Fourteen Days


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"I see, so asking if you put-out on the first date is probably inappropriate then?" He couldn't hide the smirk on his face as she smacked his thigh.

"It's was nice having a guy to talk to about what's going on with the valentine stuff. You made me think about it differently," she said as they pulled up in front of her apartment building. Darren started getting out of the car but she stopped him. "I am fine now really, I was just letting it get to me yesterday. The whole idea of having a stalker again," she shivered involuntarily.

"Well as this is a date, I'll walk you up anyway," he said teasing her. "Plus I have to remind you about this," he said grabbing her mail as they walked past the box.

Kristy willed herself not to look at the mail to see if there was anything from her valentine as they walked up the two flights of stairs.

"I won't come in, I don't want you to think I am an easy date," he grinned. "Thanks for asking me out though it was a lot of fun, we should do it more often."

"We should," she agreed unlocking her door and turning to him, "Thanks for being my friend, you've always been so good to me." She leant up to kiss his cheek and felt his arms circle her in a soft hug.

"What you don't even kiss on the first date?" he said and taking her by surprise brushed his lips lightly over hers before releasing her.

Shocked speechless she watched as he walked back down the stairs before entering her apartment. She had always considered Darren as a safe guy, a brother type where she didn't have to worry about sending mixed messages or inadvertently flirting but he had kissed her and he had not smiled or joked about it after. She felt confused and weird about it as she played it back in her mind.

Considering the anonymous person in comparison to Darren the person she knew and liked, Darren won hands down. She threw the mail on the table with her bag and was distracted momentarily by a bright red envelope. Opening it she read:

"February 10th Day 5 The Legend of the First Valentine

The legend of the first valentine sent out of love is sometimes attributed to the very same St. Valentine who was caught marrying young couples and sometimes attributed to another Valentine altogether. Either way, this Valentine was thrown in prison, and while he awaited his execution—presumably on February 14—the jailer's blind daughter would come to visit him. Her presence cheered him up, and he appreciated the time she spent with him so much that on the day he was executed, he sent her a note to thank her for her kindness and express his love for her. The loving note ended with the phrase "From your Valentine." And that's how that got started.

The Legend of the First Valentine's Day Love Letter

Valentine may have sent the first valentine, but someone else has the honor of being the legendary sender of the first St. Valentine's Day love letter. Even though Father of English Literature, Geoffrey Chaucer, tried to give St. Valentine's Day a reboot at the end of the 14th century, it wasn't until the 15th century that someone sent a letter of love to a sweetheart on February 14. In the British Library in London, there is preserved a love poem from Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife, Bonne of Armagnac, who may have only been 15 or 16 years old at the time. Following the romantic Valentine tradition, the duke was imprisoned in the Tower of London at the time he wrote the poem and sent it to his wife on that day to express his love. The poem included verses like "I am already sick of love, My very gentle Valentine." Bonne died before the duke was ever released from prison.

For Kristy I have tried so many times In pretty prose and rhymes To make you see what I see And change the way you view me And the feelings I hold for you

Words unwritten unshared Feelings of how much I truly cared Open your heart to new possibilities Trust again in your own capabilities To judge a heart that's true

Be my Valentine, kind and sweet On the day that we must meet I am not a poet in anyone's book But I wish you would open your eyes and look To see me as I see you


Kristy shook her head, he was right about one thing, he certainly wasn't a poet. She went to return the letter to the envelope but found it wouldn't just slide in. Tipping the envelope up a small blindfold fell out and she looked at it oddly. Placing it back in the envelope and putting it up on the shelf next to the frieze he had also sent her.

She took a few minutes looking at all the gifts he had sent and she smiled. It was obviously someone who knew her well, which means she was blind because she still had no idea who it could be. She got ready for bed still puzzling it over in her mind but as she fell asleep it was Darren and the strange almost kiss he had given her at the end of the pseudo-date she was thinking about. It was just a brushing of lips that was barely felt but it left a lasting impression.

