Great Expectations & Dreams


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After their lips parted, she whispered, "Do you want my body now, as a down payment?"

For the first time since he had walked in on his soon to be ex-wife and her lovers, Travis heartily laughed, "Vanessa, Vanessa. When I should have been down, you kept me up. When I should be sad, you make me smile. Noo, I don't want your body, right now. Our wedding night will be just fine, I'm sure. That way you get what you have been dreaming of since you were a little girl. As you have put it, come to the wedding alter personifying the meaning of your white dress. Yes my love, I can wait. You've come this far, so you can wait, too."

She drew back from him just bit, "You listen to me, don't you? You have traded your blond, blue eyed wife for a black, me. I'm impressed. I love you Travis Maddox.."

Slipping her legs to each side of him and resting on his thighs she purred, "Travis Maddox? I Vanessa Wallace love you with all my heart. Everything I have to give is yours. Oh, how I love you. Yes, I will be your wife for as long as I live. Your loving wife, mother of your children. Grandmother of their children..." She paused and became very serious, "Travis? Like our wedding vows, I am only going to say this once... I will never even entertain the thought of doing anything remotely similar to what your soon to be ex-wife did to you. I will come to you immediately if anyone even alludes to anything like that.."

Being burned once, he gazed into her eyes for a few moments. Grasping her sincerity, "Yeah Okeh, I'll accept that. And, yeah, like wise, anyone comes on ta me, we'll deal with it together as one."

Another lingering kiss when their lips parted she purred, "Thank you, yes my love we are now one. All we need to do now is stand before the Most High God and anybody that cares to watch and solidify it all in our God's eyes. Travis? In the Bible, the book of Ephesians, Chapter 5 it says wives are to summit themselves to their husbands. I have done that. It goes on to say that husbands are the head of the wife, but are to love their wives and give themselves up for their wife as Christ gave himself up for the church. Will you be that husband to me?"

He ran his fingers into her silky soft hair, "The pastor that will marry us mentioned that passage, among others to read and pray about. So yes, I do believe that I can be that husband to you. I also believe that the head or brain cannot function without a heart. His wife is the heart of a marriage. A man can never be much in life without a supporting wife, a woman that he can love, trust and depend upon... Our first encounter, we worked so well together as if we were a practiced team that had done it before. In these days together I have come to love you like I never thought I could ever love a woman. Especially after the failure of my first marriage. You didn't let me wallow in my sorrow over it. You just effectively replaced her in my heart. Yes, I will be the head of our family. But you my love, have proven yourself as the heart that has held me up and helped me function. I could have so easily fallen into a depression. But, your presence with your always up attitude has been just what I needed to get through this mess. Oh yes, I do love you, until the day I die, I will love you..More over, I need you, Vanessa. I need you to walk through this life with me. Only will death do us part..."

At this point she was in tears. Wiping them away she whispered, "For a man of few words that was quite a bit... We have merged together, haven't we?"

He smiled "Yes we have. I feel like I've known you all my life. Like we've grown up together, totally meant for each other." Now running his hands up her sides, he said in almost a whisper, "There are those out there that will not accept our marriage."

Still wiping tears away, "Oh yeah, blacks and white, browns, too. Many of the people that will have a problem with us would not give a second thought if you were black and the same stature, and I was white. Blond hair, blue eyes would fit perfectly in their hypocritical paradigm of life. But ya know what? Together as one, I think we can handle it..."

He drew her close and before they kissed he whispered, "With you here by my side, yeah, I agree, we can together."

A little later, switching on a light next to him, she handed him a slip of paper "What's this?" he asked. "My stats." she answered. "Keep that in your wallet so you will always know my sizes."

Travis read the paper "Five foot eleven inch tall, 130 pound lovely body. Thirty six Dee chest. I'll bet they are more than a handful even for my long fingers."

She opened her shirt. Braless, because she had every intention of giving it all up to him that night, "Wanna see? Check'em out!"

He wrapped his left hand around her right breast, "Yep, more then a handful, and nicely made."

She giggled then said, "Read on."

"Twenty four inch waist an' 36 inches around a fantastic butt and hips. Dress size ten, and shoe size seven. Nice, very nice." He said in a little over a whisper, giving her a kiss.

