Miracles do Happen

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Dirty old man saves busty teenage girl from gang of yobs.
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As the film ended so Bill Jones eased himself up off the sofa, grimacing as he did so. His old joints creaked as he finally managed to stand up straight. Old age was no joke. Everything ached these days, especially his knees. Fumbling inside his grey sweatpants he pulled out the waistband of his spunk stained underpants and stuffed his big cock back inside. It was a bit of a struggle to make himself comfortable because even though he'd just cum, his shaft was still hugely engorged.

Feeling more like eighty three instead of his actual age of seventy three, he limped off to take a piss and make himself another cup of tea. As he did he ruminated on the film he'd just watched. It was probably his all time favourite and was about a secretary being seduced by her much older boss. And even though it had been made nearly fifteen years ago it never failed to get him excited. Of course he knew what was gong to happen; he'd watched it countless times; but he liked it because it had an element of coercion in the story. He only wished the secretary could have been younger, in fact much younger... like eighteen.

Having made himself a fresh brew to which he added a generous slosh of an obscure but cheap brand of whisky... purely for medicinal purposes you understand... Bill returned and slumped back down into his seat.

He reached down into the box strategically placed at arms length at the side of the sofa. Inside was Bill's extensive collection of porn. He picked through the DVD's until he found one still in it's plain brown, cardboard delivery packet. It had only been delivered the previous week.

With his thick, gnarled, arthritic fingers making the task difficult, he finally managed to open the outer packing, remove the cellophane wrapper and then prise open the plastic case. Removing the disc he struggled up out of his seat and loaded it into his DVD player. He looked at the cover.

"Secretary Seduction," he read out loud. "Young trainee finds her office job is not just about paperwork and filing. It's far more fulfilling than that!"

He snorted derisively. What a load of old codswallop. He had no idea what it meant but the cover picture of a scantily clad blonde girl showing off her abundant chest looked enticingly good.

"Looks promising," he said to himself as he hit the play button on his remote. He settled back into his chair, shuffling his fat arse about to make himself more comfortable.

This was how Bill spent his days. He'd been living on his own for the past twenty odd years ever since his wife had divorced him on the grounds of physical cruelty. They'd never had kids, although it wasn't for the want of trying. Not on his part anyway and that was probably the reason she'd left him. Well that and the fact she'd accused him of being a pervert. Even then he'd watched a lot of porn.

Home was a small, scruffy terraced house in a run down area close to the town centre. It was obviously a man's house as what little furniture Bill possessed was way past it's best and added to that he wasn't much into cleaning either. To save money on heating and lighting costs, and to make things easier, Bill nowadays only used the rooms downstairs. His queen sized bed was in the small living room at the front of the house whilst the larger room at the back doubled as his sitting-slash-dining room. The bathroom was situated off the kitchen having been moved there when the house was modernised in the early nineteen seventies.

Most of Bill's immediate neighbours were long gone as the local council looked to regenerate the district by systematically demolishing the old Victorian houses to make way for new homes. In fact there already was a new housing estate quite close by. 'The slums of the future' Bill had mused as he watched them being built and the first occupiers move in.

Bill himself was a bit of a loner. Small, overweight and not blessed in the looks department, he was a bit rough and ready. He didn't socialise much and had no friends to speak of. On the odd occasion he did venture out to the shops he often heard himself referred to as a dirty old man. Well, he was old, and if dirty meant perverted, then it was probably true. He showered a couple of times a week so it couldn't mean he wasn't clean, although his personal hygiene had never been a high priority.

He whiled away his days watching films. He had little or no interest in TV programmes. To him, the multiple channels now available only spewed out a never ending stream of dross and repeats. Besides the 'Soaps' and the reality shows there was an abundance of talent contests for untalented people where so called celebrity mentors spouted such drivel as - 'you're on a journey' or 'you need to believe in yourself' - to their supposed protégés. To Bill it was a load of bollocks - pure unadulterated crap.

