Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 02


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The fear that she had kept hidden behind a wall in the back of her mind showed its face.

"Oh, God. Please just let it be him telling me that the gym is closed tomorrow."

Trey answered with, "Hi there pretty lady. Been in any dark grottos lately?"

"Trey, what the hell are you doing? It was an accident, please don't try and make anything more of it."

"Maybe it was the first time, but I think the second time was on purpose. Don't you?"

"What do you want?"

"I'm just reminding you that you have an appointment with your very own personal trainer tomorrow morning. I wouldn't want you to miss it."

"I'm not going to the gym tomorrow and I probably won't be there for the rest of the week. I ... I've got some things I have to do in the morning."

"No problem. I wanted to return the top to your bathing suit but if you're not going to be there I'll just stop by and give it to your husband after you go to work. He is home during the day, isn't he?"

"Please don't do this to me, Trey. Please leave me alone. I'll stop by and get it tomorrow. OK?"

"I'm looking forward to it. You won't need your workout gear but a skirt would be nice since we won't have much time."

"A skirt? Why? Oh, God, no, Trey. Please don't. I'll do anything. I'll pay you. Don't hurt my marriage! Please, I'm begging you."

"I wouldn't dream of hurting your marriage but I sure like my women to beg. See you tomorrow. Kisses."

"This can't be happening," she sobbed. "Now what am I going to do?"

When Karen came out of the bathroom after washing the tears from her face she found Ray lying on the bed waiting for her with a pair of her nylons in his hand.

"You look cold," he said with a grin on his face. Here, why don't you put these on to keep your legs warm?"

Karen almost burst into tears when she saw him waiting for her. She felt lost and desperate and her mind was in a complete turmoil. She did not feel like having sex but she did not want to refuse Ray. Her mind was focused on the trouble she would have to face tomorrow morning when she got to the gym. She had not had time to think about what she was going to do to get out of the corner in which she had trapped herself.

Ray saw the sad look on her face and sitting up he put his arms out to her. Karen knelt on the bed and let him take her in his arms. She was still weighing her options and trying to come up with a plan when she realized that his cheek against hers was smooth. There was no beard.

"My, God, Ray!" she exclaimed. "What happened to your beard? When did you shave it off?"

"Two days ago," he replied with a smile. "That shows how much attention you pay to me, now doesn't it?"

Ray's attempt at a joke devastated Karen. Her body went limp and she literally collapsed into his arms. Ray, taken by surprise, fell back onto the bed with her lying across his chest. Ray immediately felt sorry for her and was prepared to console her. A thought changed his mind an instant before he was going to explain that she was not alone in not noticing.

"Let her feel a little guilt," he told himself. "After all she's been ignoring me."

Karen was not feeling any guilt at the moment. She rationalized that it was Ray's fault for what had happened to her in the grotto.

"If he had told me I wouldn't have been in there with Trey," she thought.

A fleeting thought that she known it was Trey in the grotto was quickly banished since it did not fit into her scheme.

"Why the hell did you do that?" she challenged. "You didn't ask me if I would like it or not."

"I didn't think I had to ask permission to shave my face," Ray retorted. "You seem to be doing a lot of things without my permission and your lapses from our marriage vows are a lot more serious than my shaving."

"What the hell do you mean, 'my lapses'," she yelled stressing the words. "I've explained everything and if you don't want to believe me than you can just go fuck yourself. Get out of here! Go sleep somewhere else."

"This is my bedroom too and I'll sleep anywhere I want to, you hear," he yelled back at her. "I've tried to be understanding but you've gone out of your fucking mind. I want the woman I married back in my life and you're not her."

Karen's mind refused to quiet as she tried to go to sleep. Ray's breathing had settled down soon after he lay on his side with his back towards her. She could not separate the feelings that were roiling inside of her. She did not want to fight with Ray but she knew that she had to put up some kind of a front so he would not suspect anything.

"His Goddamn beard screwed everything up," she muttered into her pillow. "Trey wouldn't have trapped me in that pool if I knew it was him."