After the kiss she grabbed a pad and pen, "Now it's your turn. Let's start with, how tall are you?"

"Six five, and I wear double XL sometimes triple XL shirts. Thirty five inch waist, size 12 shoes."

More giggles the she purred, "Well, that's a start. I'll check your pants for the length of your legs. I love you Travis, and I can't wait for that day when I become Missus Travis Maddox."

The next morning, the lovers decided to go into the village for a late breakfast. Almost to the village Vanessa spotted a sign, "Travis!?! There's a sign for a garage sale. Let's check it out!"

Turning onto the road that the sign indicated, he looked at her and chuckled. "What's so funny?" she asked. Navigating the winding mountain road, Travis smiled and said, "My mother is gonna love you. Ya know your way around junk shops, we can't git outta Sonora without stopping at Walmart, an' ya like garage sales. Yard sales'll do it, too, I'll bet."

"Of course." she exclaimed now laughing herself. "I can't wait to meet your mother."


The Wedding

Dressed in a black tuxedo, white shirt, and white bow tie, Travis cut quite a handsome image as he strolled out before a full house in the little community church. He wondered how many were there just to watch a Maddox boy marry a black girl. As he stepped at the proper place, he thought, "Oh well, it doesn't matter, much." He was followed by his older brother, Tyler. The newly minted Lt. Commander was at sea for the marriage to Ashley. Travis was very proud of his brother, a recent graduate of Navel Postgraduate School, Monterey, California with a masters degree in computer science. He was now at Ft. Meade, Maryland working in Navel Cyber-security. Wearing dress whites, Tyler fit right in with the others in their white tux coats. He was followed by Sammy Lewis, who was darker than Vanessa. Travis met Sammy at their first day of junior high football practice. An inch or so shorter than Travis, Sammy already had the football lineman build. When they were in high school, Travis became a receiver known for pulling passes out of the air that should have been overthrown. Sammy was always there to bust a hole in the defenders. Travis would gain another ten or twenty yards, maybe even a touchdown, after he had control of the ball.

There were four children in the Lewis family. Three girls and one boy, Sammy. All three sisters were as nicely made as Vanessa, and friends of Travis. However, he never felt romantically attracted to them as he had with Vanessa. Substantiating the deep bond that he had developed with his bride. He noticed that they were all there for this event, as beautiful as ever. Then again, he didn't do much dating or partying in high school or college. Not that he was a virgin, nor inexperienced at sex. He had nailed his college girl friends often enough, and a couple of times, their mothers. His goal was to get the education that would bring a good job with a future. Also, he wanted to keep up his grades to easily stay in sports. His thoughts abruptly ended when Vanessa and her father stepped into view.

As the music of the wedding march started, the gasps, ahh's and ohh's did not come close to describe the beauty being led down the aisle by her proud father. Her white satin dress glowed in the sanctuary's lighting. Contrasting elegantly with her dark brown skin. The thin veil Vanessa was wearing did not at all conceal her beautiful smile and the groom could not be happier to take her hand from her father.

Then Travis heard from the pastor, "Who gives this woman to this man?" Then from Vanessa's father "Her mother and I do."

So began the wedding ceremony in the little community church in the little Eastern Kentucky mine town joining Travis Maddox to Vanessa Wallace in Holy Matrimony. Receiving line and pictures finished, bride and groom moved through the crowd. Vanessa introducing Travis to her friends and relatives, he introducing her to his. He was impressed by the amount of people that had traveled from Ohio to the hills of eastern Kentucky to watch Vanessa get married.

Travis wrapped his long arm around his bride's waist and drew her close "There's a whole lotta people here today that love you very much. But, I don't think they love you as much as I do."

With tears in her eyes, Vanessa leaned toward her husband and whispered "I could say the same about you. I'm told that they closed most of the businesses in town and that there were about 50 or 60 people sitting outside during our wedding. Do you know that when your mother told the local florist that we would buy the flowers for today at her shop, she told us to be there at three o'clock day before yesterday. When your mom and I arrived she had closed early so she could give us her undivided attention. After we had chosen the flowers, she brought us into the backroom for a cup of tea. She told me about some of the antics of you and Sammy while you were in high school."

