Oh Teacher, My Teacher Ch. 06


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"That's OK, Rick. I understand," Crystal soothed, her hand on my arm. "You're right, we have to be positive. We are going to get Astrid back unharmed. I believe it too."

I wondered if she did believe it. I was trying to convince myself and it was a battle. I was vacillating between hope and despair. I wanted to believe, but ....

"I think we should get something to eat," Henrik said at last. "I'm afraid it going to be a long, frustrating wait until we hear something. We need to keep our minds occupied."

I nodded my agreement. I dreaded the next hours and days until we knew Astrid's fate. Fate! That word! One minute I was congratulating myself on being the luckiest guy on the face of the earth ... and the next ... this.

Crystal made some sandwiches and a salad for a light supper. None of us had much of an appetite, despite my tossing my earlier meals into the toilet. It was a quiet, sullen trio sitting around the counter that evening.

We were interrupted when the gong signaled the gate phone. Henrik picked up, answered with what sounded like a coded response, and then hung up. He walked to the front door and a moment later, a black sedan rolled to a stop. Two men got out, pulling a large briefcase from the back seat and entered the house.

"I'm Constable Singh," the Indo-Canadian officer introduced himself. "This is Constable Bowering. I believe you were aware we would be coming to stay for a while," he said.

"Yes. Come in gentlemen. If you'll get your bags, I'll show you to your rooms," Henrik offered. Bowering turned and went out to the car, retrieving two small overnight bags.

Henrik led them upstairs, showing to the two rooms on each side of the one Astrid and I used. I got the impression they were more than happy with the accommodations. They returned downstairs.

"Is there someplace that we can set up our equipment that won't be in your way?" Singh asked.

"Yes ... there's a small, unused room that once was servant's quarters. We don't use it any more," Henrik said.

The two men followed Henrik to a door near the laundry room and quickly surveyed it. "This will be fine. Plenty of room for us," Singh confirmed.

Bowering followed with the large briefcase and the two began setting up their equipment. I watched as Henrik observed their work for a few minutes then turned and walked back to me.

"At least we'll have company," I observed.

Crystal wore a distant look, but nodded. I think she was thinking the same thing I was. This next period, however long it might be was not going to be pleasant, and it wouldn't be hard to get on each other's nerves. I vowed not to do that, but quickly remembered my outburst only a little while earlier.

The next five days felt like five years. We would get up, eat, wait, eat, wait, eat, wait, and retire. I began to understand the concept of solitary confinement. Although we were not alone, we were certainly alone in our thoughts. Talking about the kidnapping was off limits by unspoken consent. We dared not leave the house, although I did spend some time in the back garden and the pool. Anything to relieve the boredom-fear mix that I carried.

If nothing else, I had time to think about what had happened to my previously normal life since Astrid had arrived on the scene. I thought about how I had changed, thanks to her. She was feeding me self-confidence along with the healthy dose of love and sex. I began to see that I wasn't some misfit adventurer that had stumbled into good fortune.

Whatever it was about me ... who I was ... and who Astrid was ... proved to me that we were meant for each other. I was the stability she wanted, and she was the boost that I needed. We were perfectly matched. An unlikely couple, but just right for each other. The thought that it could all be ripped away ate at my guts. I was too deeply in love with her to accept that possibility.

Henrik was becoming more and more agitated that there had been no contact from the kidnappers and he began to think the worst, I assumed. I saw the dark look on his face as he contemplated the loss of his daughter. Had the kidnappers panicked and killed Astrid. How I prayed that wasn't so. But as each day passed, I was becoming more and more pessimistic about her chances.

And then, on the Friday morning, almost a week after she was taken, the call came. The two officers signaled to Henrik when to pick up.

"Rasmussen," he said in a neutral tone.

He stood, listening intently to the call.

"I understand, but I will not cooperate until I hear my daughter's voice," he said. There was no mistaking his tone.

There was a pause and I know both Crystal and I were holding our breath.

Then, "Astrid? Are you all right? Yes ... Yes, dear. Be brave. We'll have you home ...."

Another pause.

"Yes ... I understand. Yes ... I will arrange for the money. It will take a day or so, but your instructions will be followed. No ... no tricks. No police. I just want my daughter back."

He stood for a moment and then looked at the receiver. Apparently, the call had ended. He put the receiver down and turned to the Singh and Bowering. "Did you get enough?"

"Yes. Well done, sir. I think we got a full trace," Singh said with a grin.

"What did you learn?" Henrik asked them.

"Sounds to me like a bunch of amateurs. They weren't careful when they took your daughter and they weren't careful on the phone. I can't figure out why it took them so long to call, but maybe they lost their nerve or were arguing amongst themselves. Can't tell, but one good thing ... we know your daughter's alive. She sounded scared, but otherwise, OK."

