My Submissive Little Sister Ch. 02


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"Don't look away." I said as I wiped a lone tear away from her eye. "Keep looking at me as I take this off you."

She did as I asked, and she kept her eyes on me as I reached up to the cups of her bra and pulled the garment away from her body. I hadn't realized earlier just how thick the padding was in the cups of her bra, but as I pulled it away it became obvious to me that the bra was almost all padding. I looked down at her as I pulled her bra free from her chest, down her arms and away from her body. Then, tossing it on the pile with her shirt and shorts, I took my first good look at my little sister's bare chest.

Her breasts were unusual, that's for sure. But, if she was worried I wasn't going to like them, she was incredibly mistaken.

I guess the best way to describe them would be 'tiny' and 'puffy'. At the base, each breast couldn't have been more than two inches in diameter, and they stuck out from her chest maybe two inches. They had a 'pear shape'; perfectly round at the base and then an inch up, they were all nipple...... exquisite looking pink nipples, immaculately and flawlessly formed, pointing straight out, away from her body.

My cock lurched in my pants as I looked at her breasts closely, and the one thing that came to mind as I stared at her was that I'd probably be able to suck her entire breast into my mouth, and suckle the life out of her. Talk about hot..... her breasts were a dream come true for me and the more I looked at them, the more I was ready to inspect and examine them -- with my fingers and with my mouth.

"Do you remember when we were first talking and I told you there would be punishments if you were bad?" I asked, looking down at her with as solemn of a face as I could muster.

"Uh huh." She answered, nodding her head up and down.

"Well, congratulations. You've earned your first punishment." I added. "So, tonight before Mom and Dad get home, you'll be spanked, over my knee, and you'll be naked."

"Spanked?" She asked. "What for?"

"Because you lied to me." I replied. "You even promised you wouldn't lie, remember?"

"I haven't lied to you about anything, Brett." She exclaimed, almost interrupting me.

"Didn't you say a few minutes ago your breasts were horrible? You went on and on about them being weird." I reminded her. "Did you forget saying all that?"

"I remember," she said, quickly, "but, I......"

"No 'buts', little sister." I said, firmly. "You lied. You got me all concerned and worried over absolutely nothing. And for that, you'll be punished. End of discussion."

Alison was completely confused. It was obvious she had no idea what I was talking about. But, I made my point clear when I reached down for her hand and pulled it across the space between us and held the palm of her hand against my crotch.

"Does this feel like I think your breasts are horrible? I asked.

When she didn't answer right away, I pressed her hand harder into my jeans, right against the steel pole trapped inside my pants.

"Feel it." I said, dropping my own hand and leaving hers there pressing against my cock. "Go ahead, Alison, feel it. You deserve to know why you're going to be spanked. Feel how hard and long you've made me."

A look of wonder came over my little sister's face as her hand began to move across the front of my jeans, feeling the length and hardness of my erection. She looked up at me and I saw a little smile start to creep up at the corners of her mouth.

"Satisfied?" I asked.

"Jeez." She said, almost whispering. "Looking at my breasts did that?"

"So you agree you deserve to be spanked for lying?" I said, ignoring her question.

"If you say so." She said, giggling.

I reached down and pressed her hand over the hardness in my pants with one hand, and then wrapped my free arm around her and pulled her into me, trapping her hand against my crotch. "Your breasts are amazing, little sister. And I'd be very careful in the future about what you say unless you like the idea of being spanked."

Alison turned her face up to mine and we kissed again, just like we kissed before. Her mouth was incredibly inviting and each time we took a breath and resumed our kiss, I felt it became more and more urgent. When our kiss broke, her free hand found its way to the back of my neck and she pulled her head against my chest, whispering, "Please do something about making love to me soon. This is so overwhelming."

I smiled to myself at her frustration level, but my smile quickly faded when I saw what time it was on the clock sitting next to my bed: 8:14 PM.

"Alison," I said, softly, "it's already after eight o'clock and we haven't eaten yet. Do you want to stop for dinner, or just keep going?"

"Oh, let's keep going." She whispered. "I don't give a damn about food right now."

"Then we better get on with the inspection and examination of your gorgeous breasts." I replied. We both took a small step back and Alison pulled her hand away from my crotch. I pointed to the bed and asked her to sit down, and once she did, I asked her to scoot her butt all the way to the edge of the bed. Then, I got down on my knees between her legs which brought her breasts to the same level as my face.

