N is for Nude Ch. 03


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"Oh! They had a trap door in the bus so the cat could go down in the luggage bin to use the litter box! That was a cool bus!" Beth caught herself and clamped her hand back over her mouth. We all laughed.

We mapped out a route that Beth approved of and gave us such a detailed description I figured we would recognize things we had never seen before as we drove. Holly went out to our home and entered the route in the GPS and Paul went with her.

Elaine and Beth headed for the kitchen to make dinner. I volunteered to help. They gave me the salad to prepare. As they worked Elaine kept looking over at me and then at Beth. I wondered what was churning around in her head but I didn't ask.

We had a wonderful dinner and conversation. Sam had a date with friends so he left right after dinner. Beth went to a movie with two girlfriends so she was gone before seven. When the kids had been gone for half an hour Elaine was ready to talk about what had been percolating in her head.

"Nick, I would like you to do us another favor. I'll understand if you say no, but I think it would be such a gift, if you are willing."

"Lay it on us. We'll think it over whatever it is."

"Beth is just eighteen. Eighteen and a month. She has dated and a couple of the boys have gotten to second base. She..."

I interrupted. "Just how far is second base in Seattle?"

"She's been breast groped and sucked. She gave a boy a hand job. That's all."

Paul looked shocked. "How do you know this?"

"We talk."

He sat back, still stunned. He softly said, "My little girl."

"Little girl, my ass!" Elaine said, "She wears the same size bra as I do!"

"I didn't know that!"

"If you ever did laundry, you'd know."

I got involved, "And the favor?"

"When she comes home tonight I want you in her bed. I want her first experience to be with someone who will love her, teach her and make it special."

I looked at Paul. Other than grabbing his chest he looked like he was having a heart attack.

"Have you talked with Beth about your idea?"

"Yes. She and I talked right after we got home yesterday. I told her what Sue, Alice and others, including Holly have said about you as a lover. She agrees that having someone older who will be gentle and loving would be wonderful. Yesterday she wanted time to think it over. Today she said she would give me her answer before she left for the movie tonight. Ten minutes later, she brought the sheets off her bed down and washed them. When I went upstairs her room was clean, brand new sheets on her bed and she was in the shower shaving her pussy."

"I guess she said yes," Paul said.

"What about you, Paul? This is your daughter we're discussing."

"I'd never even considered her first time. I think I wanted her to wait... until she was thirty!"

We laughed. I kept looking at Paul.

"Damn! I thought the tough part of parenting was when they were young. It isn't ever easy, is it?"

Elaine shook her head. We sat quietly.

Paul looked at the carpet. Finally, he looked up and said, "I cannot think of anyone I would choose for her first who would be kinder or more loving. I don't even need to ask you to be gentle. You have my blessing."

I turned to Holly. I didn't say anything. I waited.

"I request that both of you come and sleep with me in our home tonight. It will keep you from listening through the walls all night, and I will have two to snuggle with."

I asked, "What about Sam?"

The phone rang at that moment. Elaine picked up the portable and answered. She listened and said, "Be home by ten in the morning, OK?" She hung up, looked at Paul and said, "Sam wants to stay over at my sister's so he and Mike can hang out."

"That answered that. Sam won't be here before morning."

"What time shall we expect Beth home?"

"They went to a movie, so I'd guess about ten-thirty."

"It's almost ten. I think I'll shower before it gets any later."

"Use our bathroom. The shower is bigger and you won't run out of hot water." Elaine pointed to their bedroom.

Paul added, "Fresh toothbrush and razors are under the sink."

"Holly, please join me in the shower."

We joined hands and went into Paul and Elaine's bathroom. Holly turned on the water and then came into my arms.

We kissed and it was a little frantic.

"I'm more worried now that when you went to shave those three women in the showers."

"You think I'm likely to leave you here and run off with an eighteen year old?"

"No... I guess not. But... she'll be so enthusiastic and she'll be so tight!"

"And you aren't?"

"I don't know. I love how you love me and I feel like you fill me up."

"In the morning, it will be you and I headed for Canada. Beth will be right here, ready to take some young man on a trip he will never forget. I'm not that young man. I'm the coach for her. She's actually in the game."

