Hunters and Predators Pt. 02


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In Sean's suite, Mandy and her boss slash fucker snuggled close together on a couch, smoking and drinking. Mandy's leather top was open and a pair of half cups were holding up her big breasts. Her nipples were big and excited and looked wet from recent licking.

She had an arm around Sean's shoulder and a leg thrown across his lap. Her skirt was bunched around her waist Sean had one of his hands between her thighs. She was wearing no panties and his fingers were stroking her gaping, well fucked pussy. Sean's shirt was open, and his torso was covered with a light film of sweat. His pants were also open and pushed half way down his thighs. Mandy had a hand wrapped around his lolling, long cock and it was shiny with pussy juice and saliva.

"What did you get from Mark?" Sean asked Mandy, stroking her pussy slowly, leisurely.

"He is very jealous of you and his wife."

"All men are jealous of me and their bitches. And that means I am sexy," he laughed. "No, I mean, anything useful from Mark?"

"Yeah, I got him talking. You know me..."

"Yeah, them big tits work magic."

"It wasn't even that. I could turn him out and make him my bitch if I wanted. He would submit and do whatever I wanted. I almost thought of taking him outside to make him lick my boots. Shit. I should have brought my strap on."

"You're diverging," Sean said, adding another digit into her pussy, and easing them deep inside and then rolling them around.

"Mmmmmm! Alright. Way I see it, we would make double the money on our own, instead of going through them. On the other hand, they have the network in place, experienced people who know the region and, and, and."

"How much do they need us?"

"They are solid. They wouldn't go down if they didn't get our business."

"Its always a disadvantage to negotiate with people who don't need you," Sean said, and groaned, as Mandy rolled the palm of her hand around his dick head.

"And its a hustle to set a whole distribution company for just one line of products. But, we are talking about a lot of money here."

"Maybe we can buy a smaller company, with financial problems."

"Who will run it?"

"Well, maybe we can get Angie. She's smart enough, and experienced. And she knows everybody around here."

"And, you wanna fuck her, huh?" Mandy licked his ear and her hand slid up and down his now turgid cock, wanking him exquisitely.

"No!" Sean replied. "She is happily married, loves her husband and kids. She's a good person. I don't wanna taint her. And you know what happens to women I fuck... I mean, you should, Mandy..." he kissed her on the lips.

"Yeah, a girl gets filled up by this big dick, she becomes a sex crazy, big black dick addicted cum slut!"

Mandy said huskily, with a naughty smile on her face as she slid onto his lap, straddling him. He pulled his fingers out of her cunt and they were replaced by his hard cock. Mandy gave a prolonged moan as she sank down on him. Sean raised his fingers to her face and she took them and sniffed them.

"MMMMMM!!!! One for you, one for me..."

She sucked one shiny, pussy juice coated finger into her mouth as Sean took the other and they licked them clean. Then their lips found each other and they kissed deeply, wetly, passionately, as Mandy started rolling her hips, fucking his big cock, relishing having her pussy completely filled up with big, hard dick.

Meanwhile, Chad was just walking into the apartment of Hank and Liz, for those were the names of the young couple he had met at the bar. All three of them were drunk. Hank and Liz thought he was a nice, exciting guy from New York, but he thought they were just dumb ass hicks. Hank got some beer and lit up a joint. Chad shared some cocaine with them. Then the handsome blond Chad put three thousand bucks on the table.

"Alright guys, listen, I know you don't make money, working as dumb ass cashiers at the discounter for less than a grand a month. I wanna help you guys out."

"oh, you shouldn't.." Liz said, blushing.

"You gotta earn it though. Its three thousand, one and half for each. Now, who is gonna suck first?" he said, taking out his cock. It was hard.

"Hell Mr! Are you crazy! I ought to bust your jaw!" Hank exploded.

"Hank. Calm down. That's a lot of money!" Liz said, putting a restraining hand on him.

"I ain't letting you suck his cock!"

"Actually, I want both of you to do it. Its only fair. Now look at it, all that cash, and it can be yours. And no one outside of this room will ever know." Chad said.

He smiled meanly, seeing their greedy, broke ass eyes gazing dreamily at the cash. Chad had plans for their broke asses, both of them. He had often wondered what was worse for a man, to watch another man fuck his woman up the ass, or to have his woman watch while he got fucked up the ass. Chad didn't care. He was doing them both.

