No Patience for High Standards Pt. 02


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She cooked a nice meal for herself for dinner. Jason always leapt to be the driver in the kitchen, cooking the main meals as often as possible, so she enjoyed the opportunity to handle things on her own free of his influence. Sure, the Cajun food she cooked up lacked some of the rich flavor her son was capable of bringing to meals like this, but it was still pretty damn good (which it should be, considering she grew up in Cajun country), and she vowed from this point forward to cook for herself and take back some of her own territory in this house. Overall, it was a pretty good day.

Then Jason got home.

Rachel was just finishing up cleaning up after dinner when Jason and his little slut for the night arrived. Rachel had some earbuds in as she worked, so she jumped upon being confronted with a new presence.

"Hey..." Jason said casually. "We're just gonna hang out by the pool for a while." But his mom looked right past him to the girl he was leading.

She was pretty, Rachel relented, but not overly so. Tall, willowy, long black hair and smooth skin. This girl, Hwa-Young... she was dressed nicely, wearing a green knit tank-top which exposed her midriff, and black skirt that ended above her knees. The rest of her legs were exposed, and she wore a pair of black flip-flops on her feet.

Walking past Rachel as she followed Jason to the backyard, she glanced at her date's mom sheepishly, smiling and nodding.

"Hi..." she said sheepishly to the older blonde.

"Hi," Rachel replied, putting on the fakest smile she could, but the young woman was too naïve to pick up on it. As she walked past, Rachel looked her up and down. Jesus... that girl had no tits, none in the slightest. And that girl's butt was nowhere near as shapely as her own. And again... she was not that pretty. Frankly, she was far closer to plain. Will he fuck literally any girl with a pulse? If so, did that mean he didn't even value the gravity of their incestuous encounter the previous night, and merely saw her as another in a long line of girls he could convince to spread their legs for him? Fucker!

Rachel kept eyeing the Korean girl as she followed Jason to the backyard, the mom shaking her head the whole time. Going to that little bitch after spending the previous night with her... what an absolute downgrade. He had to be trolling his mom by picking out a girl like her. He had to. Going from the best he ever had to... that girl... what was he thinking?

Rachel's night was spoiled by this intrusion, so she opted to go to bed early rather that have her son and that ugly little tramp on the periphery of her vision for the rest of her night.

But sleep came with great difficulty.

She tried to read a book on her tablet as she listened to music in her bedroom until she got tired, but even through the music, she could hear the giggles and splashing of water rising from the backyard. This distracted her, and she found herself reading the same paragraph over and over again. Finally, she gave up, tossing her tablet aside, trying to just shut her eyes and force sleep upon herself. Somehow, sleep found her...

For about an hour.

Woken up by some noises from down the hall, she was immediately at full attention. As soon as her eyes opened, she knew. She just knew what she was hearing.


"Oh my God!" the shy Korean girl moaned from down the hall. "You're so big, babe! Oh fuck! UGH!"

"Haha..." Jason laughed. "First time I've heard that!" he joked.

Rachel's blood was boiling. She'd been forced to overhear things like this for years now, but never had it pissed her off as much as it did right now. It was like he was trying to piss her off all day. Not putting up a fight when she drew a line in the sand between them, after spending years making it clear he wanted to fuck her more than anything. Not only did he then blow her off all day, he did so to hook-up with some other girl, that skinny, flat-chested little bitch! And now, Jason was fucking that Hwa-Young bitch in the same bed he'd fucked Rachel in the night prior, knowing that his mom could hear him in action.

What a motherfucker! No... actually, on this night, he was anything but a motherfucker... just a regular fucker. A plain-girl fucker. A shameless, no-good, piece of shit son who didn't even have the decency to tell his hot mom that the incestuous fuck they shared was the best sex of his life. That the most fulfilling sex of her life was equally as good for him, that it wasn't just another hook-up in a series of hook-ups.

