Mother's Gift is Personal


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"I can kiss you?" she asked. "We can practice kissing, for your new girl."

Dylan nodded, speechless, just being this way with his dreamily sexy mother already making his cock hard, all wadded up in a lumping way in his work pants.

The amazement of this warm kiss made him close his eyes, his intoxication, and his mother's, melding into a deeply felt aura of love. With their mouths open and fused by wet warmth, their tongues played together in the breathy hum of his mother's moan.

With the whole of her insides smiling, Jaclyn's fingers finished the last of Dylan's shirt buttons while she kissed him, her hands sweeping the soft flannel off of his shoulders, Dylan doing the rest so she could fully touch and embrace him as they both stood still and quiet in the ticking, hissing heat of the dimly lit room.

Dylan's strong arms held her, the warm softness of her bare back bringing to mind what she'd said about being fully nude under this remarkable dress. And so, as this moaning kiss burned on, his hands went to her ass, his touch wishing for the flesh of it, sneakily pulling at the velvety fabric until the hem of the dress was up beyond his fingertips.

Jaclyn moaned more deeply into his mouth when she felt his hands on her bare ass, a 'yes' type of moan that made Dylan smile against her mouth.

Already worked into a frothy fever, Jaclyn let things go further, putting her hands to work in a new area, beginning the fun of opening Dylan's belt buckle and the buttons all down the fly of his jeans. "It's too hot for jeans in here tonight," she said, her voice a sexy whisper near his ear. "Want your girl to pull them down?"

Dylan nodded, smiling, woozily swaying. Just moments later his mother was on her knees, his jeans and underpants pulled down to his thighs, his wildly hard cock so warm, wet and happy in her quietly moaning mouth.

His hands went to her head, fingers in her nicely coiffed 'party hair', his own happy moan sounding deep and resonant. The room began to spin, not from his empty-stomach 'drunk' as much as from the extraordinary pleasure flooding his brain, this sweet blowjob instilling in him the purest of ecstasies.

After the beautiful feeling of it had fully swept him away, it all stopped for a moment, and Dylan wondered why. "Take these off," his mother said, tugging his jeans farther down his legs.

Dylan sat on the side of the bed while Jaclyn, still on her knees, helped him off with his shoes, socks, pants and underwear, all of it now littering the floor next to her. His cock was still very much there, and very much hard, and Jaclyn barely had to move to continue her moaning blowjob, so she did, and Dylan moaned, too. His hips began thrusting now, his hands holding the sides of Jaclyn's head as he fucked her mouth, then he stilled his movements and fell back when she deep-throated him, the ceiling beginning to spin as his drunk eyes looked upward in a daze.

"You're doing fantastic, Honey," Jaclyn said, breathless, wet around the mouth from her drooling fun. "I thought you would have cum by now."

Dylan lifted his head, wanted to say Mom, you sucked me dry this morning, don't you remember? Instead, he smiled, dropped his head to the mattress, happily watching the ceiling's wooziness as the sweet ecstasy of this nice long blowjob continued.

His mother's soft moans, the wet noises her mouth was making, the ticking and hissing of the radiator, it all sent him into a closed-eyed dream, a snowy Christmas Eve that was more magical than any he could remember as a kid, back when he'd try to stay awake late, hoping to catch Santa Claus.

Yes, this was so very different, and so very much better, his sweet mother wet-stroking his cock as she sucked his balls, her sneaky tongue tickling lower, teasingly toward his asshole.

" you met, at the bar, she'll want to take your virginity," Jaclyn's soft voice said. "Would you rather...have your girl take it? Do you want to give it to your girl, right now, very early on Christmas morning? You told me a few days ago always give me the best presents..."

Dylan lifted his head, then rose to his elbows, looking at his mother's darkly lusty eyes there between his legs.

"It's just an idea, Honey," she said, slow-stroking his wet cock to give him an idea of how good it would feel. "But...maybe it's not what you had in mind."

Dylan very nearly came, his spinning mind lost in his mother's extraordinary seduction. Being fully nude as he was, with her still in her sexy party dress, he sat up, pulling her up to his mouth for a kiss. Her hand never left the warmth of his crotch, fondling his cock and balls.

Jaclyn could tell this deeply passionate kiss was one of acceptance, a desirous Yes, I'm going to fuck you, and she moaned a lovely sigh into Dylan's mouth.

