Memories of Old Camp


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As I moved down to lick, suck, and nibble gently at her inner lips, I heard Carol say, "Lets see how well he does under a little pressure." Gail had been licking at my shaft and the sensitive head all along, now I felt a hand gripping and then raising my shaft up right. I flicked at Gail's hard-extended clit a couple of times, which brought a sharp groan from her.

About that time, a mouth settled over the head of my dick and a warm tongue swirled over it. I sucked at Gail's clit as a groan escaped my lips. My tongue ran in tight circles over the nub, which brought a long drawn out moan from Gail, along with a shuddering shake of her hips. She pressed her sex tightly to my mouth and ground herself against my tongue.

"Oh, yes!" I heard her say over and over again, as she came.

Since Gail was talking, I realized it was Carol, who was so expertly sucking my dick. Her tongue was doing wonderful things as it fluttered over and around the head. Gail slowly lifted her hips and rotated them downward, settling her once again sopping wet opening onto my mouth. I licked and sucked at the spicy mess she had made before inserting my tongue into her opening and wiggling it around sharply. She groaned again sharply and pressed herself tighter to my face. After a moment or two, she eased her hips up out of my reach, and then moved over to sit down on the sleeping bag.

She blew out a long breath and then grinned down at me, "I think you passed that test with flying colors."

With a glance down to where Carol was attached to the head of my dick she grinned and added, "Even under the extreme pressure our dear Carol seems to be applying to you." Carols eyes flicked up to my face and then over to Gail's but she didn't stop what she was doing to reply.

Gail laughed and said, "I think Carol has found the pacifier that her parents wouldn't let her have as a baby."

I wasn't complaining, let me tell you as my eyes closed and a groan started deep in my chest. Gail chuckled and said, "Carol, I'd be careful there. You're fixing to get a big drink of cream if you don't watch out."

Carol just sucked harder and swirled her tongue faster. For the second time today, I came with a rush. Carol swallowed as hard and as fast as she could but as with Gail earlier, some of the cum escaped at each corner of her mouth. She used her hand to milk at my cock as her tongue worked at the head.

After a few seconds, she released me with a loud sucking sound and grinned at both of us. "Damn!" was all she said.

Gail laughed and moved down to lick at the corners of Carol's mouth. Carol grabbed Gail's head and laid a lip lock on her. Gail returned the kiss with equal passion. I lay there and watched as they moved toward each other and embraced as the kiss went on.

As the kiss, ended Carol pulled back and looked at her friend as she whispered, "Wow!"

Gail chuckled and said softly, "Yeah, me too."

Carol blew out a long breath and looked over at me saying, "Okay, move over, make room for your teachers there buster." I chuckled and scooted over. The girls settled down next to me and we all relaxed.

After a while Carol asked, "Well, did you learn anything?"

I grinned and replied, "Oh, yeah."

Gail chuckled and added, "Me too."

Carol rose up on one elbow and looked at her friend, "What did you learn?"

Gail smiled up at her and replied, "Two things, one is you are a great kisser and the other is you have a great tasting pussy."

Carol looked at Gail sharply and said, "What? When did you taste me?"

Gail laughed and replied, "When I kissed Rob, you were smeared all over his face." She glanced at me and chuckled, "Much like I'm smeared all over his face now. I should have brought a washrag and some water. I forgot about cleaning things up."

Carol leaned over, gently kissed my lips for a second, and then licked her own. She grinned over at Gail and came back to kiss me more deeply. After a minute or two she broke the kiss and grinned down at me, "You kiss good."

She looked over at Gail and licked her lips, "And you taste good, a lot like me only spicier."

Gail laughed and replied, "I noticed the difference myself."

I must have had a puzzled look on my face because Gail laughed and said, "Yes, we've taste ourselves, haven't you? Everyone does, it's just human curiosity. If they say different, they are lying."

I glanced from one girl to the other for a moment and then asked, "How, off your fingers or something?"

Carol and Gail both laughed, before Carol said, "Yes, off our fingers, what do you think we are triple jointed or something. If I could lick myself like that, I'd never leave the house and I sure wouldn't need a boyfriend."

Gail chipped in, "Well, I would. I like sex the real way as much as I like to get eaten and you will to, if you ever take a chance and give up some of that thing to someone other than your right hand."