It was late, but she was fully awake, her blood pumping. Listening to Hwa-Young's mewling sighs of pleasure made the angry mom want to march in there and claw her fucking eyes out. Rachel was not a violent person, but she hated Hwa-Young more than she hated any other person. Why would he be in there with that girl when his own mom, who had his hook-up beat in every way, was left in here, alone and unsatisfied?

She'd been good all day, the sex from last night leaving her all good in terms of horniness. But hearing them going at it down the hall, hearing her son's masculine groans of pleasure... her body reacted despite herself, muscle memory ingrained in her from the night before. She found her clit stiff as could be, and one quick touch sent electric bolts of pleasure throughout her. She was about to start touching herself to the sounds from down the hall before she stopped herself.

No. NO! If he wasn't about to give her even the slightest amount of credit for the night before, she would refuse to let the memories of last night stick with her. She would not give him the victory of her masturbating while listening to him in action. If he wanted to treat her like nothing of consequence happened the night before, she'd do the same in return, carrying on as if all was normal and nothing had changed.

The best victory was to live well, and she would make him regret so rudely ignoring her today by paying him no mind in return. Give him nothing as a reward for his good work. Don't let whatever game he was playing now affect her.

If he wanted to keep toying with her, she would play the same game. And this time, she would win.


(One Week Later)

There was a very good reason why, a week after making that promise to herself, Rachel was sunning herself by the pool in the tiniest bikini she owned, knowing her son would be out there looking at her juicy exposed body. It was nothing he convinced her to do. This was all her idea. And when she explained it, it would make total sense.

In the immediate after math of their illicit fuck session, Jason carried on like nothing of consequence had happened between them, and she didn't take the bait, doing the same, pretending that things hadn't changed between them.

Her co-workers commented on the marked change of attitude with her, as she came across like she had a very good weekend. Some of her female friends knew she'd gone on a date, giving her an easy excuse to admit to them that she had indeed gotten laid over the weekend. Girls being girls, they wanted details, and with no other material to go off of, her marathon encounter with Jason provided plenty of fodder for juicy gossip. Of course, they didn't know it was her son she was talking about, but through her vivid descriptions, they seemed immediately impressed by his skill and jealous of Rachel for experiencing such a night. When Rachel stated it would be a one-time thing between her, they seemed baffled by this choice, one of them doing her best to change her mind, and the other half-jokingly asking Rachel for his number.

Rachel tried to play it all off, not wanting to give her son any more credit and pump his already inflated ego. That being said, she internally registered that the mere description of their night together was enough to get two other women her age who were almost as hot as she was super interested in him and his talents, eager to hear every juicy detail. Fuck... that boy truly did seem to discover a certain mastery of sex, to practically seduce two women he'd never even met based only on descriptions of his virility. Hell, even when she poured her heart out to Carmella about the whole thing with Jason weeks earlier, she didn't seem all that offput by the idea, solely on how objectively appealing Jason was.

In that sense, perhaps she shouldn't feel so bad for giving into him too, as it seemed like he had an undeniable appeal to women, and seemingly could have his way with literally any woman he wanted, including his own mother. Some might say she should feel lucky to have hooked-up with such a stud, even if they didn't know her son was the stud in question. But Rachel wasn't exactly in the headspace to admit such a thing, because she did know it was her son who gave it to her, and she was still trying to play down the events of that night because of that. But being forced to relive them in her chat with the girls at work brought those memories back to the surface, and she had trouble tamping them back down.

Rachel had trouble stopping herself from getting really, REALLY horny.

She'd gone through a dry-spell that lasted well over a year, and she'd hoped the thorough deep-dicking she'd endured over the weekend reset her horniness level down to zero for a long period of time, enough to get her head back together until she found a healthier outlet for her needs.

That lasted a few days.

