Hello Mr. Robinson Pt. 07


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"Were you aware of the senator's unusual collection?"

"I heard rumors," he said frowning. "I saw the video with his watch and the coin. Do you think that is why this happened?"

"I may have stumbled upon something direr," I said wondering if I should continue and the President picked up on it instantly.

"Do you feel this might impact national security," he asked and my expression spoke volumes. "If you aren't sure please trust my judgment."

I pulled up a file and once more borrowed the oval office's holographic projectors. I gestured and the Usher family tree hovered before the President's eyes. He looked at the bottom and saw the senator's name. While I didn't intrude upon his thoughts I could feel the intensity of them as he pondered the effect of such a family. As I waited for his decision I authorized my other half to initiate the ghost protocol. It drained every bank account attached to the Usher family and redirected them to hundreds of other accounts worldwide. The President asked me how I received this info and what my thoughts on the matter were.

"I don't think it's a coincidence that the story that Poe wrote and his strange death are unconnected. I suspect that the widow delivering this to me signed her death warrant."

"I thought her news conference location looked familiar," he said with a smile. "Did you um... how do I ask it delicately?"

"Like a boss," I said and we broke out in laughter. "She wanted my protection. I am sorry I couldn't do more."

"I suspect a family as well connected as this would have succeeded no matter the cost. We will talk more later but for now get some rest and the taskforce will keep you in the loop."

I left a troubled man and returned to Jordan and Rhea. I am glad I am only a consultant especially during times like this. The White House was still abuzz with activity as I passed members of the President's cabinet as well as a notably visible security force. I reached the hall leading to the conference room. I was rounding a corner and saw not two but three stunning redheads. Two of them I recognized instantly while the third was unknown to me. She was as tall and athletic as Rhea but was smiling about something Jordan had just said. The woman was dressed in a dark militaristic uniform that had me scratching my head. I didn't know her or the group she belonged to.

"Here's the man of the hour," Rhea said when she spotted me.

"So he is the one I have to thank," the stranger said in a light alto voice.

"Be careful he is a heart breaker," Jordan added.

"Not to worry I have both my hands filled at the moment," the woman replied with a wicked grin.

"You have me at a severe disadvantage," I said shaking the other's hand. "I am Greg Robinson and you are?"

"You may call Inquisitor," she said looking me over quite shamelessly. "I have you to thank for the new gauss pistols."

"Inquisitor... gauss pistols..." I said fumbling for a memory which my other half provided. "OH... you are the one from the Vatican. I am so sorry I didn't recognize you earlier. I can't take all the credit we have an amazing team. Have you had the penny tour Inquisitor?"

"I have but I am sure it will be more interesting with you as my guide," she purred openly. "Have you ever been with three redheads at the same time?"

"I am not sure any man should be that lucky," I said. "But uh... I'd be an idiot to turn down a life altering event such as that."

"Oh there you are Greg... we have some more details..." one of the techs from the taskforce grabbed me and tugged on my arm.

"Your loss Greg," the Inquisitor said blowing me a kiss.

I muttered curses under my breath as I followed the excitable young man into the room. There was a face on the big screen. It was a woman. She appeared to be in her late thirties early forties with short cropped blonde hair and a frumpy disposition. The display changed and showed a body in what appeared to be an alleyway. The corpse was between two trash cans near a closed wooden door. There were bright yellow markers ranging from two to ten around the body. The corpse had been identified as Doctor Susan Stern. She had been shot over a dozen times and the markers showed the location of shell casings from the weapon that had been used. Three of the slugs had torn through her face but she had been identified by her fingerprints. She was a researcher at one of the local universities. Her specialty had been neurological diseases.

The techs believed she was the person that had tortured the widow. I thought that the former head of security hadn't wanted to pay her for services rendered or maybe he was just tying up loose ends. One of the other techs informed us that they were running down known associates of our chief suspect. Two of them they hadn't been able to locate yet but they were still working on it. I thought they might just find two other corpses before this was all said and done. He was improving his pay out and removing links to his affiliation with the crime with cruel efficiency. My theory would bear fruit six hours later when two more corpses were dragged out of Huntington Creek Lake. They had been executed with two shots in the chest and one in the head. I wonder what had set him off to unload a clip into the good doctor. I left the briefing and let them do their work. I had given them a suspect and if that fell through I would reexamine the evidence but until then I had a birthday party to prepare for.

