Kelsey's World Ch. 21


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"I get lots of practice I guess, since meeting Kelsey and everybody."

"And Barbara?" Alicia smirked. "Do you like older women?"

"Sure," he said, sounding a little embarrassed. "How old are you?"

"Thirty-seven. Old enough to be your mother. Does she even have a clue what you're up to?"

Richie wasn't sure of the answer, so he didn't say anything. He thought about his mom's see-through lingerie, and the little leopard-print kimono robe she started wearing after Barbara got hers. He still wasn't exactly sure what was going on.

Alicia was still half on top of Richie, resting her head on his shoulder, listening to his heartbeat and the intriguing noses coming from the party.

"I think maybe I'm ready to go downstairs now," she said. "How about you? Wanna try it?"

"Sure," Richie said.

Alicia pulled her twisted panties back into shape, put her other leg into them and pulled them up. Her bra was still solidly in place.

"Thanks Richie," she said, rolling onto him and kissing him. "That was perfect."

"Oh, yeah. Thank you, too," he said, sounding like an awkward teenager.

Alicia giggled and rolled off onto her back, smiling at the ceiling. "This is too much. Margie was so right."

"Is that your friend?"

"Yeah. Make sure you spend some time with her, okay? She'll love it," Alicia said, looking sideways at Richie, with a big smile. "Let's go. I'm ready to see what's happening."

Alicia was surprised when Richie stayed naked for the walk downstairs, but she chalked it up to youthful exuberance. She took his hand and trotted down the steps with him. Richie's nakidity suddenly made sense — everybody in the room was stripped bare, with the exception of a couple of garter belts and four stockings. It was a scene right out of a porn movie. She scanned the room and saw Joey, on his knees in front of the couch, munching enthusiastically on Barbara's pussy. For an older woman, she looked just as happy and young at heart as any of the younger girls. Margie was workin' it, too, down on the floor on the soft rug, riding Josh. Alicia could only see the back of her, legs splayed wide, her muscular, farm-girl thighs propelling her sensuous movements. Josh was one of the 'big boys', according to Charity, and Margie seemed to be loving it.

Alicia was still hand in hand with Richie when he noticed Abby through the kitchen door, talking to Ryan.

"Want a drink or anything?" Richie asked.

"Sure," Alicia said.

They left the wild, moaning scene in the living room for the relative quiet of the kitchen. Richie went to Abby. Alicia was fascinated by her slender little dancer body, so girlish with her flattish chest and little bubble-butt ass.

Ryan was silent when he saw Alicia, not sure of what to say to the woman he'd fantasized about so many times. He just stood there, naked, with a deeply beating heart. Richie and Abby drifted off, disappearing out the door.

"I guess we both got our youngster thing on today," Ryan said, breaking the awkward silence. "How was yours?"

"Pretty great," Alicia said, sounding a little embarrassed about it. "Yours?"

"Yeah, pretty great. An eighteen year old ballerina. You can't make this stuff up. Are you having fun? Margie was really nervous about inviting you guys."

"That makes two of us. Yeah, I'm...getting used to it," she said, glancing quickly at Ryan's used looking cock. "Joey seems to be right into it, but...guys are different I guess, or so I've been told."

"Are we?" Ryan smiled.

"He says you think about it more."

"Well, when a guy has a friend who looks like you, he can't really help it."

Ryan's cock made itself known again, with an involuntary twitch and a noticeable plumping.

"That's a pretty nice thing to say, but in a place like this you don't really have to seduce a girl," Alicia said, her eyes showing the lust burning inside her. "You can just take her."

Ryan stepped forward and kissed her. It was one of those crazy hot kisses, like right out of the movies. Alicia nearly had an orgasm right there on the spot.

Ryan kissed his way down her body, through her cleavage, down past her bra to her soft belly. He paused to lick her little bellybutton like he would a pussy, and then, on his knees in front of her, he pulled down her panties and found what he was looking for. His tongue licked up through her wetness, lingering on the clit that Richie's fucking had engorged. Alicia's knees nearly buckled.

Ryan spun her around, anxious to get a look at the ass he'd dreamt of for so many years. It didn't disappoint him. He spread the soft cheeks and groaned when his tongue licked up through the crack, all the way to the lovely, arched, small of her back. Up he went, kissing all the way as he rose to his feet, ending with a nibbley nuzzle of the side of Alicia's neck that almost made her knees buckle again.