Henrik nodded. "What next?"

"More sitting and waiting, sir. I've sent the coordinates to our command center and they'll be busting it to get to the location. Keep your fingers crossed. I just hope these clowns don't try something stupid. They have no chance against a SWAT team."

My insides were boiling. It all came down to this. Some unknown group had taken my Astrid and now they were going to be confronted by the police and there wasn't a thing I could do but wait, hoping for the best. I was pacing back and forth in the great room, almost mumbling to myself. All that was left was my hope that Astrid would be rescued alive and well.

Even Henrik was distressed and anxious. He had contained himself, kept his cool amazingly well, considering, but now, like me, he was as jumpy as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

I looked at my watch. It was two minutes later than the last time I looked. I was trying to remember what time the call came through and I walked over to Constable Bowering and asked. He looked up at me and gave me an understanding smile.

"The call came through at nine thirty-eight am," he said. I looked at my watch again. Ten fourteen. Already over a half hour since the police were alerted. How long would it take? How long could I hold it together.

At exactly ten twenty-nine, Singh's cell phone rang. "Roger. Roger that. I'll let them know. Thanks, ... and nice job." He closed the cell and looked up with a smile. "They've got her and she's OK."

"Yesssss!" I hollered at the top of my voice. Crystal jumped, but she was already rising to run to Henrik and embrace him. He looked exhausted, but thankful, with tracks of newly formed tears on his cheeks. I hustled myself over to them and hugged them both in relief.

"When can we see her? When can she come home?" I asked the constables.

"I imagine she'll be taken to the hospital first for examination. Then, if she's OK, there'll be a de-brief at headquarters. It's possible they'll want Mrs. Rasmussen to be there as well. I'm afraid we can't avoid the paperwork. We need to make sure this case is airtight and Crown Counsel can get a conviction. That's our first priority after we establish the victim is all right."

I slumped back against the counter, disappointed, but resigned to more waiting. At least I knew she was alive and apparently well. Maybe tonight I'd get a proper night's sleep. There were some phone calls to make and some explaining to do.

"Constable, can I make a couple of phone calls. I need to let my parents and my employer know what happened to me," I explained.

"Yes, but keep it vague. Perhaps with your employer, tell them Ms. Rasmussen was sick, or something along those lines. We'd just as soon delay the news getting out while we're still getting our ducks in a row."

"My fiancée and I are both school teachers at the same school. We should have been back there last Tuesday. I'm sure they're going to be pretty upset with my not calling and then having a weak excuse."

He nodded. "What's their number and who should I talk to?" he asked.

I flipped open my cell to the phone book and showed him the number. "You want to ask for Mr. Hollingsworth or Ms. Belisle," I said.

He pushed the speed dial number and waited.

"Mr. Hollingsworth, please." A pause. "This is Constable Singh of the RCMP."

Another pause. "Mr. Hollingsworth, I'm Constable Singh of the Vancouver detachment, RCMP. I'm calling to let you know that Mr. Campbell and Ms. Rasmussen are alright and will probably be returning to work next week," he said, looking to me for confirmation. I nodded, then shrugged.

"Yes, they have been having some problems not of their own making and I'm not at liberty to discuss them just yet. However, you can be assured they have done nothing wrong and had no opportunity to call and explain their circumstances."


"No, sir. I'm sure there won't be any embarrassment for the school. It might just turn out to be something positive."


"Yes, sir. I'll pass that along. Yes, sir. Good day." He closed the phone and handed it back to me.

"He doesn't have a clue what I'm referring to, so you can expect a full interrogation when you get back," he grinned.

"Thanks. I gather he's not too upset?" I asked, hopefully.

"No ... curious ... but not upset."

"May I phone my parents?"

"Yes, of course. In their case, as long as they can keep it quiet until the story breaks, you can pretty much tell them what happened if you like."

I nodded. I would need to. I wonder what my mother will think when she finds out she narrowly missed a kidnapping or maybe worse last Saturday. I told Henrik I was going to my room to call my parents, but if they heard anything about Astrid, please come and get me. He agreed and I walked slowly upstairs.

"Hi mom."

"Rick ... where have you been? You didn't say goodbye before you went home. We've been trying to call, but there's no answer at your apartment or Astrid's either."

I sighed. This wasn't going to be easy. I began, telling her what Henrik and I discovered when we got home from the golf game and finished by telling her that Astrid was apparently fine, but I was still waiting to see her. My mother, as I expected, was nearly frantic. I didn't bother to mention how close she came to being directly involved. Perhaps that would dawn on her later.

