Kellie and Brad Ch. 04


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Heather nodded. "It sure looked from my vantage point that you all had a strong game."

"Exactly!" Kellie exclaimed. Jennifer and Amber seemed to acknowledge this as well as Kellie went on. "I'd go so far as to say it was our best game this week. We've had a bit of an up and down start but we're improving and starting to peak at the right time. Even Anita knows it!"

"What? Wait, Anita whispered something to you right after the game ended. What was it?" Amber asked.

Kellie smiled. "She just said karma's a bitch. That's it!"

"I don't get it," Sandra said. The others looked confused as well.

"Well," Kellie replied, "in her own backhanded way, she basically admitted she was lucky to win, and that we were the better team! And we were. Now we just have to keep playing like it. We're now at four wins and three losses, but if we play the next two days like we did tonight we'll finish at 8-3 and make the playoffs. It's all still in our hands, girls!"

Jennifer, Sandra, Amber and Heather started to perk up and get excited again as they realized just how right Kellie was about their situation. If they played like they were capable of they had nothing to worry about.

Kellie focused on really delivering her message home. "I need to ask two things from you. I have total trust and confidence in myself and all of you, and I need you to have just as much confidence in yourselves and all of us together. Second, once we leave this room, this loss is completely forgotten. Will you promise to do these two things?"

All five women formed a group hug in the centre of the room. "You can count on us, skip," Jennifer spoke for the rest. "Consider it done."

They all went back to their hotel rooms for the night. Brad was waiting for Kellie once she returned. He gently kissed her forehead. "Sorry about your loss tonight. What rotten luck, and of all the people to have it against," he said.

"Thanks, Brad, but it's OK. The girls and I had a little bitch session about it, I had to rein them in a little, they were upset and frustrated and they let it control them."

"It's lonely at the top sometimes."

Kellie sighed. "Yeah. I don't want to complain but there are times when our position, and mine in particular, is a challenge. But it certainly beats the alternatives. We're fine now, really. We played well and we still control our fate, that's the main thing."

"You're right, Kellie. You'll make the playoffs and get another crack at Anita, and that time it will be different. I just know it."

"Thanks again, honey." She yawned. "I'm sorry I can't be good company right now but I'm just so tired, and we have another game tomorrow morning..."

He kissed her forehead again. "Say no more. You get your rest. I love you, Kellie Galenchuk."

"I love you, Bradley Galenchuk."


She was proven right.

Spurred on by Kellie's pep talk, she and her team rolled through their next three matches, and if they won their fourth in a row they would finish the round-robin portion of the tournament with eight wins and three losses, good enough to make the playoffs.

Things were rounding nicely into shape, Brad thought from his seat in the stands. It was Thursday night and he was watching the last round-robin draw. It was the seventh end of ten and Kellie's team was leading by four points and in no danger of losing. He hoped they could take full control of the tournament from here and cruise in on their way to a repeat championship.

He knew that, unfortunately, things are never that easy, and life has a funny way of intruding on things when you least expect it. Just as he had that thought, he saw it proved again in real life.

When Sandra threw her second rock of that end, she extended her lead leg a little farther than usual, and this hitch in her delivery eventually caused her leg to twist and collapse underneath her. She screamed and writhed in agony at the pain. An audible groan was heard in the crowd.

After the rock stopped a medical timeout was called and first aid attendants and Sandra's teammates rushed to see her.

"What happened?" Kellie asked as the attendants were helping Sandra up.

"I felt something pull in my leg," Sandra said through gritted teeth. "It hurts pretty bad."

The first aid people led Sandra off the ice and to the hospital. The crowd gave her a round of sympathetic applause. Kellie ran a hand through her hair, wondering what else could possibly happen this week.

'No time for that now,' she thought to herself. Nothing she could do but summon Heather from the bench to fill in.

Heather had the classic deer-in-the-headlights look on her face as she ran out to the ice to gather with Kellie, Jennifer and Amber.

"Heather, we'll have you slot into Sandra's position, it's the easiest way to deal with this," she told her.

"Skip... I've never played second before."

"It just means you'll play a few more hits instead of draws. Follow my instructions and you'll be fine."

Jennifer put a shoulder on her girlfriend. "You're a good player, Heather. You can do this."

