GG's, Like in Maggie Ch. 02


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"Okay." she replied, keeping up with him so far.

"We're not looking to make a completely smooth cut. I'm sanding it down afterwards to smooth it out. And we're not going all the way up to the line, just real close. Okay?" he asked. She nodded in assent. Sliding the board in place, he reached over and replaced her earmuff before turning on the machine. The blade began to move, and despite her general confidence, Maggie did seem a little nervous. As she held the board, he stepped behind her and took her wrist in his hand, helping her guide the board forward. The blade made contact, making her jump, but he didn't let her get too far, keeping the board in place, ensuring her inexperience didn't get her hurt. He guided her forward, beginning to cut through the panel.

This was the closest proximity they'd ever been in, and Maggie was getting distracted by it. She could feel him right behind her, his chest pressing lightly into her back, and she could tell his crotch was very close to her ass. It took every fiber in her being to not press her ass back into his crotch, but she controlled herself. But with that, feeling his manly grip around her thin wrist was causing goosebumps to rise along her arm. They felt so close... so intimate. A charge went through her, and he had to be feeling it too.

His focus, at first, was on the wood, making sure the cut was going smoothly. It was as they were halfway through that he realized how close he was to her. How warm and smooth her skin felt in his hand. And as he guided the board into the blade, forming a smooth, gentle curve, he couldn't stop himself from looking down over her shoulder and notice the perfect view he had of her huge breasts.

At that moment, as she had her eyes on the job at hand, the saw blade cutting through the wood, his attention had fully drifted to her amazing chest. Her top was relatively decent, but due to the size of her inflated bust, the thin material strained to contain them. It would be impossible for this garment not to show off a healthy amount of cleavage, and he had a perfect view down into the soft deep valley between her fake breasts. The skin looked golden tan, and so soft... so smooth. And it seemed like every vibration coming from the blade cutting through the board went straight to her chest, making those big fake tits jiggle perfectly. Despite knowing better, he was entranced.

Glancing upward, Maggie saw his arrested gaze. She had to stop herself from smiling. His attraction to her was evident, even if he couldn't fully admit it yet. Knowing their attraction went both ways sent a thrill of validation through her. God, she wanted to take him right then, but she knew she had to be patient. When she made her move, she wanted to take him completely. If she made her move too early, she might get a temporary victory, but his guilt could push him away. She had to play it keep playing it cool.

Maggie's eyes went back to the saw. Seeing she was most of the way through, she pushed onward, not really needing his guidance anymore. And he was so distracted at this point that he wasn't really helping. Finally, with a jump, she cut through the board.

Andrew's focus returned to the job at hand. Seeing the cut was complete, he stepped away from her, turning off the machine. As the saw powered down, he used the board in his hands to knock the scrap piece away before pulling it up, examining it.

"Well... not a bad cut," he admitted, not looking up at her, avoiding looking at her cleavage.

"Really?" she chirped, smiling brilliantly. Obviously, it wasn't a professional quality cut, but for a novice it was pretty good. Not too herky-jerky. Not many ugly corners. So all things being said, it was a smooth, nice cut.

"Not bad at all," he stated, looking up at her nervously and nodding. He felt ashamed at how he was acting around her, but he had to admit that that moment, working together, however innocent, felt slightly charged. He had to take regain control of himself. Carrying the board, he took it towards the grinder and set it down.

"Ahh... another day at the grind in the ole' shop," Maggie said, stretching, talking like she owned the place. He glanced up at her and smiled nervously. "So, what are you building?" she asked.

"A, uh... like a work station type thing. Just an idea I had..." he stammered. The board they had just cut would join the one he had been working on. They would come together, the part he cut, and the one she did, combining into something even greater. Something they built, in whatever small way, together.

"So, what, uh..." he began. "What brings you here, Maggie?"

"Oh yeah," she said, remembering why she was here. "Can we sit down?"

"Sure," he said, guiding her towards his office. She sat down in front of his desk as he sat on his side of it. "So what's up?" he asked.

"Well..." she began, looking for the right words. "Firstly, I want to thank you again. Those last pictures we did were amazing! Seriously... they were SO good!"