Carol laughed and stuck out her tongue at Gail. "You're one to talk; you're as much a virgin in the back as I am in the front. I think I've told you the same thing about that."

I was looking back and forth between them as they talked. I had a fair idea of what they were discussing but the thought of sticking my dick up a woman's ass had never crossed you mind before.

I asked Carol quickly, "People really do that?"

She laughed and answered, "Hell yes, they do that and a lot more. The only limit to sex is your imagination."

Gail chuckled and said to Carol as she glanced down at my flaccid member. "Maybe I should show him since you so greedily sucked the stuffing out of him."

Carol got an indignant look on her face and replied, "You were the greedy one this afternoon, it was my turn." The full impact of what Gail had said finally sunk in and Carol asked, "You want to fuck me in the ass with one of your toys?"

When Gail nodded, Carol looked at her a moment and then grinned, "I've never had one of those in me and I'm curious as to how it would feel compared to the real thing. I've also never been fucked by a girl before; it might be a very interesting experience."

Gail grinned and replied, "I'll take that as a yes, then." She turned and picked up the larger of the two vibrators and the baby oil. "Scoot over closer to the fire and get comfortable while I get a pillow for under your hips. I want to watch the expression on your face while I do this."

After they got Carol positioned, Gail went down onto her knees between her legs. She knelt there for a second, looking at Carol as she slowly stroked the smaller of the two toys, applying some of the baby oil to it.

"You just be careful where you put that, I wouldn't want any accidents."

Gail grinned and replied, "Don't worry girlfriend, I wouldn't do anything to mess up your plans. Now, you just lay back, relax, and leave the driving to me." She chuckled at her own pun and leaned forward to slowly rub the plastic tube up and down Carol's slit.

Carol wiggled and said, "Hey, that thing's cold, it doesn't feel anything like a real one."

Gail smiled as she twisted the end of the tub and it started to hum. When she touched it back to Carol's clit, Carol jerked and said, "Oh!" sharply.

"Is that a little better?" Gail asked softly as she rubbed the toy up and down.

Carol nodded and said, "Oh yes, much better."

It only took a few moments for Carol's hips to start moving against the toy. I sat there and watched as Gail moved the toy up and down, going a little lower toward Carol's wet sex. As she brushed across the opening, Carol tensed up and she whispered, "No, not there."

Gail continued to tease her for a few seconds and then moved the toy down to brush lightly over Carol's asshole. Carol's ass jerked upward and she let out a hissing breath, as she said, "Oh, yes."

Gail glanced over at me and grinned, before she touched the plastic toy back to Carol's asshole. Carol's hips jerked and she shivered as the tip of the vibrator slipped into her asshole and inch or so. Gail held the toy still and let Carol work her hips up and down on the toy. It wasn't long before the whole length of the toy was in Carol's ass. Carol's eyes were closed, a look of pure pleasure on her face.

Gail grinned over at me again and winked. Then she knee walked back a little and went down onto her elbows, her ass raised high in the air and her face only inched above Carol's slowly undulating sex. Suddenly Gail's tongue shot out and flick at Carol's hard exposed clit. Carol's hips jerked hard and she moaned softly. As Carol continued to fuck herself on the vibrating toy, Gail took a lick at her clit on each upward movement of Carol's hips. Carol was now moaning constantly and started to add a rolling motion to her hips. Gail licked at her clit faster, with little light strokes of her tongue. Carol's moaning grew louder.

I was fascinated as I watched the two girls. I was also very, very turned on, and wanted to get into the act, so to speak. An idea crossed my mind and I reached over and picked up the small toy. I oiled it up as I had seen Gail do the large one and moved over behind her upturned ass. It took me a few seconds to figure out how to turn it on and how to control the intensity of the vibrations.

I set it on a medium speed and touched it to Gail's sopping wet opening. Her hips jerked from the surprise touch and then her ass was circling trying to find the toy again. I touched it back to her and ran it slowly down her slit to touch her clit. Her ass jerked and I heard her groan loudly. I moved it back up to her opening and slowly inserted it into her. It slipped in easily and Gail's hips were once again circling and flexing back against it.

