Layla and the Professor


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I quickly dressed, brushed my hair, a touch of mascara, plump lips in soft plum, a few dabs of a spicy citrus perfume, one last look and I was finally on my way to the kitchen.

I was ready with almost three minutes to spare. At 6:00PM on the dot the doorbell rang. I was somewhat surprised at the sudden breathless feeling. Was it excitement, nerves, or anticipation? I had to admit it was all three and possibly more. A deep cleansing breath, a few seconds to exhale slowly, trying to calm down as I opened the door, with a smile.

"Welcome professor." Gav looked very dashing, with a smile that would melt your heart.

"Thank you Layla, I'd like you to call me Gav." I liked that, a soft dominance. God Layla, an older man, maybe a bit controlling, intelligent obviously, He must be one hell of a conversationalist.

"Welcome to my home Gav." I had to admit, the professor thing was kind of sexy. I had to take a really deep breath and relax, I could feel myself beginning to fantasize and he wasn't even in the door yet. "Come in please."

Gav walked through the foyer into the great room. He did the immediate and expected quick look around and smiled the whole time.

"You have a beautiful place Layla, somehow I thought you would."

"Thank you Gav, it's a pleasure to have you, please feel at home. I was just getting dinner finished, follow me."

I walked in front of him and okay, yes, I'm sure I added just a touch of sway to my hips. Something told me he expected it, and I certainly didn't want to disappoint.

"I trust you brought your appetite?"

All of them I hope. God Layla, stop it, if you're not careful you'll start blurting this stuff out like a scenario in one of your stories. My better angels were trying desperately to contain me, they usually had one hell of a time.

"You can rest assure that my appetites, each and every one are equally ready to feast. I'm more than prepared for the food, this wine and you, luscious Layla."

The harmless naughtiness was firmly in place.

"I wasn't sure what you liked so I brought a red and a white, you decide, and if I may, I'd be happy to take care of this if you'd show me to the corkscrew?"

We were now in my kitchen, for me, the most welcoming room in the house, except perhaps my bedroom. I can't say in all truthfulness that I haven't welcomed a man or two to share it with me on occasion as you already know.

"Gav, I hope you don't mind having dinner here in the kitchen, this is my favorite room, I'm pretty sure we'll be comfortable here at the counter, unless you prefer to sit down at a regular dining table?" Somehow I was relatively certain we'd be more than okay right where we were.

"Hey, I'm a single man, I eat on the run, standing up, in front of the TV, at my desk, so this is just fine, it's the company that I'm most interested in, so relax, let your hair down, throw off your clothes and we're good to go."

I believe that taking off my clothes is something you'd prefer doing yourself. I wonder what would happen if I stood here, in the middle of the kitchen, slowly opened a button or two, or for that matter all them, he'd probably faint from the rush of blood heading south., after all, he was a dirty old man.

"How about I leave my clothes on for dinner, maybe I'll be dessert?"

"Well in that case, you've no doubt heard that eating dessert first is the only way to go?"

"OK old man, if you think I sweated and slaved in this hot kitchen all afternoon, just to forgo dinner so you can get your just dessert, I think you are sadly mistaken. Eat everything on your plate and we'll see about dessert."

I was smiling the whole time I spewed out that ridiculous narrative regarding "just dessert" that was probably so screwed up it made absolutely no sense at all.

"I bow to the wishes of the lady of the house, serve me woman!"

Gav was laughing almost as much as I was. We were already comfortable with each other; this little back and forth of harmless, yet candid thoughts, was proof positive.

Dinner was yummy, the company, delicious. For what seemed like minutes, an hour had flown by and we were clearing the dishes and pouring yet another glass of wine. I've always maintained that I was a "cheap date", no, not easy, but give me an alcoholic anything and I was happier than a pig in...well you know the rest.

I guess we finished the white and were well into the red when we took the last glass and went into the great room. Funny, I always thought the living room would always be the living room, now it was the great room. In any case, we sat on the oh so comfy couch, modestly apart and began talking about what else... life.

The expected questions were asked and answered. I think, no, I know, we were both very at ease and relaxed with each other. There were the expected sexual innuendos, double entendre, a play on words that left not much to the imagination regarding the definite chemistry between Gav and me. A warm hand on my knee, a gentle caress of his cheek, and we were moving to the next chapter of the story that began with a simple look.

"Come sit next to me Layla." I moved closer and was actually leaning up against Gav, my back to him.

'You are correct in the belief that if I am going to teach you what you really need to know, I have to know who you are, how you think, as well as why you think and feel as you do. What has happened in your life to fill your head with words that become stories? It is MY fantasy that someday soon, our souls, as well as our bodies, will make love with each other. Yes, I think two loving souls can also have sex together."

I thoughtfully listened to each word. I could have been shocked, I could have felt complete surprise. I suppose I might have felt I was being played with, that we were bartering a deal, brokering an agreement, arbitrating a contract. I felt none of this. What I felt was the body of a sweet man, warm, and comfortable. What I heard was a sincere wish to teach me what I needed to know. In order to do this, he needed to know me, understand why I thought the way I did, how I envisioned life, my life. And perhaps more importantly, what I feel and why I feel it.

