My Sister's Potion


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"You said I could do anything except let you rape me."

"I guess so," I mumbled. "But you went too far."

"Really? After what you said to me, you really think I went too far?"

"That wasn't me," I said. "I don't really feel that way. I was just so pissed off that you wouldn't touch me."

"I know," she said, leaning over and touching my arm. "I could tell because you sounded different. Not completely different, but different enough."

"That happens to you, too," I said, describing how her voice was the same, but different, too. She nodded the entire time.

Sitting on opposite ends of the couch, we analyzed everything that had happened. She wanted to know if I felt like I had latent gay tendencies. I told her I thought it had more to do with seeing her watching cams.

"I think I wanted to get you excited." That explanation made better sense to me than imaging that I was secretly gay. There was another part of the experience that really bothered. "I can't believe how much I came. I mean, every orgasm felt as strong and powerful as the first one." She looked confused and I explained to her how guys needed recuperation time between orgasms, especially to rebuilt their spunk. While I didn't quite understand the physiology behind it, I knew it was true.

"Maybe it's magic," she suggested and I laughed long and hard. No, I take that back. I laughed until I remembered the pentagram drawn on the floor of our basement, the black candles, and how she had said it all required reciting a spell, too. Smiling patiently, as if I was the slowest student in the class, she asked another question I couldn't explain. "How's your butt feel?"

"Fine," I said, immediately realizing that I should be sore.

"Mine, too," she said.

"How do you think it would feel if we didn't use the potion?"

"Try it and find out," she joked. I shook my head. That would be a mystery for another day. "What about feeling tired?"

"I'm more hungry than tired," I realized even though it was nearing midnight.

"Me too," she said, heading into the kitchen where the two of us took turns heating up food in the microwave. By that time, it was after midnight and bed sounded like the reasonable suggestion. Following her upstairs, I admired her ass without fantasizing about it

"Good night, Carol," I said from the top of the stairs before turning towards my room.

"Night, bro," she said and for a brief moment, I thought we were either going to hug or kiss. Instead, she turned and headed to her room, too.

Sleep eluded me for hours as I laid in bed and tried to make sense of the evening. My mind flickered from one improbable event to another, starting with how I had found my sister naked and masturbating to the number and copious volume of my orgasms. None of it made sense unless I allowed for the possibility of magic.

My cock swelled and throbbed until I couldn't stand it anymore. Climbing out of bed, I stripped down and began pleasuring myself to memories of my sister naked and fingering herself. Touching the smooth flesh around my cock felt naughty and good. It took a while before I reached my climax. Cupping a hand in front of my prick, I spewed my seed into my palm. The orgasm felt good but not as good as when I was on the potion. My orgasm came out as little more than a dribble as if my body had nothing more to offer. On a whim, I licked my palm clean. My cum still tasted the same. I refused to acknowledge if I thought it tasted good or bad.

That familiar sense of vague guilt crept over me as if I had somehow cheated by masturbating. I knew that feeling and brushed it aside. Feeling normal felt good and a bit disappointing. Back in bed, I curled up and eventually found sleep.

In the morning, I felt good despite my limited sleep. Being shaved bare still felt strange. Unable to take all my classes online, I had to venture out into the world. While I ate cereal in the kitchen, Carol came downstairs dressed for work. We gave each other sheepish smiles. "How do you feel?"

"Good," she reported. "In fact, remarkably good. You?" I assured her I felt the same way. To my eyes, she looked better than good, she looked radiant. It felt funny seeing her as a woman, as attractive as any woman I knew. I considered telling her about jerking off last night and how it had felt normal. Instead, I kept it to myself.

After my last class, I drove straight home. When I opened the door to the unfinished section of the basement, I was greeted by the pentagram encircled twice. Seeing the arcane symbol felt strange. I didn't feel filled with dread, more with the fear of the unknown. I gave the diagram a wide berth. I wanted to explore the ingredients, trying to apply logic and reason to the inexplicable events of yesterday.

None of it made sense. How could combining these simple ingredients have such a profound effect on libido and physiology? I made a list of them and headed to my room for more research. I found a number of sites devoted to the black arts and magic spelled with as "magick" as if that changed the word. I couldn't go there. Believing in magic held implications I couldn't consider. Instead, I choose to believe Carol has somehow stumbled upon an herbal version of Viagra.