Darren drove home also thinking about the kiss; he had changed his mind half way through not wanting to come across as too aggressive he had ended up giving her a half kiss, and he found he liked it. The tantalising brush of her lips had teased at his desire and made him smile. She hadn't pulled away or pushed him away she had been silent, a little unsure but not in a bad way. He began to hope he might just have a chance of flying under her radar and not being shot down. *****

Kristy had spent another restless night and was sluggishly getting through her work day until a bunch of red helium-filled balloons were delivered to her about mid-morning with a small note.

" February 11th Day 4 Red rose is a symbol of love and fidelity. And on Valentine's Day, giving cut roses as gifts adhere to a time-honoured principle that takes into account rose colour meanings. Valentine's Day is primarily a lovers' holiday, and red is traditionally reserved for lovers. Red Valentine roses, dresses, sweets and all such gifts enjoy an iconic status, even though other colours too have their place on the holiday. Red colour has been a symbol of love through histories. In older times, people even used their blood to write letters to their loved ones to show the depth and intensity of their love. It was previously supposed that the gifting of a heart indicated the noble act of giving everything to your love. Most probably the ancients never actually knew that the heart was responsible for pumping blood through the entire physical system, but they definitely knew that the heart was the centre of all feelings. This ancient belief has literally travelled through the ages. Don't we prefer giving different colour flowers to our friends or close family, than 'red' ones to avoid any misunderstandings? Red rose is dedicated to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. Red color carries a largely positive connotation in China, being associated with courage, loyalty, honor, success, fortune, fertility, happiness, passion, and summer.

Balloons are red But I'll be blue If your don't say yes To dinner for two Pick you up at six Don't be late We'll have a Ball On our official date

This is your official corny invitation to dinner on Valentine's Day night. D."

The message made her laugh. How could she say no she didn't know who to say no to? Throughout her lunch break, Kristy had fielded phone calls from several friends who wanted updates on the mysterious valentine. She thought it was odd that she hadn't heard from Tabitha and believing she probably had a hangover waited until the afternoon to ring her.

Tabitha was very short on the phone and not quite herself and Kristy worried as she hung up that something was wrong. She was her best friend, and she needed her right now, so Kristy decided to call around after work and find out what was up. Maybe she had a falling out with Greg or problems at work though that was unlikely Tabitha loved her job. Kristy also wanted to go over to see Tabitha because Darren would be there. He had been on her mind more often than not since last night, and she wanted to see him again but with all the Valentine's Day stuff going on she didn't want him to get the wrong impression by calling him again so soon. Although she admitted to herself, she wasn't really sure what the right impression was anymore.

She pulled up in front of their house and saw that the lights were on, so she got out and went up to knock on the door of the house the siblings shared. She heard raised voices inside and considered walking away and letting them fight it out when Tabitha reefed the door open in an obvious bad mood.

"Shit! Kirsty! What are you doing here?" Tabitha was surprised to find her friend standing there.

"You sounded so strange on the phone. I thought something might be wrong, so I came by to make sure you're okay..." she let her voice trail off as Darren appeared behind her. "You check on me all the time, I assumed it was my turn."

"Oh, it's nothing that trading in my dumbass brother wouldn't fix. Come in hun, we're just arguing over what a stupid male he can be sometimes," Tabitha said in a friendlier tone.

"You two don't fight, what on earth is going on," Kristy asked confused.

"He thinks I have a big mouth and can't keep secrets," she jerked her thumb at her brother.

"Well you do have sort of a reputation for not being able to keep exciting news from the masses," Kirsty laughed, "But I don't think you have blabbed any of my big secrets. If it's important, you can keep a secret."

"See, so just tell me already," Tabitha poked her tongue at Darren. "He went on a date last night and came home all happy and he won't tell me who with."

"Really?" Kristy said, "I would have thought he would have been out on dates all the time; I mean he isn't exactly ugly, look at the way Kelly fawns all over him all the time. It was probably her," Kristy laughed, "and that's why he won't tell you." Kristy teased thinking he must have gone out after dropping her home which really disappointed her though she tried not to let it show.

Darren had frowned at Kristy as she spoke, "Kelly is so not my type."

