It's a Dead Man's World Ch. 02


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"If you insist," Eliza muttered. The light was irritating her eyes, so she closed them and was at least able to enjoy the warmth on her face. When the sun was all the way down, she threw the blanket off them and stood up. She noticed Veronica taking her time getting up. "Are you okay?"

The human blushed. "Yeah. I just had problems standing when I woke up yesterday. Apparently, getting fisted by a naughty vampire goddess in my dreams had certain repercussions."

Eliza wrapped her arms around her lover and grabbed a double handful of ass. "Next time, in won't just be in your dreams."

"Promises, promises," Veronica replied and kissed her girlfriend. The two of them wandered inside. Dennis was the only person awake by that point, and he gave the lovers a friendly smile.

"We were tempted to bring you inside," he said, "but it seemed warm enough and you two looked so downright peaceful."

"We appreciate letting us be," Eliza said. "That was the best I've slept in while."

"Me too," Veronica said. Then she sniffed the air. "Do I smell eggs?" Sure enough, Dennis was actually cooking omelets. As they sat down to eat, Wyrm came in with a dour expression on his face.

"What's up?" he boss asked.

"Bad news ladies. Looks like another jewel got found last night, but the Purity jumped on in during transport."

"Shit!" Veronica said.

"Those fanatical bastards have already been advertising their 'victory' all over the web," the hacker told them as Dennis started up another omelet.

Veronica kissed Eliza on the cheek. "If it's already out there, then I'm going to call my bosses and see what they want me to do. I hope this doesn't mean I have to cut my visit short."

"Do what you have to do," Eliza said, gripping her lover's hand before she vanished into the next room. "Where did they find it? What do we know?"

Wyrm punched up to the world map on the holo-projector. "This one was found in East Africa. A big purple gem they think was tanzanite. A couple safari guides apparently reported finding it in a tiny village shrine. Somehow, the Purity got wind of it and managed to get a strike team there before the local governments could. A small group of guards and both guides were killed. I looked through that list of spells again. There's one which Valar labeled 'The Alchemist's Dream' that seems to meet the description. Apparently it has something to do with . . . let's see here . . . 'unity and metamorphosis.' Something about combining two imperfect things into something else."

Eliza thought it over. "I'll be the Purity think that the 'unity' line means recombining the dimensions. Otherwise, why risk the attack? Wyrm, put the location of the Dream up on the world map." Something was bothering her. With electronic communications so closely controlled, how did these guys get there so quick?

"Got an idea?"

"I think the Purity may have some sort of presence in Africa. There's no way they could have flown in from Europe without being detected. Same goes for the Middle East. These guys found out about the new discovery and jumped on it way to quickly. So they had to have come from nearby. Radar and tracking capabilities of most African nations are almost carbon dated. There are still large pockets run by local warlords. That means a lot of places to hide a fighting force."

Veronica had wandered back in by that point. "Mind if I pass that guess onto the World Council on my next trip? It could narrow the search area."

Eliza was still stung by her sudden termination, but she accepted that the time for petty complaints was over. "Might be a good idea." She was slightly nervous. "So this means you'll be leaving again?"

"Actually, no. I convinced them that my mental and physical health was in jeopardy, and they decided it would be better to just give me a couple of days off now than to try and replace me after having a total breakdown." She was looking up at the map. "I keep thinking that there should be some sort of pattern there. It seems like things are moving forward towards . . . something. And that probably won't happen until all these things are found. Like they said in 'Lord of the Rings' centuries ago, these gems 'want to be found.' So how can we find the rest?"

Eliza couldn't disagree with her girlfriend's logic. They sat down and started going over their information as a group. Eventually, Thug and Allyson showed up, followed shortly by Kelik. The elder vampire was pleased to see his young friend and her companion in much better physical condition than the prior evening.

"Maybe something about the order," Eliza said. "Are the gems being found in the order the spells were written?"

"No," Veronica said. "We checked that. The Heaven's Eye spell was written after the Dead Man's World spell and before the Ocean's Heart spell. Nothing there."

