Legacy: Aftermath


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"I can't believe it," I said as I stood with Jackie and Lily in the courtyard of the monastery. "We made it."

"It takes up the entire top of the mountain." Jackie said in awe.

"Welcome strangers," a voice called out from beyond the reach of the torchlight.

"Thank you," I said and I gasped as the monks faded into view from the shadows.

We were taken inside and we huddled near one of the fire pits. I counted three dozen monks of various ages, six masters and one abbot. The odd part was that fully one half the monks were female. I wondered if this place was desegregated or were there male and female dorms. I guess I would find out if they let us stay the night. The abbot offered us the hospitality of the monastery and asked us why we were here. I told them my father had left its location for me if I had questions about my legacy. The abbot stared into the fire for a long time before responding.

"Stay while the snow lasts and your answer will be revealed." He said softly and cryptically.

I thanked him and we moved to a dining hall. We ate with the monks and while the meal was simple it was tasty and was quite filling. I felt a pull to walk outside and told Lily to stay inside and keep warm. I pulled up the hood of my coat and walked the courtyard looking for some sort of clue or answer. I found nothing. The stonework while in great shape and imposing wasn't special in any way. There were the typical icons you'd expect to find within the confines of a monastery. There were monks and masters and even an abbot. It was so normal and that is what came off as contrived. It felt like an illusion. Something was off but I couldn't put my finger on it. My instinct said I should be on guard.

"You must be the foreign devil I've been told about."

"I must be," I said turning to face the woman behind me. "Are you a guest here?"

"I was when I first arrived. Now I am the grand abbotess. Your father sent you here for answers. But do you even know the proper questions? I cannot help you."

"Do you follow the Way?" I asked and that stopped her in her tracks. "Are you a Taoist or do you follow another way?"

"You are your father's child." She said smiling. "He was as cunning as he was handsome. Follow me Blackstone and we will talk."

She didn't walk like a monk. It was the sinuous movement of her hips that hinted at something very feminine. Her living quarters were separate from the others. She opened the double doors and I was surprised at the sheer size as well as the massive sheets of dyed silk that adorned the interior. The space was illuminated by a large recessed firepit. The pit was surrounded by dozens of large fluffy silk pillows. It screamed comfort while the rest of the monastery seemed quite austere and plain. I ran my fingers along one of the sheets and the silk was the smoothest I had ever felt before. Maybe that was how they supported themselves. Perhaps they raised silk worms and traded silk for food and other supplies.

"Do you raise silk worms?" I asked as she disappeared behind one of the silk curtains.

"No, oh I see your confusion, I am the only weaver here. I do not use worm silk."

"Oh..." I said as I heard a soft sound coming from her location. "What kind of silk do you use then?"

"Spider," she said from behind me.

I spun on my heel to face a naked abbotess. Her hair hung free now and covered her breasts and her upper belly. I almost missed her answer from her sudden appearance and nudity. I stepped back and looked her over carefully and remained cautious. This felt like a test or a trap.

"You must have a ton of spiders to create such large sheets of silk." I commented as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Observant, so do you find me attractive?" She asked as she licked her lips while a tremor ran through her.

"You are very beautiful," I admitted noticing the near perfection of her features. "Not an ounce of makeup and stunning to look upon. You must have admirers among your students."

"I take the most skilled warriors among the monks for a year. They will spar for an entire week to see who will become my lover for the upcoming year. You could be an exception of course. I did promise dear old dad to help you out."

"I am trying to master Taoist sorcery. Can you help me?"

"Finally! The words I have waited so long to hear. Listen well Blackstone, if you are to master Taoism you must master yourself. I will help you but first we must fuck. I will learn everything about you from how you fuck." There was a distinct sharpness to the way she said 'fuck'.

I undressed and stood in front of her. She looked me over and seemed happy with what she saw. I pulled her to me and held her close. She pressed close as I kissed her neck. The abbotess surrendered at first and let me take charge. I kissed my way down to her nipples and she arched her back as I lightly suckled her tit. I heard her breath increase as I let my hands roam over her body. When I cupped her ass cheeks I felt how slick her sex was in anticipation of the inevitable. I knelt in front of her and kissed my way to her sex as she placed a foot on my shoulder. Her soft urgings were becoming insistent as my tongue found her clit. I lapped at her labia and felt her body twitch when my tongue touched her sensitive spot. I didn't rush anything. I let her dictate the pace and her body was shaking before too long.

