad we could quietly talk without being overheard. " was so much more than that. Evan knows. He knew it before we even did it. He knows I'm in love with you."

I could have said more, but I let those words filter deep into Amber's heart and mind. Her eyes didn't change, they stayed loving, and achingly beautiful.

"You know this can't stop, right?" she said, fondling her coffee cup's handle with her fingertips, the very same fingertips that had tickled my clit and made me fly. "You and me, we...I'm going to need to kiss you, even after...this is over."

I nodded. I wanted to kiss her right then and there. "I don't think Evan will mind. Will you talk to Tommy about it?"

"Oh, God, he knows. He's good with it. He thinks it's hot. Maybe you didn't know this before, but he's just a horny boy. Always has been. Sex is what brought us together."

"I remember," I said, smiling. "Now I...understand better. He's pretty great. And he looks kind of awesome with his clothes off."

"He does, right? How weird is it that I love that you know that now? Want to hear something funny? I feel almost like we got married, you and me, and last night was our wedding night. After being engaged for decades, and knowing each other better than anything. And now we know all the rest. It's like we've suddenly been married for twenty years, you and me. It's the weirdest, coolest thing."

I nodded. "You, me...and Tommy." I felt a tingly blush when I said that, and I watched Amber's face pinken. "So when's the next wedding night?" I asked. "When are you marrying me again...and Evan."

"Is tonight too soon?" she kiddingly asked. "Maybe...tomorrow night? If you think...Evan wants to?"

"Yeah, tomorrow is perfect. He'll be happy. He's a very patient guy but...yeah, I'd rather not make him wait. Last night, he amazed me with his patience and his love. It must have been very odd for him, waiting for me."

"We fucked for hours, kid. I still can't believe how incredible it was."

Evan came home from work a little early on Tuesday, the two of us sitting down to a nice dinner I'd made. The phone rang when we were cleaning up the dishes, my mother calling, thanking me for Christmas gifts. While I talked to her, Evan took a shower to ready himself for Amber's visit.

"Oh, good, Mom, I'm glad the sweater fit. Did you try the skirt yet? I think it's your size."

"It's a large."

"I know, Mom. That's your size, right?"

"Yes, but I'm not happy about it. Enjoy your body, dear, you won't look like that forever. After a while a very different type of man will be ogling you. I don't mind that part, but..."

"But you'd rather have Evan or Amber's husband Tommy checking you out, is that it? Mom, where did all that come from the other night? You were making my head spin."

"Well, I was just making a point. You and your sister are so conservative. My sister and I weren't, but we came up in the seventies."

"Why is that different?"

"Oh, I think we partied more, as teenagers, early twenty-somethings. I could tell you stories. I told you the other night, I felt I had to keep things from you when you were growing up, but maybe I shouldn't have. Like for instance...have you ever heard me talk about my friend Connie?"

"No, I don't think so."

"She and I, we used to follow some bands around. This was before you were born, of course."

"Was Dad into music, too? How come you don't go to concerts now?"

"No, your father wasn't a part of that. He knew about it. No, Connie and I, oh sure, we enjoyed the music, but partying with the bands was the main thing. There were a few other girls around, like us."

My mother was making my head spin again. "Mom, oh my God. Are you telling were a groupie?"

"Isn't that a fun word? It makes me smile."

"Mom! I can't believe you're telling me this!"

"I'm glad I am, dear. It was such a fun part of my life. I'm glad I'm telling you. Now you know why I listen to classic rock radio all the time. The memories are...really nice."

"Mom, are you talking about local bands?"

"No, the known ones. You probably know them. Everybody does. Most of them played the hockey stadiums, and places like that."

"Jesus!" I said, the flabbergast clear to hear in my voice.

"I guess I should tell your sister about this before you make it sound awful. Haley, you understand it was all in good fun, right? No one got hurt. Sex can be...just for fun. That's the thing some people don't understand."

"I get it, Mom. I'm just surprised it was you! Where does Dad fit into all this?"

"Oh, well, I've known him since we were little, so he knew about me in those days. Maybe he pursued me because of it. Maybe he wanted a sexual girl. I think that was pretty smart of him. Too many men end up with one who's not. I hope you keep things interesting with Evan, dear. Keeping a man interested takes some unexpected turns, sometimes. I've always enjoyed it. Your father has, too."