So Bill only watched DVD's. And whilst he had a vast library of mainstream movies; mainly war or action thrillers; what he really enjoyed the most was watching porn. He wasn't picky, he pretty much liked anything; except BDSM; but what really got his juices flowing the most, were the ones where barely legal blonde girls with big tits were getting ploughed by old men with big dicks!

The action in the film was hotting up. The star of the show, a particularly cute looking young blonde girl, had been summoned to the office of her boss at the end of the working day. She took her seat, self-consciously pulling down the hem of her short skirt, which had ridden high up her legs, so revealing a large amount of her thigh. It was obvious she was wearing thigh high stockings.

Bill licked his lips, the nervous anticipation of what he suspected was about to happen making his stomach muscles tense.

The boss started to speak. "You know Amy, people in the office are talking about you. They think you've got a great future ahead of you. That you'll go far. That you'll be successful here. They say you've got what it takes - to go to the top."

He stood up from behind his desk and moved behind her. She glanced back nervously, knowing that he was looking down into her cleavage. She flinched as he put his hands on her shoulders.

"I've seen that too. I believe you have all the... ASSETS... to go far within the corporation." As he said 'assets' so he leaned lower, his hands dropping down to cup her breasts from below. He squeezed, making the girl known as Amy, close her eyes and moan softly.

Bill fondled his growing bulge through his grubby sweatpants, before fishing it out. He swallowed hard as he made himself more comfortable and began to move his hand up and down the shaft. He could almost see the blood pumping in along the protruding veins as his shaft grew fatter and longer. He knew this was going to be epic!

"I can be your guide Amy. I can open doors for you, I can teach you how to get to the very top, so that you can unlock your potential. I can make all this happen for you Amy. It's up to you to want this. Do you want this Amy?" he said, as he encouraged her to stand up.

Bill began to stroke his cock faster. He watched, almost mesmerised, as the boss kissed Amy hard, his hands working on her large breasts, groping and fondling them crudely, before he dropped one hand down between her legs. By the movement of her skirt Bill knew he already had his fingers inside her pussy.

It wasn't too long before the boss had Amy bent over his desk. He was an old guy, probably in his late fifties, Bill mused. He chuckled to himself when he saw the man's cock. It was large, but nowhere near as big as Bill's.

"Lucky bastard," Bill said out loud as his hand moved even faster up and down his shaft.

The action was hotting up. Amy's panties were now stretched across her thighs as the boss widened her stance. As she looked over her shoulder, Bill could see her biting her lower lip. She looked incredibly nervous. And so young. Too young maybe? As the uncertain look flashed across her face Bill wondered if this was maybe her first time. Not that it mattered. She had sizeable breasts which wobbled pleasingly as the man bent her over the office desk and lifted up her skirt. That was far more important to Bill.

"Oh yeah baby, take it," Bill grunted, as he continued to stroke his shaft. The large, bulging purple head pushed out from beneath the foreskin as his cock reached its maximum size. It was a throbbing, ugly looking piece of meat that drooped downwards, but there was no disputing it's size. Big when flaccid, it was huge when erect, and even after cumming it never really seemed to lose it's hardness.

'God's little joke', chuckled Bill inwardly. He'd been blessed with a massive cock, but being fat and ugly and now old, he'd never had the opportunity to use it much. He guessed it was an urban myth that all women crave big dicks and as a result all well hung guys then get as much pussy as they want!

In the DVD, the young, blonde secretary was getting fucked even harder by the old man. Her large tits were moving rapidly up and down her chest as he continued to ram his cock deep inside her. But she was no longer bent over the desk. Now she was on her back, writhing from side to side as she was impaled time and time again by the old man's big cock.

Bill, more turned on by the minute jerked his hand up and down his own huge cock, squeezing the head of it on every up stroke. And as the young, blonde secretary came to her orgasm, so did Bill, sending a massive shot of his spunk high into the air, completely missing the tissues he had ready to catch it.

"Shit, that'll take some cleaning up," he muttered to himself, as his cum splattered onto the floor around him, with some landing on his sofa cushions. Cursing his misfortune, he once more struggled out of his seat and limped his way across the living room and into the kitchen to get a wet cloth.