The words came out of her mouth but she was denying them as soon as they were uttered. She felt a flush in her groin at the thought of Trey's roughness and the way he had taught her to kiss.

"I wonder if he uses his tongue like that everywhere?" she smiled in the darkness as she imagined his shaved head between her legs and that huge tongue separating her lips.

Ray stirred and mumbled something in his sleep as if he was reading her thoughts. She waited until he settled down again and slipped her fingers down between her legs.

"Maybe I'll just kiss and make out a little with him tomorrow morning," she promised herself as she dozed off. "I'll wear slacks and he'll know I don't want to go any farther. This will be the last time."

Chapter 24

Ray pretended to be asleep the next morning as he watched and listened to Karen prepare to go to work. First, the toilet flushed then came the sound of the lavatory filling with water. He imagined her washing her face in preparation for putting on her makeup. Next, came the hum of the electric toothbrush and the sounds of her medicine cabinet door sliding back and forth as she retrieved and replaced items in it.

He peered at her from behind slitted eyelids when she came out into the dimly lighted bedroom to search in her drawers for something before going back into the bathroom. He watched while she selected her underwear. Slipping into her panties, she carried her bra and the hangers with her outfit on them back into the bathroom.

Karen studied herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. She liked what she saw and she mentally congratulated herself on how far she had come through hard work and dedication. Cradling her breasts with both hands she let them fall and was pleased that they had not yet sagged to the point where they made her look like an old lady.

Slipping into her bra she again studied herself for a moment before sliding her slacks off of the hanger and holding them up in preparation for putting them on. A slight discoloration on the seat of the slacks caught her eye. When she held it up to the light it disappeared.

"It must have been a shadow," she thought.

Another thought crossed her mind that this would make for a good excuse to wear a skirt to the gym.

"What's the matter with you?" she berated herself. "You're not really going to go through with this are you?"

Ignoring her silent admonition and banishing the thoughts from her mind, she folded the clothes over the bathroom towel rack and went back out into the bedroom. Ray watched her as she selected a white skirt and a blouse from her side of the closet.

He could hear her humming quietly to herself as she started going through her lingerie drawer before pausing and looking back towards the closet as if trying to make a decision. Her decision made, she closed the lingerie drawer and reached for the plastic bag that he had found with the new lingerie in it. Carrying the bag and the clothes she went back into the bathroom.

Karen dumped the lingerie from the bag onto the vanity counter. Sorting through it, she chose a flesh-colored bra and panty set that she knew would feature her breasts under the blouse she planned to wear. The thong panties fit tightly around her hips and she wriggled her butt when the string between her cheeks caused a little tickle where it rubbed against her naughty place.

Adjusting her breasts in the bra cups, she slipped on the skirt and tied the wrap-around, sleeveless blouse to her waist. She admired the effect that the blouse had on enhancing her cleavage. Reaching into her bra cups, she rearranged her breasts to show even more of their inner slope.

Satisfied with her appearance, she touched up her lipstick and, still humming to herself, chose a pair of high-heeled, white patent-leather pumps from her rack. Once down stairs, she slipped on her shoes and picking up her purse, she gathered her work stuff and left for the gym.

Ray opened his eyes and stretched. He hummed the tune that Karen had been humming until he finally identified it. It was "Love and Marriage" from the old television show, "Love, American Style."

Karen was in a good place. She had made up her mind that she could play a little without jeopardizing her marriage.

"I'm in control and what he doesn't know, won't hurt him," she said aloud and with conviction.

Karen squirmed around on the seat of her Escalade as she drove to the gym. The lack of panties covering her ass cheeks made her feel as though she was naked under her skirt. She was nervous about what she was about to do and she could feel that she was already wet with anticipation.

All of the other girls had dropped out of the early morning workouts so Karen was not worried about meeting any of them at the gym. Standing beside her car, she straightened her skirt and then decided to roll up the waistband to make it a little shorter. She could not see anyone around so she chanced pulling her breasts up and in to show more cleavage before picking up her purse. Climbing the two flights of stairs to the gym on the second floor of the shopping center, she admired her knees and thighs as her skirt swished around them.