"Oh... no problem," he said, nodding. After how he glanced at her earlier, he once again felt nervous around her, so part of him was eager for her to just get to the point.

"And, like, I booked a few modeling gigs thanks to those pictures," she said. "But, and I'm not the only one to say it, your pictures were the best. And it's, like, not even close. Yours are so good! And, frankly, some of the guys I took pictures with were kinda... scuzzy... and with you, it was all so easy, and..." she trailed off, trying to find her words, but he knew where this was going.

"You want me to take more pictures?" he finished.

"Yyyyes," she admitted with a nod and embarrassed smile. "Like, I know I'm asking way too much of you, and you don't have to do anything, but... it's still been really tough. I mean, I'm a big girl, and I know how to handle rejection, but I don't want to sell myself out or work with people I'm not comfortable with just to get by..." she said, really pushing the 'scared girl looking for a hero' angle on him. To be honest, while some of the guys she dealt with were kind of pervs, she could handle herself just fine, and she didn't ever feel that uncomfortable around them. But Andrew didn't have to know that.

"Maggie, I don't know..." he began. "I feel like I'm pushing my luck already. I don't know if this is the best idea."

"Listen..." she began. "I get it. I totally do. But, I mean... I thought the last time went really well. And you know I don't bite!" the young British woman said with a wide smile, trying to wear him down. "Andrew... if you don't feel cool with it, that's fine. I'll just, you know, keep at it, keep busting my ass, trying to work through it. But, it would really, REALLY help me out. I think you spoiled me by giving me such an amazing set the first time out."

Andrew shook his head, trying to fight off her aggressive pitch.

"C'mon! Andrew! You know you want to help a girl out. Please!" Maggie begged, holding her hands together in prayer.

He considered his options. Like he said, he was courting trouble before. He could have very easily been caught with Maggie's pictures on his computer, or his wife could have asked a few questions, inquired about where he was spending his time. But she didn't, luckily. Thing was, Maggie was right. The last photo session had gone well. And ever since, for some reason, his creative juices had been really flowing. He had been bursting with ideas lately in a way he hadn't in a long time. If these relatively innocent photo sessions could spur him on to new heights... wasn't he almost obligated to follow them? And plus, Maggie wasn't lying.

She didn't bite.

"I guess..." he relented.

"Yes!" she squealed, clenching her hands in front of her, almost vibrating with excitement. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have no idea how much I appreciate this! Trust me, you won't regret it!"

They made their plans to meet up for another photoshoot, and chatted a little bit. Finally, the conversation was exhausted, and Andrew made it clear he had to get going.

"Okay, well, thanks again, so, so much!" Maggie gushed.

"No problem," he said, giving her a light smile. "And uh... if you need to get a hold of me, you can just call, you don't have to just, you know, show up unannounced."

"Okay, got it. Blow up your phone whenever I need anything. Got it." she said, smirking.

"Well, uh..." he began.

"I'll behave," Maggie admitted. Andrew opened the door and she stepped out before turning back to face him.

"See you in a few days!" she said. She began to walk away, and as she did, she looked back over her shoulder. "Thanks again!" she called out, before winking at him. A strange jolt went through Andrew as she did this, and he stood at the doorway absentmindedly watching her walking away, totally not noticing the way her yoga pants clung to her round, juicy ass. Despite him still willingly helping her out, he couldn't shake that slight feeling of dread, that something was going on here. Something he couldn't put his finger on.

As for Maggie, she didn't look back. Things were going perfectly. And when he saw what she was cooking up for him at their next photoshoot, he would only fall deeper under her spell. He had a weak moment before, staring into her cleavage, and it was only going to get worse for him.

She strutted towards her car proudly, her nipples stiff beneath her top. She was beyond excited at how well this was going. He was such a good man, which almost made her feel bad at how easily she was manipulating him. Not that bad, though. Just being around him again was enough to make her melt, and it almost brought all her dirty plans for him right up to the surface. She could barely hide her lust for him. And he could barely hide his attraction for her.