The lot of them spent hours turning every piece of data on its ear. All of them had come to believe that there was a secret hiding just beneath the surface of the evidence, and it was driving them nuts that they couldn't find it.

Then, an hour before dawn, something happened. A breakthrough. And it came from the most unlikely source. They were staring at the map of Earth again, trying vainly to create some sort of pattern or geometric formation that incorporated the four locations where the gems had been found.

"I just wish we could go back in time," Kelik muttered, "and talk to those sorcerers. Get them to tell us what they were thinking."

"Or what they saw," Eliza said. "They had to have seen images of the jewels in their minds' eye. Some of the physical descriptions were astounding.


"What are you thinking big guy?" asked Dennis. Everyone was wondering where the troll was going with this.


Eliza gasped. "That's where the Heaven's Eye was found!" she interrupted. Suddenly, everyone was very excited. "Wyrm . . ."

"Way ahead of you boss," the hacker said, frantically typing at his keyboard while simultaneously shouting into his voice-activated headset. A series of lines began to appear from the Terra map, all from sorcerers who had written spells involving gems that had already been found. Each line connected up with the appropriate jewel.

"Good God!" Veronica uttered. "Is there a relationship between the distance from the whole to both the gems and the locations of the sorcerers . . ."

"Computer isn't coming up with anything, but it isn't great at problem solving."

"Maybe we are thinking a little TOO linearly," Eliza muttered. "Wyrm, calculate a ratio based on the distance of each gem from the rift over how long ago each spell was written."

Wyrm made some calculations. "Nope. Sorry boss."

"Nice idea though," Kelik said. "But you need to remember that sorcerers live a long time. The power of the gems and the dimensional rift could have been affecting them years or even centuries before they wrote the spells."

"Maybe," said an almost giddy Veronica. "But we just limited the search area by an ungodly amount! We'll be way ahead of the Purity!"

The group began shaking hands and congratulating each other. Veronica gave Thug a great big hug, almost disappearing in his massive arms.

"Wyrm, save all this data to CD, make a couple copies, then delete everything from the hard drives. I don't want the enemy hacking the system somehow and figuring this out."

"Done and done," Wyrm said, handing her a CD. Eliza took one copy to hide in a floor panel. 'Never put your valuables in a vault,' she thought smugly. Veronica was offered one, but declined. She said she knew enough to be able to tell her superiors how to look for the gems, and didn't want to carry around something she might lose or let fall into the wrong hands. Eliza decided to deliver a copy of the CD to Valar. She hated the idea of dealing with him again, but he might have some insight that they could use. As she was finishing secreting away her prize, she heard her door close and footsteps coming up behind her. Then she felt something bump against her ass.

"I could get used to this view," Veronica said smoothly, gripping Eliza's hips and making a fucking motion, smacking her crotch against those tight buns. As Eliza stood up, the human woman reached around and snaked a hand down the front of the vampire's pants while encircling her waist with the other arm. "I'm in a VERY good mood right now," the blonde woman said huskily. "Wanna celebrate? A quickie before we get back to work?"

Eliza felt her underwear being pushed aside and her out labia being rubbed. The dreams where she and Veronica had made love had been awfully life-like, but she still preferred having sex in the warm and willing flesh. And weather it was a good idea or not, her own flesh was very much willing. "But we should . . . oh! . . . get back and . . . and . . ." She completely forgot what she was saying as Veronica started nibbling on her ear.

Sensing Eliza's ragtag reservations dissolving, the human started unbuttoning her lovers pants, then slid her hand back in the much more manageable opening. "Push 'em down past your hips," Veronica told the other woman.

"But . . . but we should . . . analyze some more . . ." Eliza's last round of objections was brought to a halt as Veronica's lips found the vampire's neck. Eliza's knees almost turned to jelly in that very instant, and Veronica knew she was in complete control. The vampire's neck was one of the most highly erogenous areas she had ever seen on a lover, and she was going to take full advantage of it. Eliza pushed her pants down past her hips with some difficulty, as her girlfriend's lips were causing all sorts of distractions.

"Now the panties," Veronica crooned. "Good girl," she added, then went back to sucking on Eliza's neck.