Sean had often called him sick, but Chad felt he was just misunderstood. All he needed really was that extra kick, something the white blond didn't and couldn't find in normal sex. It was something he only found through humiliation, of others, or himself. Well, Chad really had a lot of humiliation planned for Hank and Liz. They were gonna get paid, but they would work hard for it.

A couple of minutes later, every white feminist in America would have been happy to see the way the hick couple displaying an equal division of domestic labor, both were on their knees, sucking New York dick.

Chapter 7

The following day went as usual. Angie came and picked up Sean and Mandy in the morning and they spent the entire morning at Murphy's.

In the early afternoon, Angie drove Mandy and Sean to a diner where they took an outside table under an umbrella and had some tasty country food and wine. Then they drove back to the hotel. As Mandy went into her room, Sean led Angie into his suite. He poured them both double scotches.

He stood at the window, gazing outside.

"its a beautiful day. What you gonna do today?"

"If you don't need me, I am gonna go pick up my kids and do something nice with them. Maybe drive to the woods or something, or visit some farm and let them see cows and stuff."

"Mind if I tag along and maybe see the region a bit."

"Well, come on then. I am sure my kids will love you. They might gawk at you though. Ain't too many black folks around here."

"You mean they'll be like, "Mama! It talks!" Sean said and laughed.

"Come on! But don't be making weird jokes around my kids, alright?" she wagged a playful finger at him.

"Yeah, like, "Hi kids. I am your new daddy. Your old daddy, he ain't coming home no more. I done ran him out of town!" he laughed heartily.

"Maybe you better just stay here, Sean."

"Come on. He was is so jealous it was pathetic."

"Why not," Angie smiled, "you are young, handsome, charming, and very rich"

"Are you hitting on me," his eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Alright. That's it Sean. You ain't coming along."

"No. I promise I will be a good boy."

Angie did have a few doubts about how Mark would feel, but she was enjoying Sean's company. She decided to take him along. Her two sons warmed up to him immediately. He sat with them in the back seat. They were wrestling and playing and laughing as she drove to a farm. Angie kept smiling as she looked at them in the mirror. She and Mark rarely shared such moments with their kids, with all the work and the overtime Mark did even at week ends.

The farmer, who knew Mark very well, stared at Sean suspiciously. He assumed the worst and took Angie to the side to say that if things hadn't worked out with Mark, it still wasn't no reason to shack up with one of them. She blushed and told him Sean was just a visiting business man and he was way out of line.

Sean knew absolutely nothing about cows and was even scared of them. When they wanted to ride on horses he nearly bolted. It took quite a lot of effort and teasing to get him to mount one of the beasts.

They rode across the wide, open range for an hour. When they returned to the stables, Sean complained that his aching butt was killing him. Angie and the kids laughed heartily.

Chapter 8

That evening, Angie and Mark had one of their worst quarrel in years. The farmer had called him to inquire if everything was alright. And when he got home, the kids could not stop talking about all the fun they had had with Sean. Mark said nothing at first, but he was mad as hell and he felt so insecure. And he was feeling jealous as hell.

All evening, he was fuming, knocking down beers. Once the kids were in bed he went at Angie in the bedroom, snapping and being so obnoxious to her till she had to ask him,

"What the hell is wrong Mark?" Angie asked, getting mad at him snapping constantly at her.

"You tell me Angie. Or are you too busy about your day with Sean on the range. Bet you find his New York accent so cool, huh?" he sneered balefully at her.

"Mark, he asked if he could come along and why should I say no. It ain't like we are gonna do something in front of the kids. Stop being silly," she pleaded, feeling annoyed.

"Oh, so you are gradually nudging me out, and introducing him to the kids. Is that it?"

"My goodness. You are paranoid Mark. He is leaving back for New York in a couple of days anyway."

"How can you take my kids with him somewhere without asking me first? And how dare you embarrass me in front of my friends like that! Running around with a nigger!" Mark shouted, fuming.

"Lower your voice Mark, the kids are sleeping."

"Don't fucking tell me to lower my voice. This is my fucking house. Now answer me. How can you! And I not rich enough for you? Or am I not big enough for you? Does he have a huge nigger cock? Is that it?"