Once he'd cleaned up his mess he set about lighting the fire in the room. There was a storm brewing, it was already turning chilly outside, and due to his advancing years Bill now felt the cold more than most. He was a canny man though, very careful with his pennies and so only used his electric storage heaters when it was the depths of winter. They were old and not particularly efficient, so he used them sparingly.

The open fire on the other hand cost him nothing as he could burn just about anything combustible that he could lay his hands on. Even though his house was in a 'smoke-free zone' it was highly unlikely he would ever be reported to the council as most properties around him were now empty.

Once lit, Bill added wood to the fire. The wood was courtesy of the new housing estate. Scavenging there had been most fruitful. It was amazing how much wood was just laying around. It would almost have been rude not to nick some for his own needs. He'd even built himself a high-sided wheel-barrow to help him carry home more booty on his weekly night time forays.

As he watched the flames grow bigger and the wood started to spit and crackle in the hearth, Bill ruminated on his latest DVD. He rated it a firm seven out of ten. He knew he was being picky but he liked his porn films to be a trifle more realistic than this one had been.

Yes, there had been some dialogue to start with, which had been surprisingly well acted for a porn film. But he felt it would have been better if the scene had been a bit longer, making the ending more erotic when the boss finally coerced his young secretary into spreading her legs for him. But no, he had barely finished talking before her knickers were down her legs and his cock was deeply embedded in her pussy.

But despite that, the young girl was definitely a nine maybe even a borderline nine and a half. Bill liked them cute and blonde, especially if they had big breasts. And hers had been pleasingly large. The rest of her body had been good too. She had nice shapely legs and her arse was to die for. He looked skyward and sighed deeply. "Just once God... just one time... is that too much to ask?"




Eighteen year old Pamela Day looked up at the clock on the wall. It was a basic, utilitarian device devoid of any character. The outer casing was red, the large face behind the clear perspex cover was white, and the hands and numbers were black. It looked cheap, because it was. It was the sort you could buy from Amazon for around ten quid.

Pamela was now staring at it, watching as the second hand swept inexorably around the face in one seemingly continuous movement. It was almost mesmerising. She tore her eyes away from it and glanced at her computer, groaning inwardly as she saw the time on the clock was indeed correct. Five o'clock, thirty minutes to go until she could go home. She shook her head in dismay. Time was passing so slowly.

It was Friday, the last day of the working week and she was looking forward to some quality time with her boyfriend Simon. She knew her parents had already left for their weekend away and she saw this as a perfect opportunity for him to stop over for the night. Of course she knew her parents would have already asked the neighbours to make sure she didn't get up to any mischief. But that wasn't going to stop her.

She crossed her legs, immediately feeling the dampness between her thighs. For some reason she felt incredibly aroused today. Maybe it was the fact that she hadn't had sex for weeks and just thinking about it now had made her panties wet.

Her musings were interrupted as she heard the tell-tale yet muffled sound of a text message coming through on her mobile phone. Taking a quick look around to see if anyone was watching, she reached down into her handbag to retrieve her phone. The firm took a dim view on the use of mobiles during working hours. She shouldn't really... but still... it might be important...

She read the message and exhaled sharply. Wonderful! Simon was blowing her off. He was going to a rock concert with his mates instead of hooking up with her. What a bastard... how dare he! She heard the tut of disgust and looked up to see Mrs Brown, the office matriarch, glaring across the room at her with a disapproving stare. Quickly closing down her phone she tossed it back inside her bag.

With nothing to do she stared out of the office window and yawned. All the company's typists shared an office on the ground floor of the building and as she looked out onto the street she could see people rushing by. She noticed it was already getting darker. The nights were drawing in quickly now that summer had ended, but tonight seemed gloomier than usual.

