Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 14


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"Hello, Agatha," the woman in red said to the old lady, smiling confidently.

"Beatrice..." the old woman, Agatha, replied.

In the apartment was Agatha, or as she used to be known as, Mrs. Claus. Or, at least, the old Mrs. Claus, ex-wife of Santa Claus himself. And clad in red and white in front of her was the new hotness, Nick's new main squeeze, the new Mrs. Claus, Beatrice.

Upon seeing her, the old woman couldn't help but immediately judge the younger woman's wardrobe. Agatha used to wear a big red and white poofy coat and a long, ankle-length dress up at the North Pole, in solidarity with her husband. Even though her husband didn't actually wear the stereotypical Christmas garb while handing out presents, or in his day-to-day life, Agatha welcomed being a warm, friendly beacon of traditional Christmas values. But this woman... she felt differently. Instead of something more traditional and conservative, she wore a sluttified version of a Mrs. Claus outfit. Slim. Figure-hugging. Sexy. Highlighting her body was its primary function, and its red and white Christmas coloring secondary. It was a symbol of her perverse take on this most important of holidays.

"Can we come in?" Beatrice asked, pulling Agatha from her thoughts. There was no question this group wasn't going anywhere before they could enter. Sensing this, Agatha relented.

"Fine..." the old lady said, stepping back. While two of the bodyguards and the assistant remained outside, Beatrice and two bodyguards stepped inside the old woman's apartment, walking past her quickly.

Beatrice pulled off her sunglasses and pocketed them before looking around, studying her surroundings. The apartment was... small. And cozy. And kind of narrow. Other than the living room, it was a little cramped getting around. And it wasn't even that nice either. It had a bunch of old-lady-style decorations, fabrics and old dolls and figurines. She also had a big heavy looking bookshelf filled with thick, old looking books. Beatrice turned up her nose at all this, finding this humble little existence disgusting. The only bits of technology she had were her kitchen appliances, an old wall-phone, and a boxy TV. Everything was scented as if she always seemed to have scented candles lit, and there was a small Christmas tree in the corner.

One bodyguard remained at the door while the other stood at the edge of the kitchen. Agatha approached slowly, unsure as to what was going on.

"Why are you here?" Agatha said, her firm tone unusual for a woman so normally friendly. At this, Beatrice stared down at the old woman. She couldn't help but upturn her nose at the sight of her.

"Agatha... you look like dogshit," the young woman said, making the old woman look down, ashamed. The last time Beatrice saw her, Agatha didn't look like this. Sure, Beatrice had her beat back then too, but the difference in Agatha was striking. "The aging charm wears off that fast, huh?"

Nick was a very special man. He didn't look like the Santa you see in stories. He wasn't some old fat guy with a bushy white beard. No, he was a young hunk, who was gifted with an almost eternal youth, leaving him looking like a young stud of thirty for hundreds of years now. And because of this gift, the woman he chose as his spouse shared the same gift. When he was with Agatha, she never aged. She looked the same age as him, about thirty. When she was with him, she was this friendly, sweet, kind young woman. She gave off a very matronly vibe. And being Mrs. Claus, that helped with the job. Sure, she was a bit soft around the edges, even then, but her and Nick had a pure love that seemed to be endless.

And then, just a few years prior, he showed up with Beatrice, this huge-breasted, hot-bodied seductress on his arm, and before she could even greet her husband, he and Beatrice were locked behind closed doors, doing god knows what together. Agatha still remembered the screaming they could all hear behind the closed doors. The cursing. The moaning. It was... it was a nightmare. Just like that, Agatha had been replaced. He had a new love, and the years and years he spent with Agatha suddenly meant nothing. After days of crying as her true love and soulmate kicked her out of her home and replaced her with a hotter model, she barely had time to fill a couple trunks with her things before being shipped away, forced to make her way on her own.

With their marriage ended, Agatha was no longer under the protection against aging that she once had. And now that that was gone, it seemed like she was aging at a rapid rate, as if she had to catch up to her actual age, which was not a good thing for her as she had been around far longer than any normal person had ever lived. Each year felt like she aged 7-10 years. Just a few years prior, she was a young 30. Now, she looked like she was in her 70's. And unfortunately for her, Beatrice had gained that protection against aging, so standing in front of this woman who used to be the same age as her made Beatrice look even better.

"What are you doing here?" Agatha asked, trying to ignore the younger woman's slights.