"Yes Mark! And he is going to sell the kids drugs and shoot them! And then rape me!" Angie retorted with anger. Then she caught herself. "Come on Mark, this is like a bad joke!"

"I ain't fucking joking Angie. Don't fuck with me!"

"Look, if you had a little more time for us, maybe we could spend more time together. Then you would have to get all worked up about this. But you are either working, out with your friends or watching ball games on TV"

"Why the fuck do I slave these long hours. For you and the kids, isn't it?"

"How about you just spend more time with us."

"Coz we got mortgages and bills to pay, dammit. I ain't some nigger millionaire from New York with a jet airplane. You want one, take him. But listen well. You will never be able to see the kids again."

"Mark, stop blowing this out of proportion. Your jealous is pathetic. Pathetic. You are drunk. You are being stupid."

"Then why don't you go to your smart nigger. Go fuck his huge cock and have nigger babies. But you can forget my kids!"

He kicked the bed furiously, hurting his foot but he didn't care. He made for the door.

"Mark. Where are you going. Come back."

"No! I am sleeping on the couch, coz there is something smelly in here." He sniffed the air and twisted his face. "Smells like a nigger whore!"

Angie gasped. Mark slammed the door shut behind him.

Chapter 9

Mark wasn't the only one disturbed. Mandy in fact called an emergency meeting with Chad. She took the handsome blond to a country and western bar for a drink. They perched on bar stools and leaned close to each other, chatting above the din.

Chad spent the first half hour telling her that since their arrival, he had fucked three hotel maids, all of them married. He had also had two bell boys sucking his dick and then fucked them up the ass.

"Damn Chad, you are a mean bastard!" Mandy exclaimed, feeling her ears getting hot. She loved dirty, nasty sex and that was Chad's favorite past time. He was so much into humiliation, either he got humiliated, or he humiliated someone else.

"I tell you Mandy, these hicks are so easy to fuck. You just lay a couple of hundred dollars on the table and you can do what the fuck you want with them. I even had this fool fucking himself with a corked wine bottle as I wanked in his face and sprayed," Chad laughed nastily. "For 250 measly dollars, can you believe. I love this town. How many bitches and jerks have you fucked so far?"


"Shit! You are getting rusty, Mandy."

"No. I am worried about Sean. He is overdoing it with this settling down business."

"Oh well, every player gets tired of the game, sooner or later," Chad said philosophically.

"Well, I suppose. But does he have to go off and fall in love with some married, hill billy bitch?"

"Fuck that. She is like a used car with loads of mileage. Imagine two big heads already pushed through that pussy. Sean can do better than that. But he ain't that dumb!"

"Men are dumb when they fall in love."

"Are you jealous Mandy?"

"Yeah I love Sean, like a sister. I mean, I fuck him, but my love for him is sisterly, yunno. I will be happy for him if he does find love, yunno. But not some married hill billy mummy with two white kids, please. They gonna call him step daddy? Not my Sean!"

"Your Sean, huh!"

"Fuck Chad. We need to do something. I have a plan..."

Mandy told Chad her plan. He laughed heartily.

"Damn! That's nasty."

"He's an old dog, we just need to bring him back to his good old tricks."

"Yeah," Chad agreed. "Lets have some fun."

Sean was working on his computer when Chad and Mandy joined him from their drink. Mandy was looking alluring in a short, sexy backless halter dress that clung to her like a second skin. It had a deep v front that left a generous amount of silky, chocolate breast peeking out. It clung to her curvy hips and thick, balloon like butt cheeks and exposed a good amount of her smooth, silky, juicy brown thighs.

Chad produced a fat bag of weed he had bought from the hotel staff. The room was soon filled with thick clouds of smoke as they chatted, smoked and had drinks. Mandy sat between the two guys

"Damn! I liked the look on that white face when Chad said, "Actually, he is Mr Smith!" Mandy laughed. "She was almost like, "No, this cant be right! He is a nigger!"

"Come on guys, don't be so hard on her. Most white folks ain't used to rich Niggaz!" Chad laughed. "Except for O J. and Tyson!"

Sean laughed and laid a hand on Mandy's juicy thigh. He stroked her tenderly, easing her dress up to expose her tiny, silky, cream tanga that clung to her fat, shaved pussy.

