Hot Sand: Flip Flops & Halter Tops


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"Is it...okay?" she said, turning to face him.

"Mom's for real gonna kill you, but yeah, you look good."

Megan smiled. Such a compliment had never before been uttered from her dork brother's mouth. It instilled her with a buoyancy that carried her down the stairs, right into the view of Chuck, before she'd had a chance to mentally prepare herself. "Oh. Hi," she said.

"Morning, Meg," he said, his body stilled by the sight of her. "You look...different."

"Oh," Megan said. "Is it...okay?"

"Oh, yeah," Chuck said, a bit too enthusiastically. The magic of Megan's shy smile made Chuck's muscles feel fuzzy, useless, unable to move his body or even his face the way he wanted them to.

To Megan, it was a revelation. She could tell that she'd stunned him, in a very good way. She felt naked there in front of him, as if her three private spots were covered by nothing more than a few threads. She could feel that her nipples were alive, and she knew what that meant because she'd seen it the mirror. The bikini's magical spandex-like fabric seemed to shrink-wrap her vivacious breasts, giving away the exact contours of her spirited nipples, the suckable tips of them, and even the sculptural circular edge of her tender areolas. It was all outlined and contoured, as if a 3-D printer had been programed with the command: Carnal Titties, 34 Double D.

"Oh, wow," Lil said, walking into the living room from the kitchen, "That looks...even wilder than I remember. Are you sure about that one, Megan?"

Megan nodded, her eyes slightly intense but twinkling. "Mm hmm. I like it."

"Okay, well...if you're sure," Lil said. "I've seen other girls that way, but... I just never"

Megan smiled shyly, showing her braces, the sparkle of them at odds with her newly womanly bikini body. "I'm eighteen now," she said, as if to reassure herself as much as Lil and Chuck.

"You certainly are," Lil said, taking the words right out of Chuck's tongue-tied mouth. Lil's eyes took in all of the girl — the flat stomach, hourglass waist and perfect little bellybutton; the sexy pelvic mound that the tiny bikini bottom covered; the long legs that looked so much less awkward than they used to. "Oh good, you brought flip flops. That's pretty much all I wear, the whole time I'm here."

"I like your top," Megan said. "I've never seen you in a halter before."

The two women walked to the kitchen as they continued chatting about clothes. It was Chuck's first look at the going away side of Megan's bikini-bared body, fully thonged at the bottom and with just a bow-knotted string around her top. Her perfect young ass didn't completely surprise him — he'd admired it many times when she was fully clothed over the last year or two — but seeing it so cheekily bare made his muscles fuzzy and useless again, just when they were almost back to normal.

After a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, the decision was made to go to the beach as a foursome. A few minutes later, up in Lil and Chuck's bedroom, Lil lifted her newly purchased bikini from the shopping bag, holding the little pieces of the scanty, featherweight swimsuit in her hands to show Chuck. "I don't know if I'm brave enough," she said to him. "Megan talked me into trying it and getting it."

"Hey, I gave up trying to get you to wear one years ago, but you know I'll be happy with it," Chuck said. "I'm glad you're enjoying having Megan around. She's a sweetheart."

"Oh, I know. Can you believe how she's blossomed, and how grown up she is? I'm not sure I know how to handle it. She's so smart and sensible, you think Carol would let her wear that bikini? I have visions of boys surrounding her and carrying her way."

"Ha! That'd be something," Chuck said. "But I wonder, does that say more about your fantasies than hers?"

"I'd be a horrible mother," Lil said. "I mean, Michael's become a man, too. I don't know how Carol does it."

Chuck smirked, wanting to make a comment about the sexy young man their midst, but he held his tongue. Best for her to let all those thoughts simmer quietly, he thought, the way he was dealing with his own thoughts of Megan. Keep them all tamped down and maybe they'll fade away.

"Wow, you really did go for it," he said, watching as Lil adjusted the bikini top she'd just put on.

"It's crazy for a woman my age to wear one that's unlined. Isn't it?"

"That looks pretty great on you, I gotta say," Chuck said. "You'll be turning on the young man in the house. Is that what you were going for?"

"I will not! And no, I wasn't going for that! Your mind always goes in the gutter when we're here with all the beach girls and women. You'd better keep your eyes in your head this time, especially with Megan here."

"Don't worry. I'll be a good boy. But will Michael?"

