Into the Arms of Eros


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Addie knew the basics. "The woman one is hard plastic, shaped sort of like a shoehorn, I think. It sticks on with, like, double-sided tape or something. The man one, I'm not really sure. I've heard of a 'strapless thong' kind of a thing, or maybe it's like one of those athletic cup things you used to leave lying around to gross me out."

"You said it says 'Genital guard if wanted'. Do you think...some actors don't use them?"

"I'd put money on it, probably," said Addie. "I mean, what better way to act like you're feeling something than actually feeling it?"

"They don't really fuck in the movies, do they?"

"It's happened. There's been stuff written about it. Do you know we've never talked about fucking before? We're jumping all kinds of fun hurdles this weekend."

"You'd want one though," said Colin. "A genital guard."

Addie shrugged, her lips curling into a sly smile. "Not if I was acting with Jason. And anyway, we don't have one here with us, either kind."

"You told me you pretend everybody's Jason. Even me."

Addie shrugged, her unexpectedly twinkling eyes glancing away as she stood and gazed at the cooler over by the counter. "Want a hunk of sandwich? I sometimes forget to eat when I'm working on scenes."

Colin joined her at the wooden counter, a well-worn surface that had seen countless fish prepared for the propane cooktop frying pan. Addie handed him a hunk of a foot-long Italian cold-cuts sandwich, then she bit into hers, happily chewing its flavorful goodness.

"Did you ever think you'd have a whole town full of women thinking of you as Hercule, the great mythological lover?" said Addie, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "That's what's going to happen, you know. All those summer people that go to that little theater. All those rich wives."

Colin smiled, thinking that he hadn't thought of that before.

"Maybe you can have some flings. Actors are known to do that. Stage door groupies will be all over you," said Addie, and she took another big bite of cheesy, meaty goodness.

"You'll be the one showing your tits every night. Shit, Addie, you'll need a bodyguard."

"You can protect me. You're plenty big."

Colin wondered about such a thing as he ate. Would the whole of the village erupt in scandal, with a brother and sister, even non-blood relation step-siblings, performing two such sexual roles onstage? Had a play like this, with its pretty-much-nude actors, ever been tried around these parts before? Lots of the locals are arty, but there are plenty of conservative folks around these hills and lakes. The summer people, though, who flood the area in July and August, always seem to be much more worldly.

Addie wiped her mouth again with her napkin, all while eyeing Colin's crotch. "You feeling more comfortable wearing that? I gotta say, I'm starting to wish I could wear this little babydoll thing all the time."

Colin smiled. "It suits you. Seriously Addie. I mean, where did...allthat come from?"

Addie smiled at her brother's brazen tit gaze, her new comfort with him such that she didn't even blush. "You're well acquainted with my mother. She's been your mother since we were little."

"Yeah, look so...really good. Will you get mad if I say you were fatter when we were younger?"

"No, I know. Mom always told me to be patient. She was a fatty little kid too. She said the baby fat would go. The rest...I think I got lucky that I grew into a better shape, and it's good that curves are 'in' right now. It's like fashion. You luck out when your look coincides with the times."

Colin nodded, realizing Addie was right. Her full-bodied fully awesome tits and round-assed bootie fit right in with the current pop music world, even if the look is different than the slender porn girls he tends to favor. Nothing wrong with Big Tit porn, though. And Curvy porn. Nothing wrong with it at all.

With his hunk of sandwich finished, and having to pee, Colin headed down the back steps and out to the dock to pee in the lake. A few seconds into it he heard the sliding glass door open.

"Nice ass, bro!" Addie yelled from balcony. "I guess that's what hittin' the gym does for a guy, huh?"

Colin smiled, looking over his shoulder at her as he peed. Knowing that he probably looked naked to her, he was glad his thong-clad ass was forty feet from her watching eyes. "You ever see the lake this deserted?"

"Nope. Never," said Addie. "We have it all to ourselves. I like this."

Colin smiled brighter, tucking his chubbied cock back under the yellow spandex as best he could. It actually felt kind of good now, the silkily snug cosseting of this very feminine bit of garb almost like a gently sexy massage.

Turning to get a better look at Addie, he saw the breeze tousle her hair, the mint-green of her see-through babydoll negligee wafting like the essence of the wind itself. The breath of God, caressing his very bare wife, Glorious.