Amber encouraged her as well. "I'll help you with all the brushing calls. Come on, breathe, and have fun!"

Heather swallowed and nodded. Now was not the time to worry... or even think. She told herself to rely on both her teammates and her instincts and just play. It would get her through this game, and from there they could think about what happens next.

They did end up claiming the win, much to Heather's relief. Their 8-3 record put them in third place. Rounding out the four-team playoff field were Anita's team, finishing first at 9-2, and two up-and-coming young teams, one from out East, the other the local hometown heroes.

But that wasn't Kellie's concern right now. After a quick late snack and a brief chat with Brad, she went with Jennifer, Amber and Heather to the hospital to visit Sandra.

They met the doctor when they were gathered in the room, where she told them the news. "She's strained some of her knee ligaments. Her injury isn't serious, and she will absolutely make a 100% recovery, but it will take at least four to six weeks. Her tournament is over, I'm afraid."

The doctor excused herself to make the rest of her rounds. The rest of the team commiserated with their friend, her tear-streaked face evidence of her disappointment over her injury.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Sandra," said Kellie.

Sandra shrugged. She had her cry over it but was now resigned to her immediate fate. "It sucks, but there's nothing I can do about it now. I'll do what I can to help you off the ice, and I'll be in the stands cheering for you. I'll get over this disappointment. Don't worry about me."

She then looked at Heather and addressed her directly. "It's a good thing we have such a good player to fill in for me."

Heather looked nervous enough to vomit. Playing the last few ends of the last game on short notice was one thing, but being asked to replace Sandra with everything on the line... could she handle it? "Oh god I don't know everyone, I mean of course I'll try, but..."

Sandra gently but firmly grabbed Heather's wrist. "Heather, please relax. You're a good player and you can do this. I'll help you off the ice as much as I can. On the ice Kellie will guide you and Amber will help with the sweeping calls. And of course you have Jennifer to lean on anywhere and anytime you need her. Believe in yourself and play, we'll help you do the rest."

Jennifer put an arm around her lover's shoulder and kissed her cheek, and Kellie and Amber each held one of her hands and nodded to affirm Sandra's declaration of support. Heather took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. She felt the outpouring of love and support and did her best to return it in kind. She knew instantly, if that is she hadn't already known, she'd do whatever it took to help ensure her friends and her lover earned the victory they deserved.


The dream final matchup was set.

The teams led by Anita Morriss and Kellie Galenchuk, the two best teams in the country, the two biggest rivals, were going to compete for the Canadian championship of women's curling.

Both semi-final matches were remarkably similar. Both of the young teams Anita and Kellie faced had great tournaments to date; they were untested in contests at this high level but they were clearly very talented and seemingly fearless. Both experienced teams had nervous starts, as if they were only too aware of what was at stake, and fell behind to the young upstarts halfway through their matches. But both skips settled themselves and their teammates down, allowing them to recover and come from behind to win.

After dinner and a final discussion on the task at hand, Kellie, Jennifer, Sandra, Amber and Heather all retired to their hotel rooms. The last words Kellie spoke before they left were to try and relax and do something that night to help take their mind off tomorrow's big game before getting a good sleep, so that's what they all tried to do.

Amber and her boyfriend watched a chick flick, at her request. She rewarded him for tolerating her choice of movie by giving him long, slow and sensual oral sex. They both fell asleep with satisfied smiles on their faces... his being slightly wider than hers.

Sandra sat in front of her notebook computer and chatted with the man with whom she had just recently started a long-distance relationship. They had met each other for the first time in person a few weeks ago, and both immediately fell hard for the other. They had been restricted to phone calls and Skype chats since then, but it hadn't lessened their mutual attraction. This evening, Sandra's love interest consoled her over her untimely injury. He decided to go through with his surprise anyway, which was to drive from his home in Edmonton to Calgary early the next morning to see her and watch the final in support of the rest of her teammates. Sandra reacted joyfully, and when they ended their chat later that night, she thought about seeing him in person again. Not being able to resist, she masturbated herself to climax with her fingers before settling into a serene sleep.

Jennifer and Heather were finding their own way to wind down.

Jennifer knew her lover was still a little tense so when they returned to their room she told Heather to undress and lie on the bed. She waited in the TV room while Heather cleaned herself up for the evening and disrobed, then she went into the bathroom to do the same.