Lil took off her shorts and panties, put on the bikini bottom, and put on the shorts again. "My God, I need a cover-up shirt too, don't I," she said to her reflection in the mirror. "I'll be all bouncy in this. This is the craziest bathing suit I've ever bought. And at my age!"

"I like it," Chuck said. "Seriously, you look really good. I see you didn't go for a thong, though. That would have been fun."

"Yeah? Is that what you think of Megan's? Fun?"

Chuck smiled but didn't answer. The look on Lil's face told him nothing good would come from any of the things he might say.

Lil pulled on a see-through shirt made of chiffon, and tied it around her middle. "I guess were ready. I'm glad I got a tan at the spa at home."

"Yeah, me too," Chuck said, looking down at his body. "I guess fishing pays off."

Being a Monday, the beach wasn't crowded. Lil, amazed at the gumption it took for Megan to walk there wearing nothing but a daring bikini and flip flops, young breasts jiggling and nipply the whole way, took off her middle-age cover-ups and showed the world her own attempt at gumption. The bikini she wore was just as sexy on top as Megan's, but the bottom part covered her behind somewhat. No thong on this forty-five year old, but there was none needed — the little two-piece swimsuit perfectly displayed her nice ass and her nicely curvy body, a body one might call slender, at least as compared to the standards of the day.

Michael was more than a little impressed by the sight of her. "You bought that yesterday, Lil?" he asked, taking the opportunity to look her over.

"Yes," Lil said, tingling a little from his gaze. "Do you approve?"

"Oh, for sure. You're younger than my mom, right?"

Lil smiled. "Older. But not by much."

"Wow," Michael said.

Lil felt the heat of a blush, because the "wow" was not about her age. Michael's looks at her body were genuinely approving, so much so that she broke out in goosebumps. "The sun feels good, doesn't it?" she said, trying to rein in her inappropriate thoughts.

"Oh my God, it does," Megan said, already lying on her back on a spread-out towel, with just a bit of an upward arch in her back. This unintentionally beguiling horizontal posture added to the impression that she was in fact very close to naked, her softly bulging breasts and every other bit of her looking nothing but sexy, more so than ever before. Michael couldn't help but notice. His kid sister was really turning into something.

Chuck noticed, too, of course, stealing glances at Megan between looks at his newly sexy wife and other less attractive folks nearby. He was happy to see that he was with the two best looking females on their stretch of beach.

Without thinking much about it he spread out his towel next to Megan's, right up close to the side of it the way he'd always done with Lil. The dominoes were falling. Lil was next, spreading her towel next to Chuck's, and then Michael did the unexpected, setting up his own little camp next to Lil. No one thought it odd, maybe, except for Lil. She'd thought brother and sister would stick close, so they could quietly chat, but maybe sibling dynamics were different than what she'd thought, or maybe other things were going on. Maybe Michael was quietly confident, with an eye for older women. The thought made Lil tingle again, wondering if such a thing was true.

Under the strengthening rays of the bright white sun, Megan lay there on the clean soft towel, on her back, with her arms at her sides, her young breasts crowning her like an aging husband's dream. With her head tipped to the side, she watched Chuck as he sat on his towel and removed his shirt. At almost the same moment, Lil was watching Michael do the same thing. Lying on her back, the way Megan was, Lil hoped gravity was erasing some years from her thick middle. Michael, freshly bare-chested, smiled at her. "It's nice here," he said. "Does it get really busy on the weekends?"

"It can get crowded," Lil said. "I like these weekdays better." She tipped her head the other direction, toward her husband. "Want to put lotion on me, Honey? I'm feeling lazy."

"Absolutely," Chuck said.

Lil didn't move, remaining on her back, face-up on her towel. Chuck squeezed sunscreen lotion onto his hand and began the process, down at Lil's feet and ankles. Soon he was at her shins, then her thighs. That's when thoughts of envy crept into Megan's mind, and into Michael's as well. Michael didn't fully understand his feelings for Lil yet, but Megan wasn't confused at all. She had the full-on hormonal hots for Chuck, and it was becoming clear to her that spending a few days with him in these barely clothed circumstances was going to lead to something. Good or bad, it was going to lead to something. It just had to.

