My Playmate Ch. 03


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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." Christine chanted, deliriously happy in her own world.

From my position on the couch, her heavy boobs were right in my face, bouncing wildly out of control as her body was flung up and down over and again. Then I stopped her thrusting, rotating her hips in a circle around my cock while I leaned in and took a tit into my mouth.

Christine moaned again and clutched my head against her chest, trying to shove more of her boob in between my lips while she squeezed with her inner muscles, rippling them against my already oversensitized rod.

But just when she seemed happy with my suckling, I bared my teeth against her nipple just to give her a little shock and then started fucking her body on my cock once again.

Christine shrieked and then her body went limp as she succumbed to the sensations I was afflicting on her body. Normally being on top gave a woman control, but still I was the one in charge. And so I rolled us over, laying Christine across the couch and then spearing my dick into her velvety pussy once again.

"Oh! Ugh... fuuuuck..." she whimpered as I pounded her. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." the chant started up again.

Christine was completely gone into her own world of lustful, sinful pleasure. Her eyes rolled back and she started drooling slightly, our sweaty bodies clinching together over and again.

And then her back arched up and off the couch, round tits thrust into the air as she reached back and screamed until her throat was raw. Christine's climax was deafening, and its affect on her body was no small one either. Every muscle was tense to the point of quivering, and the earthquake my dick was experiencing was more than my balls could handle.

I pulled out at the last possible moment, and with my hand aiming, I proceeded to completely hose her down. My cum went flying everywhere, splattering in long ribbons across Christine's volcanic tits, spraying her tight belly with ab muscles still clenched, and even bursting right against her pussy lips.

I kept jacking my cock, and it kept spitting out wads of cum all across Christine's spasming body. And when we were both finished, I knew exactly what I had to do next. We were being very naughty, very dirty. And there was something really dirty I wanted to do to her.

I sidled across the couch and lowered my wet, limp cock to Christine's face. She hummed happily after perhaps her most explosive orgasm ever, and she gleefully began sucking my penis back to hardness in eager anticipation of continuing.

Christine panted loudly around my dick stretching her mouth. Our bodies were still recovering from the orgasms, but we both wanted to keep going forever. I relished watching her wide open face, expressively gazing back at me while she fought for breath and tongued me simultaneously. I also reached down to grab and squeeze at those naked breasts I loved so much.

At last, my rod was recharged and Christine was able to wrap one hand around and jerk the shaft. I pulled back then, feeling the power in my muscles as I rotated her over. Christine was compliant in my hands, moving as I directed until she was kneeling on the couch, facing the backrest with her arms folded against the back cushion. This left her ass hanging off the couch right in front of me as I stepped between her legs and nudged my cock doggy-style into her sopping wet pussy.

She groaned as I began to fuck her anew, growling happily. I still couldn't believe I had Christine's hot snatch wrapped around my cock, and I was thrilled with every second of our illicit coupling.

But now for the naughty part.

I exited her juicing tunnel with a wet splurt, and then before she realized what was going on, I aimed a little higher and then with a vicious lunge, burst my cockhead through the tight muscle of Christine's asshole.

She screamed in surprise and pain as the mushroom head popped through and inside her sphincter. And then her ass clamped up tighter than anything against my invasion.

"No! I've never done this before!" Christine wailed.

"Just one more thing you hadn't experienced yet," I grunted. And then my hands were at her clit, rubbing and caressing while I resisted her muscles efforts to expel the invading rod. "Relax..." I soothed.

At the first sign of her body slackening, I shoved forward. Christine kept up her moaning in mingled pain and pleasure as I manually stimulated her clit.

"I... I'm not sure..." Christine moaned. But I kept up a constant pressure until I was completely buried in her ass. Sure or not, I was all the way in.

"So Brian never got your ass?"

"No..." Christine groaned weakly, hanging her head. But her hips were already chugging back at me just a bit. "Did Anna ever do this?" she managed to ask.

"Yes. A few times. How does it feel?" I already knew it felt gloriously tight to me.