"Okay fine, I will just ring all my friends and work it out. You know I will find out; I always do," she warned him. "If you mess up my friends," she threatened, "there will be hell to pay."

"Oh but its fine for you to sleep with Greg whenever you have an itch," he rolled his eyes at her.

"Don't think I won't use what I know against you if I have to," their voices began to increase in volume again until Kristy broke in.

"It was me Tab. I asked him to have dinner with me because I was a little spooked about the anonymous valentine stuff and wanted a guy's perspective. I don't know why he wouldn't tell you, nothing happened. Honestly, it was just dinner and a lot of laughing about old times." She finally ran out of steam and looked at Darren, "Just tell her, unless, of course, you went out on a real date afterwards, with someone else," she put in fishing for information without actually asking the question.

"I did tell her, she didn't believe me. Apparently you need to run these things past your social secretary in the future," he shrugged not looking happy.

Tabitha looked sceptically at them both before giving in, "Fine, I believe Kristy but you," she pointed to Darren, "Have some explaining to do."

"About what?" he scowled at her.

"Stuff," she threw up her hands in mock exasperation. "Now what did you get from the anonymous Valentine today," she grinned at Kristy.

"Go have a look at my car you can't miss it," Kristy laughed.

"My God! It's a clown car," Tabitha called out from the front footpath. She came back in and put out her hand for the card that came with the balloons. Then sat on the couch beside Kristy as she read it, "That would have to be the worst poetry I have ever read!"

"Oh, I don't know. I think it's kinda sweet," Kristy laughed at herself.

"Bleah," Tabitha mimicked throwing up. Darren had retreated to the kitchen and had begun dishing up big bowls of the pasta he had cooked.

"Thanks, Darren. I am starving," Kristy smiled as he passed her a plate.

"Since when do you call him Darren?" Tabitha eyed her suspiciously.

"Since he threatened to revisit the long forgotten nickname that used to haunt me," Kristy admitted.

"Oh yeah, no girl really wants to be called Kanga," she chuckled.

"That was it," Darren smacked his head, "Why couldn't I remember that last night?"

"Because you're more of a gentleman than that," Tabitha warned him. Kristy laughed; there were times when having a bossy best friend came in handy. The three friends laughed and joked throughout the meal, and Kristy and Tabitha did the dishes. At the risk of bringing up a touchy subject, Kristy began a softly spoken conversation as they cleaned the kitchen.

"Judging by your reaction, Darren doesn't date very often huh?" Kristy asked in an offhand way.

"Not that he would tell me if he did, since we have lived together he has never brought a girl home for the night. He says he is fussy; he has an imaginary list of standards," she laughed softly. "What really happened last night?"

"Nothing honestly, it's just he's such a nice guy you know, I always wondered why he was still single. For a while there I wondered if he was in the closet, you know, being in the army and all," Kirsty said sending Tabitha into peals of laughter and bringing Darren to the kitchen.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Girl stuff," Tabitha said before snorting and laughing again. "Don't worry we aren't talking about you." Then she began to belt out a rendition of You're So Vain, until he picked up a dish towel and began to flick her with it. Kristy laughed getting out of the line of fire as the siblings began to play fight.

"I really should head home," Kristy said with a smile, "Thanks for dinner," she leant up to kiss Darren's cheek but he turned his head slightly and their lips brushed once more. She blushed and turned to where Tabitha had been standing finding her gone.

"She had gone to the bathroom before you started to leave, silly," he smirked, "Does this count as a second date because you know what they say about third dates." He laughed hard at her startled expression and dipped his head to kiss her chastely, meeting her lips with his fully this time.

"I umm," Kristy stammered.

"What have you done to my friend," Tabitha eyed her brother suspiciously again.

"Nothing we were just saying goodnight," Darren pleaded his innocence and Kristy blinked trying to regain her composure.

The drive home was full of self-talk and ludicrous scenario's so that when she got up to her apartment with all the balloons and let them go she called Tabitha.