How could she possibly just look past the fact that she'd just had the best sex of her life, even if it was with her own son? She was a normal, well-adjusted person, and no one thought anything was even the slightest bit off with her. No one around her knew what she'd done. No one around her could even conceive that a woman as gorgeous and successful and well-adjusted as herself would take part in an incestuous affair with her own stud of a son. She could still barely reckon with that fact that she and him had gotten naked and had nasty sex with each other. And despite her best efforts, she couldn't stop thinking about that insane night. It was incredible, world-shattering, life-changing sex. As soon as she started thinking about it, her body would take over, warming up as she vividly recalled every amazing moment.

And despite her best efforts, she was thinking about it a lot.

She tried her best to forget what she'd done with Jason, but it didn't help that she was going home every night to a house with him in it, forced to confront the young man she was trying her damndest to forget about. She was forced to be confronted with his sexuality every day, not only through her memories of that fateful encounter, or the fact that he was banging a different girl almost every night down the hall, but the fact that she was just in is presence. Their bodies being around each other, communicating even as she outwardly tried to ignore what they'd done together. Sure, she would scowl at him, or roll her eyes at something he'd say, but as she did so, her pussy would get soaked, and her nipples would stiffen, memories of the pleasure he was capable of bringing her flooding her body. Her eyes would blaze with fury upon hearing yet another girl being brought into her house for his satisfaction, and yet, she wouldn't be able to forget the pleasure he'd brought her that fateful night. So, she let him get away with it for the rest of the week without a fight or even a comment dissuading him from doing so, letting him fuck all these other girls right under her nose just as before, because it brought all those memories of that night back to the forefront like nothing else. Hearing her son going at it with some slut and recalling so clearly how it was her in that same position at the end of his big cock, moaning even louder than they were... it was such an alluring sensation that she couldn't stop herself from re-living that crazy night. The more she tried to push those memories away, the more they'd rise back to the surface. So, despite her best efforts, she was thinking about her son... A LOT. Especially at night, when she had no other things to distract herself other than the needs of her body...

Rachel hated that she'd opened the door in her mind to certain qualities about her son that she just couldn't shut closed again. She still found him annoying, and arrogant, and nasty. He was also cute, with a great head of hair and a smile that could melt even the iciest of veneers. He was tall... and tan... and muscular... fuck, he was sculpted. And he had a great butt, too. And that cock of his... it was just huge! And powerful! Even his balls were fantastic, big and swollen and full. And he was an incredible fuck! She was a woman who had over 25 years of experience at fucking, and he was way, WAY better than her, fucking her into oblivion till she couldn't think straight. He had eclipsed in one night what no other man had been able to accomplish in her entire life. And now she had to go back to normal, as if she didn't know any of this. But her body knew it, and it reacted every time he was in her presence.

Her body wanted more. Every time they were in close proximity to each other, her body craved more sex. She tried to move past that night with Jason, and for a day or two, she really committed to that. But as the week went on, and she spent, even in passing, more and more time around her hunky son, that burning need arising within her again.

She tried her best to extricate herself from him even as they lived in the same house, to be independent from him as much as possible. She kept herself busy. She cooked for herself and even the results of her own cooking paled in comparison to the flavors her son could conjure. She tried not to engage any of his attempts to get a rise out of her, namely parading around girls in the house so soon after their hook-up. He could no doubt sense her intense annoyance which she couldn't hide, but he kept at it.

But as the week went on, and as the tension that her son's deep-dicking had relieved in her began to slowly creep toward the levels they were at before that fateful night, her defenses began to slip. He started walking around shirtless more often than he used to, and she found her eyes watching all the wonderful views on display. Like the time he walked back in the house after working out, and the way the beads of sweat slid down his sculpted abs... she couldn't look away. He started wearing that type of swim trunks that were more like tight shorts, glued to his body, leaving little to the imagination, the mom's mind flooding with the images of that intense night they'd shared when she'd seen all of him in the flesh. There was one point where he was walking around just in those shorts, even after leaving the pool, and Rachel found herself unable to look away from the ridiculous bulge caused by his massive, powerful manhood. And despite being pissed at him at the time, her eyes remained glued to it until he finally changed. He no doubt noticed her staring but didn't say a thing.