Michael's confusion soon turned into an erection. He hadn't expected it, but there it was. He sat cross legged so his bathing suit wouldn't show it too much, with his eyes glancing, over and over again, at the way Chuck's slippery hands worked all around and then teasingly under the sides of Lil's bikini bottom. Lil was feeling the horniness, too, not fully aware of Michael's glances but thinking, and even hoping, maybe, that he was looking. She knew it was wrong to let such a thing go on, but neither she nor Chuck nor either of their borrowed kids wanted to stop it. When Chuck's hands made it to Lil's waist, inching toward her chest, her eyes were closed and she was softly moaning. "You're awfully good at this," she sighed.

Megan wanted to say Yes, you are, and I need some, too, but she thought any words spoken might stop the sensual show, so she lay there with her head tipped to the side, watching. Chuck knew her eyes were on him, and his own hormonal instincts suddenly made him up the ante a little. He swung his leg over his wife, straddling her upper thighs, sitting right down on her, with the weight of his cock and balls right on her pussy area.

"Oh my goodness," Lil said, glancing at him but closing her eyes again. "You're getting serious."

Chuck was surprised at her response. He'd expected disapproval, but no, Lil was letting him have his way. With another application of lotion, his massaging hands reached the lower part of her chest, right below the sexy new bikini top, and he spent more than a little time there. With his cock mostly hard now, and his blood pumping, it took some willpower to keep his fingers from pressing up under the fabric, onto the flesh of his lovely wife's tits. Lil's breathing, shallow and ragged, had the two young voyeurs wondering what would happen next. But then Lil opened her eyes and propped herself on her elbows; Chuck was leaning over her, ready for more, kissable if Lil had wanted to. "Do my shoulders while I do the top of me," she said, eyes twinkling, her voice softened from pleasant arousal.

It was a quick change of plan that Chuck hadn't bargained on. His cock was big and solid, not wildly erect but pretty darn hard. With men's bathing suits being soft and unstructured as they are, he needed to make a big move quickly, to get on his knees in a sitting position behind his wife, without anyone noticing his boner.

Instinct kicked in that Megan didn't know she had, her eyes quickly glancing for something sexual, something that she found. A noticeable lump was there, right where she looked for it, thick looking and maybe long; making itself known under the soft swim trunks was the cock that she'd fantasized about last night, when her fingers were deep in her tight little pussy.

Michael rolled onto his stomach so he could have his head turned in a more relaxed manner toward Lil. The idea of him watching sent tingles through her when Chuck's hands started massaging lotion into her shoulders. Lil worried that the creases across her stomach were ugly, so she sat straighter and arched her back, a position that spread her thighs slightly and thrust her breasts forward more than a lady should. But being a lady didn't matter, she told herself; they were friendly eyes on her. Nothing to worry about, just a handsome young college man with a beautiful body. She sensed Megan's eyes, too, and wondered what was going through the girl's mind. A happy marriage? Is that what she's thinking and seeing? Yes, it must be, unless she's got a thing for older men. That thought vanished and Michael was in Lil's head again when she asked Chuck for a dollop of lotion on her hand, and she began applying it to her upper chest and cleavage. It was another of Lil's I-shouldn't-be-doing-this moments, but she couldn't seem to stop herself. Soon the scene was fully sensual again, with Chuck's massaging hands below the bikini strap on her back, and then moving in a slippery way to her sides, encouraging the arch of her back, while Lil's own hands worked on her sweaty, shiny cleavage. Michael, with his cock fully hard again, was glad he was laying on his stomach to keep his arousal from view. Lil, he now knew for sure, was so much sexier than he'd ever realized back at home.

And still the sensual show continued. Lil pulled her knees up and applied lotion to the backs of her thighs, her slender fingers getting all up-close-and-personal with her crotch. It was another un-ladylike thing to do, but Lil just went with the flow, caught up in the interesting freedom and excitement. It wasn't a big deal, she told herself — people apply lotion to themselves here at the beach all the time. But this, on this day, with Michael's young eyes on her, felt excitingly different.

Megan had purchased a big tube of sunscreen lotion at the swimwear store, so now that Chuck was back on his own towel next to her, she started her own little show. The hot sun and her excited nerves had already put a slippery glisten of persperation on her skin, mostly on her breasts, her cleavage, and her flat little belly. She thought of starting there, on the slippery parts, going all stripper-girl sexy for Chuck's viewing pleasure, but she knew she had to be sensible, act normal, keep her sexual thoughts from catching Lil's eye. For a few moments Megan felt bad about what she was about to do — Lil is so nice, after all — but then her young hands started putting lotion on her young legs, and Chuck's sneaking glances became more frequent, and Lil just sort of vanished from Megan's horny young mind. Soon she was applying lotion very near her crotch, the highest up part of her tender inner thighs—the way Lil had done—and a little moan slipped out of Megan's throat and nose, little enough that only Chuck heard it.

