Once a Wife, Now a Concubine


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Doug realized that for forty one years old, Rita had one tight unused pussy. Also, he had taken a good cock sucker and made her superb. So, he wasn't about to give it up . Especially since he had his next target coming into his sights, her cherry ass, "Ah Rita... OK, OK, I'll do what I haveta do ta make it right..."

"You might start with crawling, I mean it literally crawling..."

"OK Rita, let me give it a couple o' weeks ta settle down. So, ya gonna come up an' replace her for us?"

"Well..." She finished the glass of wine, "I probably shouldn't.. But, what the hell, sounds like it could be a real kick and I'll get some more opinions on my body. Let me get a couple of things together to stay the night. I'll be there in about an hour, or so."

Waking up the next morning with a sleeping Doug's leg over her hips and one of his hands still gripping one of her breasts, she lay there thinking, "Damn, I feel like a slut. Those guys fucked the crap outta me last night." She glanced at her watch, and whispered to herself, "Close to seven o'clock. Well, I know one thing for sure, I'm still attractive to guys nineteen through thirty something... But, I don't think I wanta be a white queen at a frat house party ever again." Before dozing off to sleep she whispered, "I don't know how hookers and porn queens do it. But, I don't ever wanta get fucked like that, never again..."

Doug talked Rita into staying the weekend. So, she enjoyed the frat house's hospitality, but did not tell anybody that she had no intention of ever again doing anything like what she did at their Halloween party. The hangover she had told her that she would never again drink that much in one evening, either.

By late Sunday morning Rita found herself in the shower thinking about the great sex she had with Doug Saturday morning, afternoon, evening and earlier that morning. As the warm water flowed over her body, she thought, "Doug treats me right and gets me off. Damn, I've had more orgasms with him than I did with my ex-husband in our last three or four years of marriage, I'm sure. But crap, he's still less than half my age... I've gotta cut it off, bring it to a screeching halt." She allowed the warm water to beat on her back for awhile, thinking, "On Friday night, they called me the ultimate MILF... Mom I'd Like to Fuck, seemed flattering at the time. Well, they can 'like to' all they want. Now, I'm not so sure.. I do know a couple o' things for sure. I am not going to do that ever again and I have to break it off with Doug. If Abbey ever finds out...."

As Rita joined the others for brunch, her approach was heralded by Brian, "Well looky here, our white queen is about to join us."

Nicole Williams, the black queen, greeted her with, "Good morning Rita. How do you feel?"

Rita blinked, then gazed her way, "Still hung over from Friday night and feeling totally fucked. I've never been so fucked and never that drunk, either. Then Doug fucking me some more on top o' all that, I still feel the hangover."

They all laughed as Nicole stood up and handed Rita a glass of water and two little pills. "These will fix that hangover. Your body, give it a couple o' days and it will be back to normal."

"Thanks... What are these anyway?" Rita asked before taking the pills.

Nicole smiled and replied, "Morning sickness pills."

"You're kidding, they looked familiar. I had it off and on with my first."

Nicole sat back down in her chair, "They work good on a hangover. Especially when you're not used to drinking a lot at one time."

Taking the pills, Rita said, "Well, that sure sounds like me. Also ladies and gentlemen, I don't think I've had that much sex in last three or four years... Damn, but ya know what? I think I was the first pussy for a couple of those guys that night..."

Brian laughed and said, "As a matter of fact, yes you were and you really got them going. They both took turns with Nikki and the princesses." Nicole just smiled and Brian continued, "Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, I have the athletic director and four coaches coming here today at about one thirty or two. We will talk over a plan to get the fraternity some cover for our parties. I am pleased that both of our queens will be here to meet them. Rita smiled thinking, "I don't think this is the proper time to tell them that I am not going to do that queen thing again, ever."

Rita watched as three men came through the front door of the frat house. Two were obviously coaches by the way that they held themselves and dressed. The third, a man of six foot two or three inches tall, dressed differently and held himself like he was the one in charge. "What a hunk." thought Rita. Broad shoulders, sandy hair and Oh, soo good looking. As he walked toward the table where Rita was sitting, she thought, "Oh wow, he looks like a Greek god something like that. I'll bet he played football or basketball in high school and college, was good at it too."