"Feels weird."

"Weird good or weird bad?"

"I'm not sure yet." She flexed the muscles of her now violated asshole, and shifted back against me, pumping experimentally. And with my hands still strumming, she soon hummed. "So full..."

I pulled back and then thrust in powerfully once again. I delighted in seeing her round cheeks spread wide before my penetrating rod. And the second time I pumped Christine moaned in obvious arousal.

"It hurts, but it's a good hurt now. Fuck me..."

I kept pumping her.

"Fuck my ass..."

"I'm fucking it."

"Fuck, yeah. Fuck my ass!"

Christine planted her head against the backrest, freeing her hands to play with her own pussy and letting me bring my own hands back to grip her hips. So with a steady rhythm, I pounded away into Christine's asshole, timing my thrusts to her whimpers of painful pleasure.

For the next few minutes, there was nothing but the wet slaps of flesh mingled with my grunts of exertion and her whimpering. Unlike vaginal sex, which can gradually become a frictionless glide, it took hard effort to keep pushing and pulling through Christine's anal tightness. But oh, what a wonderful feeling on my prick.

And then after those minutes, despite having cum so recently, I felt my balls tingling. "I'm gonna cum, sweetie."

"What did you call me?" she moaned.

"Sweetie. Your ass feels so great. I can't believe it. I will never again call anyone else sweetie. And when I hear the word, I'll think of you and think of the exquisite pleasure of fucking your ass."

"Oh, yeah... fuck my ass! Fill my ass with your cum. Come on! Fill me!"

So I fucked her. Harder. And when I felt myself at the edge of insanity, my balls loosed. I slammed my way in with my last burst of energy and held my hips pressed tightly against Christine's asscheeks, absolute relief washing over me as a torrent of jizz burst from me and spewed deep into her bowels.

"Fill me! More! Fill my ass!" Christine moaned as she felt each wave of semen flood into her body. And so I kept firing away until little white bubbles started showing up around the stretched ring of Christine's sphincter.

At last I was done, and I pulled out with a wet plop.

"Fuck, I won't be able to walk straight for days..." Christine groaned.

"Well, at least then you can go home. But for now, how about a nice soak in the bath."

"Sounds great."

I didn't want to think about what would happen tonight when everyone came home.


I barely paid any attention during my afternoon final. Christine had kissed me one last time just before we separated. We both knew that we wouldn't be starting up a relationship with each other or anything. What we'd shared was sex. The hottest, most wild, fantastic sex either of us had experienced in a long time, but just sex nonetheless.

"I don't want to tell Brian just yet," Christine stated with some finality. "It's going to be weird enough after I turned down his proposal. He'll be crushed enough as it is after I told him I want to break up after school. I can't deal with the fallout if he or Anna find out what we did."


She kissed me again. "Hey, your parents' place isn't too far from me. Maybe we can try that again sometime."

"Sure thing," I answered, noncommittally.

So we went to our finals. And then we came back together for dinner. It was a very quiet half-hour. Brian and Christine weren't really talking to each other. Neither was rude, but neither went out of their way to address the other unless they had to. Tension hung thickly in the air and weight heavily on all of us. They'd had fights before. But this felt very different.

Anna was worried about her friends, but she was also focused on her classwork. Of the four of us, she was the only one taking her finals really seriously. After all, she was the only one continuing at our school for graduate school, so her grades still technically mattered.

As for me? I was an emotional void. I operated automatically. At night, Anna seemed to sense that I was withdrawn and went out of her way to draw me out. She kissed me like the old lovers we were, and I responded per normal. She seemed happy with my affection. I just wondered if she could feel the hollowness of my actions.

But then we were off to bed to rest up for whatever faced us tomorrow.



"Hi, guys!" My ex-girlfriend was absolutely radiant. She had dressed way down in a baseball cap and unflattering clothes, most likely to avoid detection or attract any unwanted fanboy attention. But her beauty still managed to shine through the drab attire. No sunglasses could obscure the brilliance of her eyes. No baggy shirt could fully mask her stupendous figure. I looked up from my position on the couch and simply gaped.

