Foursomes and Moresomes Ch. 04


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Yesmine deferred and let me order for both of us. I had the Kobe beef filet and Mimi had the roasted spring lamb. I ordered a Bordeaux off the wine list that I knew wouldn't trigger my allergies. Nothing like a trip to the hospital to ruin a romantic evening, right? I think we both needed something to loosen us up a little and a little alcohol always helps.

"So whose idea was this?" I took a sip of wine and looked Mimi in the eyes.

She shifted uncomfortably. My eyes strayed to the diamond pendant that hung between the orbs of her breasts, but they shot back up when she spoke softly. "Leah's, actually. Don't look so surprised . . . She's quite the little minx. Are you okay with this?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes . . . I think so. What about you?"

Mimi took a second to look around to make sure no one could hear her. Several years ago, when Melinda, Leah, Katie and I started out as a foursome, we often did the same thing. We were wondering who was eavesdropping on our conversation. Who was lying in wait to expose us to the rest of the world. Of course, back in those days, we didn't have kids to worry about, but nor were we as secure in our relationship as we are now.

For Yesmine, I could tell this was going to be different. Until the Friday before, neither she nor Geoff had ever been with anyone else. Now, only three days later, we were talking about taking lovers who were not our spouses. On top of all that, there was the remote possibility that someone would recognise her from her internet porn website.

"Geoff and I have talked about this before," she began. "Not necessarily with you and the girls, but about having other lovers. On one level, we both wanted to be the other's one and only. It's rare these days, you know. Look, I love Geoff with all my heart and soul. If he didn't want the same thing, I would go to my grave and never be with another person and my life would have been perfect."

She paused for a second to stare gaze wistfully out the window towards the setting sun. "You and the girls . . . you're our fantasy. Just as I hope we're yours. But I don't love you. I don't want to love you. My heart will always be Geoff's. I guess you could say we're using you for the sex."

We both stifled a nervous chuckle.

"There has always been something missing from our lives," Mimi continued. "Nothing we couldn't live without . . . but when you go thirty-two years and only have one lover . . . we just felt that some of the things we talk about and share in bed would be better off . . . well . . . well, if they weren't just fantasies that we dreamt about."

She reached across the table and took my hand in hers. Our fingers intertwined, and our wedding bands clinked together. In the light of the setting sun, the diamonds glistened. The white gold of her ring was radiant, as was the polished black coral of my own.

"Remember all of those emails and voice mails we've exchanged over the past three months?" Yesmine asked. "There are some things Geoff just can't do for me. Just as there are some things I can't do for him. You . . . you have three lovers. Each one plays a different role, and while I know that you would spend your life with any one of them if the others weren't in the picture, the fact of the matter is that Leah, Melinda and Katie complement each other perfectly. That's what Geoff and I want."

I squeezed her hand gently.

"I loved it when you and Katie dominated me." Her voice was so soft I could barely hear her. "I loved feeling like a cheap slut and dirty little whore. I loved the four of you raping me in front of my husband. But the real reason why I loved it was because he got off on it."

Her eyes flashed with excitement.

"I also like that you're not like Geoff." As much as I wanted to speak, I could tell that this was something Mimi needed to work out for herself. "He's the perfect father and husband. But he's not . . . how can I say this? He's not strong. He'd never order for me like you did tonight. Don't get me wrong; he's chivalrous and charming. But he's not assertive like you are. And that's what I miss. Sometimes . . . sometimes, I like a guy who takes charge. And that's what you do. In and out of bed. Not all the time, but just enough to make me feel like a girly girl."

"Is that what you think of me?" I shot her an amused grin. "Because my wives planned this evening out for me."

"I know how your house works," Mimi winked. "The girls have you trained well. But I also know that the three of them are at your beck and call, too. You have the perfect arrangement, at least perfect for the four of you. And that's what I want. At least on a part time basis."

Our conversation was put on hold as our entrees arrived. We ate quietly, each of us lost to our thoughts. We passed on dessert.

A part of me wanted to rush back to the room, but I had a feeling my lover wasn't quite ready for that. We took a few minutes to stroll through the historic hotel and let our dinner settle.

