Family Affair Ch. 02


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"You didn't answer me." She told him, "Did it sound good? Did you hear me moaning and begging for more? I was, because goddamn I was getting it good."

She closed her eyes and moaned at the memory, causing more movement in his suddenly tight boxers, "I was on my hands and knees, taking it doggy and he was pounding me!"

"TMI" he laughed nervously.

"So, did it sound good, did it get you horny?"

"Hell no!" Man, he was lying because he had jerked off right there in his doorway, listening to the sounds of her fucking down the hall.

He wondered how the hell Rob kept getting in and out of the house without Mom and dad knowing. Their room was downstairs and a couple times when he heard Haley going at it, he'd looked outside along the length of the street and hadn't seen Rob's care anywhere.

"Got me horny hearing Becky." She gave him a naughty smile, "You were giving it to her good weren't you? You get her doggy? She had a nice pudgy little ass, bet it looked good in the air."

"Haley, you should..."

"Bet she had a pretty little pussy too." She licked her lips, "I'd lick it if she'd let me."

"Sis, what the hell is up with you?" Holy shit, his sister liked pussy? He'd already had that sick dream of her going down on their mother, but her admitting she did? Oh, the dreams and dirty thoughts would never stop now.

"What's up with you?" Her blue eyes were twinkling mischievously and to his dismay they shifted to the covers where his bulge was fairly noticeable.

"Nothing I was sleeping." He felt his face flushing.

"Must have been a good dream." She noted and with a smirk added, "Bet you'll have a hard time falling back to sleep."

"Only because you're in here talking to me." He put his hands out, "Why are you in here anyway?"

"I couldn't sleep." She said, reminding him of the dream that inspired his hard on in the first place.

"What am I supposed to do about that?"

"I thought we could keep each other company."

"But I was sleeping."

"And dreaming fun things. What were you dreaming about?" She asked, "What got my little brother so excited?"

"Haley, get out of here, I want to go back to sleep."

"You mean go back to jerking off?" She raised her eyebrows. "That's what you were doing when I came in, wasn't it?"

"No!" Randy exclaimed, but could tell she wasn't buying it, especially seeing her eyes still hadn't left his crotch, which just continued to feed his erection.

"Let's see, you looked nervous when I came in, sounded out of breath." She tapped her chin, "You're blushing and there seems to be this." She put her hand on the sheet over his crotch. "Disturbance in the force here."

"Hey!" He pushed her hand away, trying to ignore the voice in his head that wanted to know if she had felt how hard he was.

"Damn!" She answered his question with a whistle, "That was one good dream!" She leaned closer, "Who was it about?"

"Why do you care, Haley?" He was sounding as frustrated as he felt, "Why are you making fun of me?"

"Aww, I'm sorry, little brother." She kissed his cheek, placing her hand on his chest. "I'm not making fun, just wondering what got you all hot and bothered."

"I was dreaming of a hot girl." That wasn't a lie.

"Oh, what she look like?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Blonde maybe?" she asked, another sly smile on her face.

Randy's stomach tightened with nerves, did she know? How the hell could she?

"Blonde, blue eyes, maybe a little skinny," Haley continued, "Not too big on top, but really makes up for it in the ass department." She giggled, "And enthusiasm!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Randy snapped, his frustration and embarrassment over the fact she was right now getting to him.

"Easy, Randy." She still had her hand on his chest and he stared as she slowly slid it down to his stomach, once more teasing with her nails, "it's okay."

"What's okay?" She should move her hand, he should move her hand, why couldn't he make her move her hand? And why was he still so painfully hard?

"That you look," she said, adding another layer of red shame to his face that she knew he checked her out lately.

"I don't look at you like that." He sounded unconvincing even to himself.

"Don't lie to me, Randy." Her fingers worked their way lower, now just over where the covers were pulled up to his waist.

Her touch was light and teasing and he was beginning to tremble as she idly worked them back and forth his skin while she continued.

"I see you looking at my legs, my ass, my tits. Anytime I bend over you're gawking, anytime I turn around quick you were staring." She laughed, "And don't think I don't see you in your window when I'm by the pool."

Leaning over so her lips were to his ear, she purred, "Like my new bikini, little brother?"

Her hot breath in his ear sent another jolt of need through his throbbing dick and those damn slender fingers were now sliding back and forth at his waist, the tips just under the sheet. Was he dreaming again?

"I bought it for you." She was still in his ear and he shivered when her lips brushed against him.

"You did?" he asked, unable to hold back and not say anything to encourage her.

"I did, I like it, Randy, I like how you look at me. It," She licked his ear lobe, "Gets me wet."

"Okay, stop!" He sat up so quickly, he pushed her back with his shoulder and she almost fell off the bed, "Stop fucking with me."

"I'm not fucking with you, Randy, I mean it."

"Bullshit, this is one of your twisted little games. You're busting my balls, making up weird shit because, well, because you're weird." He said lamely, but at least she was no longer touching him.

"So it's not true? You don't like to look at me?"

