Hermaphrodite Ch. 02


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Luke looked down at Janet's hard dick and grinned. "I'm not the only one doing the hanging out thing."

With a shivery breathe, Janet whispered, "Neither of us are hanging anywhere. Just the opposite in fact."

I, uh, yeah," Luke whispered in reply.

Janet took Luke's hand and turned to lead him toward the stairs. "Where are we going?" He asked softly.

"Over to your house," Janet said quickly and then laughed as Luke stopped dead in his tracks. "I'm joking. I was thinking about down stairs in the living room."

"When is your mother due home?" Luke asked quickly.

Janet pulled on his hand as she started down the stairs. "Don't worry, I don't think it would be a good idea for mom to catch either of us dressed this way together."

Luke followed Janet down the stairs. As they reached the bottom step, he asked, "How do you normally dress around your mom?"

"Probably the same way you dress around yours," Janet replied as she stopped and turned around. Her eyes jumped from his face to his dick and back again. She shivered hard and let go of his hand. His dick was just below eye level.

With a lick of her lips, she reached out and rolled the thin elastic of the waistband of the g-string down. More of his dick came into sight. She licked her lips again. "The panties look good but you look even better completely bare," she whispered as she used both hands to pulled the panties down to his mid thigh.

"Take a step up," Janet said softly and grinned up at Luke as he did. His mouth worked but no sound came out. His eyes were jumping back and forth between her face and his dick, which were now at the same level.

She leaned forward and rolled the panties farther down. Her face was now only inches from the head of his dick. "You remember the last time I was this close to your dick, don't you?"

"Oh yeah," Luke whispered with a groan mixed in.

"After the licking you gave me...." Janet whispered before she sucked the head of his dick into her mouth.

Luke groaned even louder than before. "You, you need to be careful."

Janet lifted her head and looked up at his face. "And why is that?"

"The, uh, last time you did that I had the edge off, shall we say? This time...." The groan he made as she sucked the head of his dick back into her mouth was deep and full.

Janet swirled her tongue around the head and sucked even more of him into her mouth. A soft groan escaped her throat. She'd had the edge off last time also. She felt her vagina and her dick both tighten up and release suddenly. That was a new feeling. Usually it was just her vagina.

When she started to bob her head slowly, Luke's hands found her head and tried to stop her. "You're going to make a mess," he said sharply.

With an even louder groan, Janet nodded her head quickly. He was talking about his orgasm and she was thinking about hers. He was trying to pull her mouth away from his dick but she wasn't having any of it. She just kept on swallowing more and more of his dick as her orgasm loomed larger and larger.

Luke's hands slipped off the sides of her face and her head went down even farther. She felt the hair around the base of his dick brushing her nose and that was all she wrote. Her orgasm washed over her. Luke let out a yell and he was coming in her mouth.


Janet swam up out of the afterglow of her slowly subsiding orgasm. She was on her knees but now her head was on Luke's thigh, his slowly softening dick still in her mouth. That's when she realized he was sitting down. For some reason that thought made her giggle.

"What, what's so funny?" He asked with a breathy catch in his voice.

Janet held suction on his soft dick as she slowly raised her head. His dick stretched out and then popped out of her mouth with a slurping sound. "I just knocked you on your ass," she said softly and then sighed. "Not to mention the mess I have running down each thigh."

"You came too?" Luke asked quickly.

"Well duh, I didn't have the edge off either."

"I, uh, didn't know women could come from sucking a dick," he whispered.

Janet chuckled. "I didn't either."

"Live and learn," Luke said with a big grin.

Janet sighed and looked at Luke's face. "I have an idea that this two person sex thing is going to be a big learning curve for sure."

Luke licked his lips and asked, "What about me cleaning up that mess of yours?"

Janet grinned and shook her head. "My body isn't in any hurry to move right now."

"If you can raise up a little so I can move, then I can take care of it where you are."

Janet groaned softly as she thought about the position she was in and him behind her. "You would end up having to carry me up to bed," she whispered softly.

"And the problem is?" Luke asked with a laugh. "Think of it as a payback for knocking me on my ass."

"I was hoping we could spend more time together, if you know what I mean."

Luke chuckled and replied, "Yeah, I do but I wasn't the one getting all greedy and stuff."

"Kids and new toys," Janet whispered more to herself than him.

"I understand the feeling," Luke replied.

With a deep sigh, Janet sat up and grinned at her best friend. "I had planned on us sitting on the couch and you sucking and licking on a couple of my toys."

Luke's eyes dropped to her breasts covered with the thin gauzy scarf. "We can still do that," he whispered as his eyes slowly came up to her face.

"Yeah, we could but I wanted to know what it felt like to start there."

Luke chuckled. "And then you got greedy."

"Is there such a thing as an oral fixation?"

"Probably. I know thoughts of licking you have dominated my daydreams."

Janet looked thoughtful for a moment. "I hadn't even thought about sucking your dick until I was standing there pretty much eye to eye with it."