The sun had set, its last rays slowly vanishing behind the mountains. The stars were out and a three-quarters moon hung in the sky. We found ourselves walking arm-in-arm outside on one of the patios. The temperature had dropped a little, so I took my jacket off and draped it around my date's shoulders. In return, she snuggled a little closer, even resting her head on my shoulder a couple of times.

"Tell me about one of your fantasies," Mimi said when we stopped for a moment.

I pulled her closer to me. "I don't really have any."

She snorted.

"No really," I said. "Everything I've ever wanted to do, I've done. I've got three wives, each different in their own way. When we're together . . . things just seem . . . right. There aren't many combinations or things we haven't tried already."

"So for the past ten years, there's nothing else you would ever want to do?"

"I wouldn't say that . . ."

"Then what fuels your fantasies?"

My mind swirled for a second. "Making my wives happy. Giving them whatever it is that I cannot. Oh, don't get me wrong . . . when they said they wanted to join you and Geoff for a wild weekend, I jumped at the chance to roll in the sack with the hottest girl in the Ponce de Leon High School class of 1992! But there's really nothing that I can think of that I would say is an unfulfilled fantasy."

To my surprise, Yesmine started to laugh. "You are so full of shit. Your loyalty to your wives is admirable, but I can see right through you, mister!"

Her lips went to my ear lobe. "How about this: You want to stick that big cock of yours right up my ass. Maybe while my husband watches . . . Is that a fantasy you have?"

"Um . . . yeah," I stammered.

"Thought so," she giggled. "Well you need to think good and hard about some fantasies you have because part of my deal with Leah and the girls is that I would become your fantasy girl. Whatever you want . . . I'm here for you. Don't get any funny ideas, though; it's just about the sex for you and me."

"So let me get this straight: You're going to be at my beck and call. I can fuck you six ways from Sunday. Anything I want, I get. All with no emotional attachments?"

"I wouldn't go that far," Mimi replied with a sultry glance. "I wouldn't say no emotional attachments. We go back to elementary school, remember? But to answer your question: yes, I'm yours. No jealousy, no falling in love. You see, you're not only getting use of me . . . I'm getting use of you. And your wives. Geoff and I have never been with anyone else. Not until last Friday. But we've always fantasised about it. We've always talked about it. We're using you as much as you all are using us."

Her hand tensed on my arm. I could feel her shaking.

"Me giving myself to you and Katie was the beginning," she said softly. "There's so much more Geoff and I want. For just you and me. And Geoff and Katie. And me and Leah. And everything in between. If it's okay with you, this weekend was the first step in a journey for all six of us."

"Does it worry you where this journey might take us? I mean . . . you had your 'one and only' and now . . . now . . . are you sure you wanted to open Pandora's box?

"It's too late for that now," she replied. "It was too late when you and Leah lay Geoff and I down on your bed and made love to us. The only question now is how far are we willing to go?"

My palms were sweating. My cock was about to burst from my pants. My breaths came in short, rapid pulses.

"Let's go make love," she whispered in my ear. Her breath sent a chill down my spine. The command in Yesmine's voice was distinctly different from the submission in Amira's. There was an underlying tone of seduction, excitement and desire.

My heart raced at her touch. I felt giddy, like I was eighteen again.

I led her back to the room. When we got to the door, she slipped the key through the slot then pushed it open, but didn't enter. Yesmine looked at me expectantly. After a moment's hesitation, I scooped her into my arms and stepped over the threshold.

There were candles lit throughout the living area, the bedroom and the bathroom. I started back towards the bedroom, but Mimi whispered in my ear, "Chair."

Setting her gently in the plush lounger, Yesmine surprised me by standing. Bewildered, I let her push me down as she fell to her knees. Neither of us spoke as she opened my belt and zipper. She drew my cock out of the slit of my boxers. It hardened in her able grasp.

Her mouth enveloped the head of my cock. My hands gripped the armrests, my knuckles turning white. With an expert touch, stroked my tumescent sex as her lips worked up and down my shaft.

"Oh, god, that feels so good," I moaned.

Through hooded eyes, I saw the corners of her mouth turn up in a smile. Still, she never let up. Her head bobbed up and down on my lap, although I could tell she wasn't going for broke.

Instead, she was getting me hard for a good long fuck. I just didn't know how long I was going to last. I wasn't eighteen anymore, after all.