I found Rhea and Jordan in the Lincoln Library sipping coffee and chatting away like old friends. I tried and failed to hide my disappointment at the Inquisitor's departure. I sat down and Rhea poured me a cup from the antique silver service. I fixed it to my liking and took a sip. It had a little bit of a bite and I was unfamiliar with the bean. Jordan told me it was from Jamaica and difficult to get since the last hurricane tore through the island destroying buildings, lives and coffee alike. I asked Jordan how she was enjoying her first night in DC. She blushed and told me it had exceeded all expectations. I wonder if that meant me or meeting the President. I had just finished my first cup of coffee when I received an alert on my HUD. The message read only that Project Ghost had been completed and to turn on the news.

"I think there is something on the news we should see," I said as I reached for the remote and turned on the huge flat screen television.

"...the donation of the over two hundred thousand acres of land to the Lakota tribe has sparked confusion and outrage... If you are just tuning in the chief of the Lakota people, Black Elk has informed the news outlets of a gift to his people of two hundred and fifty thousand acres of pristine wilderness to the Lakota and other tribes to use as they see fit. The anonymous donor has not been mentioned but the land in question has been in private hands for several generations. A spokesman for the family could not be reached for comment. Again the Lakota people have been given over two hundred thousand acres of land this evening..."

"Wow, that is amazing," Jordan gasped. "They deserve it of course. I hope they are happy."

"Me too," I replied looking over at Rhea who just smiled and nodded.

"Whoever it was is my hero," Rhea said pouring another cup of coffee for me.

"It is mineral rich and that doesn't even count the trees and lakes located there... or so I hear..." I said and watched Jordan's eyes go wide in surprise. "It's the least one could do after all."

"I don't even want to know," Jordan said grinning. "Any other news reports in the works..."

"Most likely," I replied. "There are twenty or so other properties but these involve locations worldwide. We'll see how they react to eviction and use of force if need be."

"I guess they shouldn't have pissed you off," Rhea said her voice cold and emotionless.

"I guess not."

Project Ghost had involved not just the monetary assets of the Usher clan but also nearly thirty pieces of high priced property as well. My other half had specific instructions. They were to contact lawyers and law enforcement wherever the properties were located and make sure that anyone living in said property was evicted immediately. They were to remove only what clothing was in those structures and nothing else of value. One by one the Ushers were removed from ancestral homes by lawyers and in some cases at the business end of a firearm. I had made sure that the lawyers and police were paid for their trouble quite handsomely. Once the Ushers were gone I had trusted friends that would go in and itemize every last thing and send me a report. They had taken a life in the most inhuman way possible I figured the least I could do was to take what they held most dear from them, money and property.

I hadn't decided if I was going to sell the homes or just donate them as museums to the local communities. I would see once I had those reports. There was a part of me that wanted to hunt them down and make them suffer like the widow had but I wasn't like that. It was better to see them homeless and penniless. My thoughts began a dark spiral until Rhea placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and she reminded me that Roo's party was tonight. I cursed and we headed out. While Rhea drove I called Senator Barrington's home. Dawn answered the phone. I asked her when I should be there and she told me six o'clock. I had enough time to wash up and change. I had already shipped off Roo's gift but I wanted to be there when she opened it.

My car passed through the security check point and pulled in front of the Barrington home. It was more like an estate but when you are a veteran senator you end up in places like this. I got out and waited for Rhea to park the car but instead she simply drove off, what the hell. I was about to knock on the door when Dawn, the senator's wife, opened it and gestured for me to enter. I gave her a hug once the door was closed and she told me that her husband was running late. She poured me a drink and we settled onto the couch until the other guests arrived.

"How are you feeling," I asked and she nodded.

"I am trying what the doc calls a cutting edge treatment," she said sipping her glass of juice. "It is a virus that has the guts taken out and refitted with something to attack the tumor."

"Is it working," I asked and she shrugged.