A laughing Travis stopped them and with both hands on her waist, said, "When we were in high school it was said that you can choose your friends but not your relatives. Sammy and I decided that we were cousins by choice. He was one of my calls when you were driving the Tahoe out there on the 580." As they approached the table with Bill & Eddie Andrews, Travis trying to bring the conversation an end, "I told him about you and the little thing about the shotgun. Then I told him that you were driving a vehicle you'd never driven before through city streets that you'd never been on before an' now you were driving on a freeway that you had never been on before, an' doin' a very good job of it, too."

She laughed, "What did he say?"

"He said that you sounded like a keeper."

"Well, I'm really glad that you took his advice."

He stopped her "Also, while it is on my mind...I don't think that we want too let you, my sister Barb and Sammy's wife get together to often. We all almost busted a gut laughin' at you guys at the after practice dinner."

She laughed, "Your daddy said we should take our show on the road. My daddy agreed. But, when you guys were in high school, you and Sammy produced a lot of good material. I'll bet you two big time football stars never did see the inside of a jail, did you?"

"Nah, when the cops did catch us they'd just put us in the patrol car an' take us home. They told our dads a couple o' times, then we caught hell."

"I can only imagine that..." Vanessa responded in a whisper as they approached the table with Bill and Edie Andrews, Travis's immediate supervisor, and his wife. Also seated at the table was his boss's boss and wife, and the company Chief Financial Officer with her husband.

A surprised Travis introduced his bride, then remarked, "We didn't expect to see all of you here. But, I am glad to see that y'all could make it.."

Bill stood up "Well son, I chartered a plane and almost booked up the hotel here in town."

Laura Turner, the CFO commented, "I just had to meet the young lady that has recently saved our company a considerable amount of money, time, stress and general frustration. Why we didn't do something like this in the past, I haven't the slightest idea. However, those little mathematical errors that you have found early on, have too many times mushroomed and caused a project to blow up in our faces. Usually a couple of days before it was to be shipped."

Vanessa beamed, "Glad to be of service."

Travis laughed, "Great cook, good housekeeper, nice body and' looks, math wiz, good with PC's at that. Just had ta marry her. An' ya know? Love played a mighty big part in it, too."

While his bride talked with the others at the table, Travis leaned in between Bill and Eddie and whispered, "Ah, I'd like to get together with you two a little later an' get an update on Ashley."

Eddie smiled and responded, "OK Travis. The doctors say that she has hit rock bottom and is on her way back up. But, it'll be long and hard. So yeah, There's the procession over to the hotel a seven, I think. So, how about six? Bill?"

Bill replied "Yeah, the procession is at seven. So, six is good."

Eddie said "Travis, you have quite a woman there. She is convinced that you are all the man she ever prayed for... Just don't let each other forget it."

Travis smiled big, "Oh no. We complete each other. She and I are now one, an' I'm sure that is the way our God sees it. One until we die."

After dancing with her husband, Vanessa found herself dancing with her father. "Daddy? It's everything I ever dreamed it would be... My husband is everything I dreamed he would be."

Vanessa's father, Jeremiah, or Jerry, smiled, "He's a different kind of man, I'll tellya that. What your mom an' I can't get over is how he was able to keep you a virgin all these months."

"That's the way he is, daddy. We have bonded in every way but sexual. That will happen tonight. We pray together, like you and mom. Now that we are one in Christ, it will be even easier. We want a marriage like our parent's have.. Also daddy, I've heard the story of the young marine stationed at our embassy in New Delhi that kept his Indian bride a virgin for several months before he could marry her."

Jerry laughed, "Yeah, that's true, we did that. But, my dear daughter, we didn't live in the same condo in that oversexed society out there in California. It shows a lot of maturity in both of you."

Vanessa beamed, "Thank you daddy. That means a lot to us. Ah daddy? We decided early on that we will do life the way we want to do it. Not the way the world around us dictates or thinks we should do it. "

"Well good, glad to hear that. I would hope that your mother and I , Travis's parents have given the two of you the value system you need to pull that off."

Vanessa chuckled, "Oh, I think so, daddy. I think so..."