Each time she brought me close to orgasm, she backed down just before I went off in her mouth. I wanted to reciprocate, but whenever I tried to get her to swap positions, she stopped me, either by taking my whole cock down her throat or pushing me gently back into the soft cushions.

My eyes rolled back into my head, when I felt her mouth leave my cock for the first time in what seemed like eternity. Her hand stroked the length of my shaft.

"What do you want to do right now?"

"Cum in your mouth," I blurted out.

"I don't think so," that sultry tone was back in her voice.

She began to stroke my cock a little bit faster. Her lips brushed the slit. Her teeth raked the soft underside.

It took every ounce of will power I possessed not to put my hands on the back of her head and thrust upwards into her mouth at the same time.

The room was filled with the sounds of my moans and Mimi slurping on my cock.

When my toes started to tingle, I knew I was in trouble. She never stopped. This time, she didn't back down. She alternated between her hand and her mouth.



"Cum for me," she coaxed. "I want you to cum hard . . . shoot it all over me . . .give me that cum . . ."

It didn't register in my mind that as long as she was talking, she wasn't sucking until I felt the head of my cock explode.

I could barely see through the slits of my eyes as Mimi pointed my cock right at her face. Her eyes closed reflexively as the first strands shot out.

"Fuck!" I shouted, unable to stop myself from cumming. Unwilling to stop.

After my orgasm subsided, it took me several long moments for the room to stop spinning. Mimi was still on her knees in front of me.

She absently stroked my cock to keep my hard-on from slipping away. Drops of cum covered her cheeks, nose and forehead.

Smiling perniciously, she let me stare at her through disbelieving eyes. I drank in the sight; she was a real, live porn star covered in my cum. Several ragged breaths later, I finally found the strength to speak.

"Thank you," I croaked.

"Did you like that?" she snickered.

I only nodded.

"Do your wives let you do that? Cum all over their faces?"

"No," I moaned. They thought it was gross and something that was only done for the sake of porn videos. The only time I ever came on any of their faces was either by accident or if they were giving me a double (or triple) blow job and my head wasn't in someone's mouth. Never mind that on occasion one of them would let loose with a mind-blowing, scream-and-wake-the-neighbours orgasm that would cause her to squirt, but usually they like me to cum on their chest or ass if I wasn't going to shoot off inside them.

"Well you can cum on my face any time," she said, licking my cock once more. Just for good measure, I guess. "Let's get cleaned up."

She stood and walked towards the bathroom, a little extra sway in her hips. Still shaking, I numbly followed her, leaving a trail of clothes along the floor.

The tub was half-full. Rose petals covered the tile and floated on the water. Yesmine bent over to start the hot water. Her exaggerated motions only highlighted her shapely rear end.

My hands caressed the round cheeks of her ass. As she stood upright, I unzipped her dress. She leaned back into my arms as my hands ran over her body. I cupped her breasts as she pushed her dress down over her shoulders.

My lips left a trail of wet kisses across her shoulders.

She turned so we were looking at ourselves in the mirror that hung above the dual sinks. Her face was still spotted with my seed.

"I'm your whore . . . your mistress, and that's with a little 'M'," she giggled. "And you're going to be my 'boyfriend'. While your wives are doing whatever it is they want to do to my husband, you and I . . . well, let's just say that I'm going to be wearing you out."

We both laughed. There was a nervousness undercutting our excitement. She turned back to me and wiped the last of my cum from her face, then rubbed it into her chest.

I took her hand and led her to the tub, which was almost full. We shed the rest of our clothes and slipped in. She leaned back into my arms. I inhaled the sweet scent of her locks. Her skin felt so soft against mine.

Soaking in the warm water, we began to talk. We caught up on our lives since high school. We talked about raising kids, retirement plans and other things that occupy the thoughts of people with families in their thirties. She fit comfortably in my arms, although I will be the first to admit that it felt odd to be holding someone so intimately who was not one of my wives.

I found out that in addition to her work as a lawyer, Geoff's pittance salary as a teacher and their webcam pornography, they also toured the country giving talks on sexuality to religious groups.

"Who hires you?" I asked, curiosity displacing my arousal. "I don't normally think of church groups wanting people to come in and talk about sex."

