It Was Only a Game

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Tessa's game heats up out of control.
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I swear to you I didn't mean it to happen. It was just a game, a silly tease by a woman who was old enough to know better.

It was just that I'd got to a point in life, forty two to be exact, and I just wanted a bit of excitement, something to brighten up my day.

Nick was okay. We'd been married twenty one years and he still wanted me, but it had got routine. You know how it is, all so predictable. I could count on Friday, Monday and Wednesday nights when he would say, "Is it okay," and I say "Yes," and we'd play around a bit then couple up for the final run in.

Three times a week was fine, but I always knew what he was going to do next. Kiss, play with my breasts, have a suck on my nipples, fingers in my vagina and hey presto, he was in.

Of course, I'd have a play with him, running my hand up and down his shaft, and give the head a bit of a suck. Nothing wrong with what we did, but we always did it the same.

It was partly my fault I suppose. I believe some women these days insist on their partner giving them oral sex, but Nick had baulked at this. On the other hand, when he wanted to try anal sex, I said "no." I hadn't even given it a try.

As well as that, Nick had developed a bit of a paunch and was balding, while I had taken more care of myself and could still slip easily into my wedding dress.

That wedding dress has a bit of a funny story attached to it. I've got very nice breasts, you know, big but firm. The wedding dress was cut rather low. At the wedding ceremony the poor old parson's eyes nearly popped out of his head and he got a hard on and really struggled to get the words out as he kept trying to look down the top of the dress. Nick and I have often had a laugh remembering that.

Now I'm not saying Nick and I didn't love each other. We were good mates and got along very well. It was just the dullness of our sex life that started to get to me.

Another factor was my age. I suppose I was at the point where a woman wonders if she is still attractive to young blokes. As I said, I've kept my figure that was always pretty good and the early signs of grey hair had been quickly dealt with at the hairdressers. Perhaps the slightly plump cheeks I'd had when I got married had thinned a bit, but I'd looked after my teeth, so there was no caved in look.

So there I was, still fairly presentable with a sex life that had become boring, and looking for a bit of sparkle. I don't mean I was looking out for an affair. I suppose what I wanted was a bit of sexual feedback. Some admiring glances from younger blokes and perhaps get their manhood stiff, but just for a tease and to know I was still desirable.

I admit I should have known better, but I didn't realise what a dangerous game it could be. Naive I suppose you could call it. Or more likely memory failure, because when I was a teenager I use to play the same game and got myself into some pretty tight corners with blokes and had to fight my way out.

So years on I was playing the same old female game of stirring up the male hormones.

You see, the trouble was, temptation came my way. Temptation in the shape of a young fellow with a nice body, good looks and all the virility of youth, the only problem being he was my daughter Anne's boyfriend, Clark by name.

Anne and Clark had been going out together for some time. Clark was a bit older than Anne. She was twenty and he was twenty six. All the signs were they were going to get married.

Right from the first time she brought him home I'd had thoughts, if you know what I mean. What was worse, I saw him eyeing me in a speculative manner; sort of undressing me with his eyes. So I reciprocated and mentally undressed him.

He and Anne were soon into sexual intercourse. I knew that because Anne talked to me about going on the pill and would it be okay if Clark stayed the night with her occasionally.

I talked to Nick and he said, "Well, they're going to do it anyway, so they might as well do it in comfort." So I went to the expense of replacing Anne's single bed with a double bed, and then had to listen to them moaning a groaning as they made love.

Nick spent more and more time at our place, and I remembered that someone had once said to me, "It's no use being tempted if you don't give into it."

I didn't exactly give in; I just wanted to tease Clark a bit. I suppose I saw Anne as a sort of competitor in the female ego stakes, and wanted to see if I could get a bloke who fancied my daughter to fancy me as well.

I didn't try anything over the top at first. I mean, when he was stoping overnight at our place I didn't let him catch in my undies or naked in the shower. I just gave him teasing, what used to be called, "Come hither looks." I'd also throw in a few comments about his nice body and looks, adding that Anne was a lucky girl to have him as a boyfriend.

Clark got around to giving me pecks on the cheek when he arrived or left our house. I gradually converted this to kisses on the lips that I let linger a bit longer than necessary for a virtuous kiss. I'd follow that up with a comment like, "Mmm, you've got lovely soft lips, Clark," and he would come back with something like, "Your's are pretty soft and moist as well, Tessa."

I'm not blind, and I could see the lump growing in his crotch, and feel it when I pressed close to him.

Of course, I only carried on like that when Nick and Anne weren't present. No point in courting trouble.

It was all a nice teasing game, and I felt really pleased with myself that I could get a young chap going. I pushed the temperature up when, during the hot weather I went out and bought myself an almost non-existent two piece bathing suit that I started to wear around the house when it got really hot.

It even got Nick going a bit more fervently, and Anne commented, "You look fantastic, mum." I felt a bit guilty about that, because I'd only bought it to torment Clark a bit more.

As Nick and I had anticipated, Anne and Clark eventually announced their engagement. Nick and I congratulated them, and when I had a minute alone with Clark I added, "It'll be nice to have a sexy hunk like you as a son-in-law."