Christine chirped once again, "Courtney! I can't believe it! What are you doing here?" She tugged her former best friend through the door, enfolding her in a warm hug.

"You don't think I'd miss your graduation now, do you?" Courtney came in and doffed her cap and removed the sunglasses. It must have been her version of a disguise to prevent Playboy fans from recognizing her. She glanced around and then stepped forward towards me.

Well, I thought she was coming for me. "Hi Anna." She hugged my current girlfriend, who responded in kind.

I didn't get a hug. Just a smile and an awkward lean before Courtney stood herself back upright. "Hope you're taking good care of him," Courtney finally stated, nodding her head towards me.

"You know I am," Anna giggled then slid back onto the couch to cuddle up next to me.

"Where's Brian?" Courtney asked.

There was an empty silence in the room. Not a very long one, but long enough to let everyone feel the awkward situation. Christine was staring at the floor.

Anna finally piped up. "Uh, he's meeting up with some other friends before the ceremony."

"Okay..." Courtney wondered, but let the matter drop. And that was the end of that discussion.

Then at last, the white gown hanging on a nearby chair caught Courtney's attention. "Ooh, these are your graduation gowns?"

"Yeah," Christine jumped in. "Come with me while I get dressed. We have SOOO much to catch up on."


One last night before moving on. The Graduation ceremony went off without a hitch, and already the campus was half-empty.

But we Graduating Seniors had a lot of packing still to do. I'd found a job not far from home, so to save money I was actually moving back in with my parents. Anna would still be relatively nearby. And even though I'd shown some hesitance to really commit to her and to our relationship, we had bonded more strongly together in the wake of Brian and Christine's issues.

Seeing such a long-lasting relationship of people so close to us falling apart made us both realize the fragility of love, and how rare it was to find someone special.

Of course, Christine and I had a dark secret that was gnawing away at my gut. Neither she nor I let on that anything had ever happened. But the guilt still burned inside of me.

And to complicate matters, the reappearance of Courtney, even if only for a brief while, sparked a yearning in my heart. You never really get over your first love. And despite the comfortability I felt with Anna, we'd never experienced the white hot sizzling chemistry Courtney and I had once shared.

Everything about my relationship with Courtney had been easy, and I mean that in a completely positive way. We had been on the same wavelength, thinking alike, feeling the same. When we met, we clicked. When she was hungry, so was I. When I was horny, so was she. I can count on one hand the number of arguments we'd had.

The number of petty fights I got into with Anna were countless.

She made me wonder, what would life have been like if she'd never left? And what really scared me, she made me wonder what life would be like if I left Anna and pursued her once again.

So as I packed up my latest box, drawing my ever dwindling roll of duct tape across it, I did my best to clear my head and remember how good I had it being with Anna. One last night sleeping together before we moved on back home in the morning.

"Howdy stranger."

The voice cut right through my core. I recognized it immediately of course. I'd been thinking of her every minute since the ceremony had ended.

I calmed myself before turning my head around. "Hi Courtney. Didn't realize you were still in town," I said as calmly as I could.

The sunglasses and baseball cap were back. But a zip-up baggy sweater soon dropped off her shoulders, leaving nothing but a skimpy tank top that did very little to conceal her bounteous bosom. And as she stepped into my bedroom I couldn't help but notice the graceful glide of the way she moved.

"Uh, Anna will be back soon."

"I'm sure she will," Courtney cocked her head and came right up to me, looking at me in a funny way. "But I never gave you the hug hello you deserved."

I gulped. "Uh, and you still probably shouldn't."

Courtney pouted slightly, and still moved well into my personal space until her round breasts were pressed right up into my chest. "And why not?" And her arms encircled me anyways.

I sagged into her embrace. I could feel my body already at war with my conscience. The last time we'd physically touched, we ended up making the most blissful and tragic lovemaking sessions of my life.

"Afraid of what you might do?" she whispered huskily.

"Yes..." I hissed back.