"You'd be surprised," she said in a rather matter-of-fact voice. "The appeal of us is that we pretty much portray the 'perfect' fundy Christian situation: we're monogamous, we've been married for ten years now and have never had anyone but each other."

"If only they knew!" we both laughed.

"Seriously, though," Mimi continued, "A lot of those 'red-state' people really don't know a lot about sex. That's why teen pregnancy in those areas is higher than in the rest of the country. They teach abstinence-only, but when their kids are having sex, they don't use protection. We talk to groups about sexuality, and how to have a fulfilling sexual relationship with your spouse that's not dirty or taboo. I think a lot of people's idea of kinky is with her on top."

"What's your idea of kinky?" I asked, but she ignored my question.

"We also use it as an opportunity to push our website, since we only feature couples and we don't swap, although some of the performers on our site are single and they do videos together," she finished.

"What are you going to tell them now?" Although I meant to tease her a little, this was a really serious question.

"I guess Geoff and I will have to talk about that," she said, her brow creasing for just a second.

"You could go over to the dark side and start doing girls and have gang-bangs," I joked.

"That wouldn't go over real well," she snorted. "Although it might also increase our site traffic, too. We've had a lot of people ask when I'm going to start doing girl-girl and DP scenes."

"Are you?"

"Only if you and your wives are willing to appear on our website," she replied evenly. "Neither Geoff nor I want any more lovers."

"You might talk Katie into it," I said. "She's the exhibitionist of the group. Melinda and Leah will say no."

"What about you?" she asked hesitantly.

"I would be more than happy to make all manner of videos featuring you and me . . . and maybe even Geoff . . . but they would be just for us." I gave her a gentle squeeze and kissed her right behind the ear. "I don't have any need to broadcast my sex life to the world."

"What kind of video would you make with me?" her hand began to stroke my leg. "Would you make an S&M video? Or straight sex? Or maybe invite one of your wives?"

"As long as it involves fucking your brains out, I don't care." My teeth dug into the crook of her neck, which drew an excited squeal from my lover.

"What's your favourite position?" she took my hands and placed them on her breasts. I began to knead them, pausing only to roll her nipples between my fingers.

"I like doggy . . . or cowgirl . . . or any of the three-ways," I whispered in her ear. "What do you like?"

"Usually I'm on top," she purred. "I love to fuck Geoff in the ass. I love to make him eat me . . . but I also like it from behind. I love to feel the full length of a cock inside me. What's your favourite three-way?"

Her hand had strayed down between her legs. My erect cock was pressing against her back.

"I either like to do one of the girls from behind while they eat one of the others out," I said. Mimi's other hand reached in between us and she began to stroke me. "Or I like to be laying on my back with one of the girls riding me while another sits on my face. . . . Tomorrow night . . . Geoff and I are going to spit-roast you . . . you're going to suck his cock and I'm going to fuck you from behind."

"Promise?" she gasped.

"Promise," I bit her earlobe. She cried out. "Put your hands on the side of the tub . . . Show me your ass . . . that's it . . ."

As she bent over, I rubbed my cock against the slit of her pussy. In the soft candlelight, she watched as I placed my hands on her hips. She bit her lip as I entered her, my cock slowly filling her up.

Gently at first, I began to move in and out of my lover. Her breasts began to sway with each thrust.

Our eyes met in the mirror. I cupped her breasts, holding her up. Her hands reached around, spreading her ass cheeks.

"Do you want to slip that cock in there?" she taunted. "Do you want to fuck me in the ass? I haven't let Geoff have me back there in over a year . . . When Katie put that dildo up my butt, I forgot how much I liked it. I'd let you, you know . . . the girls will never find out."

I slapped her backside. Partly out of frustration. Partly because I knew the only reason she brought this up was because that was about the only thing I wasn't allowed to do to her; that was part of the ground rules we agreed on before the weekend started. "You might not tell, but what if I tell Mistress Katya that you wanted me to fuck your ass?"

"You wouldn't dare!" The playful look in her eyes belied the shock in her voice.

With one hard thrust, I buried my cock inside her. "I just might."

There was no threat there, but I knew that between the wine we had consumed earlier and my own weak willpower, if I even considered slipping my cock in between her cheeks, it would probably happen. Better to stop it now than pay the price later. And believe me: my wives would make me pay!