"I received the treatment this morning. I should know in a day or two. Why don't you go see Roo and see if you can cheer her up? She's been in the dumps for the last week or so."

"I'll be right back down." I said as I got up and headed upstairs. "Hey Roo... are you decent?"

"Yeah unfortunately," she said opening her bedroom door. "Come on in Greg... what do you think of my costume?"

"Wow... you look just like Velma from Scooby Doo," I said and I stood at the doorway of her room.

"Don't be shy I won't bite you," she said as she returned to her lighted vanity. "I even have the glasses to go with."

"Your mom said you are a little upset," I said as I sat on the end of her bed.

"A little... but now that you're here I feel like things will improve." She said looking at me from her mirror. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"I suppose so," I said unsure where this was going.

"How was your first time... sex I mean...," Roo asked stammering a little.

"Horrible... terrible... I was so damn nervous I pulled out and came in her left eye. I was so damn embarrassed."

"What did she do," Roo asked laughing.

"She made sure to put on a condom the next go around," I said smiling.

"How many times... I mean... um..."

"Three times in all... I was horny as hell and it was my first time and all. I got the hang of things pretty quick."

"Dang Greg you are a fiend..." Cindy said she began but I cut her off.

"What did she tell you?" I asked feeling a sense of panic set in.

"Relax," she said standing up and walking over to her closet door. "I asked what kind of things turned you on and she gave me a few hints." Roo said as she bent over revealing her naked pussy underneath the skirt she was wearing. "She said that you were an ass man. Is that true Greg? Are you an ass man?"

She tugged up her skirt revealing the perky round bottom of hers. I felt my mouth go dry and my cock get hard. I watched as Roo grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them apart. I could see her puckered little asshole as well as her soaked little slit. Roo moaned as she gently pulled her labia apart and rocked her hips a little.

"Do you want to take my virginity Mr. Robinson? Do you want to make me scream?"

Just then the sound of the front door closing echoed from downstairs. I had been set up. I thought with Dawn downstairs there was no way for Roo to get me alone. I was so wrong. As I watched Roo dropped down to her knees and crawled over to me. She licked her lips and moaned as she approached.

"Can I suck your cock Mr. Robinson," she asked. "Please take it out for me. I have been practicing for a while now." My hands seemed to move automatically as I freed my erection. "Yes... oh god it's a lot bigger than I expected."

She knelt at the foot of the bed and as I held my cock for her she ran her tongue along the underside of it first. I let out a deep moan and she just smiled. I shivered as she lapped at the tip like an erotic ice cream cone. Roo closed her eyes as she opened her mouth and took the head between those pouty lips of hers. I gasped as her tongue worked on the sensitive tip. I was shaking as her head moved further down. Soon her head was bobbing up and down. I told her what a naughty girl she was and that really got her going. The minutes ticked by and more of my cock disappeared between her lips and down her throat.

"Oh shit... you deep throated me..." I cried as her lips touched the base of my erection.

She pulled her head up and away. There were tears streaming down her cheeks but her expression was one of triumph. Roo stood up, turned around and pulled her ass cheeks apart again.

"I want you inside of me." She whispered as she started moving her hips downward.

There was no denying her even if I wanted to which I didn't. I lined us up and she slowly sank down impaling her body on mine. It was her turn to cry out. I tugged up her sweater and cupped her heavy tits in my hands. I teased them as she rocked her hips forward and back.

"Oh god... I am so full... I never knew..." she grunted as she slammed her body against mine.

"You are a woman now," I said as I pinched her nipples. "I am going to treat you like one."

I stood up and took her with me. She could see her reflection in the mirror as I fucked her standing up. Roo watched my cock slide in and out of her. She cupped her own tits and played with them as I hammered her from below. Her cry as she climaxed was loud and without any warning. I never slowed down. She wanted to be fucked and I would give her what she wanted and more.

"I can see it... moving inside of me... unnnn so damn thick... feels amazing..."

I slammed into harder and faster. I was panting in her ear as I took my pleasure from her. It may be her birthday but this was my present and I was going to play with it till it broke or fell asleep. A second more violent orgasm slammed into Roo and all pretense of remaining quiet was gone. She howled as she came and if there was anyone left in the house they had to know what was going on. I stopped and let her catch her breath.