I guess I should have been more ceremonial about it, but, by now the throbbing of my cock had gone on too long, and after I'd seen and touched per panties, and now seen her tiny boobs, I had no choice but to reduce my 'so called' breast inspection and exam to a glorified tongue bath.

I carefully reached out and placed my hands on each of her little orbs the same way you would grasp a door knob. The entirety of each petite breast fit easily within the palm of my hand, and as I closed my fingers around her small, puffy nipples, Alison began to moan. All I had done was touch her and she was starting to moan as if I was already making love to her! Then, as if some magical force was guiding me, I leaned my head into her chest and captured one of her nipples in my mouth while I fingered the other one.

Without even intentionally trying, my mouth latched on to that nipple and I began to suck. I kid you not, as I started to suck her nipple, I felt something amazing in my mouth and before I knew it, I was sucking her whole breast. My mouth was sealed tightly around the base of her boob, and her nipple had elongated, and the rest of her breast conformed perfectly to the curvature of my tongue and the roof of my mouth!

I pulled all the way off her boob and stared down at it, and then leaned in again and took her entire boob in my mouth just as I did before.

Instantly, I felt like I could suckle her glorious breasts for hours -- and I'm not talking about simply sucking and playing with her nipples. Every man knows you can suck or lick a woman's nipples for ten or maybe twenty minutes straight with no problems at all, but any longer than that, your mouth is going to get tired and sore. But, as I sucked my little sister, it took no effort at all and the size and shape of her boob fit the inside of my mouth perfectly. It was as if instinct, or, mother nature took over because once I latched on, my eyes closed and I felt my tongue massaging her as if I was actually nursing.

I wasn't the only one fascinated with my discovery, either. I felt my sister's hands on the side of my face, guiding me and holding me to her breast.

"Oh, Brett." Alison moaned. "What are you doing to me?"

I pulled back from Alison's breast again and looked up at her. "Am I hurting you?" I asked.

"Oh, no. It feels wonderful!" She gasped. "But when you were sucking, I could feel it all the way down there, Brett. You know, between my legs."

The boob I'd been sucking was slightly red, and the nipple was a little distended, so I decided to switch to the other breast. I leaned over toward it, and when I did, Alison's hands immediately cradled my head, brought me to her breast and I opened my mouth. Just as before, once I started to suck it only took a slight effort to open my mouth enough to get the rest of her boob between my lips and then all I had to do was start sucking. Magically, her boob conformed to the shape of my mouth and in a matter of seconds, I was happily and contently suckling my little sister's breast.

Never, in my nearly twenty eight years, have I ever experienced such a satisfying tit sucking experience. And in the grand scheme of things, I think nipple attention is mostly intended for the benefit of the woman. But, sucking my little sister's breasts was so fundamentally satisfying to me, I began to wonder if I was the one getting the pleasure, and not her.

Unfortunately, I got carried away and without realizing it, I was eagerly suckling her and unintentionally pushing her backwards. She was trying hard to remain upright, sitting on the bed, but after a few minutes of fighting me, she finally laid back on the bed, pulling me with her, leaving my mouth still firmly attached to her breast. After a second, we rolled onto our sides with me still suckling her and with her gently cradling my head in her hands.

Seizing the moment, I pulled off her breast and reached for one of her hands and pushed it down between her legs. Then holding her hand there, I asked her to do something for me I'm sure she didn't expect.

"Touch yourself while I suck your tits." I said, breathlessly, looking into her eyes. "Inside your panties, Alison...... touch your pussy for me."

Then, I went back to sucking her and once I'd latched on to her breast again, I felt small movements between us, and I knew she was doing as I requested - she was masturbating while I sucked her.

Everything started to get jumbled and frantic in my head as I sucked. My cock was throbbing and my pants felt tight and uncomfortable. I could feel my sister's heart racing inside her chest as I suckled her, and I could feel the small movements of her hand inside her panties as she touched herself. I was enjoying suckling her more than I'd ever enjoyed sucking a woman's breasts before, and with each passing moment, my emotions swelled more and more and I was filled with a curious need to hold her, kiss her and make immediate, passionate love to my little sister.

I felt Alison move and I pulled off her breast to look up at her face. When I did, she reached down as if she was trying to kiss me, and without even thinking, I reached up to her and our lips met. Her mouth was hungry and impatient for me, just as mine was for hers, so I inched up toward her face so we could have our kiss. My hands went to her breasts and I gently tweaked her nipples, barely squeezing them and then releasing them over and over. Her hand began moving wildly down below us, and she was having a hard time kissing me and breathing at the same time. I broke our kiss and looked down between us -- trying to see what she was doing down there, but all I could see was her arm stretched down across her belly.