Craning her neck, she peered through the window, straining to look up into the sky to see the reason. The day had started warm and dry so she'd only worn a thin jacket to work. But now it looked colder and she could see dark clouds were building. She could see leaves being hurried along the pavement by intermittent strong gusts from the strengthening wind. No doubt it would only be a matter of time before it rained. Thank goodness she'd brought her umbrella with her. If it did rain, at least she didn't have far to walk to the bus stop.

She looked at the clock and sighed again. Her daily work routine was a drag and she was bored beyond belief. She was now bitterly regretting her decision at sixteen not to stay on at school for a further two years and then go on to university or college like her two sisters had. They all had good jobs now and had moved away, whereas she, as the youngest member of the family, was still living at home.

It was all her friend's faults. They'd talked her into not going to college. Get a job, they'd said, then you'll have money to spend. So she did. Instead of staying in full time education she opted to go to the local college. There she'd taken a two year part time course in business administration and secretarial skills.

It was Simon's fault as well. He'd also made it clear that he didn't want her to go away to college and that she should stay here with him. So it was down to her friends and him that she was stuck in a dead end job with seemingly little prospect of advancement. And now to make matters worse, he'd blown her off for the weekend.

Even though she sensed her parents were disappointed when she made her decision, her father had helped her out. As a local estate agent he knew all the solicitors in town and had managed to get her a job with one of them. They took her on as an office junior with the promise of advancement when she finished her college course. Wonderful!

Sure, she was grateful to get a job, but all she had been entrusted with in the time she'd been with them was internal and external mail delivery and filing. Interminable filing, the bane of her life. She knew she had to learn from the bottom up, but she wasn't unintelligent and she'd been with the company for months now, so surely they could find something a bit more challenging for her? After all, she had just turned eighteen.

Pamela shifted in her chair, which caused her to look down at her skirt. She had liked the style of the black pencil skirt as soon as she saw it in the shop. Lengthwise, it was supposed to sit just above her knees, but the hem seemed to have ridden up her legs when she sat down and she could now see the lace top of her stockings. It certainly was quite a bit shorter than she remembered. She tugged at the hem, trying vainly to bring it nearer to her knees. Not a chance. She began to think that maybe she shouldn't have worn this one to work.

She reflected on her wardrobe and began to sort out mentally what outfits she would wear next week. She had an extensive range to pick from, although given her body size she sometimes felt that the choice of nice fashionable clothes was a bit limited locally.

Pamela herself was a very pretty girl with clear blue eyes and long, wavy, dirty blonde hair that just brushed the top of her breasts when she wore it loose; as she did today. Standing just 5'4" tall she was slim with a flat stomach, although her bum was full and round and she had nice, shapely legs. But her biggest asset was her chest. She was abnormally large for her build with an impressive pair of breasts that measured 32EE. Due to her youth they stood high and firm with not a hint of sag and the rest of her body was toned and supple, a reward of her dance club and gym membership.

As any young woman will attest to, when you live at home with your parents there can be problems. Pamela was no different, as she felt that even though she was in her penultimate teenage year, they still treated her as a kid instead of the young adult she now was. This led to some friction and more than a few heated arguments, especially with her mother. Being the youngest child of three and the only one still living at home, her mother seemed determined to not let her last baby grow up anytime soon.

However there were also many benefits. The main one being that virtually all the money she earned; a pittance in her mind; was hers to spend as she saw fit. As a young lady with an eye for fashion she liked to shop for clothes and shoes and all the other accessories that are essential when you're only eighteen years old.

There was no dress code or office uniform where she worked so she liked to wear something different every day if she could. Her wardrobe was arranged and divided into 'outfit' days or 'random mix and match' days. Today was one of her 'outfit' days. Her co-ordinated choice had been a short sleeved, grey tee shirt, which she had matched with the plain black pencil skirt. A black belt with a large, false buckle completed the skirt's appearance.

It proved to be a simple but stunning combination as the tee shirt clung tightly to her upper body, thereby perfectly showcasing her large, impressive breasts, whilst the skirt was tight and moulded itself to her delightfully curvaceous and firm backside and hips. There was no doubt that the male members of staff would have a hard time trying to keep their eyes from the prize!