My Boss


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After that his touches became more frequent. It was nothing blatant or too heavy, just the odd lingering touch on my back or the squeeze of my shoulder or his hand over mine as he took control of the computer mouse to help me correct a mistake. But every time, his touch made my heart beat faster and my nipples always responded.

And then it was Christmas. As usual Mavis and Chantelle decided that we had to have a works do. They'd already booked a party night three months before but hadn't told Brian. He didn't mind. He said we deserved to blow off a bit of steam after the year we'd had.

The night of our party arrived. Spouses weren't allowed, not that Calum was bothered. There was plenty of football to watch on TV.

I'd gone all out when I learned that the party was being held at a swanky club in town and had bought a new black halter neck dress. It had a high waist from which the shiny material flared out to end up around mid thigh. I couldn't wear a bra as there was a slit in the front that revealed some cleavage and boob flesh. I thought I looked great. When I twirled around in front of him loving the way the dress floated out from the waist down, Calum just grunted, barely managing to look up from the TV screen.

Mavis picked me up. She didn't mind driving as she never drank. We arrived on time at the nightclub and she let me out at the door before she went off to park the car.

"Good evening Kym, I must say you look fantastic," Brian enthused with a broad smile when I walked into the bar. I was pleased that someone besides me thought that. Why couldn't Calum have been more enthusiastic about the way I looked.

"Thank you kind sir and so do you," I replied with a small curtsy, smiling at his kind words. I gave him the once over. He was dressed all in black. Black open necked shirt, black blazer, black jeans, black shoes, although when I got closer I could see his shirt had a faint silver pinstripe running through it. So different from his formal work clothes and so unexpected. He really was a good looking man for his age but I must have stared at him too long.

"I'm old, not dead Kym," he quipped, instantly reading my mind, "I do have some decent clothes to wear beside my boring work suits. It may also interest you to know that when I was younger I even had a ponytail." He grinned broadly.

"I ... I'm sorry ... did you?" I stuttered in reply, "I didn't mean to ... I mean you look ... different ..."

"That's okay Kym, I'm just teasing you. What would you like to drink?"

* * *

The night was drawing to a close. Earlier Brian had danced with Mavis and Chantelle and now it was my turn. It was a fast number and I love to dance to a tune with a driving beat. Brian was keeping up with me, which was pretty impressive for an older man. The next tune came on. You could dance the jive to it so Brian took hold of my hands. I looked up into his eyes and he winked back. "Okay?" he asked. I nodded my reply and he swung me around.

And off we went. And I loved it. Calum never danced with me these days, preferring to stay at the bar with his mates if we went out clubbing. I was laughing gleefully as my dress twirled and twizzled this way and that, rising high to expose my thighs as he spun me around and around. And then it was over. As we stood together, still hand in hand catching our breath, a slow number came on. Couples around us were moving together, arms coiling around necks, heads being snuggled into shoulders.

He didn't even ask. He just slowly pulled me to him and put his arms around my waist. He held me lightly for a few moments as I looked into his eyes and then he pulled me closer. I crushed my body against his chest, my arms coiling instinctively around his neck, my head resting on his shoulder. Wearing 5" heels I was nearly as tall as him.

I could hear and feel my heart pounding inside my chest as we moved and swayed around the dance floor. I put it down to the last dance. His hands began to lightly stroke up and down the side of my body. He wasn't touching my breasts although I was hoping he would. He never did. I felt his hands drop down to my hips and I couldn't help myself as I pushed my thighs up against his legs.

And then one hand moved. It slid from my hip to the small of my back, coming to rest at that point where my arse begins to bulge out. I moved my hips and the hand slid down to rub my butt cheek. It was just the once, it was subtle and then it was over. He stood away from me.

"I think we should go and join the others," he said as I looked questioningly at him. He led me off, letting go of my hand before we cleared the dance floor.

As we rejoined the others I looked to see if anyone had seen what had just occurred. They hadn't but I was ashamed and then suddenly realised that I wasn't. I didn't quite understand what was happening to me apart from the fact I could feel my panties were feeling a bit damper than they should be.