"OK. Let's get clean." We got in the water and we cleaned each other. Holly shaved me and shaved near my cock as well. We dried each other and wrapped in towels. When we reentered the living room Paul and Elaine we in robes, ready to walk out to our place. I kissed Elaine and then Holly and watched them walk to the motor home. Holly was wrapped in a towel. As they entered I saw a blue Honda come down the street. I closed the door and went upstairs.

Elaine was right. Beth's room was spotless and smelled good. The covers on the bed were turned down, on both sides. It was a queen sized bed. I folded the towel over the back of a chair and got in, as I heard footsteps on the stairs. I had left the door open, just a little. A hand came in and flicked off the light.

In the seconds where I was adjusting to the darkness Beth went into the bathroom. I listened as the water came on in the shower. I heard humming as she showered. The water shut off and I heard a towel come off the metal towel rack. I saw the light in the bathroom go off. The little light from under the door went out.

I waited. The door opened slowly and she stepped out, wearing a towel. One step into her own bedroom and Beth stopped.

"You have been thinking about this," I said, "how do you want it to be?"

"I'm excited and scared. Mom told me everything about her trip and you. I know this is going to be wonderful. I just don't know what to do."

"When you thought about stepping in here wrapped in a towel, who took off the towel, you or me?"

"You did."

"Did I kiss you first?"


"Was I naked?"


I got out of bed and walked to her. She didn't move. I took her face in my hands and kissed her. She melted against me. My hands left her face and went around her body, embracing her and holding her up. I kissed her again and gently probed between her lips. Her firm breasts pressed against my ribs.

Beth opened to welcome me. Her hands still hung at her waist. She had surrendered. Without letting her go I slid around behind her. I figured the odds were good that somewhere near the spot on Elaine's neck was one about as sensitive on Beth. I found it.

It was as if I hit the power switch. Beth turned around and kissed me, hard! Her arms were around my neck and she pushed her pussy against my already hard cock. I moaned in appreciation and she whispered, "Shhh. We need to be quiet."

I kissed her again and said, "Your brother is at his cousin's house. Your Mom and Dad are in my home with Holly."

"My Dad knows?"

"Yes. We broke it to him gently that you are a woman. Some men have trouble seeing their daughters grow up. He sees you now."

"OK." We kissed again. I dropped to my knees, putting my mouth at the same height as her breasts.

"May I kiss your breasts?"

"Don't ask! I want you to do everything! I want lots of orgasms and I want to be filled by you. You don't need a condom. I know you're clean and so am I. I've been on the pill for three months."

I kissed her right nipple and she stopped talking. Her hands went around my head and she held me in place. My lips tightened on her and sucked softly.

"Oh, yes! That feels good and right down to..."

"Your pussy?"

"Yes! Oh! Suck harder."

We explored the possible sensations of her breasts for a long time. I moved us to her bed. She sat on the edge. We kissed again. As we kissed I tugged on her nipples and she groaned into our kiss.

"Lay back."

Her eyes widened and she did lay back. I used my hands to spread her legs. I massaged her legs from knee to junction and then I leaned in and kissed her lips. Her pussy lips.

Her legs came up and formed a vise around my head. Her hands held me against her pussy and she said, "This is what it is! Oh my God! Oh my God!"

My hands gently pried her legs open and I licked her. She moaned and made noises. The sweet nectar of her untried pussy flowed like honey. Like a bear I wanted it all. I kept opening her and kept licking, sucking on her lips and avoiding her clitoris.

"This is heaven! Please don't stop."

"This isn't heaven. You want heaven?"

"Yes! Take me to heaven!"

I sucked on her clit and flicked it gently with my tongue. Her back arched, her feet pressed hard on the bed, her hands grabbed her tits and she screamed! Her body thrashed around on the bed and I held on for my very life. I let go of her clit and she said, "No! Don't let go!" I licked her from tain't to clit and sucked it in again. She immediately came again. The bed and my upper body were flooded with her juices and we did not care.

She was panting and twitching with aftershocks for some time. I wanted to get up and get a towel for clean-up. Every time I started to move she said, "No!" and held on to me.

"Please don't move! I am so sensitive right now! My heart is pounding!"

I rested my head on her lower belly and as her breathing slowed she started to talk more.

"There's more isn't there? You will be inside me, won't you?"

"Yes. All in good time."

"I want more. I want you inside me."