"May I?" he softly breathed in her ear. His hands were on her bra clasp, ready for her final unveiling.

Alicia's answer was a soft moan. The bra was opened. Her tits were released. Everyone in the house was naked.

Ryan's hands slid around her sides, onto the warm softness of her. She turned her head and another hot kiss began. The flesh of his fingers grazed across the hardness of her nipples. The two new lovers moaned into each others mouths.

Alicia could feel Ryan's cock against her ass. He was fully hard, and the length of it pressed firmly into her crack. His hips were moving up and down, making it move. It was a glorious feeling. She'd known for years he liked her ass, having caught him looking at it many times. To have his hard cock so intimately between her cheeks, with his rough, farm-boy hands on her tits — hands that were the sexiest she'd ever seen — well, it was just about perfect. Ryan thought so, too. He held the position so long it seemed to morph into a dream — their mouths melted together, his body moving gently, his cock sliding through the heavenly warmth.

That's when he came. With a boyish whimper into Alicia's mouth, no less.

Alicia's eyes opened in surprise. Ryan was embarrassed, but Alicia was thrilled. To her, it was the sexiest thing ever. For her body, and her kiss, to excite a man like Ryan so much, well, she just about couldn't believe it. It was as thrilling a sexual moment as she'd ever experienced.

Rather than talk about it, Ryan spun her around, lifted her like a feather onto the countertop and buried his head in her pussy. Alicia kicked off the panties that were still hanging around her ankles. She spread her legs wide, leaned back on her arms and moaned. Ryan loved it — the smell of her already fucked pussy, the rich, womanly taste, and the sound of her deep, vibrating moans.

The insides of her thighs were sticky with the cum he'd deposited there. It wasn't much, Abby had already drained him pretty well, but it reminded him again of all the fantasies he'd had over the years of just such a moment — sticky, smelly, glorious sex with his wife's alluring friend. His cock was hard again. It was time. He pulled Alicia's sweet ass closer to the counter's edge and plunged his full length into her, raw and unbridled. They looked at each other with wide excited eyes and fucked like animals.

When it was over they both looked a little stunned. Their grunting orgasms had been perfectly timed, draining away the animal in them, leaving them breathless and human again.

"Have Joey and Margie...?" Alicia asked.

"Based on what I saw of him, no, they haven't. I would have heard her howling. He's huge!

"Is she a howler? I'm not sure I would have guessed that."

"You know, she didn't used to be," Ryan said. "Did you meet Austin?"

"Yeah. Kelsey's boyfriend?"

"Yeah. Last time we were here she made noises with him that I'd never heard before. I guess some guys might be jealous, but I thought it was hot. Anyway, ever since then, she's been making more noise at home. I love it."

Alicia smiled a little. She was glad she hadn't held back and had made some noise for him. "This is gonna sound weird," she said, "but, I kinda want to make sure they get together tonight. She and Joey, I mean. If they don't and we'll be...awkward."

"Oh. Yeah, you're right," Ryan said. "So, I'm just curious...what happens now? With all of us, I mean. Our friendship has sort of...changed."

Alicia smiled shyly. "I don't know. We'll just have to sort of see what happens I guess. I wouldn't mind...continuing. Not cheating or anything, I don't want that."

"No, no, me neither. But yeah, lets...continue," Ryan said. His little smile was so boyishly sexy Alicia had no choice but to kiss him. The enormity of the situation started to sink in when she felt his strong arms embrace her naked body. Her workaday conventional life seemed like it was turned upside down. The boredom she'd been wrestling with lately was wiped out. Ryan's cock hardened again against her belly. Her life felt brand new.

Barbara felt a bit like Alicia. Her life was turning upside down, too. It was her second party with her son in attendance. The first one, at Kay and Bobby's house, was so dreamlike his presence wasn't really a factor. It was for Austin, that was for sure, but he'd ended up out on the porch with Kay and Trinny while Barbara was fucked to the limits of sanity upstairs. She never even saw him naked. She'd only seen his cock — his very man-sized, very hard one — one time, when she walked in on him masturbating to one of Kelsey's porn videos in his bedroom. It was enough to confirm that he'd inherited his father's eight-or-so incher. Other than that it was all just fuzzy memories of his naked body when he was a boy, the same kind of memories any mother would have.

The party at Kelsey's was different. Barbara knew it would be, and Austin did, too. Kelsey had eased him into it with all the photographs of Barbara, and her usual 'it's no big deal' way of talking about things, and she'd worked her Svengali ways on Barbara, too. Reality, though, is almost always more intense.