"Of course not, you're my sister."

"Then what's this all about?" She grabbed his hard on through the covers, squeezing it. "You're awfully hard in front of your sister."

"Haley!" Randy shoved her hand away from him, "You can't touch me like that! It's wrong!" Not as wrong as him wishing he could just let her touch him, but it was wrong and what if she was screwing with him?

"Wow, you must have more of dad's side in you than I do." She sighed, looking disappointed.

"What's that mean?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Haley, please leave. I don't know why you're acting like this, but..."

"Can I see it?" She cut him off.

"See what?"

"Your cock." She stared down at the bulge in his lap, "It felt really big, I want to see it."

"Hell no." But oh, how he wished he could do it, just pull the covers back and let her see what she was doing to him, let her take care of him like in his dreams.

"Aww, come on, show your big sister how hard you are. After all its for me anyway." She winked, "Isn't it?"

"Sis, I'm going to tell mom you're acting like a...hey!"

Randy cried out in surprise when Haley grabbed the covers and yanked them back to expose him in just his boxers. They were gray and in addition to the bulge, there was a large spreading wet spot where he'd been dripping.

"Oh, Randy." Haley whispered, licking her lips, "Look at that."

Randy was drawing his legs up, trying to pull the covers back within reach, but stopped when he saw the look on Haley's face. Her blue eyes were glazed over with pure lust and her full lips were parted as she breathed heavily through them.

Her tits were rising and falling with her quickening breaths and her hard nipples poking through her thin top.

"I want to see it," she said softly, "Please let me see it."


"I want to see it and touch it," she moaned and his cock moved his boxers it jerked so hard at the sound. "I want to lick it and taste it."

"Haley." He meant to sound forceful, but it barely came out in a whisper as he envisioned everything happening as she said it.

"I want to stroke it and suck it and." A shudder went through her, sending one through him, "I want it inside me."

"Are you...drunk?" he asked, this was crazy, but he was weakening. She wouldn't tease this much. She was a ball buster, but to go this far, talk like this?

"No, but I'm so horny," she purred, "Look how horny I am, Randy."

She opened her legs and his eyes widened at the sight of the large wet spot between them.

Christ she was fucking wet, she wasn't playing him. What the hell was going on and...why should he fight it? If she wanted it then would it really be wrong? Of course it would, there was no way he could...

"How about I go first?" she asked, her wide blue eyes still on his cock.

"F...first?" he stammered.

"I know what you're thinking." She looked longingly at his cock, "You're afraid I'm messing with you. I wouldn't be wet if I was, but I get it, so I'll go first and prove I'm not fucking with you."

Randy was going to ask what she meant, but any words he had remained unspoken when Haley stripped off her top.

"Oh my God." Randy's jaw dropped at the sight of Haley's tits.

They were as adorable as the rest of her. Small, but perfectly round and sitting high and proud, her pale pink nipples as hard as he felt.

"Like them?" She cupped them and rubbed her nails across them, the purple tips looking incredible on her pink flesh. "I know they're a little small, but they're nice, no?"


"Want to touch them?" She leaned closer, "I'll let you. You can touch them and lick them and suck them. I want you to."

She grabbed his wrists and Randy watched as if he weren't in control anymore as she guided his hands to her tits.

"Oh." He gasped at the feel of his sister's warm firm flesh beneath his hands and her nipples pushing into his palms.

"Hmm," Haley moaned, "They fit right in your hand don't they? Know why? Because they're supposed to!"

She still held his wrists and moved his hands up and down, making him fondle her.

"Yes." She breathed, "There you go, baby, play with your sister's tits. They're your tits now, all yours."

Randy got a thrill out of her calling him baby, but not as much of a thrill as he did from playing with her tits. They were small, smaller than Becky's, but damn they felt good and they were...Haley's!

"Now can I play, too?" Haley reached down and grabbing his cock through his boxers, stroked it.

Randy moaned as she squeezed him, jerking him off through the thin material. He was so hard he felt as if he were going to pop and the way Haley was moaning was adding to that feeling. She moved her hand to the waistband of his underwear and tugged it down, trying to get them over the head of his cock.

"Lift up, let me take these off so your big sister can suck that beautiful cock!"

Randy remained still, watching his hands on Haley's tits as if they were another person's. They felt so good and she looked so good and he wanted nothing more than to be naked for his sister and let her put his aching dick in her hot mouth and give him the release he needed so bad!

He managed to turn his head and spotted the picture on his desk of him and Haley with mom and dad from their vacation to Florida last year. They were all on the beach, their arms around each other smiling at the camera Dad had handed to a passerby to get the picture for them.

They looked so happy, they were happy. Randy never complained about his home life like other kids at school did. He was close to his parents and even though he and Haley had some normal sibling rivalry, his sister was a sweet girl and always helped him when he needed it and listened to his problems when he couldn't talk to the folks.