I moved and she didn't stop me. I slid up alongside her. Her hand went to my shoulder and pulled back.

"You're all sweaty."

"No. That's all from you."

"I peed on you?" She was alarmed and shocked.

"No! You ejaculated on both of us and the bed."

She was out of the bed in a flash and pulled me out too. The sheets came of and landed in a pile on the floor. She got three towels from the bathroom and cleaned both of us and used two to cover the mattress.

"Now I know why Mom's mattress is stained."

"Do more!" She flopped onto the bed and opened her legs.

"There is more to expressing physical affection than me doing you. There is you doing me."

"I jerked a boy-friend once."


"Because he wanted me to. He begged. I did it to shut him up."

"Are you grateful for the orgasms we have shared so far?"

"Oh my God, Yes!"

"Then take my cock in your mouth and show your gratitude. Not the you-owe-me gratitude. The gratitude where words just won't say it. Use your tongue and play with the underside of my cock, right where the head ends and down for at least an inch. Touch the slit. Move your head on the shaft. Enjoy what you're doing. The more you enjoy it, the better it is for me too."

I was sure she got straight A's in school. She was a great student. I was swallowed and tantalized with enthusiasm. Without prompting she found my balls and sucked on them, gently. She went back to my cock and sucked some more. I felt my balls tighten up.

"Sweetheart, If you keep that up much longer I will fill your mouth with my cum."

She never even slowed down. Pumping her head up and down my shaft she sucked me all the way off. I felt my cock swell and pulse as I filled her mouth with lots of seed. She gagged once and swallowed all of it. She kept her mouth on my cock as it softened.

"Nick, does that mean you can't put it in me?"

"No. It means we can do other things until it recovers. Younger guys tend to recover faster. They also tend to cum faster."

"What other things?"

"Did you know about the sensitive spot on your neck?"

"No! Is that there on all girls?"

"No. In my experience most women have a spot like that. In fact, most have more than one. We could go on an expedition and see how many of your spots we can find."

"Do men have them too?"

"Some do. Usually they are a bit harder to find."

"Where will you look?"

"How about on the other side of your neck?"

She tilted her head and I kissed the spot.

"That's it! More please."

I gave her more. Then I lifted her arms over her head and bent to her underarms.

"Not there!"

"We'll see. I know women who can cum from being kissed here."

Beth was one of those women. I knew she had a taboo in her head about it so I alternated between her pits until she came again. She thrashed about and screamed as she came.

I kissed her between her breasts as she calmed down. She pulled me up to her face and kissed my mouth. I rolled onto my back and moved her into a sixty-nine. She took my cock in her mouth and it responded. I put my face in her pussy and she screamed! She had been surprised and was still very sensitive. I probed her vagina with my tongue and licked her lips. She pressed back on my face. She sucked on my cock and it continued to grow.

At the moment when I knew I was hard enough to be inside this vixen I was faced with a delicious dilemma. Keep eating her delicious pussy or take my hard cock and shove it inside her virgin pussy. My cock won the debate.

"Lay on your back, please." I said to her pussy, half an inch from my face. She heard me.

"Oh Jesus, we're going to do it! I am so ready!"

She held her legs wide and up. I knelt by her pussy and rested my cock at her opening.

"I will go slowly. There may be a little pain. It does go away."

My hips shifted and the head penetrated her opening.

"Oh Nick! You're inside me!"

I pushed in another inch.

"I cannot believe how good that feels."

I pushed in until I felt a ridge, an obstruction, something. My guess was that it was her hymen. I waited a moment.

During that moment Beth took command and thrust her pussy at me, swallowing all of my cock in one move. Her hands held my hips and I did not move.

"Oh God! I'm a woman! I'm being fucked! It feels so good. What do we do now?"

My hips moved and pulled my cock back an inch or so. Her grip on my hips tightened. I slid back in all the way.


I drew back a little farther and pushed in. Each stroke was longer and deeper. Beth kept repeating the word, "Again!"

I moved her onto her side and I lay behind her. I slid in completely and she said, "Oh! Oh! I like it!"

We played with that position for a while. I played with her nipples as I stroked in and out and I kissed the spot on her neck. It was enough! She started shaking and said, "Jesus, I'm going to cum again!" She told the truth. This time she didn't squirt as much and the towels got most of it.

I pulled out and she turned to look at me. I was still hard.