Kelsey knew that getting them both naked in the same room was a big, and important, first step. She remembered that Margie and Austin had been a fun coupling at the last cocktail party at the house, so right off the bat she brought them together, as casually as possible, and soon had a double blowjob going with she and Margie both on their knees.

Barbara watched from a dozen feet away with furtive, and not so furtive glances. Her heart was pounding and she was having trouble breathing normally, but she tried to carry on a conversation with Brie and Josh. All this was happening early on in the proceedings, when Joey had Charity up against the wall by the front door, so things were ramping up quickly.

Brie knew what was going on. She thought it was cool that Barbara was so sexy and open to things, but she could also sense the nervousness. She tried to think like Kelsey, to help things along.

"So you haven't met Josh before, huh?"

"No," Barbara said. "I guess I haven't been around long enough."

"Josh and Sharron go way back. We all met her at one of our beach parties up at Sandgrass Pond.''

"Oh, really?" she said, giving him a sexy look. "So you...don't mind us older gals?"

"Not at all!" he said.

"Wanna help me break him in?" Brie asked. "He hasn't been to a party in a while."

Barbara giggled. "I'm still amazed at how easy it all is. I spent a lifetime struggling to find sex partners."

"Yeah, that doesn't sound fun," Brie said, slithering down to a squat as she pulled out Josh's cock.

"Oh my God! You're as big as..."

Barb cut herself off and blushed, glancing at her son's big cock again.

"We like big boys around here," Brie said, engulfing the hard shaft with her mouth.

Barbara's eyes met Josh's. She loved the dark excitement she saw in them. She kissed him, and moaned when his hands found her tits, fondling them through the thin fabric of her dress.

"Unzip her, Joshy," Brie said, looking up at the nice kiss. "She's beautiful underneath."

Barb turned, with her heart in her throat, and let Josh lower her zipper. Austin had seen her lounging in her satin slip, and in her little leopard-print kimono robe, but the unveiling there at the party felt different. It felt monumental.

When the dress was lowered she stepped out of it and turned back toward Josh and the others in the room. Josh's eyes flared with approval.

"See?" Brie said. "Isn't she hot?"

Barbara was relieved. She was so mixed up, she desperately needed the praise she was getting. But she needn't have worried — she looked amazing in the new lingerie she'd ordered on the internet, lacy panties and a matching bustier bra that didn't cover her big, gloriously hard nipples, and thigh-high lace-top stockings that gave her long, shapely legs even more presence than usual.

"See Barb?" Brie said, holding Josh's cock against his belly while she licked his balls. "He's got a thing for you older girls. You got him all speechless."

Barbara kissed the happy looking boy again. She opened her eyes in the middle of it and her gaze landed on Austin. That's when it hit her that Josh was the same age. She didn't not know it before that moment, but that's when all the similarities started rolling into her head — same class at school, about the same height. Both of them cute, big-cocked party boys that the girls enjoyed. Barb felt like she was truly in the middle of things at that point. It was almost too exciting to bear. She closed her eyes and let her hand drift to Josh's wet balls. She felt Brie's hot breath and smiled against Josh's lips when he moaned.

"Me and Josh are fucking you," Brie stated.

The words seemed dreamlike, and Barbara didn't understand at first. Brie got up, led her to an open spot on the soft rug and laid the mesmerized looking woman down.

"Strip, Joshy," Brie commanded. "Barbara needs you."

Brie flung off the little cocktail dress she was wearing, and all that was left was skin. Barbara smiled. Brie straddled her head and lowered her pussy to Barb's open mouth.

"Oh, fuck!" Brie yelped. The first touch at an exciting party always gave her a jolt. "Lift her legs, Honey," she said, when Josh was naked. "Fuck her."

Barb squealed into Brie's hot pussy when Josh filled her full. He was wildly excited and fucked her hard. Of course Barb loved it that way. She was over the moon. Having her face hidden in Brie's beautiful crotch helped too — she didn't mind when Brie unhooked the front-closure bustier, and she didn't once think of Austin or anyone else as a wildly thrilling orgasm built. It was a glorious, writhing fuck. Josh loved watching her big, womanly tits move. He had a thing for big areolas and hard nipples that stuck way out. It was all wildly exciting, but he held on just long enough for the fireworks — Barb spasmed in back arching waves, screaming into Brie's pussy to relieve some of the glorious intensity. Josh pulled out and Brie leaned down to suck in his squirting firehose. When she had a mouthful she smeared the hot goo all over Barb's electrified pussy with her tongue, and then she guided Josh's throbbing cock back inside Barb for a slow wind-down.