Mandy's laughter peeled sweetly as she laid one hand on Sean's lap. Her dainty, dark, long fingered hands closed over the bulge in his pants and squeezed.

"I would love to see her chocking on Sean's big, black cock!" Chad chuckled dirtily. "I like to see them pretty, sweet, married white women hunted, debased and turned into black fucked Nigga whores."

"Chad is right Sean, you need to fuck her," Mandy said mischievously, spreading her thighs as Sean's big hand closed over her cunt and he fondled it tenderly. "Turn her into a lil white cum slut."

"Oh, come on, she's a nice married woman."

"So? How many married white bitches have we turned out between us? The Hunt is on."

"There is nothing to be gained from me hunting Angie. She cant help me in any fucking way."

"Then allow yourself one hunt just for the fun of it. Just to test if you still got it. Hunt her and subdue her. Make her your sweet, little white prey."

"Yesss. Please let me witness you move in for the kill and conquer another little white slut with your big, black cock. Make her choke on it!!" Chad said dreamily, gazing at Mandy's hand stroking Sean's bulge.

"I need a woman to settle down with," Sean said, as his fingers eased Mandy's tanga to the side, to reveal her silky, dark, shaved mons. Her long, furled dark pussy lips were like flaps, framing a pink reddish slit. It was shiny with moisture. He ran his digits up and down her dripping gash and she rasped and rolled her curvy hips.

"You are getting old and rusty Sean. Pussy whipped! Damn! I never thought I would see this day!" Chad teased Sean. "The Hunter is played out."

"He is scared that white country girl will turn him down and hurt his feelings. She will be like, "No!!! I don't fuck niggers!" Mandy teased, double fisting his long cock through his pants.

"Oh, I can get her if I put my mind to it," Sean said confidently. "You know me."

"Then do it," Mandy said huskily and leaned into Sean and nibbled on his ear lobe. "Fuck her! Turn her out. Be her black master! Make that sweet little white wife eat your black ass hole! make her your sweet little servant and black cock worshiper!"

Mandy eased her tongue into his ear hole and teased him. Sean groaned as she deftly opened his zipper and slid her hand inside. Her fingers closed over his lolling cock and she stroked it expertly, making it hard as a rock. Sean eased a long, thick finger into her slit and it was swallowed into her hot, wetness. Mandy groaned, her eyes narrowing down to lust filled slits.

"Come on Sean! Your dick is hard as a rock. I know you wanna fuck her. But I bet you you cant!"

"Dammit! Alright then! You sex maniacs. But I will play fair with her. I will give her a rope, and its her choice to hang herself. If she is a whoring gold digger, she will get fucked like one. But if she is proper and decent, we all back off. Alright?"

"Sounds boring," Mandy pouted.

"Don't worry, if he waves a little cash in her face, that bitch will be sucking black dick and licking ass in a second. And I wanna be there to see it," Chad grinned naughtily.

"Chad, you know what, you are a perverted white boy."

"You are the biggest pervert of all Sean. You are talking all this shit about wanting to settle down, but I just don't buy it. Shit Mandy, you nasty!" Chad chuckled, as Mandy fished Sean's thick, dark cock out of his pants and grabbed it triumphantly. She smiled mischievously as she stroked Sean's dick, rolling her palm around the thick head like a door knob, in full view of Chad, who was gazing idly at it. Mandy's eyes twinkled with lust.

"Fuck Mandy, I'm starving and shit. Lets go eat..." Sean jumped up and stuffed his cock into his pants.

"Yeah, Sean is right. I am starving too."

"Oh!" Mandy pouted as the two men chuckled at her and made for the door. "You motherfuckers hungry, then eat this fucking pussy. Limp dick fags! I will get you for that" She jumped up and slapped and pinched their asses as they left the room. The two men laughed heartily and slid their arms around her from both sides. Mandy walked between them, a firm ass cheek in each hand.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Nice idea, terrible execution - I stopped reading after a few pages. Who wants to read a rape story? Not me. You could have made it so that the victims like the sex they get, maybe gradually turning it into them serving their hunters. Instead, we have two people randomly allowing the "hunters" to rape them after a few lines of coke.

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