There was nothing to gain in playing the silly game of "he chased her until she caught him."

I slowly leaned forward and said nothing, neither did Gav. I think he was waiting for a reaction, for words to give him some indication of what was happening here. There was complete silence, giving me time to think, to say anything. Was I going to ask him to leave or perhaps he was contemplating whether or not he should apologize for his blunt honesty.

I reached over and turned out the lamp on the table. The only light in the house came from a candle burning on the kitchen counter. Gav sat up and quite frankly, I suppose he was simply waiting for what was coming next. There was no reason to suspend the game, no reason to send each of us to a neutral corner, no referee to explain the rules. The look in his eyes said he was listening for the bell that would tell him that play was about to begin.

I stood up and looked him in the eyes, I wanted him to know exactly what I was thinking.

"You undressed me in your mind, now do it for real."

A smile and he quietly said, "I want to feel you first."

Gav silently changed position, never saying another word or even making a sound. I would have thought he would say something, make a gesture, acknowledge the obvious fact that I was willing to let him take my clothes off. Nothing came out of his mouth.

He moved forward, and was sitting on the edge of the couch, I was probably no more than a foot away from him. Gently, he placed his hands on my hips urging me closer to him. I was looking down, into his eyes, perceiving what I thought was a look of appreciation, as if he were thanking me for what was coming, what he knew was about to happen.

Gav raised his hands placing them carefully and softly as he caressed my face. Stroking my cheeks, his fingers lightly roving over my skin. I watched silently as he closed his eyes, his hands intently feeling me, in the same manner a blind man would feel the features of a face to recognize the person he was trying to see.

He traced my eyes, as if he was committing to memory what his fingertips felt and his mind was perceiving. When his thumb touched my mouth, it felt like he was drawing a picture, needing every line, every curve to be perfect. Rubbing my lips, with the fleshy smooth ball, pressing against my skin feeling the movement over my wet quivering lips was sensual and sent my body into a soft tremble. Gav sensed through his roaming fingertips my body quivering, he sighed.

"Open your mouth Layla, lick my fingertips." He never opened his eyes, when the wet, smooth edge of my tongue fondled the length of his thumb, licked the warm skin, he moaned.

I was beginning to shudder under his touch. I couldn't watch, I didn't want to witness his handling my body, the searching hands, I wanted to feel his touch, the wicked awareness, I closed my eyes.

I sensed his hands in constant motion, fondling me, caressing my skin, stroking me, cuddling my breasts, burrowing his hands between my thighs, hugging my body against his face. I was mewing, whimpering and on fire.

"You're truly lovely Layla, soft milky skin, your body is indulgent, every curve round and supple, I knew you would feel tender, luscious, I knew it. I imagined it, now I know precisely how pleasing you feel."

I wanted to tell him, say something to him, scream out, make him listen to me. I needed him to know that what he was doing to my body, the things he was saying to me, it was making me senseless. I ached for him, couldn't he recognize this was driving me wild inside, that my body was seething? I wanted him to stop. I couldn't find my voice, I said nothing. I heard myself, a low moaning, my body complaining that it was more than I could stand. He ignored the throaty grumbling sounds, his hands moving and grasping, turning my moans into a silent prayer that I didn't want answered, and I knew I never wanted him to stop.

"Now I want to see you."

Animated hands were grasping the top of my blouse, his fingers methodically releasing each emerald button as if they were precious stones, handling every one prudently, and carefully. I felt the cool air across skin, my breasts, as he unwrapped me, leaving my blouse open, revealing me to his gaze, leering, ogling, staring at me. Impatient, excited hands, gliding each of my arms out of the silky sleeves, peering, considering, finally letting it slide off my body. I was on exhibition and he taking every inch of me in.

"Open your eyes Layla, you want to see me take your clothes off, I know you do. I've waited for this, I need to see all of you, look at your naked body. I want you to watch, you should appreciate what I see. Open your eyes, look at yourself, see what I see."

My eyes were open; I was struggling to see myself in the candlelight, focusing, staring. I looked down and saw my chest heaving with each deep, excited, breath.

My breasts rising and falling, my skin blushed in a deep rose. Gav pulled the zipper on my skirt down carefully, reaching inside the waist, gripping the fabric, tugging, sliding it down over my hips letting it pool at my feet.

"Step out of your skirt... now kick it away... take a few steps back, yes, now turn, slowly Layla, I want to see how you move."

I began turning just as he had asked me to do, slowly, purposely. He was observing me, the shape of my thighs, the fullness in my breasts, the contour in my back, ample curvaceous cheeks, the outline of my legs, the arch in my ankles, each and every inch of me was on display, I was burning inside and quivering outside.

"Look at me Layla, reach behind you and unclasp your bra, hold it against your breasts."

How could he know this was exactly what I wanted to do? Gav was feeding my hunger, the submissive Layla, the woman who loves control, delights in a strong dirty old man, the man who knows what he wants and what I need.

"Is this how I should do it? Is this what you want?"