Trey was standing in the gym looking out of the window when Karen's car pulled up. He smiled to himself when he saw that she was wearing a skirt. His cock, already firming, began to harden while he watched her shorten her skirt and pull her breasts almost out of her bra. There was only one other person in the gym and Trey told him to knock off and go into the steam room for a while. Hurrying into the office, he quickly printed out a notice on the computer and walked to the door to greet Karen.

Karen's nervousness had vanished when she got out of the car and walked up the stairs to the door of the gym. Trey was standing inside of the door dressed in his usual tight workout pants and muscle shirt when she opened it.

"Good morning, Karen," he said. "You look as beautiful as ever. I'll be right with you."

Holding the door open, he taped the sheet of paper to the outside of it before closing and locking it. Karen's heart thumped a little with fright when she watched him lock them inside.

"I have one of our members in the steam room. We only have a few minutes," he said and taking her by the elbow he guided her into his office next to the door.

Karen allowed herself to be led into the room and waited while he closed and locked the door behind them. She had never been in his small office and as she looked around she saw the top to her bathing suit folded neatly on the desk.

Her heart pounded in her chest and she was now unsure she wanted to go through with her plan. A sense of fear and guilt overcame her and she felt as though she were going to throw up.

"Maybe I got myself into something I'm not sure I want to be in," she thought to herself.

Aloud, she said, "Oh, there it is. Thanks for getting it for me. I was afraid I'd lost it."

"Is that right?" his voice said directly behind her. "Do you want it?"

"Why, yes, of course," she replied and tensed when he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"You smell nice," he whispered with his lips touching her neck. "You smell better than any white woman I've ever met."

His lips were moving softly on her neck and his palms were pressing flat against her lower belly. The feeling of "I shouldn't be doing this" surfaced for a moment before it flowed out of her consciousness and she relaxed against his hard body.

"I ... I'm married," she protested with her last feeble ounce of resolve.

"So am I," he replied and raising his arms he crossed his wrists and slipped both hands inside of her blouse and bra cups to grasp her breasts.

Karen moaned and sagged back against him. She could feel his erection through his pants as he moved it against her lower back. Turning her head she waited impatiently as his lips moved slowly up her neck, onto her cheek and finally to her lips.

Pulling his hands from inside of her clothes, he turned her around without breaking the kiss and grasped her ass cheeks in his hands. Karen melted into the kiss and opened her mouth to allow his tongue inside so she could taste it. She followed it back into his mouth where he curled and flattened it against hers.

He did not have to pull her against his body. She was grinding her belly against his erection and trying to get her hands up underneath his shirt. The sounds of their sloppy kiss filled the little office. She gasped with pleasure when she was finally able to feel the smooth skin of his muscled back with her hands.

Suspending the kiss for a moment, Trey pulled her arms from around him and stepping back he pulled his shirt off over his head and threw it onto a nearby chair. Karen watched as he slid his hands inside of his waistband and slipped his pants down and over his hips.

Karen stared at the bulge in his white briefs as he used his feet to pry off his sneakers and kick off his pants. Lifting her easily by her waist, he sat her down on his empty desk. She did not take her eyes off of him while he took a step towards the sofa and grabbed a pillow that he slid across the desk behind her.

Walking towards her, he stopped a foot away and pushed his underwear down his legs leaving his naked erection bobbing in front of him. Karen gasped and felt the twinge of a cramp in her groin as her body anticipated what was to come.

This was it. She was going to do it and she wanted to do it. Reaching out with both hands she held them a few inches apart in invitation as he moved forward and placed his cock between her palms.

Trey groaned with pleasure at the sensations stirred by her warm hands. Wrapping her fingers around him she held him tightly and pulled him closer while raising her lips to his as she offered them up for a kiss.

An instant before their lips connected, Karen breathed, "I've never felt anything so hard and so hot before."

Trey almost lost it but quickly recovered and fumbling for the ties on her blouse he unwrapped her upper body like a Christmas present. Karen held onto and continued to caress his cock while she released one hand at a time to let him get her blouse down over her arms.