I ran it in and out of her for a minute or two, then I pulled it out, and I rubbed the end of it over her asshole as she had done with Carols. Her ass jerked but in the position, she was in, she couldn't move away from the toy. I held it against her tight opening and watched as it slowly slipped inside. Gail groaned loudly and wiggled her ass from side to side. When it was about halfway in, I reached up and turned the little knob until it was vibrating as hard as it would go. Gail moaned loudly again and pushed her ass back against the toy. I watched as it sunk slowly out of sight, right up to my fingertips.

One of Gail's hands appeared between her legs and she fished around until she found my manhood. She grabbed a hold of it and pulled. I followed her pull until I was on my knees and the head touched the opening to her vagina. I grinned and pushed forward, slowly sinking my hard shaft into her. She yelled loudly, her ass and hips jerking and twitching.

I pulled back a little and then thrust forward farther into her tightening hole. I could feel the vibrations of the toy through the thin membrane between her ass and pussy. It made my dick tingle as I slowly worked my shaft in and out, slowly going a little deeper on each stoke.

Carol was yell loudly also and shaking her head from side to side, her hips bucking hard against the toy and Gail's face. By the time my pelvic bone touched the toy in Gail's ass, my climax was rising fast. As I moved outward, I pulled the toy outward also. Gail yelled even louder and a shaking started in her legs and worked its way up to her ass. I pushed back forward sharply, the shaking became a sharp jerking, and her vagina clamped down tightly around me, the inner muscles rolling and rippling along my shaft. That was all it took and I came with a gush. Slowly we collapsed into a pile.

I came back to my senses laying half on and half off Gail, my dick still deep inside her, the little vibrator still running. With an effort, I raised up just enough to shut it off and to get my hand out from between us. It didn't occur to me to remove the little toy. Gail groaned softly as I did this. Her head was resting on Carol's stomach, her breasts pressed between her thighs.

We lay that way for quite a while. We may have slept, I'm not really sure. All I knew was that I was completely drained and really, really tired. Not even the worst football practice session I had ever had, had been this draining. Then I did sleep.


I woke up cold and raised my head. For a moment, I wasn't sure where I was, then my eyes focused on Gail and Carol in the semi darkness and everything came flooding back. I grinned and then glanced over to see that the fire was down to a bed of coals. I started to get up and found that I was still buried deep in Gail's pussy, my manhood still semi hard. I eased back, slowly pulling out of her. She moaned softly in her sleep and wiggled her ass slowly back and forth. When I was free from her, I came up to my knees as a wave of dizziness swept over me for a second. When it passed, I looked down at the girls and smiled.

The small toy in Gail's ass caught my attention, as it slowly started too slid out all on its own. Gail moaned again and wiggled her ass, which made the toy come out faster. I caught it as it came free and laid it to the side. Gail gave a deep sigh and mumbled something in her sleep.

Grinning, I got up and added wood to the fire until I had it built back up and the temperature in the enclosure was once again warm. The lantern was burning low, as the pressure had dropped in it. There was a glow in the eastern sky, so I didn't pump it back up; I just turned it off.

Moving back over to the sleeping bag, I sat down and watched the girls sleep, as my mind wandered back over the earlier night. I had learned more about sex and women in such a short period of time, more than I had learned in the rest of my short life put together. I knew I owed these two more for this education than I could ever repay.

As the dawn grew lighter, I got dressed, cover the girls up the best I could and add some more wood to the fire, before I headed back to camp to start breakfast and the coffee. I also knew that they would be as hungry as I was, if not more so. I wasn't sure how long they were going to be here but I knew we would need all the energy we could get. With a grin, I headed back for camp.


I never saw Carol again; about three months later she got married and dropped out of school. Her husband had just graduated, took a job out of state, and she went with him.

Gail and I saw each other from time to time and even spent one whole Christmas break camped out at the Old Camp. It was another time to remember, I don't think we left the fire pit area for more than the time it takes to eat or pee.

Right after she graduated, she married a guy that would one day end up as a Federal Judge. They own a house not to far from my mom and dads old place. I still see her from time to time but we are just friends and have been that way since she got married. Of course, I'll never tell anyone what happened at the bachelorette party, the night before the wedding, that's our little secret.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I couldn't get past you spelling levi's wrong the entire story.

SweetMajSweetMajover 12 years ago
WOW !!!

When I first began to read this story, I couldn't stop.

I feel like I was there the intire time.

Please write about the bachelorette party,Tx!


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