"I want you to make yourself cum." I whispered. "When you're ready...... just let it happen."

My hands continued their tender touching at her breasts, and our eyes became locked together in some kind of unbreakable trance. The look on her face was one of intensity. There was no shame in her face - no embarrassment and no holding back. She was breathing hard and her face was flushed, and another few seconds later, she closed her eyes, laid her head back and let out a moan that started softly and went on for at least fifteen seconds. After that, I felt her body go limp and her eyes popped opened and she looked at me. I knew she was on the verge of her climax.

"Go with it." I whispered. "Keep looking at me while you cum."

My sister's eyes were fluttering back and forth, looking into mine as she frigged herself. Her moaning changed into little sounds each time she took a breath, but finally, her cheeks got red and her body went totally rigid. As her lips started to quiver, I pinched down on her nipples with my fingertips and Alison opened her mouth, gasping for air.

She started to shake and shudder, thrashing beside me as her climax spread through her body. I let go of her nipples and then pinched down on them again. I'm not sure if I was hurting her, or if the sensation was too much, but, she raised both of her hands to her breasts and grasped my hands, effectively stopping me from pinching her.

I just watched her after that. Seeing her approach her climax and then watching her as she had her orgasm was an amazing sight. Seeing the changes in her body -- the way her face looked and the expression in her eyes...... the way she went limp and then thrashed next to me -- it was a combination of beauty and passion.

When her breathing returned to normal, she looked at me and then turned away as if she was embarrassed. It was a cute reaction, and I was thankful for it because I was probably the first person to ever watch her cum.

I couldn't help reaching for the hand that had been down inside her panties, and when I saw how it was drenched with her lubrication, I pulled it to my face and inhaled her scent. When she turned her head to look at me, I smiled at her, put her fingers in my mouth and sucked each finger gently, cleaning them of her juice and tasting my little sister's pussy for the first time.

I savored this task, licking her fingers thoroughly up and down. And knowing these same fingers had just been down in her panties, touching her clit and her pussy lips, made it extra special for me. The taste in my mouth was her taste -- the essence of her girlhood...... the juices that were previously inside her pussy were now in my mouth and as I concentrated on the smell and taste, she watched me carefully.

When I was done cleaning her vaginal secretions from her fingers, I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I thought you were going to do an inspection and examination of my little boobies?" She asked, giggling.

"I did." I said, half smiling back at her.

"Brett," she said, quietly, "I've never done that...... you know, touched myself, in front of anyone before."

"It was beautiful." I replied. "I loved watching you cum, and I think we'll need to have a rule that you masturbate in front of me at least once a day from now on."

Alison looked at me for a few seconds and then moved her face closer to mine -- close enough so she could rub her nose against mine. "I'd love to do that, big brother." She said, quietly. "I mean, I'd really love to do that for you."

"And so, it's settled then." I answered. "Either naked, or in your panties, at least once a day you must masturbate for me."

We shared a brief kiss and then I sat up on the bed and looked down at her. Glancing down between her thighs, I took a long look at the thong she was wearing and then looked back up at her face.

"I need to remove your panties now, Alison." I said. "I've been saving this 'till last, and once I take them off of you, I'm going to have to look at you down there very closely. I want to study your pussy and look inside you. I expect you to cooperate and do exactly as I ask. Can you do that?"

To be continued...

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oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

Like that the big brother is trying to save his little sister, but it kind of spends way too much time playing head games. If she wants to be submissive, than make it so.

logansk81logansk81about 5 years ago
Very good writer

You have a gift for writing. Very rare to see such excellent, finely detailed descriptive writing combined with full 3 dimensional characters. I hope you keep writing..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Apart from the kind of biologically improbably description of breasts, although I certainly haven't seen enough to make any sort of definitive judgement myself, this is an enjoyable story so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
It is the process

totally disagree with comment about the bullshit. My sister also need to be brought along slowly and encouraged to enjoy her participation. To fast and it would have scared her. You are doing it right

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Booo. WTF?

WTF? Too much useless bullshit writing. Whole fucking chapters of just redundant nonsense. Chapter 3 and they still haven't even fucked. That's lame and now I don't even want to read anymore. Stupid jack ass.

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