The man walked up to the vacant chair next to Rita, pulled it out and before he sat down, he looked her over and said so all could hear, "Lovely, just the way I like them." She smiled, he sat down and then held out his right hand toward her, "Art Hamilton..."

Feeling as giddy as a seventeen year old girl that just had the high school quarterback talk to her, she almost forgot her first name. Rita's dark brown, Italian eyes sparkled, the "hunk" actually spoke to her. Placing her hand in his, she managed to stutter "Ah, ah, Rita. Ah, it, it's ah Rita Walker. Ah, pleased to meet you."

Art smiled, "Oh, the pleasure is all mine." Thinking, "I know who you are, Rita Walker, white queen. I had my lawyer in his office yesterday. He downloaded your entire divorce file and a lot of other info. about you. Yeah Rita, I think we will both be pleased to meet each other." However, he would get her to tell him what he already knew just to test her integrity.

When everybody he wanted to be there had taken a seat, Brian stood up and announced, "Well ladies and gentlemen, we are all here. I think it would be a good idea if we all introduced ourselves.."

After introductions and almost an hour of negotiations, Art turned to Nicole, the recording secretary, and asked her if she had gotten all of what was said. She answered that yes, she had it all and would get everybody a copy by email. Art turned to the others, "Everybody get your email address to Nicole before you leave." Then he turned to Brian, nodding toward Rita said, "I'll tellya what, Brian. Give me this lovely young lady for an hour or two and that should seal the deal."

Brian turned to Rita and asked her, "You up for that?"

Rita had been admiring Art all through the negotiations. Appearing to be a few years younger than herself, she was totally intrigued by this "Greek god." Already wishing that she could somehow get Art into bed, her response could not have been quicker, "Oh sure, I mean, I'd love too, Brian. If that makes the deal. Ah, who's room should we use?"

Brian replied, "Use the one you've been sleeping in the last two nights. That cool with you Doug?"

Doug just waived his hand and nodded his head, "OK." He stood up with Art and Rita and said, "I'll go up there with you. I need ta get my book bag. I have some stuff ta get done for a class tomorrow."

When Doug had gathered what he needed and left the room, Art and Rita were almost undressed. When Art was down to his boxers and Rita down to her panties, he took one of her ample breasts in his hand, gripped her ass with the other hand and drew the 5' 4" woman up off her feet for a deep kiss. When their lips parted, he allowed her to slip back down on her feet. She gasped, "Oh this is gonna be good. I've never been swept off my feet like that. Oh yeah, baby, please continue..."

After Art gave Rita the best sex she had ever experienced and she gave him her ass "cherry." He went on to bring her to another orgasm that was different, yet every bit as intense as the previous climaxes. As her orgasm began to subside, he kept stroking her ass and said, "Just my cock in your ass from now on. Isn't that right, Rita? Nobody else, just mine, right Rita?"

Her hands gripping the edge of the bed, she cried out, "Yes lover, it's all yours. Only your cock in my ass and pussy. Only yours..."

He pounded her ass until he finished. When he had pulled out, she turned around to face him. Sitting on the floor, she rested one arm on the bed. Looking up at him, she said in a raspy tone, trying to catch her breath, "I've never been totally fucked like that... Oh my gawd, I've never been fucked by a real man before either, I guess...I think Doug was setting me up to take my ass, but he never ask for it. Now the whole body is yours..."

He stood up, towering over her and said, "Your not completely broken yet. But, when I'm done with you, yeah babe, when I'm done you'll be a complete woman, my woman! My concubine! And Rita, my dear, something to remember for the future... I really don't like that word 'fuck', OK? For now on, that's not what I will do to you. But, I will give you quite a bit of deep, loving sexual intercourse."

Rita smiled, struggled up and sat on the bed, "Sounds good ta me. Why don't we get a shower, go down ta my place and I'll cook us some supper. Then you can finish the task of making me your woman, your concubine."

Both still nude, he drew her up into his arms and said, "Rita my little doll, that sounds good." Kissing her, he continued, "There are three things I want from you that I am not getting from my wife. First item is sex, second is conversation and the third is home cooking. I love my wife and I know she loves me. But, she is so caught up in caring for our kids, university society and the on-campus charity that she runs... There is just no time for us."

