Homecoming Date


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Linda kept watching him in the mirror she knew why he couldn't get out of bed. It amused her to know that he wasn't as grown up as he thought he was. "Are you going to get up and shower? We have to go eat and get ready for the game." She just wanted to see what he would do. If he lay there she was going to get up and put her dress on and turn her back until he got in the bathroom.

Jim was embarrassed for his mother to see him like this; knowing it was her that caused the problem. When it didn't look like she was gong to hurry he decided to brave it out. He flipped off the covers and stood up. He wanted to run to the bath but he made himself take his time. When the doors closed behind him he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he got out of bed Linda watched him just as he watched her before. He was like his father in more ways than one. His cock was at least as large as his fathers and twenty years younger. Her cunt was wet just thinking about him. She shook her head as if to shake away any thoughts she might have about her son. She was in danger of letting this date business go to far.

By the time his shower was finished he had taken care of part of his problem. Even cumin in the shower helped only a short time. Thankfully his mother had on her dress when he came out of the shower.

Linda enjoyed the game that afternoon. Their team won the game and there was a lot of yelling and screaming after each score. A bottle had been making the rounds all game long. Each time it came by Jim and Linda they took a sip. By the forth quarter the whole group wasn't feeling any pain. She had been hugged by several of the more adventurous guys setting next to them. Her butt had been pinched and her tits touched; bringing back memories of the days when she and Charles were in college. Some things never change.

They broke away from the others and went back to the hotel to change for the dance that night. The hotel was only a few blocks from the stadium and they walked back. Jim held her hand as they walked along. "Thanks Mom for coming up this weekend. It has sure made things easier on me."

"I am having a good time. Don't tell your father but I think I have blue spots on my ass where your friends pinched me. I haven't been pinched this much since my college days."

He pulled her close and put his arm around her waist. His fingers were just below the swell of her breast. "I saw Susan looking at you several times today and she didn't look happy."

"She must have been the girl in the pink pull over. She wasn't very friendly to either of us."

"That was her and the boy with her is the one I saw her with."

"She is very pretty. Are you sure you wouldn't rather be with her?"

He pulled her tighter. "She is not nearly as pretty as you. All my friends think you are really hot." His hand moved up tighter to her breast.

Linda reached up and caught his hand. "I'm glad you think I'm hot but even in my college days I wasn't much for making out in public. You need to watch where your hand goes. You seem to have a hard time remembering I am you mother."

He lowered his hand but didn't take it from around her as they continued on towards the hotel. "I keep thinking about you being my mother and for some reason it just makes you that much more exciting. I bet there is not a guy here that their mother looks nearly as good as mine."

Linda couldn't help being pleased that her son found her exciting. She was very pleased to be walking next to such a young handsome man. His touch on her breast had more of an effect on her than he knew. She wondered to herself if he had touched her in the privacy of their hotel room would she have stopped him.

Linda entered the cool room and Jim shut the door behind them and flipped on the lock. She heard the lock snap in place and a shutter ran up her spine. Now there wasn't anyone to see him if he touched her.

She slipped off her jacket and set down on the edge of the bed. "I think I will take a nap, we have a few hours to kill before the dance." She kicked off her shoes and lay back on the bed.

Jim walked around the room kicking off his shoes and pulled off his shirt and hung it in the closet. All the time he was watching his mother out of the corner of his eye. She sure looked sexy stretched out on her back. He could feel his cock getting hard again and he couldn't stop it.

Linda felt the bed sag as he set down across from her. She opened her eyes to see him propped up on his elbow looking at her. "What?"

"Nothing, I just like looking at my beautiful mother."

She smiled at him. "You didn't look at me like that when you were younger."

"I was young and didn't realize how beautiful you were back then. It is a good thing I didn't notice, I could never have found a date that could match up with you."

She reached across and touched his cheek with her fingers. "I am proud to have a handsome son like you. I am glad you think I am pretty."