It was later and Brian ordered another round of drinks. I'd had quite a bit to drink already although not enough to make a fool of myself. Unlike Chantelle who was draped across Brian, her arm around his shoulder as she sat on his lap. She was talking absolute nonsense but Brian didn't seem to be offended. He was actually smiling as he answered her questions, politely sidestepping the more outrageous ones as she got more and more personal and then sexual.

And then she got really personal.

"You know, you quiet ones are always the worst," Chantelle slurred, jabbing at his chest with her finger, "I bet you love it working with our little Kimmy here, alone in your office with the door closed. Do you look at her big boobies and have fantasies about touching her?" She laughed loudly. "Just like Martin ... I bet you do," she roared in delight.

"Come on Chantelle, it's time to go, I think you've said more than enough for one night," Mavis said tersely, getting involved as she tugged a reluctant Chantelle off Brian's lap. "Sorry Brian, she's had too much to drink and she's going to be mortified tomorrow when she sobers up and realises what she's said. I hope you not too mad with her?"

"No, it's okay Mavis, I'm not offended but maybe she should apologise to Kym later," Brian said, looking across at me.

I was lost in my thoughts. What Chantelle had just said had got to me. Is that what the rest of the staff thought went on behind the closed door to Brian's office? Did they really think that Brian was touching my boobs and furthermore did he actually want to? And if he did, did I want him to? I swallowed hard at the thought as the butterflies came out in force to play havoc inside my stomach.

"What? No it's fine," I said, "I'm not offended. I know Chantelle didn't mean anything by it," I added although a saying that my mum often used about alcohol being a truth serum came readily to mind right then.

The night pretty much ended there. Mavis was fully occupied with a reluctant to leave Chantelle so I went off to visit the loo and ended up queueing for quite a while. When I got back I found that everyone had already drifted away leaving just Brian behind.

"Where's Mavis? Has she gone?" I asked in a bit of a panic, "she was my lift home."

"She's already gone Kym. It looks like she's forgotten all about you, which isn't surprising considering Chantelle was proving to be quite a handful," Brian replied with a faint smile on his lips. "Look I can take you home, it's on my way so I don't mind," he added.

"Are you sure? Haven't you been drinking?" I asked. The last thing I needed was to be taken home by a drunk driver.

"Non alcoholic wine and beer only," Brian said with a smile, "I never risk it ... not since I was banned for drink driving when I was in my early twenties. I thought I could get away with it. I thought I was untouchable and considered myself a good driver even when under the influence. Turned out I was wrong. It certainly taught me a valuable lesson."

"Okay then, I'll let you take me home," I replied coyly. We walked out of the club. Brian was slightly behind me as we left the club and from the reflection from the polished glass doors I could tell he had his eyes glued to my legs and arse as we exited through the front door.

"My car's along here," he said. I took his arm, which he brought across his chest as older men seem to do and then he petted my hand. That simple touch sent my heart rate soaring again.

Being the perfect gentleman he opened the passenger side door of his low slung sports car for me. It was a long way down and my dress rode high up my legs as I finally slid into the leather seat and made myself comfortable. He quickly joined me. I could see people looking over at me and I felt really important ... or maybe they were looking at the car more than me. Brian told me the name. It sounded like a posh woman's name - Portia - or something like that. Whatever it was it was a red car and very nice.

He revved up the engine before he let go of the clutch and we shot out of the car park with a squealing of tyres.

"Sorry about that," he said as he slowed down to the speed limit, "every now and again I forget how old I really am. My wife says I'm reliving my youth. But I can't be - I never had a car like this when I was younger. I guess it's my way of holding on to my past instead of just being a dad to my kids and driving around in a large, family friendly SUV."

He turned to look at me and smiled. I shook my head as I smiled back. "Boys and their toys?" I said with a grin.

"You could say that," he replied with a smile.

The drive home was quiet after that, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I suspected that Brian was revelling in just driving whilst I was all consumed with what Chantelle had said. My thoughts drifted back and to that dance with Brian when he had held me close and had then groped my bum. There could be no other explanation than he meant to do it. But the question was - why?