"Well," Beatrice again, not even looking at the old woman. "I think it's time we talked." As she said this, her eyes studied the bookshelf, before letting her thin fingers grab one of the thick, heavy books and slide it out, opening it up. Inside it of it were all her old notes. Handwritten notes on old thick paper. It looked to be her old lists that she'd done when she was in control of the naughty/nice lists. Name after name listed in these notes, some on the good list, some naughty. Lists dating back years, all the way up to her last year at the North Pole. God knows why she'd want to hold on to this stuff after years and years, especially when she had such little time to grab her things before leaving. But Beatrice paid this little mind before putting the book back on the shelf.

"What do you want to talk about?" Agatha said. At this, Beatrice turned to look at her again.

"Take a seat," Beatrice said, gesturing towards the old woman's poofy couch. Agatha nervously obliged. As she did so, one of Beatrice's men pulled out an old, cushioned metal chair from the edge of the kitchen table and brought it over so that it was facing Agatha. Before Beatrice sat down, she waited expectantly. Moving quickly to act, the man grabbed a nearby hand towel and brushed the dust off the chair, as if her perfect ass couldn't sit on anything less than ideal. Finally, the red clad woman sat down facing Agatha. Then, she looked straight at the older woman.

"Well, since leaving the North Pole, it seems like you have an issue keeping your mouth shut!" Beatrice said harshly.

"What?" the older woman said, confused as she was dressed down by this younger woman.

"Oh, I hear that you've been talking to reporters. A reporter named Liam Morris," Beatrice said, and this revelation caused Agatha to look away.

"That's right, we know about that," Beatrice said, crossing her legs and smoothing out her skirt. "We got to him, and now... he's on our side. He sold you out pretty quickly too." Agatha looked up at the brunette, scared. "So, I guess I have to ask... what are you trying to do, Agatha? Are you trying to ruin Christmas? Are you trying to ruin Nick and I? Is this some half-assed form of revenge against me?" At this, all the anger and resentment that had built up inside Agatha for years since being shunned from the North Pole was brought to the surface.

"It's obscene what you've turned Christmas into!" Agatha said angrily. Beatrice simply smirked.

"Obscene?" Beatrice questioned. "Christmas is more popular than ever!" It was true. After years of falling numbers, Christmas spirit seemed to be more far-reaching than it ever had been before.

"Popular because you've made a mockery of its true spirit!" Agatha replied. "You've warped it and twisted it into something amoral and disgusting." Beatrice smiled and rolled her eyes pityingly.

"Well, Agatha, people these days don't want little shitty figurines and wooden building blocks," Beatrice replied. "It's no wonder people stopped giving a shit about Christmas with the shit you were supplying them. People's tastes have... evolved. Christmas has to evolve to match them."

"Is that your excuse for plastering your boobs and your butt everywhere like a... trollop?" Agatha said. Agatha recognized that body in all the ads for the 'Mrs. Claus' lingerie. "Christmas branded lingerie? Seriously?" At this, Beatrice smiled proudly.

"If showing off my tits and ass gets more people on board with the spirit of Christmas... isn't it my responsibility to do so? Isn't that the job?" Beatrice asked. "And clearly, it works! My body saved Christmas! My big boobs saved Christmas! Christmas is more popular than ever! More popular than it ever was under your reign."

"It's... it's... it's not right!" Agatha said judgmentally. "You... you... you broke the rules! You started rewarding the people on the naughty list and penalizing those on the good unless they jumped ship!"

"Christmas had to change, Agatha. It's not, like, the 1840's or whatever anymore," Beatrice began. "It was either fade away into obscurity, clinging to your morals like you would have done, or evolve, inject some tits and ass into the proceedings, and help Christmas rise again! I made the smart choice. The natural state of all men and women is sin. Why not reward people for giving themselves what they truly need?"

"It's disgusting!" Agatha replied. "Christmas is a time for peace and love and tranquility. You're encouraging women to act like whores! You're rewarding men who indulge such... perversions!"

"We're doing a lot more than that," Beatrice said with a laugh, wearing this accusation with pride. "We're modernizing everything about Christmas! The outfits! The decorations! Mistletoe! Candy Canes! All the old standbys of Christmas, new and improved. Sprinkled with sin and lust. And Agatha... the sales are off the charts! Haha! People are loving the results! Soon, our products will be in every home. Every happy home, Agatha, will be bathed in the rightful sin of modern-day Christmas! It's... beautiful." Agatha looked at the younger woman, horrified.

"You're tipping the scales," Agatha said. "You're not proving anything! You're drugging people with your sin and wickedness, and when they fall victim, you act like this proves the heart of man is impure. You're making the choice for them!"