He took her hand in his and turned it over and kissed the palm. He could feel the tremble that passed through her body at the gentle touch. He remembered what she had said about making out in public. He couldn't stop himself from doing what he did next.

He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. He had kissed her the night before but this time it was much more sexual.

It would be hard to figure who was the most shocked at the kiss. Him for having the nerve to do it or Linda that felt it go completely through her body to stop at her cunt. Without thinking of the consequences she opened her lips to him as she pulled his head closer to hers.

Her mouth opened and his tongue slid between her lips to touch her tongue. He was gentle as his tongue explored her mouth.

Her eyes were shut as she let him control her mouth. She liked to be kissed and loved it when Charles would take the time to kiss her before making love. For a moment she forgot about it being her son and not her husband that was kissing her so well.

She turned her head away and broke the kiss. He didn't force her as she pulled back. Her arm dropped down from around his neck. "Whew! What brought that on?"

He had a sheepish smile on his face. "I just couldn't resist. You are so beautiful lying here. I never felt like this before."

"I have to admit that it was quite a surprise for me also." She tried to make light of it. "If I had know you could kiss this good I would have started kissing you years ago, but then your father wouldn't have like you encroaching on his territory."

"Mom, are you sorry I kissed you?"

She looked at him waiting for an answer. "No, I liked your kiss, but I don't know that you should kiss me like that." She saw him smile and a look of devilment flashed in his eye. "Oh no you don't! That is the same look your father used on me years ago."

She was smiling so he knew she wasn't mad at him. "It must have worked then." He leaned back over her and covered her mouth again. She tried to advert her lips from him but his fingers turned her back to meet his lips as the came down on hers.

She put up a little struggle but his body was much bigger and stronger than hers was. Then his lips were covering hers once again. This time the kiss wasn't as gentle as it was demanding. His tongue pushed against her mouth and she sighed as she opened her mouth to him once more.

She knew that she should put a stop to it before it went any farther, but her will power was fast vanishing. Her arms had long ago pulled him over on top of her and her tongue was just as busy in his mouth as he was in hers. His weight lay across her breasts and she could feel his cock hard against her side. Her panties were now soaking wet from the excitement.

He had kissed her for several minuets before his hand went to work on her breasts. At first his hand gently squeezed them through the material of her bra and shirt. She pushed his hand away but he kept bringing it back. When she no longer pushed him away he reached for the buttons of her shirt.

Linda felt his hands as he stroked them over her breasts. She tried to stop him but he kept come back. Finally it felt to good to stop. It was amazing how much he was like his father twenty years before. She forgot it was her son that was kissing her and feeling of her breasts. Each time she tried to stop him he would just keep on touching her.

The more he touched her the more sure he was that she would let him go farther. When the last button was opened he lay back the shirt on each side of her. Her beautiful breast were firm under the sex bra she had on. His hand cover first one and then the other. Never in his deepest fantasies did he think he would ever get to touch her breasts the way he was doing now.

As he continued to kiss her he moved his hands behind her to find the snap to her bra.

Linda felt his hand on her back and knew that he was searching for the fastener to her bra. 'No Jimmy, don't do that. You are carrying things way to far already."

Just as she said that he released the catch and her breast spring up at their freedom. "Mother, raise your arms so I can take it off."

Without thinking she did what he asked just as she would if Charles had told her to do the same thing. To late she realized that she was now naked to the waist with her son touching her.

Jim raised up and propped up on one arm as he took in her prefect breast. His hand was traveling over them in a gentle caress. The nipples were hard little points standing up high on her breasts. He wasn't saying anything; just stroking her breasts.

Linda looked up to find him watching her breasts as he stroked them. She liked the feel of his hand on her body and was reluctant to stop him. She didn't reach for his hand to stop him. She watched as he played with her breasts. She could see that he was still turned on and his cock was still pressing against her leg.

Jim realized that his mother was now watching every move he made. He looked to see her watching him. "They are perfect."

"Thank you but nothing is perfect. You should be with your girlfriend and I should be home with Charles."