Addie watched Colin approach beneath her, the curls of his hair the usual handsome mess. She smiled as he disappeared into the old boathouse, and soon she heard his bare feet on the creaking wooden steps at the back.

"It's getting dark," said Addie. "Think the solar is working?"

Colin went to a table lamp against the wall, switching it on. He smiled. "We should probably only run the one. The battery is getting kind of old."

"Want me to make a fire?" asked Addie. "It's already chilly."

"Yeah, go for it. I wish we had some tunes."

"I know," Addie said, going to her knees in front of the woodstove. "Oh wow, Dad left the stove full. Should be nice and dry."

Colin watched as Addie stuffed crumpled paper under the logs, lighting it with a wooden match she'd struck. Crackling sounds were heard, and the calming scent of woodsmoke began to perfume the air, but the bright papery flame soon died down and the logs were just barely lit. Addie, who had many times over the years done this fun work of fire-building in the old stove, went to hands and knees and began blowing onto the newly lit sparks, with her shoulders now lower than her curvaceous hips, her back arched low. Colin's relaxed yellow bikini was quickly becoming stretched and strained again.

Wondering if he should tell his sister how she looked, he instead watched her, his eyes scarcely blinking. Her short, mint-green negligee was no longer covering her ass, her smooth round derrière of a rubenesque goddess now out in the clear air. The camel toe Colin had briefly wondered about was revealed to be a thing of wonder, a soft-looking soft-haired pussy that appeared to be deeply gagged by the too-thin gusset of Addie's thong panties, her puffy labia either side of it looking very puffy indeed. Beyond that striking visual treasure, another hung like ripe fruit in late summer, Addie's grandiose breasts that stop men in their tracks, hanging freely under her with all the gravity God can command. All of it looked like a doggy-style lover's dream.

After a long and amazed gander at all this, Colin spoke up. "Pretty nice ass there yourself, sis. I guess...maybe genetics are just as good as the gym."

"You're watching me?" she said, exaggerating her embarrassment, blushing so deeply because she'd known since the first seconds that Colin's eyes were probably on her. "You know I like to start fires."

Colin smiled, knowing it's true. When they were little, he and she used to fight over who would get to do it, their father usually divvying the pleasurable chore up in an alternating manner. But today it was Addie's turn, and even after Colin admitted his watching she remained in her provocative, bare-assed position, and she blew onto the brand new embers and the growing flames, and she and Colin both wondered what other new and treasurable moments would be forthcoming.

"Should we try the next kissing scene?" asked Addie when she stood, lightheaded from all the blowing. She bent to brush off the sooty dirt from her knees, Colin watching the way her breasts reacted to different angles of gravity.

"Sure," he said. "A different one?"

"Yup," said Addie. "I'm a little worried about it. It's the first time in the play that I really give my body to the audience. I'm starting to realize, if we decide to do all this I'm really glad it's you who'll be there with me. Remember I said you'll protect me from the stage door groupies? You'll protect me on stage, too. Mentally, I mean. It'll be so much more comfortable there, with you."

Colin's blood warmed him in a nice way, feeling a love for his sister in a new way that he hadn't thought much about before, an emotional connection that only comes from years and years spent together. "Give your body? What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, I'm in see-through wardrobe from the start, but...this is the scene, I'll read you the staging notes." Grabbing the script from the table, Addie paged her way to another bookmark. "Here it is. It's right after my speech about how conflicted I am about cheating on God, my husband. It goes like this: Glorious turns away from Hercule, emotions high, eyes wild with lust and confusion. Hercule claims her from behind, his strong arms embracing her, pulling the back of her tight against him. His arms embrace her and her arms embrace his. Her head turns. Hercule's warm breath is in her ear. 'It's you,' she says. 'It's you. I mustn't, but I must. Do you truly want me, even though the whole of the universe is against us? Do you? Truly?' Hercule responds: 'I cannot give you up. I need you, just as you need me. You and me, Glorious. It's our destiny.' Glorious responds with her body, thrusting her buttocks against Hercule, thrusting her breasts toward the audience. Hercule's hands go under the veil of her costume, Glorious's hands on Hercule's, on her ribcage, with the full weight of her grandiose breasts resting on them. Hercule leans back, moaning loud like a God as he dry humps her buttocks with the front of his groin. He's wearing his brief costume, but both actors may wear genital guards, if wanted. Lights swiftly fade to stage dark."