When the music ended, they walked off the dance floor and Jerry mentioned, "Did you know that Travis's dad is a fisherman?"

"No I didn't, but, I'm not surprised."

"Well, he is, an' we're gonna get together once in awhile an' share our favorite spots."

"Great..." she responded as Tyler approached and asked "My turn?"


After the procession from the church in the village square, along main street to the hotel, Travis and Vanessa found themselves in the bridle suite. Facing each other, she purred, "You look way past handsome in that tux..."

He smiled and placed his hands on her hips, "Words like elegant, magnificent, down right beautiful don't come close to describing you in that dress. Do you feel any different as officially missus Maddox?"

"Oh yes, yes I do." came her immediate response. "I feel complete. I do not think that there is another man on the face of this earth that could do that for me. Sooo, my husband are you ready to biblicaly know your wife and start our family? Become a father?"

Mister and missus Maddox rolled around on the king sized bed, locked in deep embrace, fingers roaming over each others body. She wore only her wedding rings and the diamond studs in her ears, which he had given her. He wore only his wedding band.

Travis rolled his wife onto her back and whispered in her ear, "Time to get serious about this Biblically knowing my wife thing..."

She gave him one of her hearty laughs, "Go for it big boy."

Travis slipped down her body a bit and wrapped his ivory fingers around her ebony breasts, bringing them together. Vanessa quietly moaned as he flicked her nipples with his tongue, then nibbled on them. Moving down her body, he wrapped his long arms around her legs and again gripped her breasts. Then he began working her navel with his tongue. She giggled, then squealed in delight, "Oh Travis, that tickles. Stop, enough, please... Oh gawd..."

Gripping her legs just above the knees, he moved to her vagina, working her clit with his tongue. She squealed, screamed, moaned. No one had ever done anything like this to her. Most all of her boyfriends wanted to go directly to "stick it in and pop that cherry. Making love can come later." Never experiencing an orgasm, when Travis's fingers found her G-spot, she was totally unprepared for the sensation that flooded over her hips and abdomen. Vanessa's squirmed, wreathed as she squealed and moaned, "Oh Ohhhh Travisssss...Oh, Oh, my gawd, Travissss..."

He began moving back up her body, flicking her tummy and breasts with his tongue. When he was eye to eye with her, he lined his hard cock up with her hot and very wet vagina. She whispered in his ear, "Do it lover, take it... It's been your's for a long time... Take it my love, my husband." Then she yelped as he pushed into her, taking the prize she had waiting for him on this particular night..

Never doing it to a virgin before, she was much tighter than he had ever imagined. So, it didn't take long for him go off. But, not before she had her first total orgasm. She wrapped her long arms and legs around her husband. Squealing and moaning as the ecstasy of climax flooded over her whole body. She had built herself up all day for this, and he did not disappoint her.

Slipping off to one side, he propped himself up on one elbow, facing her. When they both caught their breathe he asked, "Did that meet your expectations, all your dreams?"

With a broad smile a bit of a hoarse voice and just above a whisper, "This whole day has been well beyond my expectations, my wishes, and any of my dreams. Then what just happened sent it all into a realm that I never dreamed that I could enter. Travis, my loving husband, today and this evening you made me a complete woman. There have been many a men and boys try to tell me that all they had to do was stick that thing up in there and I would be transformed instantly from a girl to a woman. I told them that there had to be more to it than that. But today, when we said our vows, and just now, yeah my love, I am now a total woman, your woman, thank you." She rose to her feet and said "Wait right there. I'll go clean up. Then come back and clean you, my love, my husband. Then we can do it again."

Upon her return, she cleaned him. Then with Travis lying on his back she began licking and sucking on his flaccid member. When it began to stiffen, she rose off it a few inches, smiled at him, and whispered, "You didn't get it all up in me before, did you? This time I want you to push the whole thing up in there. I want it to fit inside me like a hand in a custom made glove..." She ran her tongue around the head. Then with a little giggle, "You can do that for your wife, can't you?"

Travis propped himself up on his elbows and smiled big, "Oh, I think I can, fact is I know I can. Might hurt some when I push passed your cervix. But, I'll tellya one thing for sure... If you ain't already, you most certainly will be with child when I finish..."