She cried out as she climaxed and shoved me onto my back. I landed on several of the pillows and she pounced. The abbotess was an eager little cocksucker. I watched as she explored my erection with her hands and tongue. She mirrored my patience and took her time before her lips wrapped around the head of my cock. I was the one shaking now. Her teasing had me wanting to take over but I fought the urge. She winked at me as she took the entire length down her throat. I growled as she began thrusting her head in a piston like action. No one had ever managed to go down on me like this before. I tried to study her technique and take combat equivalent out of it and failed. All I cared about was shooting down her throat. I cried out when I came and she closed her eyes and swallowed. I lay there gasping on her pillows and she seemed impressed.

"Your self-control is admirable," she said as she lay on top of me. "Once you've recovered I am going to ride you. I want to see how your body reacts to mine."

"What I endure to improve my craft." I said and she laughed.

Her hand slipped between us and began stroking me as female monks arrived with firewood and coal to build up the fire. The abbotess motioned them over after they had done their work. She clinically pointed out how long and thick my cock was. She offered them licks so that they could taste me and I whimpered as the four of them lined up and took turns. I was painfully hard by the time the fourth monk had her turn. Instead of dismissing them she ordered them to undress and kneel nearby. They would observe our technique and be quizzed afterwards. I was told to lie prone and let the mistress teach her lesson. I looked over the naked monks and saw how different they were from one another as their mistress was from the average woman. The abbotess rose and impaled her body on my erection and slowly sunk down. The monks slipped their hands between their legs and began to masturbate while their teacher rode me.

"Notice how slick his member is," she gasped as she moved up and down. "He is a well-balanced fighter. He wants to take over but he doesn't. He accepts my dominance for now."

"Well-endowed mistress," the short buxom monk groaned.

"Oh yes mistress," the tall slender monk added. "He must be hitting deep."

"Quite deep," the abbotess moaned in agreement. "His reach is impressive yes."

"Oh yes," the monk on the left groaned as her climax neared. "So close..."

"He is stretching the mistress quite a bit," the last monk noted.

"Quite so," the abbotess whimpered. "He's very thick and..."

Her words fell off as her body shook. The climax was so strong it nearly pushed me out of her. The effect was contagious and the monks came mere seconds after their mistress. The four of them stared hungrily at me and I almost used the phantom cock spell to appease them. The abbotess recovered before I could decide. She changed her position and was on her hands and knees in front of me. It was time for me to take charge. The monks had a clear view of us as I eased into their mistress. I settled my hands onto her ass cheeks as I began moving. I watched her body language and let that dictate my speed and the force of my thrusts. I moved slowly at first but it was clear to me she wanted it harder. I pounded her while the monks looked on. Their hunger was palpable as the abbotess grunted each time my cock hit bottom.

"See how fierce he is."

"Oh yes mistress," the busty monk growled. "I could take him."

"So, could I," the other three said in unison.

"Show them your magic sorcerer," the abbotess demanded. "Show us what you can do."

"You asked." I replied grinning.

I sang the phantom cock spell and unleashed it upon them, all five of them. The monks fell back and surrendered to the pleasure. It was a quintuple K.O. and I handled my little love puppets expertly. All five had three cocks pleasuring them. I was relentless in my pursuit of making them climax. The four monks were the first to crumble. One by one they cried out and surrendered to me. I released them as they fell and that let me focus better on the survivors. In the end, it was between me and the abbotess. Her stamina was impressive. She lasted five minutes longer than the others. When she did come it was seconds before I did. Her pussy clamping down around me is what pushed me over the edge. I lay atop her gasping and covered in sweat. The monks were dismissed and they dressed and departed without a word.

"Your magic is very good as is that handsome cock of yours. I will teach you what you need to know. You need to sleep and restore yourself. Stay here and I will sleep by your side."

I got comfortable on the pillows and she snuggled close. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I dreamt I was walking naked outside in the snow. The abbotess approached me and assumed a combat stance. I took on a defensive position and waited. She closed the distance and that's when the nature of her style manifested. She mirrored me perfectly and preempted my strikes with ones of her own. It was morally crushing when I couldn't get in a strike of my own. I considered myself a gifted fighter but she brutally beat me down. I tried to copy her style and at first, I was punished. Slowly I began to learn how to read her movements. Once I landed a clean strike she broke off. She stood directly in front of me and began to show me intricate hand strikes and equally complex footwork. The form was one of mirroring its foes and wearing them down both physically and emotionally. The strikes and footwork became more and more complex until I had mastered all of them. Much of the form required focusing Chi into strikes to disrupt the natural flow and sicken enemies. The final and most devastating technique she taught me was the dreaded Dim Mak or killing blow.

"There is no reversal of this strike so use it with great care." She said coolly. "I have used it a handful of times in my lifetime. It can stain your soul if you are not careful."