"Look," she said without preamble, "I think I have a crush on your brother and if you tell me right now that you hate the idea I promise I will do my best never to look at him again as anything but a big brother." The words had come out in such a rush there was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

"Well that's great, I mean you would eventually become my sister just like we always said we wanted to be. The problem would be that if it didn't work out you would both have to continue dealing each other because I couldn't give either of you up. You couldn't just wipe him off the face of the earth like that shithead ex-fiancé of yours." Tabitha sounded as if she had given the idea quite a bit of thought.

"But you don't hate the idea?" Kristy asked tentatively.

"No! Not at all, in fact, I like it, but what if things don't work out or what if your secret Valentine is I dunno, some Hollywood hunk millionaire. I mean I wouldn't want you to hurt him or him you. Maybe just wait until after Valentine's Day. See who the anonymous is and then see how you feel." Tabitha counselled her and once again Kristy got the impression it was not the first time Tabitha had thought about it.

"Thanks Tab, you're the best. Sleep well," Kristy hung up the phone smiling. She wondered if Tabitha would tell her brother but after the kiss tonight she realised she didn't care if she did or not.


"All right, you, start explaining!" Tabitha had barged into her brother's room. She held up her phone still showing Kristy's picture.

"I like her; I have for a while, but you know after Damo messed her up, and then she barely went out, I didn't know if she liked me just as a sort of brother..." He tried to explain.

"You're the secret admirer aren't you?" Tabitha accused. "I knew it from that night when we wrote the list, and you added your name."

"Sadly, no. Although I wouldn't mind knowing who it is because she told me it's freaking her out and making her feel like she is being stalked again," Darren's voice held concern.

"Shit, I was sure it was you," Tabitha frowned at him and climbed onto the bed beside him. "Look I think you would make a great couple but like I said to her if it doesn't work out you will still have to deal with each other because I won't give either of you up, okay?"

"Wait! You said that to her?" He asked puzzled.

"Yeah, she just rang to inform me that she thinks she has a crush on you and that if I didn't like it she would only ever look at you like a brother again," she smiled. "There is one other thing though," she frowned before continuing, "You have to let her see this valentine's thing out. Whoever it is has gone to a lot of trouble and she will regret it if she doesn't find out who it is. If she is still open to seeing you after that then I am okay with it."

"She's got a crush on me," Darren grinned like a goofy teenager and crushed his sister in a bear hug.

"If you mess her up I will make you pay" she mumbled in the hug.


As usual, on Wednesdays, Kristy went to have dinner with her parents after work. It was while they were eating that her mother continued on with her usual topic of most interest, Kristy's love life, that her father cleared his throat and interrupted.

"Perhaps there is something you should tell us about this?" he chuckled and put a pink envelope decorated in white lace hearts on the table.

"Dad, I didn't want to say anything because I think I might be starting to get interested in someone else and this secret valentine's stuff just complicates things," Kristy looked at her father willing him to understand but her mother cut into her thoughts.

"Why limit yourself? You can still be interested in one man and meet the other on Valentine's Day. It's not like your engaged or have a commitment to anyone or we would have met them surely!" her mother said excitedly. "Just open the card, please."

"You're not fooling me mother," Kristy scowled at her and picked up the card and searched it for signs of tampering.

"I took it off her and held it for you sweetie," her father smiled. Opening it Kristy read:

" February 12th Day 3 The Legend of Esther A. Howland

If you aren't a fan of the pre-printed cards you feel forced to buy for Valentine's Day, you finally have someone to blame: the legendary Esther A. Howland is credited with creating the first mass-printed Valentine's Day cards. After the Duke of Orleans started the whole love-letter thing on February 14, it got kind of popular in England. By the 1700s, people in Great Britain and America were exchanging handmade cards for the holiday. At some point in the 1840s, Esther Howland received a valentine from a friend in Great Britain and liked the idea so much that she used her father's printing press to mass-produce beautiful cards of her own. She started selling them and is now known as the "Mother of the Valentine." So the next time you have to buy one, you can think of her before you curse the greeting card companies of today.

Be my Valentine,


She looked again at the front of the card and the sweet cartoon like Kangaroo drawn there, holding up a heart as it bounded around. She smiled opening the card again to look at the tiny kangaroo shaped charm held within an equally tiny box taped to the inside.