I glanced surreptitiously across at him out the corner of my eye. I could see that he was taking quick glances down at my legs. I decided to test him and crossed my right leg over my left. My dress fell away exposing almost all of my right thigh. He would clearly be able to see my stocking top, my suspender belt strap and my bare flesh. The effect on Brian was devastating. I could see his eyes almost bulge as he licked his lips and swallowed hard.

It's funny how some men react to a woman's body. Certainly Brian seemed to be taken with mine but I didn't mind because unlike Martin I didn't feel threatened by Brian. Was that because he was happily married?

The car slowed and I realised that I was home. Brian parked up and switched off the engine and for a little while we both sat there just listening to the little ticking and tinkling noises that an engine makes as it cools.

"Well that was an interesting night," Brian finally said, breaking the silence.

"It certainly was," I replied, nodding my head in agreement.

Brian shifted around in his seat so that he was almost facing me. I turned to face him. "Look about earlier, when we were dancing, I'm sorry that I touched your bum. I didn't mean to be inappropriate, it was something that I seemed to have no control on at the time. I truly am sorry."

I smiled. "It's okay Brian, I'm not offended. It was nothing. You're not the first man to feel my backside and I doubt you'll be the last if I continue to go clubbing."

And then I said something I probably shouldn't have and wouldn't have said if I'd been sober.

"Besides ... I didn't mind."

The look on his face was priceless. I smiled at him and then opened the car door and clambered out.

"See you Monday, drive safe," I said with a cheeky grin as I shut the car door and walked towards the steps to my flat. I turned and waved as he drove off.

When I got inside I found Calum fast asleep on the sofa surrounded by empty beer cans and a box with a half eaten pizza inside. I was starving so finished off the pizza and then went to bed leaving my husband where he was.

* * * * *

Chantelle was just leaving Brian's office when I arrived for work on Monday. She appeared suitably chastened and a little flushed. She rushed up to me.

"Oh Kym, I'm so, so sorry for what I said on Saturday night and can only apologise for my behaviour. I don't know what came over me. I was so drunk but I can't remember that I drank that much, maybe someone spiked my drink, you never know, these things happen don't they. Well they do," she added vehemently as she saw Mavis looking over towards her.

"That's okay Chantelle, there's no need to apologise, I'm not offended, let's just forget about it, okay?"

"Oh thank you Kym. I'm never going to drink again." She turned and began to walk away. "I'm not," she added, reacting to Mavis who had rolled her eyes at her.

Brian went out on an appointment soon after and it was later in the day before he returned. He put down his briefcase and sat down in his chair, which he swivelled to look over towards me. He appeared to be deep in thought before he finally spoke.

"Kym, I think we need to clear the air a little bit. As you know Chantelle said some things on Saturday that has made our working together in the same office slightly awkward." He hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"On Saturday night I touched your bottom. I apologise for that, I shouldn't have done it and in my defence I can only offer this feeble explanation for my actions. The problem is that you are a very attractive and voluptuous young woman and because of this I know many men will be attracted to you and some will also desire or lust after you. As you already found out when Martin assaulted you, some men will find it difficult to hold their desire or lust in check.

Now I'm not saying that I lust after you but I am only a man, with the same weaknesses as most men. And even though I am married, I find that I am attracted to you ... as a woman," he added hastily. He paused again.

"Do you understand what I'm trying to say Kym?" he added, "I was way out of line and because of this we can no longer work in the same office. I'm not sure how I can reconfigure the offices but I'll have to look into redesigning the layout so you can move out of my office."

"Yeah I think I know what you're trying to say," I replied, "and the office situation isn't a problem, we'll leave the office door open all the time unless you have to make a private and confidential phone call and if that happens I'll just leave the office until you've finished. There's always things I can find to do."

* * * * *

And that's what happened. Work was intensive and leaving the office door open all the time worked a treat. Brian seemed to have his weakness under control until the day that he didn't.

I was making coffee and tea for everyone. Brian had been out and popped into the kitchen when he returned and found out I was making drinks for everyone.