They were a happy family and here he was ready to have sex with his sister. What if mom and dad found out, what if they did this and it went bad, what if they never saw each other the same again? What if it ruined the family? That and what the hell was wrong with him-and apparently Haley-that they wanted to?

"That's enough!" He yanked his hands from Haley's breasts and slid backwards on the bed, getting his crotch away from her. "Put your damn shirt on."

"But you want me." He eyes lowered and her lower lip pushed out, "You don't want me?"

She looked genuinely upset and Randy felt bad, but this had to stop.


"Liar. You want me, but if it's not time yet, then I guess it's not."

She picked her shirt up and to his relief put it back on. "But I'll be back Randy and next time you won't say no."

"What's wrong with you, Haley?"

"It's what's wrong with you." She looked irritated, "Why are you fighting what you want?"

"You have no idea what I want." Wow, he was telling a lot of lies, because it was obvious he did want her.

"I know exactly what you want," she told him, sliding off the bed, thank God, she looked as if she were ready to leave. "I know because I want it too and I'm going to get it, Randy. You were right there tonight. Next time I'll just take what I want."


"Little brother, I get my mouth on that cock, you'll be all mine, and next time I will."

"I'll tell dad!" He blurted out sounding like an idiot.

"Go ahead, do it right now." She laughed, "Oh, right he's away for the weekend."

"I'll tell him Monday."

"Not if I get to him first." She giggled, "You know I'm daddy's little girl, he never believes you over me. Besides, you going to tell dad I want to have sex with you?"

"I...I'll just say you're being inappropriate."

"Mom's home, go tell her." Haley grinned, "I dare you."

"It's midnight, mom will be..."

"She's up, I heard the TV on when I came upstairs a little while ago."


"Better go tell her now, Randy, because if not I'll tell her you were touching me and wouldn't stop."

"You liar!" He exclaimed, a knot of fear in his stomach, she wouldn't really do that, would she? Then again he'd turned down her weird advances. Hell hath no fury as dad always joked about mom.

"Better go now then." She crossed her arms over her chest and gave her head a toss, the typical Haley brat mode pose. "If not I will tomorrow and maybe I'll tell dad you groped his little girls' tits."

"Why would you want me to tell mom?" He asked, this whole thing was so fucked up, he had to be sleeping. But his cock had finally settled down, only semi hard now and he had gotten Haley away from him.

"I have my reasons." She smiled, an oddly sweet one, "You'll see, if you have the balls to tell her."

"You'll get in trouble," he warned her.

"Who says?" She laughed, "Oh, Randy, you always have to do things the hard way."

"Haley," He stopped when she put her hand up,

" At one, I'm going to tell mom you were trying to be a pig with me. You have until then to tell her the truth. Let's see if you can," she waggled her fingers at him. "Night, Randy."

She turned and walked out of his room and as confused as he was, his eyes still focused on her cute little ass well displayed in the lace shorts. She closed the door without another word and he wondered what the hell he should do.

"Hey, mom, Haley flashed me her tits and wanted to blow me," he said aloud. "Yeah, that will work."

His sister wouldn't really lie about him would she? Man, he would be in trouble if she said he had tried to touch her. But why would mom and dad believe her, then again why would they believe him?

He ran his hands though his short black hair and tried to figure this out. He was having dirty thoughts about his sister-and mom too at times-his sister had just shown she was having the same thoughts. Maybe he should talk to his mother and get it out in the open, maybe they could talk about it.

Mom and dad had always said they could talk about anything and would never be that mad as long as they were honest with them, but this was crazy. He looked at the clock and saw that it was now twelve fifteen, he didn't have much time to call Haley's bluff.

Getting out of bed, he slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and left his room, prepared to tell his mother that his sister had just come on to him. Hopefully talking about would put this weird shit to rest.

Author's Note : Well it looks like Haley struck out, at least for the moment. But something tells me that hot little minx may have something up her sleeve. As I said in the opening note, this is not my typical fare, but it will eventually shape up that way, whether you stay for the journey or not is, of course, your choice, not every story is for everyone. As always thank you for reading. Lovecraft68

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4chuckssite4chuckssite8 months ago

I really like your characters and their love of sex. The physical description is more real with some of the girls/women with small tits and, although the guy’s dicks are usually large, they aren’t described as huge as in other author’s stories as 7, 8, 9 and 10 inches. People tend to be more normal and not just porn characters. This is an excellent example of how the family brings a member into the tradition. I know the conclusion will be special.

midatlstoryman1midatlstoryman111 months ago

Now, wouldn't it have been san interesting twist of he haad called her bluff. After all, she and her parents are settling him up. Could've been an interesting subplot

Baqfid12Baqfid12over 1 year ago

Think it’s really good!

blackknight314blackknight314almost 3 years ago

Great spank material. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Even better than the opening chapter! Really liked your Randy character, and his valiant attempt to avoid intimate contact with his big sister Haley, while all the time sporting an erection, and dreaming back to images of him doing not just halet, but their gorgeous mother too! REALLY looking forward to the continuing chapter! And Thanx for the Read!

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