"Oh... my... god..." she panted as she sat there impaled on my cock. "From behind... will you fuck me from behind...? I'll beg for it..."

I lowered her to her feet and eased out of her. Roo never hesitated. She climbed onto her bed and got onto all fours and raised her ass high into the air. She wiggled it and even slapped her ass.

"Jinkies... I wish I had a nice big fat cock in my pussy..." she giggled trying to get into character.

"Lose the outfit," I ordered as I undressed. "Velma can suck my cock later on. Right now I want Roo to take it like a champ."

She slowly undid her skirt and I pulled it off of her. She shrugged out of her sweater and I pulled it up and off of her. Roo pointed to the wig she was wearing and I nodded. She removed it and I tossed it onto her mirrored vanity. She resumed her former position and offered me her body. I moved behind her and ran my hands over her entire body. I savored the feel of her smooth skin under my hands. I cupped her tits again and weighed them in my hands. She told me they were almost as big as her mom's. I took my erection in hand and teased her slit with it.

"UNNNN... you like my tits Mr. Robinson... I hope you do... what about my ass, do you like...UNNNN..."

I slammed my cock into her and she yelped in surprise. I grabbed her by the hair and made a fist as I began taking her slow and rough. Her gasps when my cock slammed into her got louder and louder. If she had wanted romantic she picked the wrong guy. I have always been about pleasure.

"Still sure you picked the right guy," I asked as I began to pick up speed.

"Best birthday... ever... fuck me Greg... make me yours... I love how your cock feels inside of me!"

I pulled her head back and watched her expressions as I pounded her from behind. She was panting as my cock swelled up inside of her. I told her I was going to shoot inside of her and she just nodded. I pummeled her insides until I was right on the edge. I cried out as I drove my cock into one last time. We both cried out as my load sprayed her insides. I fell atop of her covered in sweat and she just lay there and purred.

"Best present ever..." I whispered in her ear and she giggled.

"You can fuck my tits if you want," Roo offered.

"I need to catch my breath," I told her. "Besides I don't know when your mom is going to return."

"She never left," Dawn said from the doorway.

"OH SHIT," I said as panic gripped my body.

"Relax Greg," Dawn cooed. "I just wanted to see Roo unwrap her present. Damn, I wish my first time had been that good. Is my baby happy?"

"Thank you mom," Roo giggled. "How are you feeling?"

"Wet... soaked... horny as hell..." Dawn growled. "I just wish I had the strength to take you on Greg. I'd eat you alive."

"I have no doubt. I guess I should leave..." I began but Dawn shook her head.

"You aren't going anywhere Mister," Dawn said crossing her arms under her tits. "You two are going to shower and put on your costumes for the party. This could be the last birthday and... damn it I want it to be perfect!"

I just smiled and nodded. I got up and held Dawn as she cried. She laid her head on my shoulder and stood there quietly.

"You smell like sex," she laughed. "Go clean up or sick or not I'm going to rape you."

Roo and I showered together having a quickie before we got out. I dried off and followed Roo to her room where two costumes had been set out. The Velma costume was gone and in its place was one for a video game character named Tracer. The bright yellow leather pants hugged Roo's ass like a second skin.

"What am I supposed to be," I asked and she made a face.

"An archaeologist," she said. "Come on really... the fedora... a whip and a leather jacket... it's a classic."

"I was kidding," I said as I dressed only realizing that this was in fact the body armor and whip that Zoe had made for me. "At least it is comfortable. Are you going to be okay in that?"

"Are you kidding," she purred. "I have seen how you look at my ass. I will be just fine."

The first of the guests arrived and we headed down. Dawn was wearing a witch's outfit with a plunging neck line. It was difficult not to stare at her barely concealed breasts. Soon the place was filled with guests and even Janessa Sansa showed up wearing a skimpy zombie costume. I wonder if her father knew that she was here. Most of the guests were friends and schoolmates of Roo. There were a few family friends that help chaperone the party and make sure things didn't get out of hand. Dawn sat most of the time and I was nearby in case she needed anything.