Addie looked up from the page, seeing Colin's rapt attention. "See what I mean? I'm, like, giving the audience my tits, facing everyone, looking out into their eyes while you hump me. It's...kind of intense. It represents the first time Glorious and Hercule fuck."

"Grandiose breasts," said Colin, smiling. "Is there a genital guard you can wear under the back of a g-string thong? Won't it show?"

Addie couldn't help but smirk. "I wonder if it's the writer or someone else who adds the 'if wanted' part whenever they mention them. You're right, though, a plastic thingie under the back of a thong sounds painful. Just the opposite of the alternative. But..that's all stuff to think about later. Right now we need to see if we're comfortable with all this. The scene, I mean. Want to study your lines, and we'll try it?"

Colin nodded, went to his overnight bag to get his script. "What page?"


Sitting on the couch together, one at one end and one at the other, Addie and Colin began memorizing their lines and movements, each taking a big swig of whiskey from the bottle as silence loomed, the crackling of the fire in the woodstove the only sound. Darkness was falling outside the big window that overlooks the balcony, the lake, and the mountainside beyond, the faraway trees already black, the clear sky barely hanging on to its orangy-blue twilight. The single, dim, forty-watt bulb in the table lamp made reading a growing challenge, but young eyes see clearly, even if young minds don't.

"How long will the humping part be?"

Addie smiled at Colin's choice of words. "We should be prepared for anything. I always hate seeing actors bail out of a scene before the lights go fully dark. And if the lighting guy is a horny pervert, he might hold the fade for some extra seconds. We gotta keep at it, make it look real."

Colin nodded, began studying his lines again.

A few quiet minutes, another slug of warm whiskey, and they were ready. "Let's do it in front of the mirror," said Addie. "I want to see what we'll look like to the audience."

Passing by the intensifying heat of the woodstove, Addie led Colin by the hand to a position in front of a large round mirror, one that showed dust on its reflection of them, the big old thing having hung there, apparently untouched, for as long as they could remember.

"There'll be more light on us onstage," said Addie. "Did you read those notes? The two of us are all lit, with darkness all around. It's a cool feeling onstage like that. The lights sort of blind you to everything, and the audience becomes different in your mind. It's a very cool kind of 'lost'. Have you ever felt that way?"

"I've hardly ever been all alone with someone on stage, like in a lead. Chorus roles are different."

"Maybe you'll like it like I do. I hope you do. It's a beautiful thing to feel."

Colin nodded, feeling a warm whiskey buzz, the room itself becoming noticeably warmer. Addie's fire was burning, combusting out of control, the way all hot fires do. Though the flames were hidden, Colin knew the stove's cast iron walls were thin, and he wondered if they'd glow red-hot later in the night, in the way that sometimes seems dangerous, the fire wanting to be fed, asking for more and more.

Addie, with her back to the big mirror, held her script in her hand. Colin moved into position close in front of her. "I give my speech about being conflicted, blah blah blah," she said, reading as she practiced her movements. "I turn away," she said as she did it, emoting into the mirror now, her eyes suddenly wild with her character's lust and confusion.

Colin, remembering his role, embraced her from behind, feeling the warmth and softness of Addie's body through the wispy green of the negligee. Surprised by the stage-loudness of her moan, he held her, tightly against the front of him, his suddenly excited breath tickling her ear.

"It's you," said Addie. "It's you. I mustn't, but I must. Do you...truly want me, even though the whole of the universe is against us? Do you? Truly?"

"I can't give you up," said Colin, pausing to try and remember his next line. "I...I need you, just as you need me? Is that right? You and me, Glorious. It's our destiny."

Surprising him again with the exaggeration of her body positions and moans, Addie thrust her ass hard against him, feeling his rock-hard lump so firmly there. Her tits, now fronted by extraordinarily aroused nipples, thrust their grandiosity uninhibitedly toward the mirror, Colin watching them there, Addie seeing the surprise and the lust in his eyes as he's unable to look away.