The vampire felt her lover's hands shift. One was wrapped around the front and was rubbing Eliza's clit, while the other slid underneath Eliza's ass. This latter hand allowed the human woman to stick a thumb in her girlfriend's butt while sinking a couple of fingers into that sweet pussy.

Eliza's head was swimming! She was standing in the middle of her bedroom with her pants around her thighs while her girlfriend fingered both her lower openings. And with Veronica's lips and tongue caressing her neck and shoulder, Eliza could only stand there. Not that she minded.

"I . . . I thought you wanted . . . wanted me to be in charge," Eliza moaned.

"I have a few 'domination' fantasies, but that doesn't mean I don't want to take charge and just fuck your brains out from time to time. But since we don't have much time . . ." With that, Veronica latched her lips like a leech to the back of Eliza's neck and started moving her fingers at a frenzied pace. Eliza's box, clit and asshole were being stimulated simultaneously. Eliza knew she was going to cum soon. And when she did, it shook her from her head to her toes. She felt her sticky warmth seeping out of her sex and down her legs and into her pants.

Veronica's lips gave Eliza's shoulder one more quick kiss before releasing the vampire from her clutches. But if she was expecting for Eliza to be too tired to continue, she was in for a big surprise. The vampire whirled around, grabbed her startled girlfriend by the shoulders and tossed her back-first onto the bed, watching all the right fleshy bits jiggle. Then she went to her dresser and grabbed the biggest toy she had, a ten-inch dildo she called "Mr. Right." She placed the balls-end of the realistic dong against her crotch, then buttoned up her pants around it, giving it a tug to make sure it was securely in place. When she turned around, Veronica let out a gasp.

"And what do you think you'll be doing with that?" she asked coyly, slowly unzipping her own pants.

"Turn over, get on all fours and then I'll show you," Eliza said with a grin. As Veronica smiled back and turned over, she pushed her pants down to her knees. But when she was facing the other direction and patiently waiting for Eliza to do whatever it was the vampire had in mind, Eliza grabbed a smooth and sleek vibrator and a bottle of lube out of the same drawer. 'This should get her attention,' she thought, grinning evilly. She hurriedly stuck the vibrator and lube in her back pockets, then approached her lover. She knelt on the bed and placed the sizeable head of her dong at the entrance to Veronica's paradise. "Now tell me you want it," she growled, giving her lover a hard spank on the ass.

"Ouch! You KNOW I want it!" Veronica groaned. "Stick it in! Hurry!"

Eliza didn't have to be asked twice, and she slowly pushed the massive device into Veronica's inviting hole. She loved how her girlfriend's outer labia swelled up and stretch almost grotesquely as they were split right down the middle. She had never used this toy with Veronica before, so she was being careful. She had enjoyed using larger toys with some previous lovers, and was happy that Veronica hadn't shied away from this one. Eliza loved 'filling' the woman she was with. And Veronica's arousal by their dream-fisting episode was giving the vampire all sorts of very naughty ideas. But those ideas would have to wait.

Veronica's face was turned sideways and she was pressing her cheek into the cool bedding. She had never had anything that big inside her, excluding the dream she and her naughty vampire goddess had recently shared. 'I wonder if this means I'm a size queen?' she wondered dreamily as Eliza began to pick up some momentum, sliding more and more of the huge dong into Veronica's body at a increasingly rapid pace. She was being stuffed to her limits, and all she could think was that she wanted more!

As Veronica's groans and gasped grew in intensity and volume, Eliza decided it was time for her surprise. She pulled the vibrator and lube out of her back pockets, and generously applied the latter to the former. She tossed the bottle aside and pressed the narrow end of the new sex toy at the entrance to Veronica's backside.

"What the . . ." Veronica started. But like Eliza's objections had been overridden by the human's lips, Veronica's objection was quickly overruled by the penetration of her backside by Eliza's toy. She felt her sphincter stretching as the well-lubed and aerodynamic device was buried deep in her ass. "Oh you sweet, nasty . . . oh!" Eliza began thrusting away with both the dong and the vibrator, violating both of Veronica's openings with no small amount of glee. Veronica's mouth was producing a long string of "oh" and "unh" sounds, in no particular order. The dildo had been enough to satisfy her, but being double-penetrated was driving her wild. And then, Eliza pushed her over the edge. The vampire pushed the vibrator in until only the knob at the end was still visible beyond the human's stretched rosebud, then she turned on the vibration mode . . . all the way to high.