"It's so black," she said in awe while cupping and fondling his balls with one hand and using her thumb to spread his pre-cum around and around his head. "So black and so shiny and so hard."

Trey thought that he would be the one in control but this woman was driving him close to losing it before he was ready. Pushing her back onto the desk he considerately pulled the pillow under her head while forcing her to let go of him. Karen lay back and unhooked the front clasp on her bra. Pulling the cups apart she raised one shoulder and than the other to pull it out from beneath her back.

Reaching down, Trey grabbed her ankles and forced them up and apart until he was standing between her legs with his erection laying on the front of her panties. Karen reached down and pushed the head down until it dimpled her thong and forced the material between her lips.

"You are a bitch, aren't you?" he groaned. "What happened to the 'I'm married' crap?"

Hooking his fingers into the string around her waist he pulled her panties down over her ass and up her legs. She cooperated by bending one knee to help him slip the panties over the heel of her shoe before letting them dangle on her other leg.

"I've never seen or held a black one," she said.

"You won't be seeing it for long," he replied.

She maneuvered it so the head was spreading her lips and he pushed himself all of the way into her until their pubes meshed with a loud slap. The sound was almost drowned out by their combined groans of pleasure at the sensation of that first penetration.

"Now ... you ... are ... going ... to ... be ... fucked ... the ... way ... a ... white ... bitch ... should ... be ... fucked," he chanted each word in time with his pubic jarring thrusts into her.

Karen's throat could only emit guttural sounds of pleasure/pain each time he pounded into her. She held onto the edge of the desk to keep from being pushed back and tried to move her hips but could not get any leverage with her feet up on his shoulders. When he paused for a moment to regain his footing, she felt his sweat splash down onto her belly and each drop burned where it touched her flesh.

As soon as he started again, she grabbed his forearms and held onto them while he continued to move himself in and out of her body with slower and slower penetrations. The new sensations were almost soothing after the initial pounding and she closed her eyes and luxuriated in the new feeling. The next feeling was one of emptiness and abandonment when he suddenly pulled out and the cool air of the room hit the moisture covering her groin and thighs.

Opening her eyes, she looked up in disappointment into his sweat-droplet covered face while he turned her body so she was laying the long way on the desk. He clambered up onto it and she tried to reach down and guide his dripping cock back into her. Wrapping his arms behind her legs, he pushed them back towards her head until she was bent almost double.

The pillow was gone and the pressure of her knees pressing into her own sides was hurting her. His cock slipped up and down her wet lips until it found its way back inside. Raising himself up on his knees and his arms, he started pounding into her again.

Karen was having trouble breathing and her back and thighs were hurting. The pleasure of their illicit coupling disappeared under the pain and humiliation he inflicted on her. This was not the way it was supposed to happen. A few more thrusts and burying himself into her she felt his cock convulsing as he emptied himself into her body.

"Stop, please get off of me. You're hurting me," she begged when she was finally able to gasp the words out.

Trey stayed in position over her with his head hanging down and the sweat dripping off of him and onto her face and chest as he panted out his climax. He finally raised his head and grinned down at her.

"Now you know what it feels like to be fucked," he bragged and giving one last thrust he elicited a grunt of pain from Karen before he knelt up and pulled his cock out of her with an audible slurp sound.

"You ... you hurt me," she sobbed when he released her legs and allowed them to fall down onto the desk on either side of him.

"You'll get used to it bitch," he laughed and climbing off the desk he threw a towel to her. "Here, wipe yourself off before hubby smells you."

Karen slowly wiped the sweat and their juices from her body. Her panties were still wrapped around her ankle and her shoes slipped on the wet floor. Searching for her clothes she folded them over her arm and moved towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" he threatened and yanked her back away from the door. "Get dressed here. I don't want anyone seeing you. The only one here is some fat jerk in the steam room. I'll go check and let you know if he's gone. I locked the front door and put up a sign that said we were closed for maintenance. Wait here."