She stood, turning, asking him to unzip the delicate zipper down low on the back of her backless dress. Dylan's hands lowered it, the emerald green velvet splitting open like a peeling banana, her lack of underwear now a thing of wonder.

Jaclyn lifted the neck strap over her head, her hair tumbling, and the little dress dropped to the floor. Dylan, embracing her from behind, his hands on the soft warmth of her breasts, breathed her perfume into his dreaming mind.

Feeling his cock so wildly stiff against the top of her ass, Jaclyn knew just what she wanted. Turning, bending herself over the side of the bed, she emphasized her fuckability by thrusting her ass upward, on her tiptoes, her back arched downward, her arms way out in front of her on Dylan's rumpled bedsheets. "You'll use a condom with your new one, but this girl wants you just as you are. Put it in me, Dylan. Fuck me with that beautiful cock of yours. Fuck me right here on Christmas morning."

All of it was inevitable, it seemed, as Dylan, moaning too loud, felt the extraordinary feeling of his cock entering the snug, velvety warmth of a woman for the first time. His instincts were all he needed, his mother too far gone and far too happy to give him any instruction. Deeper, and deeper, and deeper inside her, when he'd given her the full length of him the fucking started in earnest, his hands on his mother's lovely hips, his eyes watching his cock and the way her pussy loved it, her labia majora and labia minora there in the extraordinary view, her puckered little asshole right there, too. He remembered how she enjoys all the ass play with his mouth, so he played with her little asshole with his thumbs while he deeply fucked her beautiful pussy, and a happy howl that she tried to keep quiet emanated from her orgasming body like the sound of a Christmas ghost.

Dylan didn't stop. The booze in him, and the day's morning sex, gave him stamina, so he kept fucking this remarkable woman, still somewhat slowly, the way that had made her orgasm so beautifully.

"Harder, baby!" she huffed, wild eyes looking over her shoulder at him. "Fuck me harder!...Oh!...You're deep! "

Dylan knew all about this from porn, but when the sound of his harder fucking slap slap slapped into the quiet of the room, his heart soared, and his mother howled low-down again, and his own sounds of ecstasy floated from his mouth like a song. Yes, this was it, this was fucking! Virginity obliterated in one fell swoop, as easy as anything, as natural and perfect as the fresh falling snow.

"Fuck!" he gasped, this loud gasping and this thudding fucking much too loud, he knew, but he didn't care, and he fucked even louder and harder as he pumped his hot semen deep inside his mother's extraordinary pussy. "Fuck!" he gasped again, Jaclyn's hand reaching back and clutching his on her hip, her tight hold of it, her thrilling writhing, and her glorious noises letting him know that all of this felt as amazing to her as it did to him.

Her hand pulled him as she collapsed on the bed, his cock staying beautifully inside her as he lay on her back, he and she both huffing for breath. It was just moments later when she was more properly on the bed, on her back now, Dylan's wildly hungry, wildly moaning mouth devouring her pussy, making her thoroughly delirious. Madly so. Spinningly 'out there', with her legs spread wide and lifted into the air, her thoughts went meltingly imbecilic as the deepest of orgasms made her mindlessly clutch at anything real.

She desperately pulled Dylan toward her for the hottest of kisses, whimpering into his mouth with surprised delight when his cock, so very hard again, slipped right into her pussy and began fucking her. This was the big time, she knew, sex that was so much better than her husband had ever given her, a wondrous, electric coming together that she didn't ever, ever, ever want to stop.

The missionary position, fucking while kissing, was a dream. So was the cowgirl position that was next, with Dylan's happy hands on her tits, and his mouth on them, too, when she bent and lowered her nipples to his smile. She felt him cum again just then, with her tit in his mouth and his cock fucking her, and she happily wondered if he'd filled her even fuller with his cum.

Off of him she slithered, taking his hot, wet cock into her moaning mouth, repositioning quickly for some steamy, sensual sixty-nine.

There was some teaching throughout all of this, Jaclyn basically just telling him what she wanted, and then, with her ass and pussy thoroughly in his face, and his saliva-wet cock next to her lips, she asked him what he wanted.

"Doggy style. Here on the bed."

"I should have known," she smirked. "My very own ass man. Yes, Honey. I love it that way, too. You know, not that I remember all that well how it is with him, go even deeper than your father does."


"Yup. And doggy's how I really feel it. Really deep. Let's do it that way for a while, then...oh my God, it's three-thirty in the morning. Do you think Santa Claus was here? Do you think he saw us?"