"Fuck, Honey!" Kelsey said to Austin as they looked on. "Your mom's unbelievable!"

Barbara's mind was fuzzy, but she heard the words. She'd just had wild, threeway sex in front of her son! She wanted to stay under Brie's pussy forever — how could she show her face to everyone in the room?

"You're fuckin' me now," she heard Kelsey say. "God, you're so fuckin' hard!"

The next sounds were unmistakable. Barb had listened to Austin and Kelsey through his bedroom door many times, and she knew all the sexy redhead's noises. She knew the sound of her son's body slapping against her ass, too.

"So fuckin' hard!" Kelsey huffed mid-fuck. "God!"

Barbara could tell what was happening was big. Kelsey was shrieking like she rarely did, and the pelvic slapping was fast and furious. With the luxurious feeling of Josh's big cock still inside her, and Brie's delectable pussy grinding slowly against her mouth, Barb had another orgasm, a slow burn that warped her mind and made Kelsey's big one sound like a hallucination.

"Whoa!" Kelsey gasped when it was all over. "We gotta do this more often! Fuckin' hot!"

Margie was amazed by the whole scene. Kelsey was even wilder than she remembered, and the whole mother/son thing was intensely erotic in a bizarre kind of way. She was dying to get with Joey, but it still seemed awkward to do it too soon. He was still with Charity anyway, fucking her tits and t-bagging her as she lay head down feet up on a big soft chair. Margie had been watching him so much she wondered if the others had noticed. She was pretty sure Joey had noticed. Her horniness was ramped up to a high level, and Austin was handy. She had a pretty good memory of his youthful resilience, so she went down on him.

"Got anything left for me, baby?" she said, right before licking Kelsey's cream of his cock. She was surprised at herself for doing it. She wondered if the slippery stuff might be unpleasant, but it wasn't at all. It was just the opposite really — the scent and taste seemed to fuel her desire.

Brie had a nice orgasm on Barb's mouth. She dismounted just as Margie was being bent over the back of the couch by Austin, the same way Kelsey had been. Austin didn't notice his mother sit up, naked but for her stockings. All he was thinking about was how much fun it had been fucking Margie at the last party, and how good it was going to feel sinking into her right after Kelsey.

"Oh, shit!" Margie said when he went deep.

Her tits hung over the front of the couch cushion, jiggling with each small, slow-building thrust. Austin was looking down at the nice muscles in her back when Margie's eyes found Barbara's, gazing back at her with mystic wonder. The two women seemed connected, in an odd sort of way, as Austin's big cock plunged the depths.

"Ohhh fffffuck!" Margie said, her voice almost pure breath as the strange, magical fuck took her higher. She'd remembered how amazing Austin was the last time, and was doubtful the second time would live up to it, but Austin was proving her wrong. He fucked so fluidly, with his whole body involved, like he was built for nothing else. She looked back at him to see the beauty of it, and moaned a breathy moan that floated on the air.

Barbara was lost. Her mind was somewhere it had never been. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight of her son — a boy who was obviously fully a man — fucking a thrilled, soon to be orgasmic older woman. It was a carnal vision that seemed like a dream.

Kelsey watched with wonder as Barbara sat there, with her sexy-mother tits slowly heaving with each breath. She thought about saying something, or sitting with Barbara, but she let it play out on its own. Margie came, locking eyes with her lover's mother again as the warm wave washed through her. It was a quiet orgasm, but one of the most delicious that Margie had ever experienced.

Joey had been watching. Charity had left him. He sat in the chair, leaning back languidly, with his big, fat cock in his hand, watching Margie get fucked. After she came, she straightened up and kissed Austin. That's when she saw Joey. She had just climbed onto him and settled his big cock deep inside her when Ryan and Alicia walked out of the kitchen hand-in-hand.

"I guess we don't have to worry about them anymore," Alicia said. "I'm not sure I want to watch that."

"I think maybe I do," Ryan said.

Alicia smiled. "We'll catch up later?"

"I hope so," Ryan said. He gave her a kiss and a quick hug, and walked over to the chair. He bent and kissed Margie, and offered her his quickly swelling cock. She smiled and sucked him in.

Alicia was still smiling, but it was all getting to be too much to process. Margie has them both? How can she even do that?