With the house to myself, I realized I had the opportunity to conduct another experiment. Stripping naked, I surfed to one of my favorite porn sites and began stroking myself. I'm a lotion sort of guy and kept a bottle of unscented lotion hidden in my room for just such an occasion. As I worked the lotion across my smooth flesh, my body welcomed the attention as much as my libido did. Being hard felt as good as ever.

Reaching beneath my balls, I ran a slippery finger across my butt and shivered with unexpected pleasure. I wasn't expecting that. I had never considered my ass an erogenous zone, but I guess I had been wrong. I experimented with inserting the tip of my finger inside that tight, puckered opening and discovered that felt good, too. Really good. Recalling yesterday, I experimented with a second finger. That felt more filling. Before I knew it, I sprayed my stomach with my orgasm.

Looking down, I noted the amount of my cumshot. It looked normal. Except for the two fingers I had pushed inside my butt, everything about my orgasm felt normal. Wiping lotion off my finger, I tried tasting my orgasm again. It tasted vaguely salty. Perhaps more revealing, I realized it tasted the same as it had when I orgasmed directly into my mouth. I made mental notes about the experience as I cleaned up.

Checking the time, I saw that I still had over an hour before Carol returned from work. I considered the flask of potion two flights of stairs away. Should I risk trying it alone? There hadn't been any ill effects from using it. I had the time, especially if I limited myself to a single drop. Throwing caution to the wind, I decided to give a try.

Oddly, nothing happened. I even tried to jumpstart its effect by returning to my room and getting naked again. I got hard and that felt good, but I didn't feel that same urgency as before. I tried jerking off, but plateaued somewhere before my climax.

Shortly after discovering the joys of masturbation, there had been a day when I had decided to see how many times I could get off. Hidden in my room, I had jerked off over and over again. The first three orgasms had happened relatively quickly. On my fourth try, it had taken a long time to push myself over the edge. On the fifth try, I never did it. I had gotten excited, hard, and close to an orgasm, but had never quite managed to find the extra thrill required to push me over the edge.

That's how I felt, excited, hard, but an orgasm felt out of reach. That didn't make sense. Had the potion stopped working? Did it only work on the day it was created? Did I need more of it? Remembering the math of how long it lasted, I dismissed the idea of taking a second dose. After an hour had passed, I gave up trying. I probably could give myself an orgasm, but it would be forced and I didn't want that.

When Carol came home, I told her about my experiments, starting with jerking off last night. Admitting that I had masturbated felt embarrassing as hell. Carol did her best at keeping herself in check, but wouldn't stop grinning. "What?" I demanded.

"It's just funny hearing my brother telling me that he played with himself."

"Do you want to hear about this or not?" She nodded and only giggled a little as I described the reduced emission from last night's final orgasm. I left off tasting it, that was none of her business. When I told her about that afternoon, I left out the part about fingering my ass, too. Despite yesterday's events, admitting any of it to my sister felt too embarrassing. Finally, I reached the part where I had tried self-dosing and its lack of effect.

"Are you crazy?" she asked, chiding me for doing something ask risky as taking it alone. "What if something bad had happened?"

"That's just it, nothing happened at all," I insisted. Her point wasn't lost on me, except I couldn't change what had already happened. She made me promise not to do it again before we could talk about anything else, including the lack of any effect on me. "Do you think it has an expiration date? Maybe it's only good for a single day."

"Maybe," she allowed, thinking it over before coming to the obvious conclusion. "I guess there's only one way to find out, right?" I followed her downstairs and watched as she carefully mixed the elixir with the pipette before filling it. Before releasing her dose, she made me promise I wouldn't let her broadcast herself on that cam site. She released her finger on the end of the pipette and we waited to see what would happen.

"How do you feel?"

Carol shrugged. "The same as always."

"Do you want to get naked?"

She shrugged again. "Not especially. I mean, I like being naked. It feels sexy being naked, but it's not like yesterday when I felt like I needed to be naked."

"Maybe it needs more time to work?" I asked. We went upstairs to the family room. Yesterday, that was as far as we had to go before it had clearly kicked in. I waited for her to do something and nothing happened. "Still don't want to get naked?"