Dylan smiled, manhandled his mother face down and ass up. As his cock went deep inside the velvety tightness of her pussy, he heard her quiet laughing moan, and he knew there'd never be another Christmas like this one.

Dylan's father swallowed some aspirin on Christmas morning, wishing the bright sun wasn't making the snow outside the kitchen windows such a blinding white. Dylan wandered in, drawn there by the smell of fresh coffee.

"Where's Mom?"

"Taking a shower, trying to shake off a hangover," his father said. "We hit the eggnog kinda hard last night. It was a good party. Hey, did your mom give you the...big present yet?"

Dylan smirked. "Yeah, Dad, she did. Thanks."

"Oh,'s already happened? Wow, she works fast. I hope she...found someone...classy."

Dylan smiled. "Super classy, Dad. Really pretty dress. She's perfect."

Dylan's father looked surprised that details about the 'professional woman' were being freely given. "I don't really need to...know too much about it," he said, with a tinge of nervousness in his voice. "As long as it was good. I mean...yeah, that's great...if it was good."

Dylan smiled, blushing. "It was awesome, Dad."

Jaclyn walked into the kitchen just then, barefoot, all snug looking in her well-cinched fluffy bathrobe. "What are we talking about?"

"Oh, I, uh...I was asking about Dylan's...big gift. How did you find someone so soon?"

Jaclyn blushed, smiling bashfully. "He told you? Oh. know me, I'm...resourceful."

"My wife, the facilitator. Maybe you can find me a hangover cure."

"Dad told me you guys had a nice night," said Dylan.

"Yes, honey," said Jaclyn, eyes twinkling. "It was a wonderful night. A perfect Christmas Eve."

Dylan's father nodded. "Great party. I shouldn't admit this, but I can't even remember coming home. I saw your mother come out of the bathroom at 4am. I thought she was Santa Claus."

"Well you've got a pretty odd view of what you think he looks like, because I was naked," said Jaclyn.

Dylan's father blushed again, embarrassed that she would say such a thing in front of their son. "Yes, well...Mrs. Claus, maybe. I dream funny when the bedroom's too warm. Which reminds me, I need to call that heating contractor again to get all the radiators calibrated better. Is your room still too hot, Dylan?"

"It's super hot, but I kind of love it now."

"His girl would like you to keep it just how it is," Jaclyn said to her husband.

"His girl? You mean Did that happen here?"

"He met someone. Last night, at a bar filled with Christmas spirit."

"Oh, wow. When it rains it pours, huh Dylan?" said his father. "Good for you, kid. But what the hell were you doing in a bar? You're not old enough."

"Dad, don't worry about it."

"Not worried, just curious. So, what's this girl like? They say boys always want to bring home a girl who's just like their mother."

Dylan blushed. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind that. I mean, Mom's awesome."

"That she is," said his dad. "Prettiest woman at the party last night."

"I know. She showed me her dress this morning. Mom, you left it in my room."

Feeling her face ferociously blushing, Jaclyn's eyes flared. "Oh my gosh, did I? This crazy holiday, my mind so easily gets on other things."

Dylan's father smiled. "You've always had the Christmas spirit inside you, my dear."

"Yeah, Christmas goes deep, right Mom?"

Jaclyn's eyes twinkled like the Christmas star. "Awesomely deep, Honey. I can still feel it there."

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ToughSailorToughSailor10 days ago

Twenty years old and ignorant about sex? Dylan must have lived his life in a monastery or else he's dumber than a dirt clod - OK. I get that his room was continually hot so you didn't need to keep belaboring the point as it wasn't that big of a plot issue - A little long but at least he finally did get the job done with his mother - Also do appreciate the total lack of vulgarity . . . .

KnightofmindKnightofmind4 months ago

The only thing I missed was a description of the mother. Certainly I understand why, from a fantasy perspective, but I have always enjoyed being able to picture the characters in a story in my mind's eye. The intimacy of the characterization in an erotic story gives one a small peek behind the curtain of the narrative.

Still, you are extremely talented. Thanks for sharing!

oksideshow859419oksideshow8594198 months ago

A little long but by the time I got to the end I was hoping for another chapter 🙉🙊🙈

InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaos8 months ago

"honey, I can still feel it there" omg


bea_coolbea_coolabout 1 year ago

I give you 5 stars. You did it perfectly. The tenderness, the young man's thorough initiation, the mom's pressure, and the length and pacing of the story.

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