"No, no, no," Beatrice replied, shaking her head. "What fun would that be? Sure... during the beta stages of testing our products, there were some minor snafus. Yes, some men and women became so dangerously consumed by the sudden lust and sin our products caused that they lost all self-control. But our products are finely tuned now. All they do is give the gentlest of pushes. They merely crack open a door that might have been fully closed before. It's up to them to go all the way. If a person's spirit is truly pure, if their will is strong enough... they will never be corrupted. I can't change that. But even I didn't expect these results. It's amazing, really. If there is some shred of lust buried deep inside the purest man's heart, our products will expose it. Even the smallest bit of poison in a man's veins works wonders. You'd be amazed at how many kind, honest, well-adjusted men on the good list will give up everything just to spend every night porno-fucking a whore with massive tits! How many women who act all demure and mature and confident will go crazy when exposed to a big, thick, meaty cock, no matter the man it's attached to! The results are clear. People don't want true love. In the end, it doesn't really matter to them. What they want is sinful lust! We're not creating something that's not there. We're giving the people what they want. What they truly want. The world's sliding down that way anyways. We're just... expediating the process. And so far... our work is going better than even I expected."

Agatha was shocked and terrified, and she couldn't find the words to deny such sin. But finally, she spoke up.

"It's wrong," Agatha affirmed, not backing down. "The foundation of what you've built is hollow. It will collapse eventually!" Beatrice smirked.

"Christmas is stronger than ever, hon," Beatrice stated. "Sure, we have had a few hiccups in our operation. Nosy reporters, loudmouth, disgruntled former workers. And we have those Ice Siren pests poking around the North Pole. But all that's nothing we can't handle. And trust me... we're gonna handle them. Honey... we're only getting stronger. You trying to get your little revenge on me for stealing your man is the only threat to Christmas. All you would accomplish is taking the joy out of all those people's hearts because the Christmas I give them is gone. Do you want to be the one to ruin Christmas for everyone, Agatha?" Beatrice asked coldly.

"Can... if I could just talk to Nick for just a little bit..." Agatha began. Ever since that night Beatrice came back with Nick, she had never gotten a good conversation with him. She wanted to talk to him just once, to understand what had happened, to try to make him understand his grave mistake in choosing this harlot over her. But as soon as she brought this up, the brunette shook her head.

"No..." Beatrice said simply, then she smiled evilly. "Hon, you don't understand... I'm not just some lone dictator. No... Nick fully supports me. He is on my side completely! As is everyone else. They fucking love me up there! Way more than they ever liked you. Because... I give them all what they really want!"

"No..." Agatha sighed. It wasn't just Nick she missed. Agatha had friends, longtime friends up there. They couldn't have all sold her out so quickly for Beatrice. No... not possible.

"This... pivot... in how we do business... I have the full support of Nick, your ex-husband. You might think he's some delicate little flower like you, but... he gets it. He understands now," Beatrice explained. "So... you trying to undermine us... all you are doing is undermining him. I know you still love him, Agatha. I know that love still burns inside you for him, even though he loves me now, not you. If you still love him and want to make him happy, the best thing you can do is stay out of the way. If you truly love him, let him grow. Let him evolve. Let him flourish."

This tact surprised the older woman, and she couldn't find any words.

"Listen..." Beatrice began. "He's happy now! So happy! Happier than he's ever been!" she said, and her words stung Agatha. "We've had five babies, Agatha! Five! They're a handful for sure, especially the twins, but Nick is absolutely crazy for them. He loves them so much! I know he wants more, like a whole gaggle of them, but we might need to take a break. The lingerie line's really taking off, and I need to look my best. But yeah, he's a great dad!" Each of these words, these intimate moments they were sharing that Agatha couldn't take part in, stung even more. "Do you want to get in the way of his happiness? Do you want to be the one to end his fun, cause I don't think that will win him back, honey..."

Agatha kinda felt frozen. Beatrice was right. Bringing down Beatrice would also bring down Nick. Agatha still loved Nick, and despite everything, she wanted him to be happy. She didn't want to be the one to get in the way of that.

"Let him go, Agatha," Beatrice said. "He's out of your reach now." She was right. Nick was on a new path. It was too late for them, and she had to admit that fact. There was no talking him back now.

"So, I'm gonna ask you to stop running your mouth," Beatrice said, her tone harsher again. "All you're doing is getting innocent people caught in the crossfire. That reporter you talked to, Liam? He was in a great relationship to a girl he loved. But then we got to him. He's on our side now, and he's cheating on his girl like crazy now! That guy loves that nasty pussy, and without you bringing him into the game, he would have never been made to realize that."