But the thing that really made her blood boil was that he kept acting as if nothing had happened between them even as he continuously baited her with his body. He kept up the knowing innocence act while purposely driving her crazy. It reached the point where she began rubbing herself at night as she listened to him plow one of his little sluts, even busting out her big dildo. But it was never enough, paling in comparison to the real thing. He was driving her insane, and he had to know how it was affecting her.

She was reminded of the time before they had sex. Where it felt like she was trying to swim upstream, even as the flow was trying to take her to the inevitable. For a few days after their illicit fuck session, it felt like she was treading water, free to swim wherever she wanted. But then, the undertow started tugging at her, and within days, she was right back where she began, swimming away from a fate she was trying to avoid. And it was all because he seemed to get a kick out of needling her.

This is where inspiration struck. This is where she realized that if he was going to be toying with her like this, she would return the favor. She would bust through his act and make her acknowledge her, acknowledge what had happened, and if she had to do it by making him acknowledge her body first, then so be it.

By the end of the week, she was wearing tighter clothes, garments that highlighted her incredible body. She was also showing more skin, specifically tops with plunging necklines that left her succulent cleavage on display. But the motherfucker didn't bite, possessing a level of self-control that surpassed her own, never once letting his gaze waver. His eyes possessed a twinkle that let her know he could see what she was doing, but he never allowed himself to look, at least when she could see. She would bend over with him nearby, her pants glued to her delicious ass, and his stride didn't waver, walking right past a display that most men would kill to see. She even... fuck, this sounded bad, but she did that thing that teenage sluts did and had their thongs pulled up over the hem of her pants, a whale-tail... she did that as well, walking around all afternoon like that, and he didn't do a thing about it, other than wear a knowing smirk at the lewd display.

That's how she ended up in her filthiest bikini next to the pool, bathing in the sun, a display so lewd it practically demanded acknowledgment. And she would ensure he would do so, emerging into the backyard as he swam laps in the pool, so focused on the task at hand that he didn't notice her emerge from inside dressed like this. She didn't think twice about it... this was the only logical recourse to his behavior, to dress up with so much skin on display that he had to acknowledge it. To finally break through the smug façade he was wearing and make him come clean about what was going on between them.

It had been a long time since she'd worn this bikini, and the one occurrence where she did wear it didn't last for long. It was white with seafoam blue trim, and the miniscule white patches of material were adorned with glittery bits that made it stand out in the light. The cups strained against her massive fleshy tits, the tiny patches of material digging into her succulent melons, one strip of material bridging across her cleavage, holding the garment together. The straps of it dug into her shoulders, but it held strong, keeping her giant boobs in place. Barely.

The lower half of it was teeny tiny, a miniscule patch of triangular material covering her pussy just barely. The bikini bottoms matched the top, and it was a thong, the back of it simply an even smaller triangle resting at the upper crest of her ass-crack, the rest of it were the two straps rising high around her hips to the front, and the tiny band digging deep into her ass-crack and emerging on the other side, connecting with the material barely covering her pussy.

She'd worn it while on a vacation back when she was still married, when her husband and her went to a resort in the Caribbean. Even at a place as relaxed as that, she attracted a lot of attention, to the degree of Jim freaking out and getting her to wear something slightly more conservative. Now, she was wearing it again for the first time since, not around strangers, but for her son.

Planting herself on a deck chair, wearing a pair of sunglasses, she lied back and closed her eyes, bathing in the sunlight, her flesh badly in need of a good tan. She hadn't been out sunning like this for a while, ever since her son kick started this game. Now... the game had changed.

The splashing of his swimming was the only thing she could hear as she rested on her back with closed eyes, his stamina impressive even by sound as she remained shut out to the rest of the outside world. It went on far longer than she would have expected, to the point where her bare flesh was starting to feel the heat of the midday sun.