"Ah Kym, just in time I see," he said, "tea for me please. Oh and I've brought some custard creams and bourbons in for everyone.

I moved forwards to take the biscuits from him at the same time as he moved towards the cupboard to get the biscuit container. We both arrived at the same place at the same time and both tried to go past the other at the same time.

As I turned sideways to try and slide past him, so he turned too and one of his hands ended up holding onto my hip as his other one brushed across my arse cheek.

We both froze for a moment before he raised both his hands out of the way as if in mock surrender.

"Ooops, sorry Kym," he said.

"No problem," I replied. I could feel myself blushing furiously and didn't understand why. It was the briefest of touches, not even a gentle fondle let alone a full on grope but for some reason I felt aroused by the contact.

Over the following days I found myself constantly checking to see if Brian was ogling me. He was and it intrigued me all the more. Here was a man who according to Mavis was happily married; had two gorgeous kids on whom he apparently doted and yet here he was, displaying all the hallmarks of a predatory man on the hunt for his latest conquest, which appeared to be me!

Absurd didn't even come close to describing how I felt about it all but for some inexplicable reason I found myself being drawn to him. He was technically old enough to be my father; although my dad looked nothing like him; but that didn't come into it. He was a successful, charming and good looking man who dressed and smelled great and I was finding that when I was in his company I was having thoughts about him that a young married woman with a child shouldn't be having.

* * * * *

It was several weeks later and Chantelle, having reached the big four-0, decided to celebrate by having a party. As well as her friends and family, she invited all the staff from work together with our respective partners. Her house wasn't massive but her husband had arranged to get a marquee put up in the back garden which proved to be ideal.

For the first time in a long time Calum and I were going out together although he said he wasn't looking forward to it as he didn't know anybody. Noah was at my mum's so we could stay out as late as we liked.

I dressed modestly in a cream coloured dress that concealed the bare flesh of my boobs although being a tight fit it still showed off their size and shape. As usual the dress was short and I was wearing black stockings and black heels. I thought I looked pretty good. Calum had said nothing.

"Wow you look great," a voice said as we walked into the house. Calum didn't hear him as he'd already seen and wandered off to the makeshift bar that had been set up in the marquee. The crowd in front of him parted and there stood Brian.

"Thank you," I smiled as I bobbed down into a little curtsy, "where's your wife?"

"Over there somewhere, mingling no doubt, as she does ..." he said almost wistfully.

"Well if that's the case we can keep each other company. I doubt Calum's going to bother much about me now that he's found a free bar."

"Shall we?" Brian said as he offered me his arm. I slipped my hand through it and we mingled.

We found Mavis and her husband talking to George and his partner and joined them for quite a while. I noticed Brian was drinking and asked if it was non alcoholic. Not today was his reply, my wife's the designated driver.

He raised his glass in triumph, knocked back his drink and taking hold of my arm strode off to the bar to get us all anther. I saw Calum deep in conversation with another guy so went over to see if he was okay.

"Oh hi babe, this is Glen, turns out he's a massive City fan too so we're just discussing how we can turn our season around, aren't we Glen?" Calum said, already slightly slurring his words.

"Yes we are. Hi, I'm Glen," he said as he stood up from his bar stool, "and you're gorgeous," he added quietly so that Calum couldn't hear as he addressed my breasts.

"Brilliant!" I said with just a hint of sarcasm as I turned to leave. I could see Brian was laughing at me. He must have been watching. We returned to Mavis and George.

A couple of hours later and I was feeling no pain. Brian had wandered off as had Mavis and George. It wasn't planned, people were just drifting from one group to another in a fluid sort of way.

I went upstairs in desperate need of the loo. Thankfully I found it unoccupied and went inside and locked the door. It took me a few minutes but as I opened the door to leave, in stumbled Brian. He crashed into me, catching hold of my arms to stop himself from falling. I clung to him too for the same reason. We steadied ourselves and then Brian looked at me. His brown eyes were blazing as he gripped my arms tighter. He stared at me, his look of lust searing my eyes before he pulled me to him.