"I doubt I would have need of such a technique." I said and she smiled but it was a sad smile.

"Wake up Blackstone my debt is paid. The snow is failing and so you must leave."

I woke up alone. The pillows were cold and the fire dead. Even the coals were icy to the touch. I dressed and saw the sorcerer cat watching from the doorway. He followed me out to the courtyard. The sky was still dark and I learned only a single day had passed for Jackie and Lily. While it had felt like weeks to me. They had awoken alone with the monks having withdrawn. We prepared to leave when I noticed something that had escaped me the previous night. I approached the statue that was well hidden in the shadows. It was only when I could see it clearly that the abbotess' words made sense. I cursed when the image of the giant spider was finally revealed.

"That is the source of her silk," I muttered.

"I can't believe it," Jackie gasped. "Spider style Kung Fu was outlawed centuries ago. It was one of the three styles that mastered the dreaded Dim Mak technique. They were rumored to be akin to Ninjas but far deadlier."

"Where did you learn about this Jackie?"

"One of my instructors told me stories about a man that ran afoul of the spiders and died horribly. It took him months to die from the single wound he suffered. Before he died he claimed it had been a woman that murdered him. She seduced him and then struck without warning."

"How terrible," Lily gasped.

"We should go. The snow is ending and we have to get off this mountain before things turn worse." I suggested. "You guys start and I'll catch up with you."

I watched them leave and waited until they were out of sight. I searched the spider statue and its base. The secret catch was nearly worn away. I pressed it revealing a hidden compartment. A singular scroll case was inside. I removed it and turned to leave. The monastery lay in ruins as the last vestige of magic hiding its nature was removed. The monks and their abbotess were long dead and their ghosts finally laid to rest. Had my father encountered them before or after they had died? Maybe the scroll would tell me what had happened. I left the crumbling courtyard and felt a sense of loss. They had appeared so real like the old lady sitting and smoking in her rocking chair.

"Get over it," the sorcerer cat said as he appeared from the shadows. "She fucked you and good."

"That's not it," I replied as we walked down the path. "I... aw hell... I wanted to hit that again."

"You wanted to tap those four girlie monks boyo."

"Truth," I admitted. "The one with the big titties was a real screamer."

"Your sister has some seriously nice titties too," he said. "Tap that and be content."

"That was like profound."

We laughed as we headed back to the Range Rover and the others. Sure, the sorcerer cat was an asshole but a wise asshole. They were waiting and had the engine running with the heater blasting. Lily was seated next to Jackie so I took up a spot in the backseat. The cat settled into my lap as I opened the silk scroll. It was a condensed description of not just spider style Kung Fu but also shadow magic and spells dealing with spiders. I was not a fan of spiders but I'd be a fool to cast aside knowledge just because I was little squeamish. When I reached the bottom of the scroll a loose piece of paper fluttered to the floorboard. Lily bent over and retrieved the paper much to Jackie's delight. As she handed me the slip of paper I caught Jackie checking out her ass. I opened the paper and instantly recognized my father's handwriting.

"Son, you have faced the spider and survived. She is bloodthirsty but fair. If you are reading this she had passed on her lessons to you. I leave the location of a great treasure. Go home and train you will need your full strength before you attempt to claim this. I am so proud of you. I know you will not disappoint me and soon you will reach your full potential. In loving memory, your father."


I'd like to thank everyone that inspired this story. I had overwhelming responses for a second installment I hope you enjoyed it. When I create a character I often have a real-world inspiration that I pattern them from. This is the first time I had a particular voice for one. In the case of the Sorcerer Cat I imagine he speaks with the voice of James Hong. He is an actor that was in Big Trouble in Little China or lent his voice to the stork in Kung Fu Panda. He has a very distinctive voice and fits the cat perfectly. The direction this story took was unexpected. I had no idea that it would have such a famous cast. I let the characters take the stage and if the story worked I would keep it. In this case I think it played out reasonably well. If you'd like another installment please let me know. I am sure Thomas and Sorcerer Cat have a few adventures left in them. Thank you all for your kind words and I hope you enjoy this one as well as you did the first one.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is strangs but I love it 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Awesome story but it's not much on incest but still gave it 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MarkT63MarkT63about 1 year ago

Excellent chapter!!! Love Jackie Chan and Scarlette...

Thor69269Thor69269over 1 year ago

Great story. Thought it was just another incest story but you took it to an new level. Like you did in Iron Rain. More please.

DaddicusTheWiseDaddicusTheWiseover 2 years ago

"My chi is out of balance?" I said as the cat licked its asshole.

Is probably the best sentence ever written.

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