"Mom, you have no idea how......are you a frickin' psychic or something? Do you know something that you're not telling me?"

"If you love your friend Amber like I loved my friend Connie, it's all right with me. I saw you on the phone with her Christmas day. I see things. It's always been easy for me to see you."

"Not psychic, just...mother's intuition?"

"Of course! But it would be fun to be psychic, wouldn't it?"

"Mom, I gotta go. I can't believe I'm telling you this, but...Amber's on her way over."

"Take a selfie of you two and text it to me. I haven't seen her pretty face in ages."

I smiled. "Okay, Mom. We'll talk more about this. I think I want to hear more about...your past. Oh my gosh, you make my head spin every time I talk to you lately."

"Goodbye, dear. Give my love to Amber."

Evan had just stepped out of the shower, so I went into the bathroom to tell him about the phone call. "Mind! Blown! My mother just told me she was a rock-n-roll groupie in the seventies! I think she might have fucked Jethro Tull!"

Evan, scrubbing his wet hair with a towel, said, "That's not a guy. That's a band."

"I know! "

"'re serious?"

"Yes! She just told me she was a groupie! All the bands that played the arenas! All over the frickin' state, it sounds like!"

Evan laughed, his eyes wide and amazed. "No fucking way! Oh my God!" He dried his chest as he stood there naked. "I mean, she definitely had the body for it, right?"

I thought of the pictures he and I had seen of her in her late teens, and yeah, she had the body for it. "Jesus, Evan! My mother sure fucks up my head sometimes. I think she loves to do it. She's got this weird way of picking her time, then she just fucks up my head." Evan chuckled, made room for me as I took off my clothes. "Christ, Amber will be here soon," I said. "I gotta get ready!"

It was twenty minutes later when I heard soft laughter coming from downstairs in the living room. Amber. And Evan. I half wondered if they were naked already. I fluffed my hair, checked my makeup one last time, took a last look in the mirror at how my hottest dress looked on my body, and I went down the stairs.

"Hi, kid," said Amber, smirking. "So, is David Bowie your daddy? Maybe that's why you went through that glitter make-up phase."

I had to laugh. "Jesus," I giggled. "Can you believe that mother of mine? I mean, what the fuck. The strangest part is, I could sorta tell from her voice she's telling the truth. She wasn't just saying it to fuck with me. She was a fucking groupie. My mother."

"Why did she tell you about it?" asked Amber.

"Because...she thinks I'm in love with you...or she thinks you and I are fucking...or something."

Evan looked surprised. "Seriously? How would she know that?"

"Just...stuff she thinks she's seen, in my eyes, on my face. She basically told me she did the dirty with her best groupie friend Connie, and loved it. They went from arena to arena fucking every rock-n-roller with a pulse, and the two of them mashed it up together all through it all. That's the gist of it. It wasn't in those words, but..."

Amber laughed. "Oh my God, I love it. She's always been a hoot. I love your mother."

"Yeah, well...I think you might be in a pretty big club. Oh my Lord. Wait till my sister finds out."

"Maybe it'd be better if you don't tell her," said Evan.

"Mom said she was going to! Said she was going to tell her before I make it sound 'awful'. Oh my Lord. I need a drink."

Amber hugged me, laughing, and I laughed, too. The night, Threeways Round Two, was off to a weird start.

"I didn't even look at you," I said, holding Amber's hand but stepping back to see her. "Oh my God, you look so good in that dress. No wonder Evan looks so happy."

Amber smiled at him. She already had a drink in her hand. She looked relaxed.

"You look pretty laid-back about tonight," I said to her. "So, what, threeways are no big deal now?"

"Oh, it's a big deal," she said, glancing at Evan, a sudden, beautiful bashfulness showing on her face. "I'm...excited."

I smiled, wanted to kiss her, so I pulled her to me and did it. Just like that. With tongues and soft moans. So surprisingly easy. "Want to show Evan our pretties?" I said. "Let's be sexy party girls."

Amber smiled. My mother, thankfully, had left my head. Amber and I both reached behind ourselves, unzipping, then we stepped out of our dresses. We both wore high heels this time, and oh my God did Amber look sexy in her newest black bra and panties, the panties sort of strappy and minimal, the bra with a matching strappiness, its low-cut cups made of see-through fabric that showed off her perfectly aroused nipples. I wanted to bite them, and lick them, and suck on them, and I'm guessing Evan did, too.