"Then do it. I can't stop thinking about you. I've had other lovers, sure. But no one ever made me feel the way you did. No one ever got inside my head like you did. I want you back."

Were those words real? Or was it just what I wanted to hear? I groaned in obvious anguish. Straining away with all my might and yet my lips were descending down towards hers.

"Make love to me. Please?"

"Anna..." I whimpered.

"Forget her. It's not like you haven't cheated on her before."

My mind immediately raced to Christine. Did she tell Courtney?

"Fuck me... "

And then my mind and all its rationalizations simply evaporated away into nothingness.

I blinked.


I opened my eyes. A fully naked Courtney lay before me, an open smile on her face interrupted by breathy gasping. Her tits were jiggling back and forth in rhythm with the shaking of her body. My cock, more engorged with blood and thicker than I ever remembered it, was currently splitting her shaven pussy lips and drilling back and forth wetly. Her legs were wrapped around my lower back as she squealed into my ear as her vaginal muscles spasmed in wondrous orgasm.

And then I blinked.


Now it was Courtney who was riding me. The cushions beneath me felt like heavenly softness, as if we were drifting away on a cloud. With her neck arched back, Courtney thrust her perfect tits out into the air and howled her climax to the sky. Her hips were suddenly bouncing in my lap out of control, and it was all I could do to hang on while my rod was pummeled by pleasurable sensations.

And then I blinked.


The most perfect ass in all existence was in the palm of my hands. Perky butt- globes, without a trace of cellulite and featuring an impossibly firm shape, were spread to the sides to allow continued passage of my dick into the brown star between them.

The audio stimulation of Courtney panting in front of me alone was enough to keep my cock iron-hard. The back and forth motion of her fucking my pole up her own ass was just gravy on top of the wonderful feelings.

And finally I felt the crescendo of pleasure in my brain. I grunted and growled like a caged animal, pent-up frustration and rage about to burst from my body.

I slammed my way forwards so hard that it knocked Courtney's body from her sense of balance, and then she was collapsing straight down onto her chest as her arms and legs gave out. And my cock, trapped viselike in her anal grip, went with her.

Courtney fell prone, her limbs splayed to the sides. And the instant my heavy weight impacted against her asscheeks, spearing my dick as deep into her nether passage as it would ever go, my balls loosed and I geysered every drop of semen I had in my body, blasting her ass full of my sticky cum.

And then I blinked.


I was spooned in behind Courtney, cuddling her smaller body against my chest while we rested in my bedroom. I recognized the boxes packed up against the walls and the suitcases waiting for me to move out in the morning.

She nuzzled slowly against me, relishing the warm reassurance of my touch. The world came together for me in that moment. And then Courtney sighed happily, rubbing my arm. "I love you."

It was a perfect moment. So with all the sincerity, warmth, and adoration I had in my heart, I whispered right back, "I love you, too."

She trembled in my arms, and I could completely feel the blissful radiance of happiness flooding out from her body as my words sank in. I could FEEL that nothing in the universe could ever make her happier than hearing what I just said. So she turned around, rotating within my arms with a joyful smile on her face.

And as she turned around, the ghostly visage of Courtney dissolved away. And then Anna, my girlfriend, was looking right into my eyes, tears of happiness streaking down her face. "Now everything is perfect."




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talldarkfellowtalldarkfellowabout 8 years ago
Terrific Story. Really Screwed Up Protagonist.

I truly like the narrative, the characters and the plot. And I bleed for poor Anna.

If she shot him and told the court everything he did, there isn't a female juror in the world who'd vote to convict her.

Hotat21Hotat21over 17 years ago

Nice.... I love it. You're a good writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

This series has been terrific.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
The Greatest Story Ever?

If this hasnt been the greatest story ever on Lit.Com it must be close. You writing is fantastic...I feel like I know these characters so well I am living with them (maybe vicariously). I am your No 1 Cheerleader....gooooo Blue!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

It just keeps getting better. What a story! Im tellin ya. You are my fave writer in literotica!!!!

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