I reached behind me with my right hand, bringing my left to my breasts. The silence magnified the sound of the clasp springing open, providing suspense for the dramatic unveiling ceremony. Satin straps slinking seductively off my shoulders, resting just above my elbows, letting my generous, full breasts spill unapologetically from the green lace, leaving barely enough to hide erect plump nipples.

"Let it fall."

I brought my right arm across my body as I slowly, agonizingly, inch by inch, allowed my lace to fall from my body, replacing it with my arm.

"You told me to let it fall... look down... it's at my feet... just as you wished."

"Now show me."

"Is this what you want to see Professor?"

My hands cupped the roundness of my breasts, fingers protecting the nuggets of deep plump rose he longed to see. Excruciatingly, insufferably, unhurried, my hands floated down my tender nipples, my milky breasts, over my hips, folding behind me causing my upper body to lurch my stinging, throbbing nipples forward, leaving nothing left to show.

"I believe it's time to finish this story." I was ready for a thrilling, climactic ending.

Turning my back to my audience, I curved my fingers under the waist band of my lace panties. Tugging, lowering, inch by tormenting inch they uncovered the rounded cheeks of milky white skin he was anticipating. Bending forward I dragged the green lace over my knees, dropping down around my ankles, lifting one foot and then the other stepping out of the moist, musky, damp green panties, wet with the convincing evidence that I was extremely aroused. There wasn't a single thread of green on my body.

It was time for the professor to see heaven.

Spinning carefully on the tips of my toes, I revealed the way, offering him the pathway through the pearly gates he was hoping to enter. My legs, sheathed in sheer black decadence simply enhanced the soft milky cloud he was about to ride into paradise.

Gav stood up and took my hand, pulled me close and encircled me with warm arms, pressing up against my body, crushing my breasts against his chest. His breath was hot as he whispered in my ear.

"Luscious Layla, my fantasy is about to become reality."

This was the story that he wanted me to write. What I needed was inspiration. I had every reason to believe that Gav would give me all the material I needed.

We drifted into my bedroom. I crawled up onto my bed and watched Gav as began to take off his clothes, allowing me the pleasure of looking at him. I believe he understood my need to see his body in the way he saw mine, it was as just as satisfying for me. My eyes took in every inch of him. Heaven was waiting, wanting to take him deep into the realm of pleasure we both needed.

Gav kissed, licked and tasted me as he came up the middle of the bed, coming to rest when his body was covering mine. His face above me, looking down into my eyes, his hips between my legs. A warm wet tongue slipped into my mouth, as his throbbing, stiff key thrust into the welcoming heavenly gates, spreading them wide open.

His hands grabbed for my wrists and put them over my head holding them there as his hips began to thrust forward, burying his cock, hard and driving into me. My hips bounded up and took him deep and I held him tight.

"Yesss...that's it Professor Gav, teach me what I need to know."

Gav plunged hard, found a beating solid rhythm. One hand reached for my tits and squeezed, popping my nipples up hard and stiff, begging him to pull and tease me into the orgasm that was building between my legs. The pulsing vibration of my engorged bulging clit rubbing against his cock was very nearly more than I could stand. With each demanding lunge Gav was creating the incredible sensations of both incredible pleasure and aching pain for the release I needed.

"Now, I need it now, do it, give it to me, please Gav, take me there."

I didn't have to say anything, he felt it, the fuse was lit and burning. Gav was arching up, I felt that second, the moment when you stop moving because the blast is taking control. He drove hard and deep, pinching my nipple, bringing the thunder and lightning that lit up my world. I clutched him tight and held him inside, my body gripping and tugging at his spurting cock.

I felt the blazing fire that bursts up in dancing flames. You lay in the arms of a powerful explosion, snatching the sparks like a thief, stealing each and every flash firing in rapid sequence from every single nerve in your body. Your lungs plead for the breath that has escaped and can't be found until the fire burns low.

I felt the weight of Gav's body collapse on me, his head lying on my shoulder, searching for the elusive breath that lets you live again. Slowly, we began to suck in the oxygen our lungs craved. Sweat pouring from all the pores in our bodies, cooling us and putting the fire once again to rest, ready to flare once again when the fuse was lit.

Gav pulled me close to him, kissed my cheek, softly kissed my mouth.

"Did I tell you that I have many fantasy scenario's?" He was smiling, thinking to himself and letting his thoughts take voice. "I have no doubt you could write each and every one."

"I'm sure I can Professor."

Smiling, with an acknowledging shake of his head he whispered, "I bet you will luscious Layla, I bet you will."

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chad132chad13210 months ago

You always please my need for the thrill by thrill mounting explosion that fills our souls with lust. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very well.

Though I sit here with cock firmly in hand, your word wizardry is stupendous. Great job

lovelyladyfairelovelyladyfaireover 8 years agoAuthor
Near Perfection...

What would it have taken to reach "Perfection" ???

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Near perfect Narration

Your narrative is fluid and you engage your readers in a captivating sequence . . One of the best stories I 've read ..

sanser6sanser6over 8 years ago
Erotic and arousing

I love your writing.

Being a dirty old man, I really liked your choice of characters. 5*

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