"Why did you leave me?"

"I want you on your knees, please."

Her move was like lightning. I was suddenly looking at her wet ass and open pussy. She looked over her shoulder and said, "Like this?"

My answer was to slide my cock deep inside her.

"That feels so different. It's like I have more than one cunt for you to fuck."

"I don't like that word. It has a connotation of being demeaning. Mean, nasty, cheap women are cunts. You have a pussy, a vulva, vagina, a sweet spot. I don't believe you have or ever will be a cunt."

"Right now, with you deep inside me I don't have a pussy, I am a pussy and I want you to slam into me."

Amen! We slammed together. Beth's bed slammed against the wall. Beth put her hands on the headboard and I held her hips as I slammed in. The wet slapping sounds filled her room. I was glad Holly and Beth's parents were out in our motor home.

I started to feel like I was about ready to burst again.

"Get off the bed for a moment, please."

She did. I lay down in the wet spot, face up.

"Straddle me and put my cock inside your pussy."

She climbed on the bed and me like a gymnast. She watched as her own hand guided my cock into her opening. As soon as the head was in she relaxed her legs and dropped onto me. I was as deep as it is possible for me to get.

"Oh!" She said and held still.

"Rock back and forth."

She did.

"Lean forward just a little, until your clit is really being stimulated."

"Oh, God! I'm going again!"

She rocked like an earthquake. Faster and harder each passing second. As I felt her orgasm start I lifted my hips and when she came down again she screamed... again.

I repeated my thrust as fast as I could and when I was ready I said, "I'm cumming inside you, woman. Her eyes opened wide and she said, "Oh, I feel it. Oh Nick!"

She shuddered, I shuddered and she collapsed onto my chest. My arms wrapped around her and we rested. Our breathing slowed and we both felt my wilting cock slide out of her.

She lifted her head and kissed me. "I will always love you for this."

I kissed her and said, "I will always love you. You never need to do anything and I will always love you. You gave me such a huge gift. Thank you.

"Thank you." Beth put her head on my chest and fell asleep. I did too.

When I opened my eyes the room was filled with light. Beth was still straddling my hips. I was hard and felt the need to pee. I glanced and noticed the door to Beth's bedroom was closed.

I moved just a little. Beth stirred and opened her eyes. She smiled.

"Smells like sex in here."

"Damn! Can we complain to management?"

"I don't want to complain! I want to have this smell last the rest of my life."

"If we don't do laundry it will."

She moved to look at her room and bumped against my erection.

"And what is this?" She reached back and aligned us and backed her pussy until I was inside her.

"Men often wake up with an erection."

"That's a good thing to remember."

She slid back and forth rubbing her entire puss against me. She was ready. I felt her juices running from her, down my cock and across my balls. I wasn't going to last.

I pulled her down on me and rolled over so she was on the bottom.

I mounted her hips and slid in, gradually increasing the pace and ferocity as I stroked. Beth held her own legs. I held her shoulders and we met in the middle.

"I'm so close," I said.

"Me too!"

"Now!" We said together. I lifted my hands off her shoulders and grabbed her breasts, pinching her nipples. Beth screamed again.

I waited about a minute and said, "Honey, I'm either going to get up and use the restroom or this bed is going to smell like pee."

She let go of me and helped me off the bed. When I entered the bathroom I looked to see if I still had a cock. It was red, but still there.

When I came out of the bathroom she had gathered all the laundry together and was ready to go downstairs.

"You know," I said, "When we came up here last night the door was open."

"I noticed. I wonder who saw us asleep with me wide open?"

"We'll probably know when they show us the pictures." I laughed at the look on her face.

"My Mom just might take pictures."

We divided the laundry and opened the door. No one was there. We went downstairs and towards the laundry area. Paul, Elaine and Holly were in the kitchen. One look at us and Holly started to laugh.

"Nick, we thought you killed Beth last night! The whole neighborhood heard the screams. Now you walk in here looking like she almost killed you!"

Elaine stood up to help with the laundry and said, "Everything is soaked!"

"What can I say Mom, I'm a squirter!" We all laughed.

When the laundry was started I went into Paul and Elaine's bathroom, showered, shaved and used deodorant. I was back out at the table eating breakfast like a starving man when Sam walked in. He looked at all of us and started to open his mouth.