Veronica lost it. She actually had to started chewing animalistically on Eliza's comforter to avoid screaming. She even started to growl a little. Eliza was now holding onto Veronica's hips and plunging the ten-inch dong even faster into her lover's body. Veronica had never felt anything like that! Her ass was almost on fire, and she just wanted to let it burn. Her pussy was being filled only to be (reluctantly) emptied again. She felt her orgasm approaching, and she knew it was going to be a doozy. Sure enough, she actually began to squirt, her pussy juices erupting around the massive tool buried in her cunt. Her pussy clenched, trying to stop the onslaught. Eliza waited until her lover's box started to relax. But rather than pulling out, she started up again.

"No . . . not . . . not fair," Veronica grunted, realizing what Eliza was going to do. "I only . . . I only . . . (grunt) . . . (growl) . . . got to do you once!"

"Then you'll just have to find an excuse to come back and visit soon," Eliza said matter-of-factly. "So you can get back at me." She continued to pound away for ten minutes, when Veronica came again. And her second orgasm wasn't any weaker than the first. While Eliza's pants might have been a bit damp, the amount of cum that had traveled into Veronica' pants had soaked that particular garment. Her pussy, which had been slightly tender after their dream-fuck, was now completely spent.

Eliza pulled the big dong out, then slowly pulled out the still humming vibrator. Veronica was left with her wonderful ass sticking up in the air while her face was resting on the bed. It was a beautiful sight for Eliza to behold, so she gave it another quick spank.

"Can . . . can I borrow a skirt or something?" Veronica asked, tired but happy. "I think these jeans need to be cleaned."

Eliza smiled and tossed the woman a clean and comfortable pair of sweat pants. "They're not as fancy as you're used to, but they'll do."

Veronica wrinkled her nose. "Next, you'll want me barefoot and pregnant and living in a trailer park somewhere. Oh well," she said, shirking her soiled pants and donning her new attire. "At least they're dry." She sat on the edge of the bed and waited for Eliza to finish getting changed. When they were both presentable after their quickie, Veronica pulled her lover close, hugging the standing woman around her hips and placing the side of Veronica's face against Eliza's abdomen. "I wish I could stay longer," she whispered. "I wish we could do THAT longer," she continued, "but I'm going to have to make another trip out to D.C. tomorrow. The President and Pentagon are going to want to know about this."

"The government is going to want to know about our sex life?" Eliza joked.

"Don't be an ass," Veronica said with a chuckle.

Eliza wanted to say something else but decided to bite her tongue. She wanted to ask Veronica to quit her job, or get reassigned so she didn't have to leave all the time. Eliza had enough money that they could retire, and go live the rest of Veronica's life in a splendor worthy of kings and queens. But she knew it was too early. Veronica was a proud, independent woman in a position of global importance. She couldn't walk away, at least not yet. So Eliza tried getting used to the idea of this beautiful woman getting on her bike, then getting on a plane and leaving for another week. Eliza knew the dreams would come again. She knew that even the great expanse of the United States couldn't keep their spirits separate, but she would anticipate each moment until they could share each other once more in the flesh.

Veronica saw her lover deep in thought. She stood and held Eliza's perfect face gently in her hands. "I'll always come back," she said. Veronica grabbed her vampire lover by the hand and led her back out the main room.

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The next afternoon . . .

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Veronica was getting back on her hovercycle, and Eliza was watching. She hated being up during the day, but she wanted to see her lover off. 'She's a beauty,' the vampire thought. Veronica's blonde hair was caught in a slight breeze and was swirling around her head. Those big blue eyes danced mischievously as Veronica reached for her helmet. And as the woman sat on her bike with helmet in hand, Eliza drank in the vision that was her girlfriend. It was one of those moments that she knew would be emblazoned in her mind for the rest of her life.