"I like touching you like this."

"I like it too but you need to stop before something else happens that we will be sorry for."

He leaned down and took a nipple between his lips. He pulled back stretching it as he came. He released it and went back for the other one.

Linda could feel her panties soaking as she let her son suck on her breasts. She had never had a sexual thought about Jim all the time he was living at home. Now she was letting him have all the time he wanted to play with her tits. If Charlie ever found out he would kill them both. As she lay back and let him have his way she knew that soon she had to call a stop to this.

She didn't have to stop him. He moved from her breasts on his own. She thought he was going to stop at last. She was relieved that he had enough will power to stop touching her.

The relief was short lived as he got on his knees and started kissing her breasts and down towards her stomach. One hand now covered her breast as his mouth moved lower, kissing her body as he went. Where had he learned how to please a woman like this?

His mouth stopped just above the waist of her pants. They were low cut and her navel was now exposed to his tongue. He paused long enough to work his tongue in it before moving lower still. He heard her catch her breath and draw in a good breath as his hand slid under the waist of her pants.

Linda had her first climax with her son as his hand slid under the waist of her pants. When she came down from her high she could feel his hand now covering her cunt. At some point he had released the catch that held the pants shut and had opened it. His fingers were under her panties and she knew that he knew she was soaked. It was embarrassing to have her son know how much he could turn her on.

She reached for his hand and pulled him out of her pants. Her face was red and she was sweating. She had almost let him go way too far. Her breasts were one thing but he was after something that he couldn't have. "NO! Jimmy Stop! You can't do that to me. I'm your mother. Please stop."

"The sound of her voice was what stopped him. He removed his hand and moved back up on the bed. He lay his head on her chest where he could touch her breasts with his tongue.

Linda was so relieved that he stopped when she told him that she didn't mind him touching her breasts again. She held his head in her hands. "We are way over the line but promise me you want do that again."

"Mom, I want you so bad. I need to feel all of you wrapped around me."

"Jimmy, it's not right for us to do that. I shouldn't have let you get this far but this is as far as it can go."

"Mom, don't you like the way it feels when I touch you?"

"You know I like it, but that has nothing to do with going farther. It's not right for us to do this together. I have never cheated on you father and I want now with his son."

She could tell from the look on his face that he knew that what he was wanting was not going to happen. She actually felt sorry for making him feel so bad. She had to laugh at him. He looked like a kid that had lost his candy.

"What are you laughing about?"

"You look like you just lost your last friend." She held out her arms and pulled him back to her chest. His head rested on her naked breasts. She hadn't intended to let him touch her anymore but he looked so pitiful that she reconsidered. "What is wrong with kissing me?"

"Nothing is wrong with kissing you. Are you going to keep letting me kiss you?"

"I think we can handle that as long as Charles doesn't find out about it."

"What about you breasts? Can I still continue to touch you?"

"You never give up do you?" She had to laugh at him. "Ok, but only for this weekend. You better not try that at home."

He had just moved back to her breasts from kissing her when the phone rang. Linda leaned over and answered it while Jim was sucking her tits. It was Charles on the line. "HI Honey."

"Charles, I didn't expect you to call." She pushed at Jim head to stop him from sucking her tits while his father was on the phone.

A burst of excitement went through Jim that he was sucking his mother's tits while his father was talking to her. He went to work on them harder.

The erotic thought of her son sucking on her tits while she was talking to her husband wasn't lost on her either. She could feel a climax building deep in her stomach. Then it doubled. Jim had moved down her body, kissing every inch as he went.

Linda was trying to stop him and carry on a conversation with Charles at the same time.

"Linda? Is something wrong?"

"No, every thing is find. I am just getting ready for the dance while we talk." Jim's hand was now touching her between the legs. She was trying to twist away from him and talk at the same time. She wasn't having much luck with either. "Charles let me go. I have to finish getting ready. I will call you tomorrow and let you know how the dance came out."