Heather saw Jennifer as she emerged, her form silhouetted against the light from the bathroom.

"You're my angel, Jen. Where would I be, what would I do, without you?" she sighed.

Jennifer walked towards the bed on which her lover lay, slowly but with purpose, ignoring her rhetorical question. She bent over and gave Heather the softest of kisses, their sets of lips barely touching the others.

Then she leapt on to the bed and straddled Heather, who let out a surprised squeal. Jennifer took hold of Heather's face with both hands and kissed her aggressively and passionately. Their tongues locked and dueled, and both naked bodies pressed into each other. Heather whimpered and moaned into the kiss. Jennifer always seemed to know what Heather needed each time they made love, and Heather thanked the forces of fate that brought them together.

Jennifer momentarily broke the kiss. "I am your angel, Heather, and you are mine. But right now I feel like a devil!"

Heather groaned. "That's so corny, but I don't care. I need you so bad. Fuck me, Jen!"

They kissed deeply again. Jennifer then laid kisses on one of Heather's cheeks, trailing to nibble at her neck and earlobe, first one side, then the other. Heather shuddered at each touch. She was flush with heat and desire, and the wetness from between her legs started trickling down her inner thighs.

Jennifer slid further down Heather's body and caressed both firm breasts in her hands. She kissed and suckled on the nipple of one while fondling and tweaking the other. She went back and forth between each enticing breast, showering them equally with love and attention.

"Ohhh yes!" Heather whispered, her voice nearly choked with lust.

Jennifer placed gossamer-like kisses down Heather's taut stomach. She raised herself up to drink in the sight of her lover's body. She usually loved teasing Heather before licking and fingering her to orgasm, but she thought maybe tonight was a good night to switch it up a little.

So she dive-bombed directly into Heather's pussy, bathing it with her tongue.

"Oh FUCK!" Heather screamed at the unexpected yet very welcome attack on her sex.

Jennifer devoured Heather's pussy, kissing, licking and sucking every bit of her engorged womanhood. Her nostrils were filled with her scent, and it pleased her to no end. She slipped one finger inside of Heather, followed soon after by a second. She plunged her digits inside her lover with all the speed and energy she could muster.

Heather propped herself up on her elbows to watch Jennifer ravage her. Her pants and moans grew louder and erratic as the release she had longed for all day came closer and closer to fruition.

Without warning, Jennifer swiped at Heather's exposed clit with her wet tongue, sending sparks of electricity through every part of her.

"Ohmigod yes Jen, please don't stop!" Heather yelled.

But Jennifer did stop. She looked up into Heather's face, her lips and chin wet with her lover's essence. "What do you want me to do to you, Heather?" she asked. She then softly blew hot air on Heather's pussy and grinned wickedly as Heather writhed and wriggled beneath her.

Heather desperately replied, "Make me cum Jen! Please fuck me with your tongue and your fingers! Mark me as yours! Please!!"

Jennifer said nothing; her actions did all the talking for her. She redoubled her efforts on Heather, furiously pounding her pussy with her fingers and flicking her tongue over her clit at a blinding speed.

Heather, too, said nothing; she could only scream incoherent sounds of joy as her orgasm exploded from within. Her juices rushed freely from inside her, bathing her lover in her sweet nectar. They remained motionless for a few moments. Heather wiped some of the excess sweat from her brow as Jennifer climbed up closer to her. They kissed each other. Heather could taste some of her juices on Jennifer's face and chin; it was one of her most favourite sensations.

"I need to return the favour," Heather said.

Jennifer smiled and kissed Heather on the forehead. "I thought you'd never ask."

She turned around to face away from Heather and positioned herself so Heather had a great look at her ass and pussy hovering just above her. Heather grabbed an extra pillow to support her neck. She then lowered Jennifer to her and playfully licked and nibbled at her meaty pussy lips.

"Oh yeah, just like that, baby. Come on, fuck me good," Jennifer encouraged her partner.

Heather dipped her tongue inside Jennifer's honeypot and tasted her arousal. She gripped her lover's butt and hips and pushed them downward to achieve closer contact with her tongue. Jennifer ground her sex on Heather's face, trying to accelerate her orgasmic joy but taking care not to hurt or suffocate her girlfriend.