Luke took a deep breath and whispered, "Stand up."

"Uh, why?" Janet asked as she got to her feet. Her legs were a little wobbly so she held onto the handrail. Her eyes were on Luke's face and his eyes were on her dick. She looked down to find it semi soft and leaning forward over the top of the little g-string.

She gasped loudly as her eyes jumped back to Luke's face. "You, you wouldn't," she said quickly.

Luke groaned softly as he reached up and wrapped his fingers around her shaft. "I, I, I," he stammered and then quickly leaned his head forward and licked the spongy head. He groaned even louder as he sucked the head into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it.

Janet gasped loudly. She had never felt anything like what he was doing before. Her hips rocked forward and then jerked back. She had no reference and wasn't sure what to do. As his tongue continued to swirl around the head, she groaned long and loud.

Luke lifted his head as he held suction on the head. It came out of his mouth with a slurping sound. Janet's hips gave a big jerk. He grinned up at her and whispered, "I know that feeling very well."

"I, I, I," Janet stammered and then groaned deeply.

Luke grinned and whispered, "Maybe I shouldn't have done that."

"I, I, can't believe you did that," Janet whispered in return.

With a crooked grin on his face, Luke asked, "Does sucking a girls dick make a guy gay?"

"I, uh," Janet said and then shivered hard. "I, uh," she said again and then groaned. "Now my sex is messing with both our heads."

Luke grinned and asked, "The little ones or the big ones?"

Janet laughed and moved down a step. "Both actually."

Luke let go of her dick and used both hands to pull himself to his feet. "So, what did you think of your first semi blowjob?"

"Startling to say the least," Janet whispered. "The feelings were so different than what I expected and then there was the fact that you were doing it."

"It was different from my side of things also. Not just the act but the feel and taste." He paused with a funny look on his face. "Your dick kind of tastes like your pussy."

Janet did a double take and whispered, "Uh, interconnected plumbing."

Luke grinned. "How does a tongue on the head of your dick compare to a tongue on your rough spot?"

Janet looked at her friend with a funny look and said, "I can't believe you're asking that question."

"Uh, is there something wrong with the question?" He asked in confusion.

Janet smiled and shook her head. "No, there is nothing wrong with the question. I guess it's more in my head. I had never really thought about how they feel different."

Luke grinned and said, "We'll have to get that little book store girl over here so we can do a simultaneous test."

Janet's mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide as the thought of a mouth on her dick and a tongue in her pussy flashed across her mind. She groaned deeply as her hips flexed back and forth several times.

Luke chuckled. "I think that mental picture just about put you over the top."

With a groan, Janet reached behind her back and untied the scarf. A moment later, she let go of it and it fluttered down away from her breasts to land on the steps. Her panties were down below her knees a few seconds later.

Luke groaned softly and whispered, "Just beautiful, just beautiful."

Janet shivered and said, "Get your ass up those stairs."

"I, uh," he said as he stood up and turned to head up the steps. The red g-string was tangled around his feet. He quickly stepped out of them.

Janet stepped out of her panties and followed him up the stairs.


As he entered Janet's room, she said, "Get you ass on the bed."

Luke grinned at her over his shoulder and climbed on the bed. "Are you always this bossy when you get horny?"

Janet laughed. "Nope, I'm just saving you the trouble of carrying my unconscious ass up the stairs."

Luke gave her a wide eyed look as she climbed on the bed. A moment later, he had a wild woman in his arms as she knocked him over backwards. She was kissing him wildly as her hips rubbed from side to side. Her dick was rubbing his, which made both of them groan.

A few minutes later, Luke rolled them over until he was on top. He broke the kiss and moved down just enough so he could lick and kiss her nipples. Janet groaned and flexed her hips. Her dick rubbed on his belly and she moaned softly.

Janet couldn't stay still with his tongue and mouth on her nipples. Short sharp jolts of pleasure shot straight down to her sex. The feel of her dick rubbing on his belly added fuel to her growing fire. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered where his dick was.

Luke lifted his head and looked at Janet's face. Her eyes were tightly shut and her mouth was slightly open as she breathed heavily. He wiggled forward to kiss her. Suddenly the head of his dick touched something burning hot and wet feeling.

Janet's eyes flew open and then she gasped loudly as the head of Luke's dick squeezed into her opening an inch or so. "No!" She yelled loudly and quickly.

Luke froze and then groaned as he realized where the head of his dick was. He quickly lifted his hips and moved backwards. He ended up on his knees straddling Janet's feet. "I, I, I." He stammered quickly and then groaned again. "An accident."

Janet shivered and squirmed on the bed. Her eyes were wide and her mouth worked but no sound came out. "You, we, I, us," escaped her lips a moment later.

"I'm so sorry," Luke said quickly.

Suddenly, Janet giggled and then she was laughing wildly.