Charles said his good byes not a moment too soon. Jim mouth was over her cunt. Even thought her clothes she could feel the warm heat as he blew over her cunt. "OH My!" She climaxed as she pulled Jim's head tight to her cunt.

She was regaining her composure. She threw the pillow at Jim but he ducked and was laughing all the time. "You think that was smart don't you? What if Charles had heard you?" She wanted to be mad at him but it had been to good to be mad long. "Get in there and get your bath. We have to get ready for the dance."

"Lets shower together."


"I was just asking."

Linda set up on the bed while he was taking his shower. She looked down at her naked breasts. They were red from all the kissing and sucking they had been through the last couple of hours. She lifted them in her hands. Looking at them she could see why Jim and Charles got so carried away when they saw them. Nearly forty and they were still firm as when she was much younger. She liked the way Jim had made them feel. She knew that he was going to want to do it again and she couldn't see how she could stop him. If she wanted to stop him?

The dress was just as sexy as when she tried it on the day before. It was shorter than she would have normally worn if she had been going out, but here at college it was the right thing to wear.

As they entered the ballroom Jim thought she was the sexiest woman there and she was with him. He could see a lot of her breast in the low cut dress. He knew that the only thing she had on under the dress was a pair of sexy panties. His cock had been nearly hard all evening. It was going to be along time before he could get in the bathroom and get any relief.

Linda had a really good time at the dance. She had danced with several of the young men but each time she came back to be with Jim. Several had made a few remarks about how it must be to date an older woman. A few had even propositioned her. Nothing had changed since her college days. The guys were still flocking around.

Jim was proud of his mother. Not a woman there, at any age, looked any better than she did. What really tickled him was the way Susan was watching. She had even asked him if he wanted to dance once and he had turned her down. Nothing could have been any better.

It was almost two in the morning before the dance started to break up. They had walked from the hotel to the dance and with the full fall moon it was really romantic as they walked back with him holding her hand.

About half way back a street light was out in the middle of the block. When they reached it Jim stopped and pulled her into his arms. "Mom, I just have to kiss you. I have been wanting to all night."

Linda moved into his arms and lifted up her face to him. "I think I will like that also." His mouth covered hers as she reached up on her toes to meet him. It was a deep soul kiss. His tongue moved unhindered into her welcoming mouth. She pressed her body tightly to his as the kiss continued. It was several minutes later before they broke it off.

His arm went around her slender body as the moved on to the hotel. His hand slid up to her breast. She moved to cover it with her own hand but pressed it tighter to her. His cock jumped in his pants when she didn't push his hand away.

As they neared the hotel they moved apart. Linda still didn't want to be seen in the public with his hand on her tit.

As the room door closed behind them Jim pulled her back to him. Linda had hoped that the kiss on the street would satisfy him but she knew it wasn't going to. She wasn't even satisfied. It was a night like this that Charlie had taken her virginity. Now she was in a hotel room with her handsome son and she was feeling all the same things she had felt twenty years ago.

His lips were over her mouth at once. She moved to him completely as she pressed her sexy body tight to his. His tongue was playing games in her mouth and she loved it. It was easy to forget it was her son that was making her feel this way.

Jim kissed her as his hands covered her body. His mother didn't make any moves to stop him. His touch was sending signals once again to that spot between her legs.

He reached for the snap on the dress. It gave quite easily. Linda didn't know that he had looked at it earlier to see how the snap worked. A second later it was loose. He stepped back and pulled the dress from her shoulders.

Linda reached up to stop him from uncovering her tits. She griped his hands as he pulled the top down. They didn't say a word as she held his hands from removing the dress. She looked into his eyes. What she saw was desire and lust for her. That she was his mother didn't matter at all to Jim.

She drew a deep breath and let him pull the dress from her hands. He didn't move fast but steady as he lowered the dress to bare her naked breasts to his adoring eyes. Cold shivers went over her body as the dress slid down her legs until she stepped out of it. She stood before her son with only her panties on.