"Not like yesterday. It's like I said, it's fun being naked, but I don't feel a need to do it."

"What about play with yourself?"

Carol smiled. "I've wanted to play with myself all day. I did it last night, too, like you did, and it felt good."

"But what about right now?"

"Sort of?" she said as if asking herself. "I mean, I feel really horny, but like I said, I felt horny all day. I kept thinking about you and seeing you naked again. I like seeing you naked. I like being naked in front of you and I really liked watching you jerk-off." Smiling, she squirmed a little and I wondered if the potion was beginning to take effect.

"What else?"

"I just like you," she said with a faint blush pinking her cheeks. "I think you're sexy. It's why I have to be mean to you so you don't know how much I like you. Did you notice all those guys I picked out yesterday? Did you notice how they were all built like you?"

"Interesting," I said, referring more to how open she was being. "Tell me more."

"It's why I wanted you to finger your ass and cum in your mouth because that's what they do."

"Wait, because that's what they do or because they remind me you of me?"

"Both," she said with a big smile. She tucked her heels beneath her butt, getting comfortable and I saw the sparkle in her eye. She leaned towards me, touching my hand. "They remind me of you. You remind me of them. So why wouldn't I want to see you do the same stuff they do?"

Her logic made sense. More importantly, I detected the effect of the potion. While she didn't feel the uncontrollable desire to get naked, the truth serum part still worked. What about the suggestion part? What if I told her something to do, would she do it? "Stand up," I said.

"Sure," she said, untangling her legs and standing. "What's up?"

"Turn around and let me see your ass."

"Um, okay," she said, turning to show me her backside. She looked at me over her shoulder. "See something you like?"

"Maybe," I said, unsure if she was following my directions because of the potion or just because. I needed to be more direct. "Get naked."


"Because I want to see you naked."

"And then what? Are you going to get naked with me?" She sat back down and smiled at me. "I'll do it if you do it."

"But you don't feel like doing it just because of the potion?"

She shrugged. "Maybe a little, but I don't feel like I have to do it, does that make sense?"

I nodded, racking my brain for something outrageous to ask. "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Yes," she blurted out, immediately covering her mouth with both hands and giving me a panicked look.

"Did you want to tell me that?" She vigorously shook her side-to-side. "But you really do want to fuck me, don't you?" With the same wide-eyed expression of panic in her eyes, she nodded just as vigorously. I peppered her with more embarrassing questions. "Are you wet?" She was. "Are your nipples hard?" They were. "Did you think about me when you masturbated last night?" She had. "Did you finger your butt last night?"

"I'm not answering that," she said even as her head bobbed up and down.

"Did you use your toy again?"

"No," she said without the head bob. Either the potion was wearing off or she was telling the truth.

"If I got naked right now, would you suck me off?"

"Are you going to potion-up first?"

I glanced at the clock and saw forty-five minutes had passed. "I think the potion has worn off."

Considering that for a moment, Carol smiled before saying, "I didn't mean any of those things I said."

"Wait, that's unfair!" I complained, remembering how the potion had made me feel like I had a ready excuse for doing and saying stuff I would never do under normal circumstances. Either her answers had been lies or the comment she had just made was a lie and I couldn't tell the difference.

"Guess it's your turn so I can ask the questions," she said with a sly smile. She was right, too. If I was willing to take another dose, then I would know if first hand if I could lie under its influence.

"Fine," I said, leading the way downstairs.

Carol didn't start the questions until we had returned to the couch in the family room. "Do you want to show me your dick?"

"Yes," I answered, learning nothing. Wanting to do it and being willing to do it were two different things.

"Then go for it. Let me see it." Though I felt sorely tempted by her invitation, I found it easy to resist that temptation. She looked disappointed and that made me smile. It felt good being in control. "Did you like eating your cum?"

My single word answer flew uncontrollably out of my mouth. "Yes." I heard myself saying it. I felt myself admitting it. I also felt embarrassed admitting it.

"Would you ever do it for real?"

"Do what?" The question felt too ambiguous to answer.

"Suck off another guy for me."

"Yes," I said, blushing deeper. "I would do anything for you."