Was this true? That young man seemed so kind and earnest and sweet. Had that been changed? Was Agatha the one responsible?

Finally, Beatrice stood up and smoothed out her skirt.

"I don't want to have to do this, again," Beatrice stated. "What I want, and what Nick wants, is for you to simply accept that what's happened has happened, that what Christmas has become is out of your hands. Stay out of the way, be quiet, and live out the rest of your life in peace. Don't make me do this again. I won't be so nice next time." At this, she put her sunglasses back on. Glancing at her bodyguard poised in the kitchen, he joined her at her side and made her way out, heels clicking on the floor as her butt shook side-to-side. Minutes later, she was back in her SUV, being driven away from this shit-hole town.

Agatha was left in silence. The future of Christmas was hers for years and years, but now, it was in the hands of the twisted little slut. And she had so much power and control over it that she was running their operation like a mob, handing out threats and sending out messages. And when someone moved against them, like that reporter Liam had, they were 'convinced' to join the fold. And by being forced into silence, Agatha had been convinced also.

Christmas had changed, and it was due to one irrefutable fact. The fate of Christmas was on the shoulders of that evil slut Beatrice, and she was taking the holiday into the future. She had the looks, the mind, and the body to do the job, and her work would go as far as those attributes would take her. So, needless to say, this bitch was going places. Christmas was going to reach new heights under her guidance, not just their operation, but their 'North Pole' company. Their reach and their influence would spread out as far as Christmas could reach.

Beatrice was gonna change the world. And she was only getting started.


(Note from TheTalkMan: And with that, 'Miracle on Slutty 4th Street' is complete! For those who stuck through it to the very end, thank you. It is greatly appreciated. I know this wasn't always everyone's cup of tea, but I did enjoy exploring new types of characters, new types of seductions, and new types of stories. I hope now, once you all have seen the entire thing, that you understand why this took so long to write and why I couldn't release anything till it was complete. It was all so interconnected and constantly evolving that it was a logistical challenge, to say the least. But I hope you all enjoyed it, and now that it's complete, I can resume writing and releasing stuff at a more regular pace. Give me a little time, but I don't expect such a time gap as there was before this story ever again. So, thanks again, and I hope you all keep reading.)

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JacktheBlackJacktheBlackover 1 year ago

Would really love you to do a Christmas special. Maybe the older milf Max ends up with is the waitress. But maybe done from her perspective. And you could start it with her being kicked out of church by Max's aunt. Down on her luck then comes in the outfit which improves her looks. Gets a divorce. Through the divorce gets control of her husband's company. Finale night as a waitress she sees max and his family. She decides to hunt Max.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

And so ends a rousing series, though I will admit I got a little tired of it, and had to read something else for a bit over the past few months I believe it was the over exposure of the same themed stuff, and in porn your always looking for something new to excite you.

Not to say I don't love your work, and every single time I enjoy what I'm reading. Maybe the epilogue could have been shorter, do less work for better results! (blasphemy I know). You were trying something new here, and I believe this is the longest series that you have done. When I mention new stuff I mean like the Ice sirens, and the north pole lore was good, but some stuff that wasn't adding to the universe was just fluff. While the Fluff was extremely sexy a lot of the stories just felt like lesser reskins of other, "better," one's that you have written.

My advice if you wanted to make it fresher is add some Christmas related kinky stuff like fucking in the snow, on a sleigh, taking them in different outfits under the tree, unwrapping them. Anyway love your stuff man can't wait to see what you do next

dottie86dottie86over 4 years ago

You are talented as hell with a vivid erotic imagination as a writer. This was long.....but SUPERB and I enjoyed it!! Looking forward to more in the future!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Story Idea

Since you said you like getting idea's here is mine: The husband is married to a true bitch of a wife and even has two kids. He works at a big company, maybe even the company from How to Get A Job At Fucking, filled with big titted sluts who are interested in him but he doesn't give in. The main slut of the story comes into the picture and turns out to be the old best friend of the husband who left town after college (maybe she could be Asian). They reconnect and his kids love her, but the wife hates her and wants her to leave. The husband helps get her a job at his company. The friend thinks that the husband should leave the wife because she is all wrong for her, and decides the get the husband hook up with the other sluts in the company but the husband stays loyal. The friend then decides that as his best friend she should just seduce him, not just because she hates the wife but because she truly wants the husband to be happy. She succeeds and steals the husband away and because the kids love her they go with her and the husband.

YamiBoyYamiBoyalmost 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for your effort and keep up the great work.

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