Rita smiled and ran her fingers up and down his chest, "I can do that for you. It would seem that I've passed the test for the first item. Now, follow me down to my place and I show you some real good cooking and conversation. Plus some more of the first item."


Rita packed a few remaining personal items into her car. With the divorce final, the refinance on what was once their home had funded. Her ex-husband had complied with the court approved asset settlement and bought Rita's equity in the house. He also reimbursed her for what she had paid her attorney. Both of her children stood in the driveway watching her pack the car. "Mom?" wined Abbey, "I'm sorry for those things I said last night when I found out that you had sex with Doug. Ah, mom? We don't want you to leave... Please...." Then for the couple hundredth time, "Mom? Can't you an' dad just patch things up?"

Ryan took a step toward his mother, "Mom? Will you let us know where you are, where you will be living?"

Rita stopped packing, stood up straight and looked right at them , "Look you guys, I am not your father's wive anymore. I am just his ex-wife. I have papers signed by a judge that says just that. Now, it is a historical fact that I am your mother. But listen to me carefully, I do not feel much like your mom, right now... You both have been on your father's side during this whole messy affair. I was true blue to your father all through our marriage. He's the one that cheated on me... Five times in six years. Talk about feeling like a mushroom. I was kept in the dark and fed nothing but bullshit. You two knew about the last two affairs and found it convenient not to tell me." Rita stuck the last box in the back seat, closed the door, got into the driver's seat, started the car, rolled down the window and said, "I'll shoot you an email..." Put the car in gear and left them standing in the driveway, leaving nothing to remind them that she ever lived in that house.

Their marriage license was in her lawyer's file and she had even burned the certificate signed by the pastor that had married them. As far as her ex-husband and children were concerned, Rita did not simply leave, Rita was gone, out of their lives. She did not stop loving her children like she did their father. So, she would maintain some contact with them. She might even send them a Christmas card.

On her way to the interstate Rita thought back on her married life. She realized that she was to blame for part of the deterioration their family. That lack of communication is a double edged sword. That it takes two to make a marriage work and two to break it. However, it was a little late to try and second guess the whole thing, hind sight being 20/20. Still, she couldn't help but think back on some of her feeble attempts to generate some communication within her family. One instance came to mind relating to their evening meal. She had noticed that they all came to the table ate what Rita had prepared, then got up and left the table. Hardly a word spoken among the four of them. She decided that she would at least try to get them to comment on the food. So, one day she prepared a tasteless meal. Using absolutely no seasoning, the over cooked food was placed on the table. They goggled it up just like any meal before it, making no comment as to its quality, or lack thereof. The next day Rita presented a well seasoned, gourmet meal. Again, they gobbled it down with no comment, whatsoever.

Where had she and her ex-husband gone wrong with their children? A son, graduating with a three point eight grade point average, attending city college just to figure out what he wanted to do in life. A daughter who spurned her mother's attempts to teach her how to cook, do the laundry and other household chores. Stating that she didn't feel that she needed to know how to do such mundane activities. Yet, this was the same daughter that made it very clear that all she wanted to do in life was become Doug Reilly's wife and mother of his children. "Oh well..."

Rita thought as she pulled onto the ramp leading to the interstate highway.

Rita entered the interstate highway headed toward the university town thinking, "I am no longer Paul Walker's wife. I am now totally and irrevocably Art Hamilton's concubine. I will live where he dictates I should live. I will strive to be the woman he wants me to be." She had given herself to Art in every way possible, hold nothing back. He had replaced her wedding bands with a half inch wide gold band of possession. She glanced at the band on her left hand as she pushed some of her long black hair out of her face, thinking of Art's comments about the waves, curls and ringlets that cascaded down well past her shoulders. His comments about her hair, such as "It gives you a very sexy, Mediterranean mystique," or her body, "You have an inviting hour glass figure. Your sparkling eyes and genuine smile just turns me on," had gone a long way in restoring her self esteem and self worth. He also had pumped her self confidence by complementing her cooking and actually listening during their conversations.