It was cute how nervous she made him. He was so unlike all the other guys she'd be interested in. Kind and sweet and friendly. A perfect gentleman in every way... except that he couldn't stop staring at her breasts! It was so funny how much he struggled not to stare. Maggie didn't mind, of course, but it did let her know that there was more going on beneath his calm exterior. An animal inside him, bursting to get out. If she was right and this was true, then he might literally be the perfect man. The type of guy every girl dreams of.

A prince in the streets, and a raging, lust-filled animal between the sheets.

And if she was right, she would take great joy in bringing that animal inside him up to the surface.


A few days later, Andrew was in his car, early in the morning, making his way towards the photoshoot with Maggie. He was still feeling some nerves about the whole thing, but despite that, he proceeded onward. He had to admit, he had enjoyed taking the pictures before, solely in a creative sense of course. It had energized him creatively, and spurred him onwards, and doing it again should only help. And besides, like Maggie stated, she knew his limits. And things had gone so well before. Why not do it again?

He didn't enjoy doing this whole thing in secret, behind his wife's back. That caused some consternation, even if he should still feel comfortable with this whole thing.

He had just gotten on the road when Maggie rang him up. She let him know that her car wasn't starting, and she asked if he could pick her up. He agreed, and she gave him the address to her place.

As he made his way across town to pick her up, he realized he was entering a side of town he wasn't familiar with. Quite frankly, this was kind of the bad side of town, so he didn't make his way over here pretty much ever. This was the side of town that you saw on the news quite a lot, so he got a little nervous driving through the area. He eventually found her apartment complex, and it wasn't exactly the best looking place. It looked rundown, and frankly unsafe. He felt bad for Maggie, knowing she was a woman who crossed an ocean to follow her dream, and was stuck living in a place like this. His heart went out to her, knowing it couldn't be safe for her here.

Andrew parked the car, and making sure to lock the doors, he stepped out, ascended the stairs, and made his way over to Maggie's door. Knocking on it, he heard some noise from within the apartment.

"Be right there!" Maggie called out. He heard some approaching footsteps before the door opened. "Hey!" she said to him with a brilliant smile.

"Hi." Andrew said, greeting her. She looked relaxed, dressed in thin comfy sweats and a fashionable zip-up sweater, which left her midriff exposed, a few of those colorful tattoos catching his eyes.

"Come on in," she said, inviting him in. With a nod, he stepped inside.

It was a small apartment, and not overly furnished. There were some boxes to the side, piles of clothes on a small table and on the floor. The room was lit by a dim, clearly secondhand lamp. The walls were practically bare, and some of the fixtures and furnishings of the apartment didn't look in the best condition.

His heart went out to her, seeing the condition she had to live in. Clearly, she was having money trouble, to live in a place like this, and despite his initial hesitance, he vowed to help her out, to at least give her a better standard of living.

"Sorry about the mess," she called out to him. "It's been pretty crazy lately, been really busy!" she said, turning around to pad across the room with her bare feet, striding across the old looking carpet. This was a bit of a lie. She was just very, very lazy. Smoking hot, but lazy nonetheless.

"Oh, no problem," he stated as she stepped out of the room into her bedroom. "So, what's up with your car?"

"I dunno," she called back to him. "Just wouldn't start. It's a piece of shit, to be honest, so I'm not too surprised."

"Oh, c'mon... that car's a classic," he replied.

"Hahaha..." she giggled. "Bullshit!" He smiled and looked around, examining her place a bit more.

"What do you think?" she asked, striding back into the room.

"What?" He replied.

"My place... what do you think?" she asked again.

"Oh, uh, it's..." he began, trying to be polite.

"You don't have to be kind... much like my car, it's the best I could afford," she said, throwing some clothes into a bag.

"This isn't the best area, Maggie," Andrew said. "I know some people. I can see if they can find something."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Maggie said. "I already ask way too much of you. Besides, I like to make my own way, if I can."

That was a blatant lie. To be clear, she was a total gold digger. But she had to keep up her image for him, of the sweet, hard-working girl with the big fake tits that he just can't resist helping. Because he's a good guy, right, and totally not because he wants to have hot sweaty sex with her and grope her massive jugs in the process.

"That's admirable," he replied as she made her way back into her room. He studied her place a bit more, and he was so distracted by the mess that he didn't notice her approach until she had moved in close, causing him to jump.