"Then get naked."

"No," I said, remaining in control of that part of myself.

"Are you hard?" she asked. I nodded. "Show it to me." Though tempted, I didn't. Again, she looked disappointed. Her disappointment didn't last. A sly smile appeared on her face before she asked, "Do you love me?"

"Yes," I confessed.

"But you never tell me that."

"You're my sister. I have to love you."

"Do you want to make love to me?"

"Yes," I said, frustrated that I couldn't withhold that single word.

"Did you ever check me out before seeing me naked?"

I managed to reduce my answer to only a nod, but that was still an answer. When she asked me to explain, I had to use words as I told her about getting excited at seeing her in a bikini. Blushing madly, I confessed to jerking off while thinking of her tight ass and perfectly shaped tits.

"Do you really think my tits are perfect?"

After I nodded, she asked why and I explained how I thought her tits were the perfect combination being a handful without being too big and how much I liked her nipples. Unable to stop myself, I added that I wished she wouldn't wear a bra so often because I really liked seeing her nipples poking through the fabric of her shirt.

Reaching behind herself, Carol undid her bra. Doing nothing more than fishing beneath her t-shirt, she worked one strap off her left arm before pulling her bra out of her right sleeve. It looked like an amazing magic trick. After smoothing down her shirt, I saw her nipples stiff and hard against the thin fabric of her shirt.

"Does this make you want to get naked?" I nodded. "Then do it," she told me and I resisted. As much as I wanted to do it, I didn't feel compelled to do it. I did ask if I could see them and she just laughed at me. "Get naked and I'll get naked."

"See? That's really tempting," I said, recognizing that she was testing the potion.

"If I brought a boy home and wanted you to suck his cock for me, would you do it?"

"Maybe," I said. "Depends on who it was and how excited I was."

"But you wouldn't be mad at me for making you do it, would you?"

"No," I said, marveling at my candid reply.

"If it got me really excited, would you let him fuck you, too?"

"Maybe," I said, excited by the idea. Seeing her squirm made me feel even more excited at the idea.

"What if we each brought a friend over and gave them the potion?"

"My friends wouldn't need the potion to fuck you. They all think you are hot."

"I don't want to fuck your friends," she said.

"Do you want to fuck me?" I asked.

She only smiled. Instead of answering, she turned the question around. "Do you want to fuck me?"

"Yes," I said.

"Get naked and I'll let you."

I stared at her for a long moment. I could feel the pull of risking nudity for such a great reward while sensing a trap. "You get naked first," I said.

"I thought I had you," she said with a big smile before spending the final fifteen minutes peppering me with lots of questions and not all of them were about sex stuff. She asked if I had ever cheated on a girlfriend, if I had ever been in love, and if I had ever cheated on a test. She received a series of negative answers.

The effects of the potion faded exactly on time and I found myself able to lie to her again. None of the lies were about important things. I even admitted to lying so she would know the potion had worn off.

"Is it wrong that I was hoping it worked on you?" she asked.

"I am hard, if that matters," I said, even letting her see the lump in my shorts.

"I'm horny, too, but it's not the same, is it?"

I agreed. While it felt good admitting my arousal to my sister, the idea of acting on it felt like a step too far. "I wish we had done something last night."

"Like had sex with each other?" she asked.

"Maybe," I hedged. "What about you?"

"Let's eat," she suggested and I wasn't sure how to interpret that. That wasn't a hard "no." Did that mean part of her wished the same thing?

Together, we raided the freezer for crappy comfort food. She ate a couple pizza rolls while I scarfed down a couple White Castle sliders.

"I could try mixing a new batch," she suggested.

"Or maybe you just need to say the spell again?"

Back in the basement after dinner, we explored her remaining supplies and vetoed the idea of mixing a new batch when she pointed out how little she had left of some of the key ingredients. "If we use them tonight, I'm not sure I can get more."

"Let's try the spell a second time and see if that restores what you already have."

We agreed that was a good place to start. After lighting the candles again, she shooed me out of the room. When I asked why she said it was because she had to get naked to cast the spell. I pointed out that I had already seen her naked, but it didn't matter. Knowing that if it worked, I would see her naked anyway, I agreed to wait in the Party Room.