Her new position tore her from Colin's embrace, and he remembered what he was to do now, his hands claiming the inward curve of her waist; but they're supposed to be under, he remembered, so he did it, the transparent veil of mint-green now up and rumpled, Addie's smooth round buttocks feeling so bare, so warm, so tightly pressed against the aroused solidity of his groin.

Feeling Addie's hands on his, she guided them upward, toward her chest, her theatrical moans and wild eyes intense as she moved the strength of his hands up higher, all the way to the weighty underside of the soft warmth of her grandiose breasts, her moan as she felt his strong hands there loud enough for the cheap seats to hear. Not feeling Colin dry-humping her yet, she began the movements, and Colin caught on, and with his cock so herculean hard between her soft warm buttocks, he began moving his hips, pretending to fuck her.

It was more than ten seconds later when Addie called "Scene".

Breathing heavily as she withdrew from character, she felt Colin's hands leave her, their sweaty warmth and strength now replaced by a goosebumpy chill. "That was good," she said, tying her best to sound normal, her eyes wide and twinkling at him in the mirror. "You flubbed your lines a little. Study it some more. We'll do it again."

Colin watched her pull down the mint-green that was rumpled above the curve of her ass, covering herself again, if something so thoroughly see-through can be called 'cover'.

"Yeah, that was good," she repeated, taking a deep breath to gather herself. "I think...that's maybe the most I've ever liked my tits. Maybe doing this play will be good for my self-confidence."

Colin nodded, himself still flustered, embarrassed to look down and see if his still wildly hard cock had opened up the leg-holes of the little bikini enough to let his balls be seen. He was pretty sure it wasn't like that, but still, his mind was reeling. "You don' yourself?"

"It's been tough going," Addie said. "Being fat when you're young fucks everything up."

Colin nodded, feeling a tinge of tears welling in his eyes as he remembered how hard he was on Addie when they were young, calling her 'whale' and other not-nice names. "I'm sorry. Really, I am."

Addie turned to face him, smiling sweetly. Taking his hand in hers, she lifted onto tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "I know you are. It's all good. I like myself a lot more now. Theater is good therapy. So are you." She glanced downward at his embarrasing crotch. "I'm glad you're not numb. If you were, I'd maybe worry that it was because of me. You're doing good things for my self-esteem."

Colin smiled in a gentle way, excited by her downward glance but glad her eyes were quickly up on his again. "I need to memorize my lines better. You know I'm a sucky memorizer."

"Yup," she said, heading for the bottle. "You'll get it. We'll try it again, and again."

It was the third try, as Colin finally got his lines and the practiced movements just right, when the humping began to feel different. Addie's ass, tight against his overly aroused crotch, was writhing circularly this time, her moans floating into the air differently, less theatrical, more real. Happening so quickly, in just a few seconds, her ass, seemingly with a mind of its own, forced his bulging, straining bikini to the side, freeing the full and very solid length of Colin's animal-hard cock out through the leg hole, his open-mouthed moan loud enough for the cheap seats to hear.

"Jesus," Addie breathlessly said when it was over, knowing that the two of them had let the wildly inappropriate bare-cocked humping go on for more seconds than either of them wanted to admit. "The wardrobe undies they give you better be more secure than that or we'll all be in trouble. The cops'll shut the play down the first night."

Colin, breathless, didn't know what to say. Addie stood before him, still facing away, watching his face in the mirror until she was sure he'd stuffed his problem back undercover. Seeing his stupefied look, she said, "Don't worry about it. Actors have all kinds of funny stories to tell about stuff like that."

Colin nodded, his face red, sure that none of those funny things had happened between step-siblings. He watched Addie nonchalantly cover her ass with the tint of green again, his eyes following her as she went to the woodstove and opened the door to the roaring fire, feeding the hot combustion with a round, smooth, unsplit log that looked like beech. "If we get it hot enough we won't need blankets tonight," she said. "Remember that time when it was, like, a hundred in here? Dad yelled at us."

Colin smiled. He and Addie had so many good memories of time spent here, the summer house tucked in the woods and especially this boathouse with its upstairs guest quarters that make you feel like you're right on top of the lake.

He went to the couch, looking out at the dark, hearing Addie pull the quilted bedspread off of the old double bed. Looking over his shoulder at her, he watched as she tossed it onto a chair, then she folded the bed's blanket back until it was bunched against the brass footboard.