Jennifer looked down at Heather's pussy, still slick from her recent orgasm, her lips still puffed out invitingly. She was practically addicted to the smell, feel and taste of Heather, so despite just getting her off mere minutes ago, without any further hesitation she leaned down, grabbed the back of Heather's legs, clamped her mouth tightly on her womanhood and dipped her tongue in her slit.

Heather moaned happily. Her girlfriend was going to give her a second orgasm while she had yet to receive one of her own. Loving her even more for her selflessness, Heather thought to herself that, if she was to only get Jennifer off once tonight, it was gonna be a damn good one.

She tongued Jennifer's pussy even more furiously and wormed her hand in position to strum her clit with her fingers. Jennifer yelped and arched her back.

"Yes... Heather... please..." Jennifer whispered breathlessly. She rubbed her fingers over Heather's pussy to give her some stimulation but was otherwise far too distracted with her own oncoming orgasm to do any more.

She came suddenly and intensely. Her mouth formed a silent scream as she shuddered and quaked. Her own juices bubbled over into Heather's eager and talented mouth.

Jennifer's chest heaved in and out as she regained her breath. She looked back at Heather with predatory eyes. Before Heather could respond Jennifer bent back down to finish the job she started earlier. She lapped at her girlfriend's moist and fragrant love tunnel. Then she wet a finger with a mixture of her saliva and Heather's juices, and she ran that finger down Heather's sensitive underside until she reached her crinkled bum hole. She massaged that hole as she maintained her unrelenting ministrations on Heather's pussy.

"Oh shit Jen, I'm gonna cum again!" Heather yelled.

"Do it, Heather! Give me your cum!" Jennifer ordered. She gently eased her fingertip into her lover's anus in order to push her over the edge.

With that, Heather complied with Jennifer's demand. She tensed up and grabbed two fistfuls of bedsheet before she released and spectacularly came. Jennifer kept licking at Heather's overheated pussy as she came down. Heather soon gently pushed her away as she was too sensitive to continue.

They lay down on the bed together, each on their side, kissing each other and softly stroking each other's hair. Their kisses were slow, unhurried, and filled with love.

"Thank you Jen," Heather whispered. "You were fantastic."

Jennifer blushed. "You weren't so bad yourself, honey."

"I love you, Jen."

"I love you too, Heather."

They spooned into each other, Heather with her back turned curving into Jennifer, who draped an arm around her lover. Just as Jennifer was about to fall asleep, Heather turned to face her.



"You still awake?"

"I am now." She stifled a yawn. "What is it, Heather?"

"Would you really have done it?"

"Done what?"

"Would you have broken up with me and left me forever if I didn't quit Anita's team?"

Jennifer seemed to consider this question for a while, before deciding to answer it with a question of her own.

"Aren't you glad you don't have to find out for real?"

She kissed Heather on the nose and closed her eyes. Almost immediately, she fell asleep.

Heather remained awake for several minutes, racking her brain, wondering just what Jennifer meant by her cryptic answer. Finally, she decided that some questions really are better left unanswered. She spooned herself back into Jennifer's warm body and fell into a peaceful sleep of her own.


Meanwhile, she was having trouble following her own advice.

Brad sensed the tension in Kellie right when it set in, which was soon after she returned from dinner to their hotel room. At first he thought he'd do nothing but wait and see if she could find a way to relax herself. But now, as she alternated between pacing back and forth in the TV room and restlessly bouncing her leg up and down as she sat on a chair, he figured he should try and help Kellie before she had a complete nervous breakdown.

"How are you feeling, Kellie?" he asked.

"Oh... you know... OK. I guess."

He raised an eyebrow. "And just who do you think you're trying to fool with an answer like that?"

Kellie sighed and slumped on the couch next to him. "Oh Brad, I can't lie. I feel like I'm going to throw up."

She held her hand in front of her, trying to keep steady. To Brad it looked like she was vibrating. "Brad, look at me! I can't stop shaking!" she cried.

Brad held his arms out and Kellie dived into him. He hugged her and held her tight. "It's OK, honey, you'll be fine. Just a few pre-match jitters, nothing more. A good night's sleep is all you need, you get that and you'll be ready to go tomorrow."