We talked until my low-battery signal came on. I promised to phone and let her know as soon as Astrid was available to talk. You would have thought it was her daughter. Well, in a few months, she would be I suppose.

I had transitioned from fear to fatigue. I was bone weary, knowing I hadn't slept properly in a week. I was imagining what it would be like to have Astrid in my arms once again. I walked slowly downstairs. The constables had packed up and gone. Crystal had already stripped the sheets from their beds and was putting them in the washing machine.

Henrik was in his study, but the door was open, usually a sign he wasn't busy. I looked at the old clock on his bookcase and saw that it was almost noon.

"How are you holding up, Henrik?" I asked.

"I'm very tired right now, Rick. I'm sure you must be the same."

I nodded my agreement. "Any word on when we can see Astrid?"

"No ... but I called headquarters and they indicated she should be finished at the hospital around one this afternoon. However, they're taking her to their office for an interview, so even if we can see her, it won't be for long."

"I hope they don't wear her out. She's been through a hell of an ordeal," I said, a bit frustrated that I wouldn't have my lover back sooner.

"I hope so too. We're all anxious to have her home again. It will be important to see how she is mentally, you know," he said, looking at me.

"I agree. It's something I've been worried about. What kind of after-effects might show up?"

Henrik shrugged. "I wish I knew. The main thing is she's alright physically. With lots of love from you and Crystal and me ... she'll be fine, I'm sure."

"You were a real rock when this was all going down," I said. "I think you helped me hold it together."

"Yes ... well ... let me confess. I was frightened. Very frightened. But I had to help Crystal get through this. She needed to think I was in complete control and that she didn't have to worry about me. I hope I succeeded."

"You did. You also gave me that same sense of confidence. Thank you. It would have been easy to come unraveled."

He nodded, then looked up at his clock. "It's past noon and for the first time in a week, I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat," he smiled.

"Right with you," I agreed.

The mood in the kitchen was a marked contrast to previous meals. We were upbeat, but on edge waiting for the phone call from ... someone? Henrik and I wolfed down two sandwiches and a beer, while Crystal ate one sandwich and a glass of wine. We were talking again, rather than holding our breath. It felt good, but still incomplete.

I think I might have jumped a foot when the phone rang in the kitchen. Crystal was closest and answered.

"Hello? ... Astrid! How are you darling? Are you all right? When can we see you?"

My heart stopped in my chest. I willed myself to be calm and wait my turn. First Crystal, then Henrik, and then me.

I listened but didn't hear as Crystal talked to my fiancée. Soon enough it was her father's turn, and I saw the tears on Henrik's face as he talked to his daughter. The relief he felt and the emotions that were bottled up while all this was going on were now released.

And then it was my turn.

"Hello, darling," I said, barely holding myself together.

She started to say something, and then I heard her break down. She was sobbing and trying to talk but she was incoherent. I remained silent as she let it out, but I felt the tears trickling down my cheeks as I listened. I was trying to hide my sobs, but not doing a very good job of it. I felt two arms go around me. Crystal was holding me as I wept openly.

Astrid recovered before I did. "I'll be home tonight, lover. I promise. I miss you so much. I was scared, but I thought of you and I knew I had to make it."

"I was scared out of my mind," I admitted. "Are you all right?"

"Yes ... yes. I'll tell you all about it when I see you. I'll be home before you know it," she promised.

"Hurry. Please."

"I will. Let me speak to Daddy again, Rick."

I handed the phone to Henrik and dried my eyes with Crystal still holding on to me.

"You love her very much," she said, stating the obvious.

"I don't think I truly understood how important she was to me until this happened. I knew I was in love with her, but ... I never for a moment thought about what it would be like to lose her. I'm not sure I'd have been able to handle it."

"I think this is going to make you both stronger, Rick. This horrible week is going to live with us for a long time, but it's going to remind us all what's important."

"She couldn't talk to me. She was crying too much. I guess I don't have to worry about her love, do I."

"I never thought you did. What's happened in the last two weeks is so amazing, you wouldn't think it was possible. It's great to be loved like that, isn't it?"

"Yeah ... fantastic."

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Ravey19Ravey193 months ago

Good, maybe a little clichéd at times but a great change of emphasis and a differdnt storyline with some bite, anxiety and foreboding.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketalmost 7 years ago

I don't get all the tears, crying, and regurgitation by Rick. He seems to be something of a wimp who lacks intestinal fortitude.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I loved reading this chapter, especially after those comments that all the HATERS left on the the last chapter. They wanted conflict? Well they got it LOL

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 14 years ago
A very emotionaly trying chapter

I cant wait for the next

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Interesting Twist

An interesting and unexpected twist. I could be wrong, but I suspect even more twists in this tale. Excellent story.

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