His cock was hardening again but he didn't dare move. He had the view he wanted, and on his back with his knees up the way they were he was pretty sure the lump of his stiffening cock wasn't very noticeable. Megan wanted to look there, to see if her little show was having an effect, but she dared not. Instead, she continued, lying on her back now, with her knees up the way Chuck's were. She squeezed some lotion just below her bellybutton, her fingers spreading it to the top of her tiny bikini bottom, her fingertips teasingly under the edges of the stretchy fabric, and under the thin side straps, the same way Chuck's fingers had teased Lil. Megan, though, took a riskier chance. With a guess that Lil wasn't looking and Chuck was, she slipped the fingers of her right hand under the stretchy fabric, right onto her clit and into the wetness of her pussy, just for a brief, glorious second.

Another moan escaped her, louder this time, but with the ocean's surf quietly hissing, and Lil chatting with Michael, it went unnoticed by all but Chuck again. Not only did he hear the strikingly sexy little noise, the quick thrill of what he'd just seen and heard caused him to glance at Megan's face. The surprise of her eyes meeting his hit him like a jolt of electricity. Megan felt it, too, a quick shot of goosebumps, and a tingle in her just-touched clit. The sexual connection she'd been dreaming about was made — her very own older man, with a look in his eyes that spoke volumes, volumes that she'd yet to read and learn but imagined as extraordinary.

Megan glanced over and saw that Lil was lying on her side, facing away, toward Michael, deep in conversation with him about college. Megan felt an exciting twinge of bad-girl, a sensation that was new and exciting. She let it take her, guide her, reveling in the grown-up feelings. How would a sexy girl do this? she wondered, as she raised up from lying down, into a new pose, one that she hoped would keep Chuck interested. She found herself on her knees, sitting on the heels of her feet, with her back arched like the nudie models and porn girls do. She'd never sat that way before, and certainly never when as nearly nude as she was, with her thong-naked ass thrust one way and her spandex-shrink-wrapped tits thrust the other. She got right to work so as to make it a purposeful pose, one that allowed her to lotion herself with ease. It was the sun-warmed slippery bits now, her flat belly that was stretched tight by her arched back, and then her lean ribcage area, and then the slipperiest bit of all, her lovely, deep, oh-so-womanly cleavage. Chuck's watching was out in the open now, his wife oblivious. He wanted to comment, about Megan's brand new and stunning tits, and the lithe flexibility of her perfect young body, but he kept those thoughts to himself. Megan read his mind, though, and she smiled. Chuck smiled, too, when he saw the sunlight glinting off the silver braces on her straight white teeth.

Megan, her mind racing with thoughts, handed Chuck the tube of lotion, silently, so as not to rouse any attention from Lil and Michael. Megan was quickly down flat, on her stomach, and Chuck couldn't quite believe what was happening. Lying face down as she was, with just the tiniest bits of bikini showing, his cute leggy neighbor was, for all intents and purposes, a naked girl. Her ass looked extra perky, raised, humped to the point of nearly fuckable, her deliberately arching spine making it so. Megan's head was turned Chuck's way, her eyes big and wanting. He understood her silence, his own eyes glancing at his wife, happy to see that she was still lost in conversation with Michael. Chuck stayed low, on his side, propped on one elbow for a good view of all of Megan, and he started a silent, one-handed lotion massage of her warm flesh. Megan smiled, didn't close her eyes, watching her older man, glancing secretly at the lump in his bathing suit. Chuck applied lotion to her shoulders, and her back, and the small of it where it curved upward to her lovely little ass, a particularly pleasurable place for his big hand to be.

Megan's humped up ass would certainly burn in the sun, so Chuck's lotion-slippery hand went there, to the young, perfect, thong-naked cheeks of it. That's when Megan's eyes closed, her whole body shuddering in a barely noticeable way. The way her breathing changed excited Chuck as much as anything, her breaths short, through an open mouth, punctuated with silenced moans. Yes, Megan was enjoying having his hand there, having his fingers sneaking tickles down between her warm fleshy cheeks, just an inch from her little asshole and oh-so-wet pussy.