Of course, it was taking a risk saying a thing like that, but it worked out okay because he came back with, "And it'll be nice having a well-stacked mother-in-law like you."

We went a bit quiet after that, both of us probably thinking we'd gone a bit too far.

I lay off the teasing for a couple of weeks after that as I saw we had been standing on a dangerous corner. The trouble was, hearing Clark and Anne hammering away at it in the bedroom next to ours, started to get me all wet between the legs, and I even tried waking Nick to see if he could give me some relief, but if it wasn't the right night he'd moan, "Go to sleep."

So, despite a half-hearted resolve I made not to try and stir Clark up again, I yielded to temptation once more. Like a lot of these things it became a sort of drug, but not the sort that sends you to sleep, but does the very opposite. Once you start on it, you want to, or need to, take more and more.

Whenever we were alone for a few minutes I'd start some game with him, perhaps pretending to tickle him, and he would grab me and hold me close to him. Sometimes I'd end up kissing him and pulling my self close to him, giving my hips a little gyration and feeling him get hard.

It was when Anne and Clark's wedding day was only a month away that the crisis came. Clark turned up unexpectedly when both Nick and Anne were out, and were going to be out for another couple of hours. To this day I don't know if Clark knew they were going to be out.

I told Clark that Anne was absent and if he wanted to wait I'd make him a cup of coffee and he could go into the lounge and watch television if he wanted to.

I was dressed in my jeans and T-shirt, but when I got the coffee going I rushed to my bedroom and put on my near invisible two piece. I was telling myself I'd have a bit of fun with Clark. I'd get him so worked up he'd drag Anne off to the bedroom as soon as she got in.

It was a stinking hot day, so I had my excuse for wearing the barely visible garment. When I took our coffee into the lounge I made some remark like, "Phew, it's so hot I thought I'd put on something cool."

Clark had seen me in the garb a number of times before but always when others were around. Now, being on our own added extra spice to the tantalising game, and as he had parked himself on the sofa, I sat beside him, raising one leg so that it rested on the seat, thus displaying my barely covered sex organ.

Then the devil really got into me. "I read somewhere that young men often like older women. Do you think that's true, Clark?"

"Er…yes, I've heard that," he croaked, unable to decide whether he wanted to stare at my crotch or breasts.

"How do you feel about it, Clark?"

"D-d-d-depends on the w-w-woman," I suppose.

"What sort of older woman would you like if you did go for one?"

"I d-d-d-don't know," he choked out.

I pulled closer to him and put my hand on his thigh and said, "Come on Clark, you must have some thoughts on the subject."

I could see his shaft, hard as a rock, throbbing inside his jeans. His face was red and he was shaking. I was starting to shake my self and the little bit of cloth under my crotch was doing nothing to soak up my lubricant.

"For example," I quavered, "Would it be someone like me?"

That was it. The flood gates opened. "You know bloody well it would," he almost yelled. Oh God, I want you Tessa. I've wanted you ever since I first met you."

He was pushing me back on the sofa and I was gasping, "No don't Clark, what about Anne," but I didn't mean it, and right then I didn't care about Anne.

He was unzipping his jeans and getting his penis out. He didn't even bother to take my clothes off, such as they were. He was between my legs and pushing his penis between my thigh and the tiny bit of cloth.

He had no difficulty in entering me I was so wet, and he was gasping out, "Tessa, oh Tessa, I want you so badly." And I was saying, "Fuck me Clark; fuck me hard." Then we were a screaming, groaning tangle on the sofa and I wanted him so badly I was coming in no time and he was just as urgent and was shooting into me.

When it was over we lay as if glued together and kept telling each other how much we'd wanted to do this and at the same time I was now thinking about Anne. Along with that thought went another one which kept telling me how much I wanted to have Clark properly with all the trimmings on a bed. He made matters worse when he echoed my thought saying "I want to make love with you properly."

It was getting too close to the time when either Anne or Nick would be home, so we couldn't do what we wanted to do with each other, so we settled for another quickie, but with my things off this time. It was beautiful and when he'd shot into me I wanted more, but we couldn't because of the time. The Clark drug had got me in its evil grip properly now, so we worked out when I would be alone again and he could join me.

So that's how it began. Up to the time Anne and Clark got married we managed to be together at least three or four time each week. It was wonderful. It was sex like I'd never known it before. I got the oral sex I'd hankered for and I let him have anal sex with me, but I don't know how Clark managed because I could still hear him and Anne rattling away at night.

They got married and went away for a three week honeymoon. Without my Clark prescription medicine I was almost beside myself. I literally ached for him, and no amount of sex with Nick or masturbating could fix the ailment.

When they got back from their honeymoon I thought it might all be over between Clark and me, but first opportunity there he was, almost ravishing me.

Anne had gone off the pill because they wanted to start a family very quickly so in no time she was announcing her first pregnancy. I thought that might bring Clark to a halt with me, but it didn't. It even got worse because he said he wanted a kid with me. I put the brakes on that one, but it didn't dampen his ardour one bit, or mine.

They've got three children now, and he still joins me whenever he can, which is quite often. Where he gets the energy I don't know, but I glad he does get it. He makes me feel alive, a desirable and sexy woman.

So that's how things stand for the present, but I must say, I didn't mean it to happen, it was only a game.

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