"Oh, um, sorry!" she said with a laugh, backing away from him before looking up at him nervously. "I just, uh, wanted to bring up something, uh... before we head out,"

"Oh, sure, what's up?" he asked.

"Um, the thing is..." she began, hiding her wicked designs behind her nervous façade. "With the girls online, to be competitive, and to really make your mark, uh... people want to see some skin."

"What are you getting at?" Andrew asked, not sure where this was going.

"I just... I was thinking it might be a good idea if I wore something a bit... skimpier..." she hinted.

"Like what?" he asked, a bit nervous.

"Well, like, nothing too crazy, I mean, I know where you're coming from, but I was thinking something like this..." Maggie said, opening up her palms. Between her fingers was what looked to be a very, VERY small bikini. It was made out of, what looked like, a thin, almost rubbery material, and it was a shiny silver color. Hanging from between her fingers, it looked like a mess of little strings. The two largest masses of material were the small, triangular cups of the bikini top. The only other discernable masses of material were two smaller triangular patches, connected by some thin, tiny strings, leading Andrew to the now obvious conclusion.

It was a thong bikini.

"Um... I don't know if this is a good idea," Andrew said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Andrew, I know it might seem a bit much, and if you say no, I totally get it, but..." she paused, before shrugging her shoulders. "To get anywhere, you need to stand out, and all the girls that get the big bucks are the ones who pose with tiny little strings between their butt-cheeks."

"Uh... Maggie," he began, shaking his head. Simple bikini shots he could justify, but this, pictures of this woman he barely knew... in a thong... that seemed like a step too far for the married man.

"Please, please, please!" Maggie begged, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "I know it might seem like a bit too much, but you have no idea how much this would help me out! When people see that I'm willing to show so much skin, I'll get SO many more jobs, and get so much more money, and I'll be able to get out of this place and get a better car and feel safe coming home at night. Please, Andrew! Please!"

Andrew wasn't completely clueless, so he knew that she was really cranking up the guilt on him, using that to twist his arm. But even though he knew what she was doing, it was still hard to say no to her, to impede her way into a better life.

Could he actually do this? It wasn't so much more different than the bikini pictures he took of her last time, only this time, she would be showing off her ass in a tiny little thong. She knew his limits, and sure, she was going right up to the line, but she wasn't crossing them, and she had been nothing but friendly and understanding up to this point, so...

"I guess..." he relented.

"Yay!" she squealed, smiling bright. Unable to stop herself, she jumped forward and hugged him, pressing her big fake breasts against his chest. She clutched him tight with excitement. He was a little uncomfortable with this closeness, but he didn't say anything. She stepped back and beamed at him. "Andrew, you are helping me SO much! You have no idea! And you won't regret it! Trust me, taking pictures of a girl in a thong is, like, no big deal. All the best girls wear thongs. Like, I wear thongs every day. I'm wearing one right now, see?" she said, before sliding her hand under the hem of her pants, near her hips, and pulling up the tiny little thong strap up, giving the married man a peek of her underwear.

What a scheming little slut she was, she mused to herself, being so brazen in front of a married man, but he was too nice to catch on to how devious she was being.

"Um... okay," he said, still nervous. "Let's just, uh... get going and get this all taken care of," he said, eager to just move this whole thing along and be done with it. He was willing to help, but he wasn't exactly pumped about this slight change of plans.

Minutes later, she had packed up her bag and followed him as he led her towards his car.

"So, uh... your car... I can take a look at it," Andrew suggested. "I'm pretty good with this stuff."

"Could you?" Maggie asked hopefully.

"Yeah, shouldn't be a problem," Andrew stated with a small, crooked smile.

"Andrew..." she began, shaking her head and smiling warmly. "You're the best! You're, like... a life saver! I don't know what I'd do without you! Thank you!" She stated, before stepping forward and hugging him, again, this time without the raw energy of excitement. This was a warmer, softer, much more intimate hug, and she held it for a bit longer than necessary. Even though he was uncomfortable by this closeness, he took some pride that she felt so warm towards him. And being so close to her, he could smell her girly scent, and it sent a shiver through him.