Luke looked at her as if she was crazy. "There is nothing funny about that," he said a moment later. "No birth control remember."

Janet sobered quickly and took several deep breaths. "Oh I remember alright. What hit me as funny is that neither of us are virgins now."

Luke's eyes went wide and then he groaned softly. "I'm just glad I had the edge off, if you know what I mean."

Janet shivered and lifted her feet. Her toes tickled his balls as she eyed the shiny head of his dick. She shivered again as she pulled her feet back and spread her legs wide. "I'm having a very kinky thought," she whispered with her eyes still on the head of his dick.

"And what is that?" Luke asked.

Janet grinned and said, "Stand up and find out."

As Luke stood up, Janet sat up. The next thing he knew, she had the head of his dick in her mouth and was running her tongue all over and around it. Luke's eyes grew wide. "That was just in your...." He stopped talking with a loud moan as Janet swallowed his whole dick.

She held suction on his shaft as she slowly lifted her head. She paused at the head and swirled her tongue around it. She popped it out of her mouth and groaned deeply. "Like I said, kinky. My juices on the head of your dick."

Luke just looked at her with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. Janet laughed as she fell backward on the bed. "Now I'm wondering about our juices mixed together."

With a deep groan at the vision of his dick buried in her pussy as he came, flashed across his mind's eye. "I, uh, we," he said as he came down to his knees.

"There is plenty of time to explore that later," Janet whispered as she raised her legs straight up in the air and then spread them wide. "Right now, I have such a deal for you."

Luke looked down at her dick, the rough pink spot below it, and her opening even lower. With a grin, he backed up and came down on his elbows, his head right above her dick. "Decisions, decisions, decisions," he whispered as he lowered his head and gave her shaft a long, slow, solid lick.

Janet had expected him to go for her rough spot. The lick on her shaft made her hips twitch and jerk. Janet groaned softly as he used one hand to lift her dick straight up in the air. His tongue swirling around the head made her hips twitch and jerk again.

As his mouth closed over the head of her dick, a finger stirred the opening to her vagina. She gasped loudly as her hips jerked and lifted. More of her dick went into his mouth as more of his finger went into her vagina. She let out a soft yell and flexed her hips.

The thought that she was fucking his mouth and herself on his finger flashed across Janet's mind. Her hands jumped to her breasts and massaged them wildly. Feelings were everywhere and climbing in intensity. She was close to out of control. Not a feeling she was used to.

Luke was watching Janet's face. Her eyes were tightly shut and her mouth was open in a round circle. Her hands were massaging her breasts wildly. He was trying to transfer what her mouth felt like on his dick to what he was doing to hers.

His finger in her wet slippery pussy was an interesting feeling. She had felt so tight and hot around the head of his dick. On impulse, he extended a second finger and felt it slip inside as she moved her hips. She let out a soft yell and flexed her hips faster. He moved his fingers forward and she came unglued.

Janet yelled long and loud as the second finger in her vaginas transferred itself to the head of his dick earlier. When it went even deeper, the monster orgasm that had been hiding from her, exploded over her mind and body. She was coming for all she was worth and then some.


Luke raised his head and allowed Janet's softening dick to slip out of his mouth. He had a big grin on his face as he backed up, pulling the fingers out of her pulsing pussy. It kept trying to grab them. He found that very interesting as he slowly pushed them back in again.

Janet groaned and flexed her hips. Luke's dick in her pussy was the dream in her floating mind. Her vagina grabbed it tightly. As it slowly slipped out, she kept trying to grab it. It was too slippery to hold onto.

Then it was gone. Janet made a soft whimpering sound as her eyes fluttered open. It took her a moment to focus and when she did, she grinned as she saw Luke sitting at the end of the bed with two fingers stuffed in his mouth.

He returned her grin around the two fingers and then slowly pulled them out of his mouth. They came free with a soft slurping sound. "Tasty, very taste," he whispered as he winked at his girlfriend.

Janet sighed and nodded her head. She sighed again as she snuggled down in the bed more. "I, I feel a nap coming on."

Luke climbed off the bed. He picked up a soft blanket off the chair in the corner and covered her up. Janet was already asleep. He smiled as he gathered up his clothes.


Dressed, Luke left Janet's room and closed her door. He stopped on the stairs and gathered up the two thongs and the scarf. He returned to Janet's room and hung the thongs on her inside doorknob. The scarf, he laid on the foot of her bed.

"Tomorrow my love, there is always tomorrow," he whispered as he turned and left the room.

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Rob_RoyaleRob_Royale10 months ago

A great love story. Just terrific.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Awesome story 5 stars but what's this story have to do with incest??????????????

GLenbar85543GLenbar85543about 2 years ago

Another chapter for sure

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I think you need another chapter, they have to make love

mstbdscrt1957mstbdscrt1957over 2 years ago

TxRad, I truly hope you continue this trough college days and their lives for many years after. This has the makings of a totally wonderful Love Story.

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