Leaving the interstate, Rita caught a red light, giving her time for a quick review of the route to her new condominium. The Hamilton's had invested in the construction of the complex and were given a two bedroom unit as part of the return on their investment. Art had shown it to Rita a couple of weeks before and told her that she would be placed on the title and have full membership in the complex. He had chosen the signing of the transfer of title the week before to introduce Rita to his wife.

As she turned onto the road leading to the main gates of the complex, Rita grabbed her purse to dig out the code to open the gate. Only doing it once before, she was thrilled when the gate opened on her first attempt. Passing through, she thought about the dynamite gym at the complex, "Maybe I can get a couple of inches off my 40 inch hips and ass. Some off my tummy would bring my waist down around 26 or 27 inches. Nothing off the double E's hanging on my chest. He likes them like that." Approaching her unit, she thought back the day that she met Art's wife Patricia. It was a little tense at first. However, Rita , up front and direct as she is, thrust her right hand out toward Patricia, smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Rita, your husband's concubine."

Patricia responded with a little hesitant smile, then said in her soft, gentle voice, "Hi Rita, I am glad to finally meet you. My name is Patricia, but you can call me Pattie."

Rita would find later that Pattie knew that her husband planned to take a concubine. That she knew as much about Rita as he did the Sunday Rita became his possession. At the "after signing for the property" dinner, the two women agreed that they could either become the worst of enemies or the best of friends. Already feeling at ease with each other, they chose the later.

Removing the last few items from her car, Rita thought about what she would serve for lunch with Pattie the next day. Spreading the boxes through out the condo, into their respective rooms, she threw herself into the over stuffed chair in the master bedroom. She sat there trying to decide between a bottle of beer or a glass of wine, when her cellphone rang. It was her master, Art. Answering the phone, she purred, "Good evening, master."

"Good evening, Rita. How are you, tonight?"

"I'm good, master. How are you?"

"Real good, Rita. This is one of those nights when Pattie has one of her charity events going on... Way too many bleeding heart liberals will be there for this right wing radical. So, get yourself ready for action. Then we'll have some dinner. Do you want me to pick up a couple o' steaks?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice. I have everything else."


"Oh yeah, you set me up real good. We have Cabernet and Merlot in the rack. Either one will go with beef."

"Good, give me twenty minutes to a half hour to get there."

After she terminated her call with Art, Rita hustled into her bedroom, stripped and took a shower. Once dry, she slipped into a robe, a pair of slippers and dabbed on some of his favorite perfume. A half hour after his call found Rita at the front door of her condo, robe open, waiting for him. Upon his arrival, as per usual, he swept her up off her feet and gave her a long lingering "hello" kiss. Making her hot and wet between her legs well before they started toward the bedroom.

Rita rose from her knees after sucking Art up hard and ready for action. As she spread out on the bed, she thought about how much she enjoyed the taste of her man and the feeling of him expanding in her mouth. After placing a doubled pillow under her hips, he gripped her chubby legs at the knee and spread them as far as he could. Then he went on to work her pussy with his tongue, driving her into an intense clitoral orgasm. Before her heavy breathing could subside, he slipped his cock deep inside her waiting pussy. She moaned, then purred, "Hummm, that feels soooo good. Just ta have you so deep inside of me and your body so close... Oh yeah, master. Oh yeah, do it to you little concubine. Do it to me good, ahhh yes..."

Every stroke finding her G-spot on it's way in and out, she squealed with ecstasy as her orgasm rose to its pinnacle. Before her orgasm subsided he rolled them over, taking a firm grip on her tits, he helped her move up and down on his shaft. Not as long as Doug, a little longer than Paul or Mike, Art had them all beat in style, experience and caring about Rita. He simply knew what to do with what he had quite a bit better than the others and cared about what it was doing for her.

In their second session, Art took Rita through three different positions. Then, he leaned up against the headboard and impaled her on his cock, her feet together behind him, hands on his shoulders. In this position, he played with her big tits and her mind. He also told her how to move her pelvis to send sensations up through her body that rivaled any of her orgasms with him. Rita was in ultimate sexual ecstasy. If there was anything about her that he did not already possess, she gave it up to him at that time.